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7 years ago Jul 05,2017, 15:45:00 PM

Endless Space 2 - AI Modding closed beta

1 667 Views

For more information on Endless Space 2, please visit the wiki or sign up to our newsletter!

Hello 4X lovers and especially modders, 

We have some great news to share with all of you: From 20 July to 1 September 2017, we'll give some of you a first look at the AI modding feature for Endless Space 2

Here are some details, if you're interested and want to sign up for the closed beta: 

  • You will access to the AI modding feature, including:
    • Access to a closed beta build of the game,
    • Using the AI engine to add new behaviors,
    • Access to E.N.F.E.R to see what your AI does,
    • Access to a private modding sub-forum to discuss and ask questions to our AI programmers. 
  • The current version requires a good knowledge in C# programming
  • This is a volunteer event

We will help you create some AI mods during this closed beta, before enabling the AI modding feature for everybody with a highlight on your creations.

If you are still interested, check out the requirements and our guidelines below.!


  • Applications are open to anyone except members of the press or video game affiliates
  • You need to speak either French or English if you want to be able to discuss with programmers
  • You need to own Endless Space 2
  • You need to have your Steam account linked to the Game2Gether platform.


Contact us with a valid email address at playtest [at] amplitude-studios.com, specify us your G2G username, tell us if you have already published a mod for a game (not necessarily Endless Space 2), your level in C# programming, and the kind of mods you're into!

There is no wrong answer, we just want to evaluate how much demand there is!


The deadline for submissions is July 18th, 2017, at midday (GTM +1). We will get in touch asap if you have been selected, so make sure you check your emails! 

We hope you're excited, and we can't wait to see what you'll do! :)

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 6:14:43 PM

No C# programming skills so not for me, but I am happy for the folks who have the necessary skills. I hope this brings about some great improvements to the AI.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 5:28:01 PM

ohh wow !! helping to AI modding for closed beta , this game dont stop surprising me !!!!!

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 3:54:13 PM
Dagart wrote:
  • Access to E.N.F.E.R to see what your AI does,

E.N.F.E.R. Is Currently accessible with "--enablemoddingtools" so will this version of E.N.F.E.R. be different or just available from the get go.

Sounds good anyway, I will be applying.

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7 years ago
Jul 5, 2017, 3:53:46 PM

Access to E.N.F.E.R? great!

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