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7 years ago May 17,2017, 13:31:00 PM

Regaining control: some news and an exceptional stream

2 483 Views

Hello everyone,

It is with great relief that I can announce that, thanks to the help of a bunch of community members, we have been able to regain control from E.N.F.E.R.! The AI on the loose has shown it had a very short fuse, and is now quarantined in a place where it can no longer threaten the release of Endless Space 2. It has two outlets for communication with the outside world, one is its communication console, and the other one is its very own Twitter account. It is alternately sullen & subdued, with occasional outbursts of fury, so don't poke it too hard, will you?


On the topic of good news, being once again masters of our own networks means we can access our Twitch channel. We've planned an exceptional stream to discuss how the last few weeks went, tomorrow at 5:30 PM CEST.


It is worth noting that the game is currently still discounted 25% off the release price. This is about ten eurobucks on the price it'll be in a couple of days, so if you were waiting for the last moment, know that it has come! This is also your last chance to avail yourself of the Founder bonuses for the Digital Deluxe. You've been warned.


Continuing with the series E.N.F.E.R. started publishing a few days ago, here is the neXt installment in our 4X video series: Exploit!

The tension is rising, the galaxy is calling, we hope you're as excited as we are!

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 2:21:24 PM

I was rather proud I got about 5 quotes on the ENEFER Database lol

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7 years ago
May 17, 2017, 1:51:31 PM

What was that Cluster Lockdown anyways? I had no idea what it was or how I can participade

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