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8 years ago Oct 11,2016, 16:30:00 PM

Test patch on the way! Turn limit removed, influence & anarchy fixes, and more!

2 827 Views

Hey everyone!

Here is the first patch for Endless Space 2! It removes the turn limit as promised, and also adds fixes for influence, anarchy, and many other things.

This one is actually a test patch, which means that we're opening it to you for testing before implementing it for everyone. Come give it a try!

The steps to install and play it are as follows:

  • Right click on Endless Space 2 in your Steam library
  • Go to "Properties"
  • Click on the Betas tab
  • Select the beta “0.1.3 Early Access Test” in the drop down list

Now for the full list of fixes:

  • Removed the turn limit
  • Fixed an error when an empire is eliminated and it had planet-related improvements queued
  • Added the revision number in the battle ship card in battle screen & fixed an inconsistency in data between tooltips of ships in the BattleShipItems in the fleet list, and the little triangles EncounterShipItem in the flotilla card 3D
  • Fixed fleet being considered as busy when loading a game where a ground battle was finished
  • Fixed Religious law allowing to cross open borders
  • Fixed GuiElement having temp text instead of localization keys
  • Fixed special nodes notifications being displayed when loading the game
  • Fixed loading issues with some Vodyani games
  • Fixed conversion by influence feedback
  • Fixed fleets in movement between two nodes getting stuck when their destination becomes invalid
  • Fixed religious law allowing to attack enemy systems even when in enemy influence zone
  • Fixed laws getting cancelled one by one after elections if more than one needed to be cancelled
  • Fixed force law (base party law) not activated when changing political alignment
  • Fixed anarchy duration not corresponding to what is displayed
  • Fixed the attack action not breaking the guard for the attacking fleet.
  • Fixed cycling through idle fleets including those that are doing something
  • Fixed issue with a technology for the Vodyani
  • Fixed feedback issue with multiple economic modules on arkships of the same type
  • Fixed Hero healing cost
  • Fixed anarchy duration not being affected by game speed
  • Fixed feedback issue on ships speed bonus in ship design
  • Fixed the user not being informed that anarchy duration is modified by the empire's approval rating
  • Fixed misleading Close Borders and Open Borders notifications
  • Fixed bonuses generated by a government still being present while in anarchy transition
  • Fixed error happening when the player has 0 total population and recruits heroes
  • Fixed notifications being displayed during a space battle cinematic
  • Fixed being able to vote laws while in anarchy
  • Fixed skippable error being generated when hovering the cursor across ship icons after retreating from battles
  • Fixed conversion by influence not working on minor empires
  • Fixed missing parenthesis that created issues in Endless speed
  • Fixed error being generated when clicking Quit Game
  • Fixed missing descriptors and lowered heal cost
  • Fixed launching a ground battle between two turns generate an error
  • Fixed ground battle crash when the invaded system disappeared before the end of the ground battle.
  • Healing a hero now repairs their ship
  • Fixed "hero not assigned" notification happening even when the hero is assigned
  • Added -novideo command line to skip all videos to isolate possible crash sources
  • Added --disable-ai command line argument that disable completely the AI (no dll loaded) to isolate possible crash sources

Try it and let us know how things go!

Copied to clipboard!
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 6:31:24 PM

Does removing turn limits means we can keep going after victory has been reached? Can we change victory conditions? The AI reaches score victory within 70 turns its annoying I don't like score victory can't even reach the elimination victory in that short a timespan and definitely can't finish the story quest hell I didn't even get past the 2nd story quest with Vodyani.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:57:08 PM

Thanks Frogsquadron!

I figured it wasn't fixed yet, but I appreciate any attention it could get. 

It's _really_ frustrating when you get force truced before you can take back your own planet.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:52:31 PM

If it's not on the list, it's not in there. I'll enquire tomorrow when I'm back in the office.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:39:20 PM

Is there any word on changes to Force Truce? 

It's the largest source of frustration for some of us (see the game design forum posts).

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:20:53 PM

Excellent question: Previous saves are indeed compatible.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 5:03:11 PM

Awesome stuff!

Are previous saves compatible or do we have to start a new game to test properly?

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 4:58:17 PM

Turn limit removed? Excellent. I might actually manage to get truly huge battles now, to get some screenshots and footage regarding that particular can of worms.

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