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5 years ago May 18,2020, 16:59:40 PM

Endless Space 2 Turns Three

7 415 Views

Hey everybody,

On this day back in 2017, we released Endless Space 2 from Early Access. In the time before and since release, the game has changed and evolved thanks to your feedback, and now three years, four major expansions, and several minor DLCs later, the possibilities feel nearly Endless. With all the different factions, quests, events, and ways to play the game, so many stories can emerge from this game.

Personally, I will never forget the passive-aggressive Cravers Rogan and I encountered during our attempt to lead the Hissho empire to the Way of the Obsidian Eagle rather than the Red Blade. We just wanted to see if peace was ever an option for our feisty feathered friends, yet were met with aggression at every turn. Out of all the empires we met, the Cravers were the last we expected to back down and leave us alone. Of course, in the end the constant threats and attacks from other empires pushed us to extreme measures after all...

That is not to say the game is perfect. We know there are flaws, and we have seen your reports and feedback about bugs and balance. We are working together with Clumsy Dwarves, a studio founded by former NGD staff, to address many of these issues. The first patch is expected to release in the second half of June.

But on the occasion of ES2’s birthday, we’d like to hear from you in the comments:

Tell us about a crazy story you experienced in the game.

Tell us what you love about Endless Space 2, what makes it special to you.

Tell us about your favorite factions and characters.

Tell us about that time Horatio rejected you because you were not perfect enough. We’ve all been there.

- The Amplitude Team

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5 years ago
May 24, 2020, 11:09:07 AM

Good to hear, but I wish I had the money to buy Endless Space 2 in the first place. But Someday, I will get it.

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5 years ago
May 28, 2020, 11:29:21 AM

I am aware of that, but honestly it just makes me avoid alliances altogether. I dislike how peaceful races can form an alliance and all of sudden wiping everyone who's not us from the galaxy becomes top priority, it just feels like they're blobs for sake of late game challenge rather than viable diplomatic option.

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5 years ago
May 28, 2020, 9:29:12 AM
DNLH wrote:
mamarider wrote:

What don't you like about the alliance system in particular? Just curious. 

My wild guess would be how any member of the alliance can drag everyone else in and out of war and there's no meaningful balance of power inside of alliance. Personnally, I'd just like a more elaborate system, kinda like how CiV's World Congress works, with suggesting decisions and voting over them, so that alliance is a strong political entity, but its actions have certain delay and inertia inherent to such organisations.

Did you know that you can avoid getting dragged in the war at the cost of leaving allience? It keeps all your relations untouched. There is a button for it in the pop-up screen once a member of allience declares war. I find this system not perfect but good enough - peace has no obligations while allience have some. So if you want to benefit from advanced negotioations then common warfare is a price to pay.

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5 years ago
May 28, 2020, 9:19:21 AM
mamarider wrote:

What don't you like about the alliance system in particular? Just curious. 

My wild guess would be how any member of the alliance can drag everyone else in and out of war and there's no meaningful balance of power inside of alliance. Personnally, I'd just like a more elaborate system, kinda like how CiV's World Congress works, with suggesting decisions and voting over them, so that alliance is a strong political entity, but its actions have certain delay and inertia inherent to such organisations.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
May 27, 2020, 2:53:08 PM

Still my favorite 4x. The best part is probably the old timers though that still post on the forums after all these years. and I'm still waiting for my merch.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
May 26, 2020, 6:57:22 AM

Happy birthday ES2! As you said, so many different stories because there are so many different ways to play it, so many mechanics... I'm now more into Legend, though :)

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5 years ago
May 25, 2020, 5:36:00 PM
Ashbery76 wrote:

I like a game a lot.Just rework the Alliance system,fix bugs and improve the A.I at it would best turn based space 4x ever.

What don't you like about the alliance system in particular? Just curious. 

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5 years ago
May 25, 2020, 4:23:41 PM

I like a game a lot.Just rework the Alliance system,fix bugs and improve the A.I at it would best turn based space 4x ever.

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5 years ago
May 25, 2020, 3:08:52 PM

Will there be an update on the wiki and tutorials in the website too?

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5 years ago
May 25, 2020, 11:29:58 AM

Congrats to all at Amplitude! And of course cheers to Horatio Himself... :)

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5 years ago
May 25, 2020, 5:13:08 AM

Good to hear game is not forgotten (only 3 years? Really? Feels like I knew it for all my life) and we cen expect new patches. This is the thing I like the most about ES2 and all Endless games - awesome game support. Last update create a bit of a mess, but good that team is ready to fix it and had not forgotten about the game. Looking forward to it!

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5 years ago
May 30, 2020, 5:52:10 PM

From the second I entered the Beta in September 2016, I've LOVED the Vodyani. Of all the sci-fi factions and races I've seen in games, the Vodyani felt like an empire made for me. The idea of a vampiric, zealous, technophile autocracy whose members are featureless suits filled with glowing light hit me like a fist and kept me coming back. And don't even get me started when Isyander was properly introduced.

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5 years ago
May 24, 2020, 9:42:23 AM

Seid dem Early access habe ich Endless space 2 verfolgt und es wurde mit der Zeit immer besser. Meine Favoriten sind nach wie vor die Vaulters, Hissho und das Vereinigte Imperium.

Die Vaulters finde ich wegen ihrer Portale, der Geschichte und Ihrer starken Verteidigung ziemlich gut, aber die Hissho sind das Gegenteil. Die Hissho gehen auf Angriff, auf Eroberung und Ihr Ehrenkodex sorgt für die Galaxis weite Zufriedenheit der Bevölkerung. Das V. Imperium mag ich deshalb weil es seinen weg wählen muss den es für die Zukunft einschlagen will, was natürlich die spielweise stark beeinflussen kann. Zum Ende hin hatte ich viel Spaß bisher mit vielen Helden und Charakteren, aber Ilona Zolya ist meiner Meinung nach, eine Anführerin die alleine durch ihre bloße Erscheinung und ihr Auftreten alle um sich herum zum Erfolg und Sieg führen kann.

Endless Space 2 werde ich weiterhin immer noch gerne spielen, freuen würde ich mich gerne auch auf ein Endless Legend 2 aber das steht in den sternen.

Ich wünsche dem Team von Amplitude Studios viel Erfolg in Zukunft und freue mich auf Zukünftige Spiele.

Since early access I have followed Endless space 2 and it got better and better over time. My favorites are still the Vaulters, Hissho and the United Empire.

I think the Vaulters are pretty good for their portals, history and strong defenses, but the Hissho are the opposite. The Hissho are attacking, conquering and their code of honor ensures galaxy-wide population satisfaction. I like the U. Empire because it has to choose the path it wants to take for the future, which of course can have a big impact on the game. In the end, I had a lot of fun with a lot of heroes and characters so far, but I think Ilona Zolya is a leader who, through her mere appearance and demeanor, can lead to success and victory all around her.

I will still continue to play Endless Space 2, I would also be happy to see an Endless Legend 2, but that is in the stars.

I wish the Amplitude Studios team every success in the future and I look forward to future games.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
May 24, 2020, 5:49:39 AM

Dear Amplitude team,

I loved Endless Space (the Classic), loved Endless Legend and I love ES2. I have played all the races, and hunger for more. Great story lines, great graphics and great game play. At this risk of being a sucker and shouting "take my money already", I would happily continue to pay for more DLCs to get more great content, more deeper mysteries, bigger ships (always bigger ships), more planetary options (ring worlds, dyson spheres, city planets, hives, orbitals), more races (bring back all of the originals and then give us some more), more big baddies, more events, more storylines - more, more, more.

If the objective was to build a great product that sells, then you have probably done that.

If the objective was to build a great product that people love to play, then you have done that as well.

Kudos to you, and looking forward to Humankind.

Take my money already! :)

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5 years ago
May 23, 2020, 9:55:25 AM

The battles in ES2 got a lot of flak (haha) but I actually really like them in many ways. There are a number of issues (e.g. opaque mechanics and weird targetting of flottilas, and balance across weapons) but I much prefer not having to micromanage multiple fleet battles turn after turn (especially late-game), and the visual spectacle is enjoyable if I want to see a battle unfold. The ships all have lovely design and create great looking vistas. I think the execution wasn't quite right, but the overall idea is still solid.

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5 years ago
May 22, 2020, 11:41:20 PM

the old team have lay the groundwork for the future update of the game ,the new team should keep up the good work as the old team do

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5 years ago
May 22, 2020, 4:49:15 PM

Awesome!  Thanks for all the hard work on Endless Space 2 & Endless Legend.

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