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6 years ago Feb 21,2019, 15:57:00 PM

The Future of Endless Space 2: A New Faction With Old Friends

27 331 Views

Hey everyone,

We have some exciting news to share! Many of you have been wondering what the future holds for Endless Space 2, and we can finally give you an answer: Another Expansion, and another collaboration. Our friends at NGD have a special message for all of you about this:

Hi everyone!

We are the NGD Team behind the last two Endless Legend expansions, "Inferno" and "Symbiosis".
It's been an incredible experience working with Amplitude on these two installments, and we are very excited to announce we are teaming up once again for an upcoming Endless Space 2 Expansion.
We've learned a lot during our collaboration on Auriga, and we look forward to continue exploring the Endless Universe together!
It is the opportunity of your lifetime! To quote Horatio: Our beauty and genius allied with your, ah, more prosaic attributes.

The NGD Crew
(Kassapa, CaptainNexus, VadimMelkay, LadyPandora, NochiGao, Stban & Clover85)

Like all Expansions for Endless Space 2, this one will come with a core feature accessible to all factions, and a new major faction to accompany it. While we’re not ready to go into detail about the new feature just yet, we’re eager to share the direction we’re taking the new faction in!

This faction will be a complete departure for Amplitude and the 4X genre. Rather than leading a vigorous young civilization reaching out toward the stars, the player will be fighting to restore an ancient, declining faction; this people is dreaming of their past glory and striving to recapture it. They will start out much stronger than other empires, but will have to struggle to stay ahead — or even keep up. Like Rome after the fall, they are full of potential but are held back by the weight of their own culture.

Those of you who have been part of our community for some time know that we love to involve you in the process, and we want this expansion to be no different! We will have a series of votes on lore aspects of the expansion, and we’re kicking it off with the origin of one of their heroes.

Have you got any questions for the NGD team already? Ask in the comments, and they'll answer if they can without spoiling anything.


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6 years ago
Mar 27, 2019, 7:22:46 PM

Opinons, as Iarainn said, are nice and everyone is entitled to them.

I also personally don't feel like Supremacy or Penumbra were strike-outs; actually, I feel they were quite the opposite. They introduced a lot of new interesting mechanics into the game and a faction with some indepth and interesting backstory to them that feel incredibly individual from the others. Do I understand the in's and outs of hacking as a mechanic? No. Do I think that makes it bad? Not at all. It's just another challenge to tackle in the game. The Hissho as well have been a really cool and interesting addition to proceedings too. Especially with their background. Could Behemoths do with some tweaking? Yes. Does that make them bad? Not necessarily.

Expansions are always going to be something of a a case of trial and error, and a lot of working out what needs tweaking and what doesn't, but the only way that can be achieved is by productive feedback from the community at large. A big part, I feel, of why Amplitude does so much community feedback stuff and actively listens to the community at large is to address issues exactly like these.

None of this, to my mind, warrants the accusation that Ampitude is pushing sub-par expansions all to meet quotas from Sega.

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6 years ago
Mar 27, 2019, 10:08:33 PM

My impression is, many people tend to expect playing Endless Space 2 the same way they are used to do by previous gaming experiences and fail. Overcolonization and overpopulation mechanics don't bother me at all, as long as I know how to prevent from its negative effects. Lack of knowledge and/or ignorance seem to be the source of beeing punished from my experience. I really like these mechanics.

Supremacy could need some rework, sure. I don't make that much use of behemoths in my games, yet (apart from citadel against AI players especially - placed in my home system, as long as AI tends to attack this one, only). Penumbra offers really good gameplay, as long as you learn how to hack effectively. When playing against human players I experienced a challenge even at a point I thought anyone can stop me no more. This stampede followed by unrest hacking is terrible to deal with - if your enemy knows how to do so. I have much fun and don't want to miss it. I have to admit in the learning phase my impression was different. Past release Amplitude did add additional information about hacking mechanics what helped me a lot to understand. Same here, I don't want to miss ist no more.

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6 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 6:36:59 AM
Cernunan wrote:

So some of the DOOMM!!! posters in this thread are all over steam saying this colaberation means Amplitude has abanndoned ES2 to NGD and is no longer supporting the game. Could a dev please respond to this so I have an awsner to such claims one way or the other

Hi Cernunan, there is a thread in the general channel about this very topic, and @The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales did respond to that question. In short Amplitude is not leaving this DLC entirely up to NGD and will be collaborating with them on this specific project. They also do not have plans to abandon Endless Space 2 anytime soon. 

The link to that thread is right here

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6 years ago
Mar 29, 2019, 6:33:57 AM

Did you take any inspiration from other games or stories for the 'fading empire' faction concept? It reminds me a little of the Western and Eastern Roman Empire factions from Total War: Attila, which got me wondering about the creative process of Amplitude and the NGD team. 

Outside of community votes, how do you come up with your faction/expansion ideas? I've always loved how unique and atypical the mechanical and aesthetic design of the Endless series is, and I was wondering whether you could give us (the community) some insight into how the creative process starts for the team and studio as a whole.

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6 years ago
Mar 30, 2019, 6:52:22 PM

"This faction will be a complete departure for Amplitude and the 4X genre. Rather than leading a vigorous young civilization reaching out toward the stars, the player will be fighting to restore an ancient, declining faction; this people is dreaming of their past glory and striving to recapture it."   Great idea, one of my all time favorite sci-fi scenarios!  Was done well in the paper game world back when with "Imperium" by GDW  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperium_(board_game)   Will be looking forward to it, as one of those peope who found the whole "hacking a planet" thing offputting, I haven't been able to play the game more than an hour or so since "Penumbra" (1689 hours on record before "Penumbra").  This sounds like something I might go back for.

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6 years ago
Apr 2, 2019, 7:56:41 AM

I love the idea of an empire that's struggling to overcome their decline. It's such a common fate for empires, and there's some interesting examples of old empires limping along until their inevitable collapse (Byzantine Empire, Holy Roman Empire, British Empire), and the potential for organic and thematically powerful defeats involving this faction make for an interesting scenario. Will it be overextension, a devestating Craver attack that ends with the capital sacked, maybe a technological advance from without that ends with the empire losing its' power base?
Heck, maybe they'll have a similar mechanic to the Cravers where the planets or population cease providing the same bonuses they once provided and that were essential for growth.

It'll also be interesting to see how they're differentiated from the United Empire, and what their relationship might be with the Endless. 

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6 years ago
Apr 5, 2019, 7:47:30 AM
Cinder33 wrote:

All I want to say is LESS focus on factions and MORE focus on improving gameplay and the turn by turn boredom.  Give the universe some life.  I have no idea why you ignore the community when they say improve the gameplay.  Who in here is saying I want more factions?!

I want more factions... At least, until they add Wild Walkers... Then I'm happy xD

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5 years ago
May 12, 2019, 8:45:23 PM

Quite curious, I'll watch with great interest. (Maybe the Drakken will make a cameo in ES3. Long live the Space Dragons!)

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5 years ago
May 20, 2019, 6:42:27 PM

Waiting anxiously, I think the past two expansions were great and added much needed depth to the game even if they did/do need more balancing. Just hope after this expansion the devs go full board tweaking before ending development, or we're going to need another great modder to fix the issues ala Endless Legend Community Patch

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5 years ago
Jun 14, 2019, 5:26:26 PM

I have been trying to get engaged into ES2 since  it has  reelased and bought  some ofthe expansionsbut could not be motivated to keep playing due to the Galaxy GUI and invasion mechanic - all factions feel identical in these repsects and there is so much information noise (think of Soulstorm galaxy map vs Dark Crusade map in  DoW). Repeating heroes within a galaxy and story images also do not help when playing as a different species then the image is portraying (the art is grea but brakes emmersion when it is clearly targeted to any race.

But I wanted to love this game: Like the concept, the faction stories some of the tech art, and most of the ships are  very nice even though it  feels the game is constantly fighting me to admire them - most of my gripes probably come from playing EL a lot where I couldamange my troops directly and be engaged with them

I would also say that the core systems need rework (especially the galaxy map with  the unused reporting layer)  buut this is brobably not realistic anymore

The concept itsef of managing a stagnant empire instead of the classical approach is great - again a brilliant idea but am afraid it will pile on yet another system with low-res icons  and lots of unused GUI elements on top of the GUI I do not enjoy so might sidly pass on it - though for those who do not have such issues this is truly a great concept 

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jun 24, 2019, 7:47:51 AM

Most of players want improvement of gameplay not a new another faction ! Lets vote! >:)

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5 years ago
Jun 26, 2019, 2:43:45 PM

Hmm i would like to have Bouth ;-)

I still havent found my most loved Faction in this game so i hope the next one maybe will be it!

For my part i love Factions with only 1 Hyper System, but i am also a bit more War oriented and war with the Umbral CHoir at the Moment is bullshit you cant fill your fleets with Manpower.

What would be nice is an Political Rework, more Blanced Governements, better Hacking, Rework of the luxury resources ..........

More Glaxy Settings!

We will se what the Future brings

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5 years ago
Jun 28, 2019, 1:03:47 AM

Sounds amazing!

Really excited for the future of Endless Space 2. The art direction, faction designs and lore is really something else that you have here.

I've been playing  the new Total War games (Warhammer & Three Kingdoms) obsessively of late, and have been excited with the new direction of the campaign gameplay the devs over there have taken. Also, Stellaris has been receiving interesting updates, too. I've also been dreaming of ways in which the future may bring us games that combine the amazing faction designs and art of the Endless universe with new innovations in turn-based and real time strategy games.

Here's to the Future's Future! Can't wait to see the new faction!

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5 years ago
Jul 7, 2019, 8:00:56 PM

All I really want is Harmony from es1 and some more stability fixes since recently I've had a lot of problems with desync when I play with friends (no matter who hosts) 

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5 years ago
Jul 12, 2019, 6:26:36 AM

Definately a new faction must looks like space cats O:) ...for example like the new generation of ALLAYI from Endless Legend... my daughter just love em so musch =D

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5 years ago
Jul 29, 2019, 3:08:44 PM

Very exciting. I look forward to any news! Interesting is to strive for Issender or remains Eternal? In any case, all players are waiting for your new achievements. We believe in you! 

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5 years ago
Aug 6, 2019, 12:06:14 PM

I appreciate the work you have done so far. I have confidence in the team to carry out this new expansion. The idea of playing a faction on the decline instead of a faction in devellopement intrigues me already !

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