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Client states - region half yours

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11 years ago
May 7, 2014, 1:42:28 AM
I feel it may be on roadmap, but better be sure than sorry, or it is a good time to bash the idea off the game now if such is vox populi.

Basic idea: Instead of claiming city full time, we can decide to create there city-state, terriory with partial benefit and control and price.


Some ppl like micro managment of tenths cities, but majority dont. From the other side at some point, we just need some control over territory, since our empire is growing, and so does our influence in world. Also if we are at war there is a chance we claim more cities, but this could strikes us back with happiness. And salting completly good city sounds as bad idea.

So here are the rules:

- Once we have a city (from settler or conquered) we can change it into client state.

- As such we lose direct control over it. But can view it in if we like to. We remain visibility over this territory. We can't decide on what it builds, or change garrison, or apply workers. Just watch.

- The Client-State fallows its own AI, which concentrates on: dust production, watchtowers, extractors, villages.

- Client-State contributes half of its dust/research surplus. And while special resources (both luxies and minerals) in 100%. It also adds to vilage counter if assimilated.

- It cost us 5happiness expansion penalty. But do not contribute to empire size in other aspects ( do not benefit from city plans, or luxuries).

I think it will make game smoother, especially when it comes to conquest game.

There could be need for some cost/benefit tweaking. However i feel that the most i want from this 8th territory are just resources and visibility.
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