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8 years ago Sep 08,2016, 15:16:36 PM

Godhood comes at a price — First look at the Vodyani

5 484 Views

Hey guys and gals!

If you've opened any gaming website today, odds are good that you've caught at least a glimpse of a mysterious 4th faction in Endless Space 2, made up of characters in dark suits piloting sleek starships... They'll be on our Wiki soon enough, but we couldn't resist the opportunity of showing you in advance Endless Space 2's 4th Early Access faction, the Vodyani! 

Originally the inhabitants of a well-populated solar system, Tchinomy, the Vodyani fell victim to a classic cycle of over-industrialization. A few decades after discovering space travel their home world was largely dead from ecological exhaustion and pollution, and the Vodyani were driven to surviving on fewer and fewer resources.

While they learned to excel in technologies of space habitats, slower-than-light (STL) travel, hydroponic farming, and recycling, they were a dying race until they discovered a temple of the Virtual Endless. To throw off the weight of their bodies, uplift their minds, and live forever… to the Vodyani the Virtuals were gods, and it took little time to establish a church dedicated to their worship. The Vodyani had found a new purpose.

We hope this first look at the Vodyani only made you hungrier for more information. If that's the case, know that the Vodyani will be the next addition to our Wiki, so don't miss it! As an end of week bonus, have a short gameplay video!

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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 11:00:34 PM

Love the design and the idea of the race, can't wait to see more in the early access !

Also, it's funny, their story look like a little like the story of the endless. I'm not surprise if this heretic lead the non-virtual part of this race and they got a Civil War :p

I mean, in the trailer, we can see something like they fight each other (with the voice say "he corrupt the faithful" ) so MAYBE this is a Civil War like the Endless Civil War

That could be funny :p

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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 10:10:48 PM

Super excited and cant wait for the game!!!!  plus I'm looking forward to the wiki i love looking at the ships

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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 7:12:37 PM

Can you make it the 14th so it hits on my birthday? Or let me into the tempest beta I am fine with either :P 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 5:48:42 PM

How the hell did you land on that date??

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8 years ago
Sep 8, 2016, 4:25:45 PM

I wonder if they have already agumented them self? Because in the prologue video at 0:26 it looks like a Vodyani before they found the Virtual ruins, because after that part they seem more humanlike.

Updated 8 years ago.
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