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7 years ago Jun 15,2017, 14:06:58 PM

Tying up loose ends

2 407 Views

Hey everyone,

We often get requests for some more material to dive into the Endless Universe outside of the games. Something to keep immersing oneself into the lives of heroes and villains, as a hero holding a standard or a fly on the wall... So we listened and thought real hard about vignettes that could capture the spirit of each civilization in Endless Space 2. Comics seemed a great material to convey an atmosphere, and we hope you like these. In this second installment in our series, set in the Raian metropolis, a brooding figure crosses the bright city with a dark purpose.

Where does he come from, where does he go?

StoryEngine, lead writer on the project, with some more insight into the story:

For the United Empire comic we really wanted to tell a story that explored the tension at the heart of the culture. On the one hand, the Empire projects an image of a strong, healthy patriotic society led by the iron-ruler, Emperor Zelevas, where any citizen can fulfil their dreams provided they work for the greater good. On the other hand, as the faction trailer hints, this picture is not entirely true, and beneath the shiny surface many citizens lead tough, oppressive lives. By following a lowly cleaner who works at the prestigious Old Mezari Club in the heart of the capital, we get to see both sides--the servant classes on the edges, and the connected wealthy in the limelight. But in this story, there's more to the cleaner than meets the eye, and where his allegiance lies is something he's still struggling to understand ...

Just click it.

We hope you like this second installment, because there's still more to come! If you have any questions or comments, you can shoot them in this thread at Arkel, who leads the project!

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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 7:30:05 PM


Great comic. As intended, it delivers a revealing inside view of the Empire's social system - a strange mixture of totalitarianism, aristocracy, and modern consumer capitalism. (As a UE fan, I also like that at least some of the common people, as exemplified by Hansen's co-worker, buy all the propaganda genuinely support Zelevas and his glorious empire.) Hansen is neither an emotionless cog nor a cardboard disgruntled worker, expressing gratitude towards the admiral who tried to compensate him and urging him not to choose execution, but still performing his duty.

I'm puzzled and intrigued though about the aside on Hansen's wife and daughter. What did he mean by having them escape Mintz, whatever that is? Were they dissidents in a prison camp? inhabitants of a planet doomed to the Empire's equivilent of an ordo exterminatus?... Or does the empire simply execute family members of petty officers for the evul lulz?

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 2:46:26 PM

I enjoyed this installment of the United Empire comic. I believe it captured the essence of the faction, which is a sort of cold-hearted selfish efficacy. Like their prized propaganda, a cold lie that efficiently brainwashes the public into believing they work for some sort of greater good. The main character in this strip chose efficient action over romantic idealism by executing his response before his target ever began to explain.

One thing that I hope to see in the future, is more use of technology. In this comic they are still using weaponry with shell casings and doors with locks and keys? At least explain why. Also, I would love to see the use of Dust, a technology so  advanced it seems to give those who can use it magic powers. You could say that its possibilities are “endless.” Sorry, I couldn’t avoid the pun…

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