The Listeners of Stars

Phase 1: Game Design -- Gameplay & biography

What is the affinity that makes this Pacifist faction unique to play? 

+1 diplomacy points on empire for each star system discovered (this is the one added to point each turn, not accumulation. So if previously they have +1 per turn, with this they have +2 per turn.)

+50% to assimilated minor factions bonus (if assimilating is a thing)

+5 dust on star systems for each 500 diplomacy points accumulated

+30% reduction of diplomacy points required to make a treaty. Making positive treaty add +1 science to star systems. Making negative treaties give -5 to science on star systems.

+25% reduction to attacks and damages

+25% reduction to population growth

-1 army slot

Able to buy star systems with diplomacy points. Minimum 300 000 diplomacy points per system, multiplied by relationship factors:

- At peace add 10%

- At alliance add 5%


What is the story behind this faction?

- The listeners of stars, with their long ears, long lives, but poor eyesight had started interstellar voyagers when they realized that they are able to "listen" to "psychic waves" emanating from stars that send intelligence awareness. Soon they discover that this ability was  start evolving when the biggest planet on their home solar system was converted into a dust artifact by the endless eons ago. They then discovered what the stars are sending is the intelligence matrix that is formed by thoughts that is made on star systems. This triggered their mission to find those thoughts, listen to them, and accumulate them in their ever growing shared matrix of consciousness, that they share with everyone from every races on their civilizations.

Players would need to find as many star systems as possible and assimilate minor factions. They also need to make positive treaties as many as possible to boost their sciences. They are not suppose to declare wars or give threats, as war mongering would cripple their sciences.