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Third submission, by Koradji

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 11:56:26 PM
Koradji wrote:

Regarding the “aggressive” appearance of my design, your analysis of the details of my drawings is well thought and you are certainly not the first one to comment on that. As I stated in other replies, some of the details are supposed to be imposing, if not outright intimidating. However, the aim of those imposing features is to appear dangerous, so that enemies will think twice about attacking. After all, the description does say that they have evolved to defend themselves from the aggressive species that conquered their planets. 

For example, the antennae of the civilian are supposed to look like big, scary eyes, as I took inspiration from how some animals mimic scary patterns (like eyes and skulls) to scare predators. 

Maybe this is like one of those optical illusions, but I'm seeing the "eyes" as red/yellowish green lobes in between the leaves, the "mouth" being between "eyes", and the antenna as this "tongue" lashing out of the "mouth". I like the concept of them having bright flashy flowers to mimic threatening faces to ward off predators, but I can't locate this on the civilian and I guess I'm confusing it for being a true face on the military?

 wanted to convey the strength and resilience of a race that is old, that has suffered incredible losses and that is ready to make any sacrifice. The provided background never gave me the feeling of a pleasant race. I imagined them as calm, but not necessarily reassuring; diplomatic, but not necessarily sophisticated; pacifists, but not necessarily delicate. 

I got to say that I really don’t think diplomatic species have to look peaceful and pretty, and I really enjoyed subverting that image. I hope others can see my version of the Unfallen as the slightly creepy but peaceful giants they are.

And in the end, don’t they also say: “Speak softly, and carry a big stick”?  

The thing is, it is communicating neither diplomatic nor pacifist. It seems like you are saying you tried to subvert the typical concept by removing aspects that aren't really necessary to communicate these ideas, but than I think you might of tossed the baby out with the bath water.

I understand if you wanted to make them imposing, but if you didn't want to communicate frightening, than you might've wanted to ditch the mimicry that is designed to frighten opponents. I'm starting to get a sense of what's going on, I think you have two great ideas here. One of them is large, imposing, powerful yet calm and gentle. The other is brightly colored, flashy, and intimidating, but actually quite benign, a sort of sheep in wolf's clothing. Yet when you combine the two, you get large, imposing, powerful, flashy, and intimidating with nothing to hint at its true nature.

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 11:36:21 AM

Whoa! Keep it coming!

Yeah, I think it's great that you've transposed these monster qualities onto this pacifist faction: that kaiju vibe is all about that twisted “force of nature" characterization—fitting for a species with both "immortal nature elemental" and "biotech/cyborg" attributes, and the ability to grow into massive spacefaring ship-creatures. And according to their original description, the Unfallen are not exactly sociable diplomats... more like very guarded (and sturdy) peace emissaries.

Your submission could inspire some really interesting heroes, that's for sure. It's even got me thinking up a few!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 1:45:11 PM

These creatures look so disgusting! Well done, Koradji. I like how intimidating they appear to be despite being pacifists and I imagine this design would (will?) look great in 3D. Definitely my favourite so far.

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 2:16:00 PM

We're definitely on the same wavelength on this, sportsmaster!


Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment!

I'm sure these venerable plant beings would find us fleshbags hard to look at, too!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 7:54:26 PM

As I said, I couldn't resist thinking about a couple of heroes, so here are a couple of sketches, I hope you like them:

Arsicycad the Unburnt

A great warrior, Arsicycad was almost fatally wounded in the fire resulting from a vicious attack. The explosion of a nearby Dust repository let it survive, and the parts of its body that werelost have been substituted with cybernetic implants.

Memiphyllan, the Unsilenced

Memiphyllan always exhibited an extraordinary gift for administration, in no minor part to its ability to communicate with plant life on a scale that was never seen before. It came in touch with Dust during one of its communion with a forest on a remote moon, which further augmented its affinity with other plants. Some say it also became quite aloof, from that point onward.

Let me know your thoughts!

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 8:52:11 PM
Koradji wrote:

Let me know your thoughts!

I probably shouldn't be playing critic and contestant at the same time, but I think at this point, the three finalists are clearly in view so I think I can step back and put my bias aside to give this a fair shake.

So first, congratulations on your success so far, you earned it. Your entry is visually stunning and interesting, more so than any other of the entries.

It certainly provides what I believe many of the voters are looking for which is something that looks and feels completely alien without losing any of the organic qualities the entry demands.

However, it appears that you lost sight that this is supposed to be a peaceful, diplomatic race. I may be saying this because the less aggressive of your designs, the citizen, takes up about only an eighth of the image and the eyes are drawn to the most aggressive, the military. The colors certainly help. The strong contrast between dark shades of green and deep reds certainly don't look friendly, the sharp protrusions come across as dangerous, and the moss falling off looks like tattered cloth. It looks like a monster I'd find in the depths of a swamp. I think if you:  1. covered your designs in those soft, wavy kelp like structures going on your smallest ship and your civilian; 2. used more of those light green to yellow to red gradient and changed the stones to the more brown color found on the civilians; and 3. changed the "faces" of the military and the civilian to look less like fangs, your designs would look a lot more approachable. I understand that the military and the ships are supposed to look battle ready, but I think you went a bit too far. I already really like your latest sketch because the colors are working really well and I hope that you continue that throughout the rest of the body. The other important detail is that this is supposed to be a technologically advanced race. I know that inside the stones are actually advanced machinery, but it's impossible to decipher that on a glance.

If you look at the ships of the sophons, amoeba, or Horatio, you still see everything that they are supposed to represent, advanced, delicate/soft, and artistic respectively. Maybe I'm overthinking this, though. Even though this is a design contest for a pacifist/ diplomatic faction, the players don't want to see pacifist/diplomatic designs.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 10:17:28 PM

Hi, Radlawnmower, and thanks for the thoughtful reply and the honest feedback, it really is much appreciated.

Regarding the “aggressive” appearance of my design, your analysis of the details of my drawings is well thought and you are certainly not the first one to comment on that. As I stated in other replies, some of the details are supposed to be imposing, if not outright intimidating. However, the aim of those imposing features is to appear dangerous, so that enemies will think twice about attacking. After all, the description does say that they have evolved to defend themselves from the aggressive species that conquered their planets. 

For example, the antennae of the civilian are supposed to look like big, scary eyes, as I took inspiration from how some animals mimic scary patterns (like eyes and skulls) to scare predators. 

I wanted to convey the strength and resilience of a race that is old, that has suffered incredible losses and that is ready to make any sacrifice. The provided background never gave me the feeling of a pleasant race. I imagined them as calm, but not necessarily reassuring; diplomatic, but not necessarily sophisticated; pacifists, but not necessarily delicate. 

I got to say that I really don’t think diplomatic species have to look peaceful and pretty, and I really enjoyed subverting that image. I hope others can see my version of the Unfallen as the slightly creepy but peaceful giants they are.

And in the end, don’t they also say: “Speak softly, and carry a big stick”?

Regarding how the race might look primitive, I feared that many might think so. I still decided not to include technological accessories, weapons or other devices, while they certainly can and do use them, as I preferred to focus on the design of the creature themselves. Moreover, as you said, the minerals do become an incredible piece of technology, once they are melded with tech in the ships’ systems. While I probably could have depicted it more clearly in my design, I like to think that Unfallen technology has a natural and rough appearance, in direct contrast with the Sophons’ flashy holograms or the sleek suits of the Vodyani, but it doesn't mean that they are not capable of scientific feats.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 10:49:47 PM

In my understanding, their pacifism has been a conscious choice, not something forced by nature. So if it's a race that can defend itself but still can't be "effectively" aggressive, it's very realistic

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 11:07:27 PM
Celeir wrote:

In my understanding, their pacifism has been a conscious choice, not something forced by nature. So if it's a race that can defend itself but still can't be "effectively" aggressive, it's very realistic

It's not about it being realistic, it's about design choices. Batman could have big bat ears instead of the thin triangles, and it might be an effective device that gives him super hearing,

but that would throw his entire design off, making him look comical and removing the sharp angles that give him his signature threatening appearance. Pictures are just another way to communicate ideas to others, so you have to consider carefully what it is you are communicating.

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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 10:44:30 AM

Coming out of the "silent zone" to confirm what the other guys here above are writing. These are are awesome and, so far, this is the most inspired of the submissions. Great work!

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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 6:41:48 AM
radlawnmower wrote:

It's not about it being realistic, it's about design choices. Batman could have big bat ears instead of the thin triangles, and it might be an effective device that gives him super hearing

I see it in other way: Batman could have 3 hands to represent his climbing skill or huge brain, but he is a human and can't deny his nature. Costume is another subject to speak.

Animals often look scarier than they truly are or calmer than they are. I love that contrast; for me such look of peaceful creature is more interesting than calm smile and flowers in hair.

What if Unfallen have chosen peaceful life not so long ago? I don't think first men were quite appealing. If so, there could be interesting random events about Unfallens' conflict between mind and nature, or becoming a new society.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 8:46:15 AM
Celeir wrote:

I see it in other way: Batman could have 3 hands to represent his climbing skill or huge brain, but he is a human and can't deny his nature. Costume is another subject to speak.

Design isn't really supposed to be as overt as throwing on evolutionary traits to make him better at his skill. There are much more subtle ways of communicating ideas just by means of colors. A good example, look at the Sophons and the Mavros. Knowing nothing of the factions themselves, if I asked you to tell me the aggresive, more violent of the two, you would probably point the the one in black and red with sharp vertical lines. If I asked for the more friendly one, I assume you would say the while and light blue one covered in rounded lines (remember, a Sophon is shaped like a friend. ) Have you ever noticed how Sophon ships look kind of like Apple products? This isn't a coincidence. Rounded corners are key to Apple's design to make their products look more inviting. You can subvert expectations a bit with something like the Mavros, who are still small, frail, and big headed yet still manage to get their message across. Replacing the Sophons with something that looks like the Cravers would send the wrong message to the players.

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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 10:47:02 AM

I think we will have to agree to disagree on a few points, radlawnmower.

You're making a lot of good points, but the bottom line for me is that I don't see all your points as mandatory guidelines to achieve quality in a design, at least in this specific situation. While I believe that some of these things might depend on personal sensibility and taste, I get that other design choices could have better communicated the qualities you mention, but I simply preferred to focus on different, and maybe uncommon, ways to convey them. 

Whether my design is effective can certainly up for discussion, but that was not my only goal. I'm not saying that a desing that clearly conveys all the characteristics of a species does not have its importance in a game like Endless Space but, given the sci-fi setting, I preferred to go with something that is decidedly alien. They are alien, after all, and they do not necessarily have to meet the expectations and stereotypes of us earthlings. Batman might not be as scary with big fluffy ears (and I do find real bats to be adorable ), but these beings are not from earth. I didn't approach my design with a marketing mindset, and while players might be taken by surprise by an uncommon design for this kind of faction, I think they can survive the shock and live to appreciate something that defies expectations.

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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 11:21:36 AM
radlawnmower wrote:

Design isn't really supposed to be as overt as throwing on evolutionary traits to make him better at his skill. 

Yep, it's common way to design characters - to explain something important without words, through how they look etc. But I still believe right impression could be achieved by character pose and background on Faction selection screen, on portraits and so on. We always could give them monocle and cup of tea

Also, I doubt that this design will look the same in the game; they will be low-poly and so more smooth

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 11:32:09 AM
Koradji wrote:

I think we will have to agree to disagree on a few points, radlawnmower.

Looks like it. Just another one of those "realism vs aesthetics" debates and where we mark the line when finding the right balance.

Celeir wrote:

Also, I doubt that this design will look the same in the game; they will be low-poly and so more smooth

I'm sure that regardless of the winner, the design will be changed. A lot of my concerns with this submission, such as color palette and aggressive shapes, can be changed with some minor tweeks.

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8 years ago
Sep 22, 2016, 1:02:18 PM

@radlawnmower I think so, too. Again, though, I really appreciate all the time you took to analyse my work, thanks for the consideration!

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8 years ago
Sep 26, 2016, 7:18:57 AM
Koradji wrote:

Regarding how the race might look primitive, I feared that many might think so. I still decided not to include technological accessories, weapons or other devices, while they certainly can and do use them, as I preferred to focus on the design of the creature themselves. Moreover, as you said, the minerals do become an incredible piece of technology, once they are melded with tech in the ships’ systems. While I probably could have depicted it more clearly in my design, I like to think that Unfallen technology has a natural and rough appearance, in direct contrast with the Sophons’ flashy holograms or the sleek suits of the Vodyani, but it doesn't mean that they are not capable of scientific feats.

After reading over DevilDog's original submission, I admit you were right in this decision. It really reflects how they use food as production better, as opposed to my design, which in hindsight, makes no sense. I guess I really should have read that better. Anyhow, as we draw to the end of this phase of the contest, I hope for your success in the end. All differences aside, I really do regard it as the best.

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8 years ago
Sep 26, 2016, 11:12:52 AM

I wrote this up a few days ago, but I guess I forgot to share it. Hope none of you mind that I drop it here anyway:

My rationale is that, although The Unfallen were conceived as “pacifist diplomats,” their only diplomatic abilities either discourage war, or force white peace… they are not sophisticated negotiators, nor are they very forthcoming or intelligible. And they were originally described as a Jungle species (though any arboreal planet type, even Swamp, would have been appropriate). So, I would not say that this submission misinterpreted the prompt. I would say that I would have liked to see more precious minerals and gems across all submissions… but that, too, is a matter of taste.

These prickly, thorny, gentle giants are not an unreasonable development from the original concept. Looming and repulsive with elaborate orchid-like heads, they make ungainly bulky soldiers… Maybe their military form was the default when they were enslaved long ago? It seems that all they want is peace, that all their diplomats want is that they be free to grow—mired in some swamp or jungle somewhere.

There’s a lot of narrative potential in this contest! I look forward to the final results.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 3:11:14 PM

These sure look very alien, and non human like ! There is a ton of nice details here. Though I feel they are a tad too frightening, considerint their theme in this game ^^

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 5:49:46 PM

I love your vision! And it's much closer to paradigms from Phase 1 text description than others

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 6:14:59 PM

Really love how alien these guys look! Fantastic work! 

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 7:40:02 PM

Hi guys! Many thanks for the kind words!

@hylus They’re actually all from different angles! Sorry for the confusion! The small ship is seen from the side, the medium one is seen from the top and the large one is seen from the front, however it is supposed to be very similar on the rear and sides, too.

@devildogFF Thanks! It’s great hearing it from the creator of the Unfallen! The intention was to give them an alien and “wild” look.

Let us know if you have any other question!

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 8:40:15 AM

I love the idea that the ships carry some rocks between their roots. And their global feeling is elegant and freaking. You won my points.

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 11:29:07 AM

Now these are really gnarled and twisting looking, these designs remind me a lot of creeper vines, pitcher plants and tree roots.

This work is well presented and you have an understanding of colour, which really brings out your designs. I'm not comfortable with using colour right now since I don't feel I have enough experience in shading to make something look as good as my sketching and produce it relatively within decent time - since I am in full time education right now and it might be more important.

Very good, very good indeed.

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 1:59:05 PM

As a great fan of rocks and asteroids I will give you my vote too.

I decided to not perticipate and leave the stage to real artists like you but my ideas incorperated asteroids/rocks aswell and how the Unfallen would construct such ships.

As we share the same taste and because your submission is the most alien like (something the Endless series needs more of) I will vote you up too.

Great Great work. Love it.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 2:42:18 PM

Civilian: The worker Unfallen can grow varied appendages for different tasks, has specialized sensory leaves, while mineral cores house the higher mental faculties.

Military: With age, growth moves to the back appendage of the worker until the warrior form has fully formed, while the worker appendage wastes. Hard bark and wooden spikes grow to help with defense, rather than offense.

Ships: The smallest ship is formed by a single elder Unfallen, while larger ships are made by more and more individuals. The technological parts meld with the mineral cores of the Unfallen to create and operate the systems of the ships, like thrusters, weaponry, etc.

The author may add other images to their thread or add descriptions if they so wish. Feel free to ask questions!

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 3:36:38 PM


Many thanks! I feel more at ease with linework only, as well! In this case, however, I decided that adding colours would let me highlight aspects of the characters and ships that I wouldn’t have been able to convey otherwise. For example, I feel like the different textures (wood, petals, moss, stone, metal) are clearer this way, so much so that I decided to leave accessories out of the way and focus more on the “natural” parts.

@sovereign and uriak 

Thanks, I’ve really tried to make them feel alien, and I tried to think what would be the natural needs of such creatures, hence the fusion between rock, plant and technology in the ships. Regarding their scariness, I tried to make them more “imposing” than outright frightening, considering that they’re massive creatures that can be extremely old and proud. I also think that, by transmitting a sense of strength and danger, they could avoid direct conflict.

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8 years ago
Sep 18, 2016, 3:04:57 AM

Great stuff. I especially like your ship designs, the others seem to mostly be the same thing, but slightly bigger. This has a great design, and good variety. I also agree that the color works very well here, and I especially love the mossy appearance of the warrior. 

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 5:26:44 AM

This submission is my favorite! The Unfallen's ambition for growth translates really well in this savage wild look. Also, I really like the symmetry of the larger ship design, and the descriptions—how they grow according to purpose and function. The Unfallen appear just as alien as I'd expect (and if I didn't like their faction name before, I like it a lot more now)! With these designs, and their naturally utilitarian and inwardly pacifist ethos, the Unfallen would present a unique counterpoint to the outwardly militant Cravers. Also, this submission reminds me a bit of the Harmony... and Biollante from the Godzilla franchise. They are both majestic, imposing, and tragic figures attuned with nature (or the natural cosmic order), intelligent, not innately warlike and yet very capable of defending themselves.

Well done!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 7:58:33 PM


Many thanks for the kind words! I'm really glad you like the variery in the ships and the colors!



And many thanks to you as well for the appreciation! I really do agree with your comment, those were definitely some of the things I had in mind when designing them. Biollante wasn't a direct inspiration (not a conscious one, at least!), but the affinity is absolutely there!


I also decided to add a few more sketches for my design. 


The flower "head" of the civilian:

The one of the warrior:

And a side view of the warrior. Looking at this after sportsmaster's comment definitely gives me a kaiju vibe:

Hope you like these, as well. Let me know if you have any further question!

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 8:39:00 PM
Koradji wrote:


Many thanks for the kind words! I'm really glad you like the variery in the ships and the colors!



And many thanks to you as well for the appreciation! I really do agree with your comment, those were definitely some of the things I had in mind when designing them. Biollante wasn't a direct inspiration (not a conscious one, at least!), but the affinity is absolutely there!


I also decided to add a few more sketches for my design. 


The flower "head" of the civilian:

The one of the warrior:

And a side view of the warrior. Looking at this after sportsmaster's comment definitely gives me a kaiju vibe:

Hope you like these, as well. Let me know if you have any further question!

I can't express how much I love your designs, and hope very much that you are the winner. Have you had thoughts on designs for heroes?

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 8:48:43 PM

Hey those faces and new creature are really nice and detailled. Honestly they would really fit a plant faction, maybe more than trees, but they have a real otherworldy wibe and I just can imagine them in a tabletop bestiary.

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 9:10:51 PM

Thanks, Hanreld! In fact, I couldn't resist making up a couple of heroes in my mind. I will upload a couple of sketches as soon as I can.

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 9:33:08 PM

Very clean work. Although I hope your orchard headed Unfallen don't eat me, because its like looking at the snapping beak of an flowery octopus, its totally going to eat me...

I just know it

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 8:14:55 AM

@Digitalhawk96 That's the point  Make the annoying aliens think they're going to become fertilizer so they can keep calmly tending to the forests.

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