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7 years ago May 17,2017, 13:31:00 PM

Regaining control: some news and an exceptional stream

2 483 Views

Hello everyone,

It is with great relief that I can announce that, thanks to the help of a bunch of community members, we have been able to regain control from E.N.F.E.R.! The AI on the loose has shown it had a very short fuse, and is now quarantined in a place where it can no longer threaten the release of Endless Space 2. It has two outlets for communication with the outside world, one is its communication console, and the other one is its very own Twitter account. It is alternately sullen & subdued, with occasional outbursts of fury, so don't poke it too hard, will you?


On the topic of good news, being once again masters of our own networks means we can access our Twitch channel. We've planned an exceptional stream to discuss how the last few weeks went, tomorrow at 5:30 PM CEST.


It is worth noting that the game is currently still discounted 25% off the release price. This is about ten eurobucks on the price it'll be in a couple of days, so if you were waiting for the last moment, know that it has come! This is also your last chance to avail yourself of the Founder bonuses for the Digital Deluxe. You've been warned.


Continuing with the series E.N.F.E.R. started publishing a few days ago, here is the neXt installment in our 4X video series: Exploit!

The tension is rising, the galaxy is calling, we hope you're as excited as we are!

Copied to clipboard!
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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 4:23:15 PM


Seen on my phone. Just running to my ho NOW!

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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 9:50:01 AM

The stream will be available as a video on demand almost as soon as the stream is over.



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7 years ago
May 18, 2017, 6:08:06 AM

Won't be ther at this time. When will this stream be available? Will it be in twitch only or youtube too?

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 11:07:59 PM
AngelicStorm wrote:
Kaada wrote:

What was that Cluster Lockdown anyways? I had no idea what it was or how I can participade

Neither did I until about 2 days ago. Amplitude had hidden clues in some released pictures and videos and there was this congregation of people on a Reddit thread deciphering them and turning them into codes that they could input into the ENFER chat, unlocking some neat little videos and locking those clusters down. Apparently, for each locked cluster, it meant that ENFER lost control over a little bit of Amplitude's servers until they could finally restrain it.

I only managed to find out about it by asking one of the guys who locked the clusters down; Talross.

Makes me feel I lost something very importend

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 5:55:27 PM

Wow good new stuff in this video.

Liked the minor faction ship into ship design screen plus the hero, her ship and lots of new stuff to put into these ships.

Tech tree seems renewed too.

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 1:42:33 PM

Kinda sad that I missed out on a few of the Lockdowns due too sleep etc, but hey at least I helped out over on reddit, with datapkg's and partial solutions.

It was a fun and increasingly challenging ARG.

Also uh I upgraded to the Digital Deluxe a few days ago, but I've still not gotten the "Endless Space 2 Founder" Badge over here on G2G?

See you tomorrow on the stream!

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 3:27:36 PM
Crystallking1 wrote:
BoldElf wrote:

I was rather proud I got about 5 quotes on the ENEFER Database lol

6 here :)

and alot of mine that didn't make it were frikkin' amazing! but maby I'm just biased :P

5 here (@EtrangeMirage), and my prefered one didn't make it too :)

(Wind turbine : "One of the many ways to make wind if it's too hot. Lots of these in the deserts.", or also about the hedgehog : "Chewbacca from Star Trek")

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 3:20:15 PM
Kaada wrote:

What was that Cluster Lockdown anyways? I had no idea what it was or how I can participade

Neither did I until about 2 days ago. Amplitude had hidden clues in some released pictures and videos and there was this congregation of people on a Reddit thread deciphering them and turning them into codes that they could input into the ENFER chat, unlocking some neat little videos and locking those clusters down. Apparently, for each locked cluster, it meant that ENFER lost control over a little bit of Amplitude's servers until they could finally restrain it.

I only managed to find out about it by asking one of the guys who locked the clusters down; Talross.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 3:06:54 PM

All bonus content, soundtrack, etc, will be added following release (might take a few days). Forum badges will be added at a later date. 

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 3:02:35 PM

For some reason i still dont have the G2G Founder bonuses and the Craver Skin, do they come at release May 19th or did it bug out for me ?

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 2:57:15 PM

You guys are doing an amazing job! Best wishes!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 2:28:14 PM
BoldElf wrote:

I was rather proud I got about 5 quotes on the ENEFER Database lol

6 here :)

and alot of mine that didn't make it were frikkin' amazing! but maby I'm just biased :P

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 2:21:24 PM

I was rather proud I got about 5 quotes on the ENEFER Database lol

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 1:51:31 PM

What was that Cluster Lockdown anyways? I had no idea what it was or how I can participade

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