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Game Design Suggestions

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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 1:21:08 PM
Repost from original Feedback Thread, since this appears the correct forum after browing a little.

Not sure if there is a format to these threads, based on the prefix'es, but oh well first try.

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Feedback problems

  • There needs to be feedback on WHY you you can't build a district, or why a district is tacking infinity to build suddenly.
  • Problem that was also in Endless Space, buyout cost needs to be shown next to all buyout buttons! (give less space to the garrison, have the garrison minimize to the side or only enable at large resolution if needed)
  • City improvements you have made need to be always visible. If they could show their effect currently as a table that would be great too. Too much math to calculate in your head and "I'm building this because it's good" with no management afterwards. The way they are hidden away is over simplifying them.
  • There needs to be an option to "auto-enable resource grid when placing districts/cities"
  • Hovering over the time in build que should show why it's tacking X turns; it's more a good feel feature then useful feedback, helps players get immersed in the numbers
  • Army size is not very visible on the map. I don't think how big something is should be hidden. Models are nice for battle but for map I think it should be an army with proportions closer to terrain/city size; having it cover more then once hex when it's 6 in size would be interesting too.

Winter is emersion breaking

  • The game has "ice fields"
  • No wind outside of winter is kind of a bummer
  • Would suggest doing something more fictional with it: "white darkness" or something

City expansion needs some love

  • in general try to make the cities spread wider with farm tiles and make lv2 improvements more important or "line cities" less desirable
  • specially go for visual/immersion improvements with them since gameplay seems to have some wiggle room at the moment and they are a keystone in the gameplay feel
  • as a small city even if you have a lot of improvement options you should not be able to add EVERYTHING since you're too tiny to support them
  • some improvements should have a "reserves worker" requirement
  • idea: make it so the "farm tiles" that appear next to city tiles are not tied to being next to a city but just tied to being at most 3 tiles away from a lv1 district (or 4 tiles away from a lv2 district)
  • idea: Lv1 district should give you 3, and lv2 districts should add 3+2 farm tiles. You have to decide the placement of the farms yourself but once you do they are final
  • idea: city improvements should be placed on city districts or field (each improvement has a requirement); visually they would just show as little square icon with tiny arrow; if they require placement on a field you can't place a district there later with out destroying the improvement

Watchtower models

  • assuming it was intentional so reporting it here, the watch towers should replace the previous broken structure (for Vaulters and Broken Lords at least)

Broken Lords City Look and Feel

  • Broken Lord cities would be okey if they were a standard human faction but they're kind of not
  • Their cities are most desirable in deserts so it's wierd they're so dark
  • idea: change textures to a more yellow/white-ish variant
  • idea: break up some of the pillars in their city model to be more float magical connections

City Siege

  • Units in cities should take 0 damage or a lot more damage, 1/2 dmg is kind of not doing anything.
  • Be-Siege should just be a icon, the silly walls are kind of ugly.
  • If a player is attacked while on a town then the defending units should be inside the town as much as possible. Reinforcements points way way outside the town.
  • If a player leaves his town to poke an attacker then the map should expand to just outside the town (ie. the defender attacking back can't just poke then hide in the town)

Player start

  • There should be an option for starting conditions. At least as broken lords.

City look a feel

  • please add some more detail to the tiny houses for all the races
  • The name of the city should not obscure the city graphics, move it so it's way above or automatically positions based on models to not obscure
  • remove the ugly line pointing down from the city name
  • there needs to be some city stree like textures inside the cities (eg. vaulter city hall has no roads inside it)
  • remove the grid from inside city borders, or make it be under the models, or just put a toggle for it to go away

Interface persistence

  • I like to play with build que and available construction expanded, it would be nice if I didnt have to toggle them back every new game.


  • Buyout should be 5x times more expensive at least.

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11 years ago
Apr 26, 2014, 7:12:40 PM
I especially agree on the city management part of your post. Not being able to exploit all that wonderful terrain makes me a 4x gamer.
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