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Wand blasts should be colored by Faction.

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11 years ago
May 6, 2014, 1:12:03 AM
I was pretty jazzed when I saw that wands were a thing that could be on units, but the actual animation looks a lot like arrows.

Here is the idea: make wand blasts colored. It's magic, right?!?!?!

Second idea: make the color the same color as the Faction or the Faction-chosen color. So, you could make the Green player shoot green blasts OR just let the Wildwalkers always use green.
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11 years ago
May 6, 2014, 1:31:40 AM
still waiting for the wand models to be implemented.

Right now they just shoot magic from their hands

(need claws too)
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11 years ago
May 6, 2014, 1:32:13 PM
The color shouldn't be based faction to be honest, instead make it based on the material/tier. Then again, all weapons and armors could be like this, but it's probably post-launch update thing.

The wands are kinda lame idea...staffs are better.. or perhaps... Gloves that hold hovering magical orb above the hand, which are thrown at enemy/enemies. That's what i think, that would be neat.
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11 years ago
May 6, 2014, 1:41:52 PM
K__ wrote:
I was pretty jazzed when I saw that wands were a thing that could be on units, but the actual animation looks a lot like arrows.

Here is the idea: make wand blasts colored. It's magic, right?!?!?!

Second idea: make the color the same color as the Faction or the Faction-chosen color. So, you could make the Green player shoot green blasts OR just let the Wildwalkers always use green.

What faction has wand blasts?smiley: confused

I have to say, I'm a little disappointed that such things will be in the game.:/ Most of the rest of EL is so creative and doesn't fall for the overused fantasy tropes...
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11 years ago
May 6, 2014, 9:17:02 PM
Wild Walker archer units have a wand option. Also, the Ardent Mage hero is a wand lady.

I have been hoping that the wands might have various status effect powers, but they seem to be poor man's archers right now.
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