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6 years ago Jul 26,2018, 14:41:00 PM

Introducing Endless Space 2 Supremacy

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We both know why we're here, so let's dive right into it: Endless Space 2's next expansion is coming soon, and is called Supremacy. Endless Space's samurai chicken badasses have come home to roost, and they bring along some hard-hitting new stuff. Buckle up, we're going in.


The Hissho are back, ready to kick ass and take names!

Tempered by steel and battle, the Hissho evolved from avian ancestors on their Home Planet of Uchi. Focused on the constant wars between their own tribes, they lived ignorant of the different species roaming the galaxy until they were picked up by the Endless, augmented and then quickly put to the test as gladiators fighting in the decadent arenas of their new masters. How long this period of mindless slaughter for the pleasure of their overlords lasted, none of them could say, and of this bygone age only memories of slavery and exploitation remain, along with those of glory and adulation. 

The Hissho are a military-oriented faction whose main gameplay feature is Keii (which translates to respect or deference). This new resource that can only be replenished through combat is used to power special abilities applied on Hissho fleets. It also drives their empire Obedience which replaces happiness and supersedes the Obedience of their star systems. Crushingly strong on the offensive, the Hissho will only fall if you cannot sustain your war economy and let your Keii wither away.

Powerful and versatile, Hissho fleets can easily switch between straightforward and devious loadouts thanks to numerous polyvalent slot modules capable of hosting both support and defense or attack modules. Loadout notwithstanding, they are a force to be reckoned with. It is said that Hissho fleets sometimes sacrifice their ships in suicide attacks when the odds are stacked against them and the stakes are high. Face them at your own peril...


The origin of the gigantic module platforms known as the Behemoth is shrouded in mystery: some say the ships themselves were built using Endless technology, others that they were found drifting in the depths of space, empty and silent. Whatever their true provenance, they are a boon to any faction building them, after completing a quest. Their versatility gives them plenty of uses, from mining to defense platforms to system-annihilating Obliterators, they start out strong, and additional research only makes them stronger! 



In keeping with the Amplitude tradition, new stuff that you can buy comes with new free stuff! This time around, we've reworked the Ground Battle to make it more legible as far as player choices are concerned, and give players more choices to manage systems they conquer. This includes the visualization during the battle as well as the pre- and post-battle screens, shown below:

Settling here was a mistake, Riftborn scum...

Do we even want to take over?


The relics system allows you to leave your mark on the galaxy, to acknowledge the actions of players and AI. Several game actions will be tracked and logged by the game when they happen, and will be displayed in scan view of different entities:

  • Big Space battles will generate "Debris fields" on Systems, indicating who took part, who won, and the scale of forces
  • Assimilating a minor faction will generate a "Pre-galactic civilization" marker on the planet where the assimilation took place
  • Destroyed Pirate lairs will generate a "Crashed Pirate Lair" marker on the planet on which they were destroyed
  • Big Ground battles will generate "Devastated No-man's Land" on a planet on which they took place

All of these have a chance to trigger anomalies or explorable curiosities on the concerned planets...

And of course, the usual fixes and improvements! The full changelog will be posted once the update is live.


  • This will be available next week on August 2nd.
  • Endless Space 2 Supremacy with the discount is available HERE for pre-order for 11.69 € /$ 11.69 / £ 9.89 (-10%)
  • A bundle of both Endless Space 2 Supremacy & Endless Legend Inferno (HERE) is available for pre-order for 20.78 € /$ 20.78 / £ 17.58

  • We're very happy with how Supremacy has turned out and hope you will be, too! What are you looking forward to the most?

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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 6:29:18 PM
Sublustris wrote:

There are high-tier terraformation Behemoth modules, that allow planet restoration. But TBH, I hardly see that happening, most home systems should be protected with citadels by that time, maybe even shields. Unfallen also have innate undestroyable protection for their home system, so they could not be sniped with one shot.

Interesting, looking foward to see it in action. Sounds like master of orion's artifical planet or something...

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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 7:16:53 PM

So for now we have: 

2 science factions (Vaulters and Sophons)

2 militaristic (Hishho and Cravers)

2 industry (UE and Riftborn)

2 pacifist (fish and trees)


1 religous faction (Vodyani)

1 eco (Horatio)

So with this logic next factions should be religous and eco, I'm right Apmplitude?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 7:48:41 PM
RoboPig wrote:

I know that the Hissho have a dictatorship so it doesn’t really matter, but do they have a leaning towards the religious party? I feel like there aren’t enough factions currently that at least have a secondary tendency towards the ecologists or religious and too many that are militaristic. It’s the only gripe I have but otherwise it all looks fantastic!

I find them working well with a religious party, although they stockpile so much influence as result, that I struggle with where to spend it.

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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 9:09:13 PM
Polakko wrote:

So with this logic next factions should be religous and eco, I'm right Apmplitude?

  It was confirmed by Frogsquadron that the next expansion will be the Umbral Choir, the community co-created spying faction. At first glance they look very scientific to me, but yeah, maybe the lore can fit a religious theme. They definitely don't strike me as an eco race, however, ofc I may be wrong.

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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 11:05:00 PM
Sublustris wrote:
RoboPig wrote:

I know that the Hissho have a dictatorship so it doesn’t really matter, but do they have a leaning towards the religious party? I feel like there aren’t enough factions currently that at least have a secondary tendency towards the ecologists or religious and too many that are militaristic. It’s the only gripe I have but otherwise it all looks fantastic!

I find them working well with a religious party, although they stockpile so much influence as result, that I struggle with where to spend it.

But does their population have any political leaning towards the religious party to be able to support that playstyle without heavy propaganda use?

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 12:37:51 AM
RoboPig wrote:

But does their population have any political leaning towards the religious party to be able to support that playstyle without heavy propaganda use?

The population is militaristic, so no. But keep in mind, Hissho starting government is dictatorship, what allows you to switch political party without penalty and Hissho don't make use of common approval mechanics. Hissho faction relies on Keii mechanic.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 2:03:04 AM

I find it comical that this is considered an expansion just cause a minor race got promoted to a major one. But this expansion feels more of an update considering how much time it took for them to get it out. I was expecting something more like an espionage system and diplomatic sabotage like making other races break alliances or force them to wage war on another race. As long as you can spend your influence and trade, I don't see why you cant force a race vs race wars. 

I mean galactic "civilization 3 intrigue" has better options than this game right now, the only difference is that galactic civilization is too much of a micro-management game and for that reason I play Endless space 2.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 2:41:57 AM
Strato wrote:

I find it comical that this is considered an expansion just cause a minor race got promoted to a major one. But this expansion feels more of an update considering how much time it took for them to get it out. I was expecting something more like an espionage system and diplomatic sabotage like making other races break alliances or force them to wage war on another race. As long as you can spend your influence and trade, I don't see why you cant force a race vs race wars. 

I mean galactic "civilization 3 intrigue" has better options than this game right now, the only difference is that galactic civilization is too much of a micro-management game and for that reason I play Endless space 2.

Its a whole major faction (they were a major in ES1), and espionage is coming in the next expansion with the Umbral Choir.

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 4:35:12 AM
Strato wrote:

I find it comical that this is considered an expansion just cause a minor race got promoted to a major one. But this expansion feels more of an update considering how much time it took for them to get it out. I was expecting something more like an espionage system and diplomatic sabotage like making other races break alliances or force them to wage war on another race. As long as you can spend your influence and trade, I don't see why you cant force a race vs race wars. 

I mean galactic "civilization 3 intrigue" has better options than this game right now, the only difference is that galactic civilization is too much of a micro-management game and for that reason I play Endless space 2.

So your complaint is..."I didn't get what I was expecting for the game, and so this feels like an update simply b/c I can't find any actual critique of the expansion" (Not saying there isn't actual critique tho) 

Comparing the release of another major faction and new game mechanics (Behemoths) that are reminiscent of the Guardians from EL (which were themselves a DLC Package), that also came with a free update that reworked parts of the invasion mechanics (among other things) to just a simple update, like, "Guardians and the Galaxy" or "Stellar Prisoner" which really only added a new hero and quest, is just sad. 

It's almost comical since arguably this expansion adds more than the Vaulter Expansion, yet you’re stating this one appears like an update. 

And like @ImperatorTempus42 stated, the Hissho was already a Major Faction from the first game. So it's less of a minor faction being promoted to a major faction, and more, a major faction has returned from being demoted to a minor faction (one that is still present in game as a sort of Sophon/Mavros situation).

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 11:08:23 AM
Suis3i wrote:
Strato wrote:

I find it comical that this is considered an expansion just cause a minor race got promoted to a major one. But this expansion feels more of an update considering how much time it took for them to get it out. I was expecting something more like an espionage system and diplomatic sabotage like making other races break alliances or force them to wage war on another race. As long as you can spend your influence and trade, I don't see why you cant force a race vs race wars. 

I mean galactic "civilization 3 intrigue" has better options than this game right now, the only difference is that galactic civilization is too much of a micro-management game and for that reason I play Endless space 2.

So your complaint is..."I didn't get what I was expecting for the game, and so this feels like an update simply b/c I can't find any actual critique of the expansion" (Not saying there is actual critique tho) 

Comparing the release of another major faction and new game mechanics (Behemoths) that are reminiscent of the Guardians from EL (which were themselves a DLC Package), that also came with a free update that reworked parts of the invasion mechanics (among other things) to just a simple update, like, "Guardians and the Galaxy" or "Stellar Prisoner" which really only added a new hero and quest, is just sad. 

It's almost comical since arguably this expansion adds more than the Vaulter Expansion, yet you’re stating this one appears like an update. 

And like @ImperatorTempus42 stated, the Hissho was already a Major Faction from the first game. So it's less of a minor faction being promoted to a major faction, and more, a major faction has returned from being demoted to a minor faction (one that is still present in game as a sort of Sophon/Mavros situation).

 Very Well said. The Hishos were kind of a big deal in ES1 for me. Always saw them as a way to play full military without the pressure of playing Cravers. Really enjoyed the old Invasion Bushido mechanic. Very unique and straight forward race. 


 Bonuses to everything involving battles in exchange of poor research and average economy until you starting invading, then you had 20% on everything, even more damage and could mitigate the research deficit by simply having more planets than everyone else by taking them trough force since your fleet was so effective (beating a 2.5k manpower fleet with a 1.2k with ease thanks to the raciais and pilot hero's Dust Barrier in the early game felt great). 

 Bringing those guys back in a more complex and developed manner is definetly not an after-thought. Unexpected, I was counting on the second coming of the Lost or the Umbral Choir, but hey, I think the Hisho are even better all things considered. They were just brutal. 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 11:48:55 AM

The planet "repair" feature looks pretty cool but I have a few questions:

-Does it works on core-cracked planets destroyed the old way?

-If yes will we be able to rebuild Harrow?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 1:24:12 PM
Eljojo wrote:

The planet "repair" feature looks pretty cool but I have a few questions:

-Does it works on core-cracked planets destroyed the old way?

-If yes will we be able to rebuild Harrow?

- Yes the destruction does not differ from the cracker if you look at a single planet

- You cannot repair Harrow (yet?)

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 1:36:53 PM


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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 1:37:56 PM
jacob19831217 wrote:


I don't speak Chinese but I went on and used a translator so sorry if the answer sounds off, but I don't think the ground battle animation changed that much, and as for the other question, seems like everyone will be able to build it after the completion of a quest chain. But they are limited by being very expensive.

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