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5 years ago May 18,2020, 16:59:40 PM

Endless Space 2 Turns Three

7 408 Views

Hey everybody,

On this day back in 2017, we released Endless Space 2 from Early Access. In the time before and since release, the game has changed and evolved thanks to your feedback, and now three years, four major expansions, and several minor DLCs later, the possibilities feel nearly Endless. With all the different factions, quests, events, and ways to play the game, so many stories can emerge from this game.

Personally, I will never forget the passive-aggressive Cravers Rogan and I encountered during our attempt to lead the Hissho empire to the Way of the Obsidian Eagle rather than the Red Blade. We just wanted to see if peace was ever an option for our feisty feathered friends, yet were met with aggression at every turn. Out of all the empires we met, the Cravers were the last we expected to back down and leave us alone. Of course, in the end the constant threats and attacks from other empires pushed us to extreme measures after all...

That is not to say the game is perfect. We know there are flaws, and we have seen your reports and feedback about bugs and balance. We are working together with Clumsy Dwarves, a studio founded by former NGD staff, to address many of these issues. The first patch is expected to release in the second half of June.

But on the occasion of ES2’s birthday, we’d like to hear from you in the comments:

Tell us about a crazy story you experienced in the game.

Tell us what you love about Endless Space 2, what makes it special to you.

Tell us about your favorite factions and characters.

Tell us about that time Horatio rejected you because you were not perfect enough. We’ve all been there.

- The Amplitude Team

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5 years ago
May 19, 2020, 5:56:16 PM
Slashman wrote:
Sublustris wrote:

Clumsy Dwarves, a studio founded by former NGD staff

I'm sceptical about this part. Aren't they the guys that made ES2 into mess it is now?

It's really only a mess for multiplayers right now isn't it? There really isn't anything game breaking in a normal single player game.

The genius idea of giving you an invincible death Fleet at the beginning of the game, perhaps. 

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5 years ago
May 19, 2020, 3:28:59 PM

That's great to hear. All I've wanted was one more patch for the more glaring issues. Thanks for listening to us, again. 

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5 years ago
May 19, 2020, 12:41:17 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:

Tell us about a crazy story you experienced in the game.

So many games in more than 900 hours to date. It all kinda blurs together. I remember a Vaulters game where I was absolutely boxed in and fought really hard to no avail. But that's not a good story ;)

Let me tell me about the game I started today after a bit of a break.

Unfallen, largest twin galaxies with sparse ressources and every faction activated on serious difficulty. 3 planet system to my right - got it. But oh well, two planets of it are toxic. A single gas giant on the bottom and right next to it another 3 planet system. This is gonna be rough. Of course pirates spawn on the 3 planet system and on the right a juicy 4 planet system with another pirate base ;)

I activate the law that gives dust per pop/-20 happiness on systems and start bribing them. I'm also building vine ships. Gonna have at least 3 of them. I get monohull plating from a curiosity and that's nice but the pirates spawn Positrons of course ;)

Well, I get out-bribed every now and then and entwining the pirate base takes time and lots of dust. Right next to the pirate base on the bottom are the Harmony. Next step after entwining the pirate base is clear. But since I'm out-bribed every now and then will I be able to hold them?

I'm already at 100+ @relations with the Harmony and have to act fast. I hack the pirates, I bribe them and have a couple of turns to entwine. Then, I finally entwine the Harmony. A difficult decision is to be made: light or fire?

I need dust and can't afford to bribe and hack the pirates all the time just stay ahead of that bribing game.

So, after I built some Needles and Wells, I got cocky and cancelled the non-agression-pact with the pirates to get rid of them. The Riftborn is very close and eyeing my every move. There are only 3 or 4 systems between my home and theirs. So, after I took down four Positrons and four Prowlers, I bombed the Pirates to oblivion. I got tanks by now and used the dust I saved by not bribing anymore to upgrade infantry and tanks alike (20:80). The harmony are loosing the vines and time is running out quickly. They only had 3 pop to begin with, and that's gone fast. 7 buildings left but sadly I can't make it in time to save one. I literally entwine their system again the same turn the last building is gone. I had already upgraded it to colony 2 which makes this costly. Ah well, learn to enjoy losing as my best friend likes to say ^^

Hissho sent a scout and demands some 500 dust. I give it to them to keep 'em quiet. By now the Umbral Choir discovered the Academy and the race begins. Gladly, they don't want Dust but Influence this time. I've no spin-thingys yet and start with a hefty 500 influence bribe. We're at turn 40-something now. Well, that gave me only 6% towards the Academy. I cancel the trusted broker law as diplomacy isn't really needed at this moment. RB ofc colonized the single gas planet system right under my homesystem. Well, dude - I don't know if you thought this through... As this system is entwined it gives me huge pressure boost of +8 per turn towards him. Haha, finally something good. I also achieve the quest to keep one system clear of alien ships for the summit. I didn't expect that with all these Pirates around. That's another 80 influence. After a couple of turns I demand all of Riftborn's dust (1.9k). He's also in the race towards the Academy fleet of course and doesn't want a diplomatic affair (-35% influence). This helps me quite a bit as I'm in a slight dust deficit. Enhancing and upgrading fleets is costly. I'm also going for bunker networks and planetary defence - just in case. I'm quite in the middle of the map and need to be prepared.

Better to have some bunkers and to be able to scrap them when dust is scarce than not to have them and to be in need.

To the upper right in another constellation are the Nakalim. I'm cautious and don't make first contact. I try to avoid that for the time being with the Vodyani as well. We must grow. Ah and my favourite quest is running to colonize an unique planet but of course not a single one is in sight. I'm used to that, though ^^

I get the Academy fleet and immediately attack the juicy 4 planet system to my right occupied by Pirates. I've 6 systems by now and was able to secure one little 2 planet system with Adamantium. I've to colonize it now but that's some nice spot for a later mining operation. Also, early in the game I rushed to colony 2. I got 60 mushrooms from the Behemoth quest and there are some available on the market. So, I went that route. My only luxury so far is Transvine (+1 per turn - ouch).

My homesystem got hacked and I'm planning to install a backdoor on the single gas planet system to hack the RB back. Perhaps there's a way to get his homesystem in time so the unique planet quest can still be completed. That'd be neat! But how to pull that off? Fire or Light?

It's been some ride and it's just starting to get interesting. Riftborn as close neighbours is always a massive challenge as they can expand so fast. They've just sent 2 scouts and seem to leave me alone for the time being. I have the feeling that this isn't going to last much longer, though. My Needles and Wells are upgraded and I got the Academy fleet plus the single colourless carrier which I put in my main fleet. Lunabarxes is leading them. I'm also rushing to Coordinators and Hunters. I've 18 turns until the Academy fleet is gone again and this isn't much. By that time I want to have those nice bigger hulls.

A lot of shuffling when it comes to the building list but I finally got the Endless Research Park.

Fire or Light is the eternal question. I had to act truly agressive to expand. And my, it's so much fun.

What makes ES2 special to me? Well, every game is different. And I like to have a lot of options to react to every kind of thing it's throwing at me. There's not really an optimal research path. Sure, industry is important first. But it always needs to be balanced. Quicker building means higher upcost, too.
Anyway. I like the Quests and faction storylines a lot. I'm not that good at roleplaying but the game really helps with that and it's easy to set me in the right mood. I love the intros so much. Also the colonization videos. It's really fun and paired with the rich lore it's quite unique and makes the game stand out.

Favourite factions:

The Empire hands down. I love the Intro and just love to play them. They got me into ES2 when it was in early access. Just a great faction to get to know the game - and also a forgiving one. You can go a lot of routes with them.
Unfallen come second for me now. I just like the tiny bit slower playstyle a bit more. Although this latest game is absolutely the opposite of slow. Also less hassle with micromanaging minors. Just throw some here and there and reap the rewards. I also like games where fighting isn't the main-focus. I like to watch them unfold. Leave me be or expect to be crushed. ;)

I'm thankful to see another patch guys. I've played tons of games in 30+ years and ES2 is my favourite game for quite some time now. It feels great that you haven't forgotten about it with Humankind around the corner.
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