Two minor UI suggestions:

First, it would be helpful if you had the option of adding some sort of confirmation before your units follow movement orders. As it is, it can be very annoying when you misjudge a cliff (sometimes you can't really see them all) or something of the like, and your unit goes running off in some long roundabout path when you thought you were moving it a hex or two away. The way it's working now, sometimes the dotted path is displayed and the unit doesn't move immediately... but other times the move is executed as soon as you right-click.

Second, and somewhat similar: The end turn button is positioned with other UI options all around it, so it's not uncommon to hit it by mistake. A confirmation pop-up would be helpful. (And similar to movement, sometimes you hit the end turn button, the chime sound goes off... but the end turn process doesn't initiate).

This is the sort of thing that would probably best be best implemented as a gameplay option, since some people may not want the extra step.