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Custom battle/arena mode

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11 years ago
May 4, 2014, 8:33:08 PM
This is an addition I'd really like to see in more 4x games.

The first is a custom battle mode. The player can set the parameters (battefield, amount of resources, tech level, factions etc) of a battle, and then play it. The idea is that I have two armies, and customize what units are in each army/experience levels/equipment etc, and then launching it takes me straight to a battle. This is handy from a gameplay standpoint because you can figure out what unit compositions/template choices are most effective against certain factions, and would be somewhat useful from a balance standpoint (battles taken in lieu of strategic differences between the factions might distort balance, of course).

An arena mode doesn't really serve a useful purpose but could be a fun way to take the technology developed for the custom battle system and turn it into a mini game in its own right. Think a set of challenges where you have a fixed amount of resources or certain handicaps and have to overcome a sequence of different battles. One could even conceive of online multiplayer. This mode is less interesting to me than custom battles but would be enjoyable all the same.

Heroes of Might and Magic 6 had a similar mode but without robust customization.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2014, 11:46:10 AM
That is probably not a priority,but it could be fun to have this skirmish mode, you can define your resources and then build your amy form it. And there would be several maps to choose from. Could be very fun. Especially since sometimes AI do not want to build optimal forces.
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11 years ago
May 5, 2014, 3:53:06 PM
I read some users complain that 4x games take too much time in multiplayer, maybe this mode could appeal those people. I just wish that it would not cost too much ressources to Amplitude if it was built.
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