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No health regeneration in city in volcanic land for non kapaku units IN CITY GARRISON

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7 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 1:01:22 PM

- I think it's not normal. If you are out a city, ok it's logical. But if you are inside a garrison, or inside the districts of your own city, your unit should be able to heal (as their have access to logistic supply and housing).

- Moreover, I guess the NO HEALTH GENERATION feature means an absolute supression of health generation even if you are near a scout tower,  even if you have a regeneration item dedicated to this. That's not normal. Suppressing the natural regeneration rate yes, but suppressing any other regeneration rate is a bad thing.

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7 years ago
Aug 8, 2018, 3:05:06 PM

Hi there. Thanks for your feedback. Sorry I've been AWOL lately, but I'm slowly catching back up with the threads.

I think you are right, having no Regen even when inside your city can be too oppressive. The idea was ot make the terrain more easily defensible (Since you'd be able to regen some life while your Non-Kapaku attackers can't), but it seems we messed up someplace. I'll make sure we look into this for a BugFix / Balance Patch.

As for the No Regen At All, this was intended. While we knew this would be very strong, we try to mitigate it with the new pendant. What are your thoughts on it?
Perhaps the pendant is too late into the Tech Tree to be used effectively? Would you feel this is less of a concern if there was a different source of "Volcanic Immunity"?

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7 years ago
Aug 8, 2018, 6:36:12 PM

Thanks you very much for your consideration about the balance problem.

Inferno is an awesome expansion. I am sure that few technical changes would increase the gameplay and the balance a lot !

1. View and suggestions about the regeneration blocking from volcanic regions

My view and suggestions on the volcanic land regeneration blocking is :

- Volcanic land suppress any regeneration for non kapaku units (except the Demon unit, who is volcanophile. But not the silic or the haunt, because it would open ways to prevent easily this regeneration blocking). So, as it is now.

But there are these exceptions :

- You own the region, and your units are inside a garrison (logistic and housing access).

- You own the region, and your units are on a city district (because, even it's not inside the garrison, it's in the city, then the unit has access to some logistic).

- Your unit is equiped with the volcanic immunity item.

Preventing any regeration is enough strong as devensive thing. It means than an army with strong regeneration (for exemple with regeneration ring item + the frequent regeneration legendary deed, available for one faciton at the era III) will not heal at all.

2. On the subject of the availability and the price of the volcanic immunity item

- The item is avaiable too late (Era IV) and super expansive (5 hyperium is a lot, as hyperium is precious and rare, used for building mostly).

The design looks good, but in the concrete gameplay, no one will never use this item !

I propose this :

The item requiert adamantium not hyperium. 4 Adamantium (not 5). And is avaiable with the Extraordinary Armor (the adamantium/paladium of level 1 technology), at era III. Era IV is late. Era 3 is ok. But it's still an expansive item, as you need to build the extractor and wait some times to have the ressources.

This item can be required if you attack a very fortified city in volcanic land, with a high reprisal defense. Because if you don't have regeneration, you cannot siege it more than two turns without dying (which is great because you have to planify your attack ! :) 

I think this is enough as volcanic immunity item. No need others sources I think.

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7 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 1:19:37 AM

I would also like to see this regeneration added to the Golem Camp.

I would argue this regeneration would require at least on of the following city improvements:

  • Medical Center
  • Inoculation Station

Kapaku should be required to invest in some related infrastructure to accomodate non-Kapaku units (Kapaku lore-wise seem xenophobic by default). Border cities should be easy enough to tactically volcanoform so that non-volcanic tile exists next to watchtowers for the purpose of healing non-Kapaku units alternatively.

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6 years ago
Aug 24, 2018, 8:09:04 PM

It seems Kapaku heroes themselves don't heal in volcanic cities if you're not playing as the Kapaku. Hired one to govern some mining town, fought off some angry locals and got hurt, several dozens of turns latter and I notice she's still barely alive. There's no way that's not a bug.

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