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Add "safe haven" for ships in harbour

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6 years ago
Sep 6, 2018, 3:35:16 PM

It would be great, if I could put my naval units inside a harbour for "safe haven". Kind of like when I garrison land units.

Right now, when I'm trying to build up a fleet, my ships gets picked off one by one by the AI, as soon as I finish them. I can't "hide" or shelter them (besides in Sea Structures, i guess. But these I can't invade without a proper fleet...), like I'm able to do with land units.

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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2018, 5:05:29 PM
yoroba wrote:

It would be great, if I could put my naval units inside a harbour for "safe haven". Kind of like when I garrison land units.

Right now, when I'm trying to build up a fleet, my ships gets picked off one by one by the AI, as soon as I finish them. I can't "hide" or shelter them (besides in Sea Structures, i guess. But these I can't invade without a proper fleet...), like I'm able to do with land units.

Unless you are at war with them or have been blackspotted, the AI cant attack your ships since they are in your borders. If you are already in war: try to sue for peace so you can build up, or try to build a bunch of ships at once (stockpiles/buyout). If you are blackspotted: diplomacy. I dont think its necessary to change things, you already have tools to alleviate the situation.

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6 years ago
Sep 19, 2018, 8:30:36 AM

a port/ harbor would be great for ships, even if it is smaller than the regular garrison, therfore incentivizing you to get your ships out into the fortresses.

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6 years ago
Mar 18, 2019, 8:02:43 AM

is auriga a safe haven for its people though???? convience is the least compatibl thing with 4x game conditions. safe haven very abusible term military wise. specially it can be seen as targeting morgawr

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6 years ago
Mar 20, 2019, 4:20:36 AM

Something you can do is get ships down to 1 turn then switch to building another ship. Once you get a bunch of ships almost done you can build a bunch of ships in 1 turn and it will save them from being picked off one at a time.

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5 years ago
Mar 12, 2020, 11:38:47 AM

Still, I don't see why we wouldn't be able to dock our ships at the harbor? If the land units can go hide behind your city walls, then I think your ships should be able to dock at your harbor.

If you've got a fleet that's in desperate need of repair, you can just dock them at the harbor and wait it out. Docking at the harbor should also make them regen their health a little bit faster IMO.

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