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7 years ago Jun 01,2017, 16:07:02 PM

Penny for your thoughts!

2 302 Views

Hey folks,

It's been a little while since we last asked for your input, but that's about to change! Next week, and moving forward, we'll be doing a massive pass through all most popular Ideas, checking how we measure against your expectations and seeing where we can take the game next. What cool other feature does Endless Space 2 need? 

Note that you can also of course still add Ideas if you just got a great one! In case you aren't sure what type of Ideas you can come up with, here's what we mean: an Idea is a suggestion of adding or changing something to make the game better. This can be a new technology, a new weapon, or a change to the way things work, or a request like "more end game quests". 

An Idea is not, for instance a change to balance (these are best discussed in the Game Design forum!).

Here's the process to upvote Ideas:

  1. Go to the Ideas section for Endless Space 2
  2. Check out the Ideas there, you can search for specific terms or just browse
  3. Upvote the ones you think are interesting
  4. Tell your friends about the Ideas section
  5. ????
  6. Profit!

We will review Ideas and see how we can implement the best ones that fit our vision. Due to the large number of Ideas, and to gauge the interest and popularity of an Idea, we're only going to be reviewing Ideas that are above the 250.000 G2G points. It's not that much, but it means your Idea will have to gather a bit of support, so tell your friends!

That's it!

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7 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 9:46:25 AM

As C0ldsn4p did, feel free to link your ideas here!

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7 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 5:07:20 AM

I've got an Idea but I'm not sure how to promote it. Are we able to link our Ideas in the forums?

EDIT: As suggested, I'll post the link to my idea here. It's basically an option to sort the construction options according to how much Industry/turns they need to be constructed (vs. the current system which sorts buildings according to what they produce -- Food, Industry, etc.). The aim of this suggestion is to make managing multiple systems in the later part of the game a bit easier as well as to allow newly colonised systems to develop more fluidly (vs. having a system's development stunted because the player clicked through the construction queue as it's currently presented, hence prioritising high-cost Food buildings over low-cost Industry buildings and so on). Anyway, here is the link.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 6:31:38 PM

Will this include a review of previously Must Have, Nice to Have, Wishlisted items?

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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2017, 5:49:45 PM

I have already new and edited idea: "Ressource Mining Oupost"

Some other users and I talked and suggested in the comment section and changed the idea from Mining Ships to outposts. I would be happy if the reader search for it in the next minutes, read it and decides if he or she upvoted it or not.

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