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8 years ago
Oct 9, 2016, 6:58:56 PM

I've been a CiV player for five years and I always play on the 'normal'  difficulty.   Obviously after almost a thousand hours of playing I'm pretty good and usually win at that level.   But not always.   Sometimes it's a bad start, or being  caught up in early wars, the occasional bad decision that causes me to not win.   So 'normal difficulty' is 'if you're a very experienced player you usually win, but it's not guaranteed'. 

EL used to have a 'normal' difficulty that was like that.    You could usually win, but it wasn't guaranteed. 

Well, not any more.   Now on 'normal' 80 turns in the AI starts to take off like crazy and all of a sudden you're the lowest rated faction.    Or shortly after that they show up with these huge armies of VERY high stat units that just go through your units like crap through a goose. 

What happened?   Did you listen to the 'grognards grumpling about the AI' and decide to ramp up what was a perfect 'normal' difficulty for the vast majority of players?   

'Easy' is not an option, that is a 100% guaranteed win.    But now on 'normal' it's like you're not playing the game - it's playing you.   You have to do EXACTLY the right thing all the time or you'll get steamrolled.    It is nowhere near as fun a game as it used to be. 

What I find really frustrating is that there are FOUR LEVELS of difficulty above 'normal' for the 'I want the AI to pound me into oblivion' players.   FOUR.  LEVELS.    Why can't you make the first of those what you now call 'normal' and GIVE US BACK THE 'NORMAL' difficulty we had before the last two dlc's?  

This was my second favorite game after CiV, but now it's just not that fun to play anymore.  

I really hope you'll put 'normal' back to what 'normal' should be.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 10, 2016, 5:46:17 PM

You might want to watch a few YouTube players, there are many really good ones out there.  There are also many guides on these forums that will probably help you a lot too.  With 1,000 hours logged there are probably some things you're missing in your game play and strategy if you can't easily beat normal 100% of the time.

I play impossible usually (I can beat endless, but I just find impossible more fun) and I win probably 80-90% of my games with less than 400 hours.  Over the last few expansions and patches, they have made the AI a lot better and Impossible now is a little more challenging than what is was, but I still feel like I have room to make a few mistakes and still not get steamrolled.

Aside from just not having enough / good enough military are there any specific aspects of the empire building that you think you're struggling with?

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8 years ago
Oct 23, 2016, 10:43:24 AM
KnsCtyShufl wrote:

You might want to watch a few YouTube players, there are many really good ones out there.  There are also many guides on these forums that will probably help you a lot too.  With 1,000 hours logged there are probably some things you're missing in your game play and strategy if you can't easily beat normal 100% of the time.

I play impossible usually (I can beat endless, but I just find impossible more fun) and I win probably 80-90% of my games with less than 400 hours.  Over the last few expansions and patches, they have made the AI a lot better and Impossible now is a little more challenging than what is was, but I still feel like I have room to make a few mistakes and still not get steamrolled.

Aside from just not having enough / good enough military are there any specific aspects of the empire building that you think you're struggling with?

I would honestly like to know how you beat endless difficulty.
The two times I tried most enemies got to era 3 while I was at my 5th research in era 1, which also means it is impossible to get ANY legendary deed. So the only way i can see some1 beat the difficulty fidsi multiplier (x5 i think in endless, may be x4?) is to disable all non military victory and jus thope they destroy each other while you SLOWLY catch up.. Is this what you do?
In any case, difficulty multipliers aren't fun, nor fair. It's honestly the only turn down this game has (may be along with battle ai). So what do you think/do?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 7:45:45 AM

I suspect the underlying issue here is AI quality, which has to be compensated with tons of crutches. I would like it if Amp invested some more in making their AI smarter, not beefier.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 5:58:20 PM

These are problems common to every AI in every 4X I've ever played.  The AI will never be as good as a human, so they have to get bonuses.


Watch some of this guys videos.  He's a really good player and beats endless often and doesn't use the cheaty/cheesy things you're suggesting.  And he is able to complete the occasional legendary building and deed, but you have to be choosy about which ones you go for because there are some where the AI has a huge advantage.

Personally I usually play Impossible, but have beaten endless, but I find Impossible more fun.  You don't have to cheat and yes, I'm always eras behind the AI until basically the last era where I can usually pass them in tech, but winning wars while technically era's behind the AI is possible.

Do yourself a favor, read some guides (there are many on these forums) and watch some videos of good players, that will help you up your game to be competitive on higher levels.

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8 years ago
Nov 2, 2016, 1:59:26 AM

Yes, Kns, but my personal impression is that AI in EL is dumber than other games. Normally multiplayer would compensate for this, but faction balance is pretty shaky. On any given day, there will be 1000 people playing single player, and 2 playing multiplayer, which seems to lend support to this notion.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 2, 2016, 9:47:10 PM

Since release,  there have been a ton of AI fixes and improvements,  but also the addition of more systems that the AI doesn't grasp as well as a human player.

At release,  Normal was a challenge for me and I can recall quitting several times in frustration.   After 100 hours or so under my belt (yes I know that isn't very much,  I have a fulltime job and family too.  :),   Normal is a guaranteed win,  Hard is the minimal difficulty I can enjoy the game at and Serious is a decent challenge.  I can easily imagine people with more experience and/or skill than I needing Impossible or Endless to really make them sweat.

So I think the difficulties are in a good place,  personally.

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8 years ago
Nov 17, 2016, 1:44:22 AM

As a long time player who is just getting back into the game again with Tempest expansion, i too will endorse SB endless series of Youtube videos.  They are very long and hard to watch all the way through, but i find them enjoyable and have learned a lot from watching him play.  It has helped me relearn a lot of stuff.  There are a ton of details and tips to playing this game well that get overlooked and never fully explained by the tutorials. If you are missing any of them the game feels crazy hard even on normal. Trust me, its not. You just need to learn how to fix your game plan. EL takes a vanilla 4X like Civ and truns everything 90 degrees.  Still recognizable, but just enough of a twist to be new and meaningful. Pick up the finer points from reading guides and watching videos. You will find your play improves dramatically with time.  

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 3:27:11 PM

In Endless Legend you can create your own difficulties very easily, the file with the AI bonuses is fully accessible and you can modify it.

Is found in:

Endless Legend\Public\Simulation\SimulationDescriptors [GameDifficultyBonus].xml

You do not need modding skills, simply modify slightly the numbers of the normal difficulty to your liking.

I recommend notepad++ for the edit

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 10:56:52 PM
suxkar wrote:
KnsCtyShufl wrote:

You might want to watch a few YouTube players, there are many really good ones out there.  There are also many guides on these forums that will probably help you a lot too.  With 1,000 hours logged there are probably some things you're missing in your game play and strategy if you can't easily beat normal 100% of the time.

I play impossible usually (I can beat endless, but I just find impossible more fun) and I win probably 80-90% of my games with less than 400 hours.  Over the last few expansions and patches, they have made the AI a lot better and Impossible now is a little more challenging than what is was, but I still feel like I have room to make a few mistakes and still not get steamrolled.

Aside from just not having enough / good enough military are there any specific aspects of the empire building that you think you're struggling with?

I would honestly like to know how you beat endless difficulty.
The two times I tried most enemies got to era 3 while I was at my 5th research in era 1, which also means it is impossible to get ANY legendary deed. So the only way i can see some1 beat the difficulty fidsi multiplier (x5 i think in endless, may be x4?) is to disable all non military victory and jus thope they destroy each other while you SLOWLY catch up.. Is this what you do?
In any case, difficulty multipliers aren't fun, nor fair. It's honestly the only turn down this game has (may be along with battle ai). So what do you think/do?

A few months ago I thought that people who say - it is quite easy to beat the game on endless difficulty - are just a bunch of lying show-offs.  You make the same mistake I did. You compare yourself to the AI. AI cheats like hell on higher difficulties, so stop looking at numbers and focus on specific goals. I got my first endless difficulty victory as drakkens with only 5 cities. I played on a large map and normal speed. I went for diplo victory, so I focused on getting as much influence points as possible. Forget the army when you can force truce. Be friends with everybody or force them to become your friends. Do not worry when you stay behind with tech. The AI will be ahead of you but it develops useless technologies. Example: roving clans getting all the military techs not being able to declare war.
After that I tried vaulters and got science victory with 4 cities. I think that beating endless difficulty is much easier when you focus on your faction's strengths and when you stop looking at charts. It is really possible, just be patient.
Also check out one of these youtubers for some good tutorials: SB, PANCZASU, ArealFloodAdvisory (lovely voice).
Thank you and good night!


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6 years ago
Aug 19, 2018, 12:44:33 PM

If you know to play the game well enough you can guarantee your win on serious difficulty every single time. I usually play on impossible with a high percent of win. Endless is more of a roulette to snag a win there.

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6 years ago
Aug 21, 2018, 3:30:02 PM

I usually play on Endless difficulty and it can be really challenging at times. What I don't like about that difficulty is that you are kinda forced to turtle and only take fights under fortification bonuses from Stronghold Architecture. Ai is superior at getting and growing its first colonies (good ol' cheats), and even on huge pangea you sometimes struggle to go wide. And the fact they have so much land early, really pushes you towards the necessity of making decisions, that AI treats as agressive: collecting pearls in their areas (because there is no neutral land already or its unreachable) or killing their colonists that try to snatch the last land pieces. And there is a problem with the level of vindictiveness AI puts on you for those actions. Any agressive actions towards AI leads to them declaring war on you. And do you know what war means when you are turtling in EL? It means no truce FOREVER, FOREVER CARL.

Below here is a screenshot of my last vaulters game where I was at war with 4 enemies at once during the ENTIRE GAME. Even Allayi from another continent (teal) declared war for whatever reason? I killed 1 skyfin turn 10 and now I am at eternal war with them and they are constantly bringing their troops to my flank, like wtf? they don't accept truce for any amount of resources either.

This is a point where I ended my last session. I got lucky that Necrophage and Drakken had a bit of a brawl between each other. That might be the only thing that can still keep me in this game. I just don't have enough time to make an army of 6 in every city, I constantly suffer casualties from fighting 3 superior players. With that amount of cities, without Vaulter's teleportation I would have lost 30 turns ago. So from my experience Endless Difficulty is managable but can be super tough when playing with little land and especially when starting near necrophage and Allayi. Btw Kapaku and Clans were dead by turn 80 lol.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 21, 2018, 3:41:05 PM

So basically I would like some AIs to have slightly reduced levels of agressiveness at higher difficulties. At least do it for factions that PRETEND to "like" diplomatic approach. It is embarassing when all AIs have this same warmonger personality no matter the faction. I like the feeling of struggle of that difficulty but I don't like the feeling of ETERNAL struggle.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 24, 2018, 6:59:21 AM


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Updated 6 years ago.
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