To be or not to be, a hero, a general, the unit?

Maybe i haven't heard the news, but are there any plans of making hero a ordinary unit?

I know that general unit sounds like "the other game" (as if that matter), and ES do not have this. But... this is not ES, and i think space strategy and fantasy startegy are different.

I think that making a general singular unit will solve several problems:


Some ppl wish to have scounting unit, and Heros are great scouts, with movment buffs, and visibility, and ruins buff. Also if it get killed it will just get timeout and respawn in tavern (there is even skill for better recovery). Not to mention that general have the tools to resist this singualr roaming monsters, and if advanced could even kill them.

Governator at city defense.

When garrison is going to battle when in siege the army spawns without general which sucks. While general was the whole time in the city, and just watching from tower as his garrison got the bottoms kicked by besieging army.

Battle balance.

General unit not only gives army buffs from both skills and items, but also is super unit with generally good stats. And there is big difference fighting 4vs5.

So even if it was counting as unit it will still be advantage.


Army of generals. If multiple heroes are in army only one of them could be assigned as general. The rest counts as normal units. Also if battle is lost the heroes loose their gear. :-(

This are the reasons why i think it would be a good idea.

What others think?