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Thread for General Feedback

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11 years ago
Apr 24, 2014, 11:27:48 PM
I just wanted to start a thread for general feedback of the different elements of Endless Legend, since I don't see any yet.

First things first, this Alpha is amazing. Sure, there's a lot to be done still, but it's already very fun. If Endless Space put you all in the "big leagues", I'm certain Endless Legend will put you in a league of your own.

I'll update this as I see additional elements that need attention:


I know that you haven't fully fleshed out diplomacy, so I'm not sure what's planned, but here are some suggestions:

  • Flavor Text - You did it with Endless Space, but I think there should be more. When I meet the Wild Walkers, they should introduce themselves and say something spiritual, like "Auriga's beauty shines today. We welcome you in her honor." Each subsequent meeting should provide a handful of greetings. Declaring war would cause them to say something like, "We only turn to war to rid our planet of the likes of you!". That kind of thing.

  • Animations? - I know it's time-consuming, but I'd love to see an animated Avatar of each race as you're dealing with them.

  • Change in Music - I just declared war, their music should change to reflect, etc.

  • I'll add more as I think of it.

  • [/LIST]

    Faction Diversity:

    Quite possibly the best I've ever seen so far, but it could go even further:

  • Special Abilities - Maybe each faction can have an ability that they can use as a faction, like the Wild Walkers can use 10 food to feed all of their armies a little extra to move farther for 3 turns or the Vaulters can use 10 research points to temporarily boost their soldiers attack for 3 turns. Each faction ability would be unique, use limited and require FIDSI resources.

  • Special Tech Trees - I've seen some very minor differences and would love to see this change a little more with each faction. Maybe even very different Eras for each race. Maybe the Wild Walkers will have a small advantage in Era 1 because their tech tree gives them bonuses there that no one else gets, etc. I realize that *completely* separate trees would be too time consuming, but making them a little more unique would help.

  • Different UI Elements? - Maybe just some flair on a couple UI elements that would make it obvious which faction you're playing, sort of like Starcraft, but maybe not quite as dramatic.

  • [/LIST]

    Will continue this post as I see more stuff. I have a lot going on in my head, but I only have so much time smiley: wink
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    11 years ago
    Apr 24, 2014, 11:29:48 PM
    Reserving this space and no other. Don't want to be a hog.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 26, 2014, 1:32:13 AM
    I don't get the Empire Build thingy that comes up, you drag one of four sides which uses influence, but I found if I didn't have enough influence then I could not end the turn, damn does this make any sense at all, not sure how to explain it? I cannot get all technical like the OP, I am too stupid for that.

    The other thing for me is when you in say, the research window and you end a turn it stays in the research window, surely it should close that and go back to the map when you end turn?

    The one thing I am glad about is that they didn't get all medieval with the UI, I like the whole clean cut thingy they have going, it's similar to ES isn't it? One of the things I liked about ES was the UI.

    Otherwise, very nice game, relief that I didn't waste cash....smiley: approval Hope this is the right thread to post this comment.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 26, 2014, 1:42:46 AM
    The first: that would be the empire plan screen, you move the dots around trying to get certain bonuses, higher tier costs more but has more bonuses, and the cost goes up the more cities you have.
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    11 years ago
    Apr 26, 2014, 1:53:01 AM
    I can't wait to get into it more! Great job Amplitude! smiley: approval smiley: approval smiley: approval

    ....but I do have a few suggestions smiley: stickouttongue.

    Unit abilities: I've noticed units have passive abilities like Keen Sight. I think active unit abilities that you could use in a battle would be pretty cool. For example something like Sprint would not use a movement point while moving or a Rally ability for a hero could give stat boosts to the units surrounding it.

    Music: it seems pretty erratic right now, I was playing and there was low, ominous music in the background then a few seconds later it picked up and became very vast and happy sounding. It's a minor detail but something I might as well mention smiley: stickouttongue
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