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Third submission, by Koradji

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 3:11:14 PM

These sure look very alien, and non human like ! There is a ton of nice details here. Though I feel they are a tad too frightening, considerint their theme in this game ^^

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 5:49:46 PM

I love your vision! And it's much closer to paradigms from Phase 1 text description than others

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 6:14:59 PM

Really love how alien these guys look! Fantastic work! 

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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 7:40:02 PM

Hi guys! Many thanks for the kind words!

@hylus They’re actually all from different angles! Sorry for the confusion! The small ship is seen from the side, the medium one is seen from the top and the large one is seen from the front, however it is supposed to be very similar on the rear and sides, too.

@devildogFF Thanks! It’s great hearing it from the creator of the Unfallen! The intention was to give them an alien and “wild” look.

Let us know if you have any other question!

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 8:40:15 AM

I love the idea that the ships carry some rocks between their roots. And their global feeling is elegant and freaking. You won my points.

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 11:29:07 AM

Now these are really gnarled and twisting looking, these designs remind me a lot of creeper vines, pitcher plants and tree roots.

This work is well presented and you have an understanding of colour, which really brings out your designs. I'm not comfortable with using colour right now since I don't feel I have enough experience in shading to make something look as good as my sketching and produce it relatively within decent time - since I am in full time education right now and it might be more important.

Very good, very good indeed.

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 1:59:05 PM

As a great fan of rocks and asteroids I will give you my vote too.

I decided to not perticipate and leave the stage to real artists like you but my ideas incorperated asteroids/rocks aswell and how the Unfallen would construct such ships.

As we share the same taste and because your submission is the most alien like (something the Endless series needs more of) I will vote you up too.

Great Great work. Love it.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 16, 2016, 2:42:18 PM

Civilian: The worker Unfallen can grow varied appendages for different tasks, has specialized sensory leaves, while mineral cores house the higher mental faculties.

Military: With age, growth moves to the back appendage of the worker until the warrior form has fully formed, while the worker appendage wastes. Hard bark and wooden spikes grow to help with defense, rather than offense.

Ships: The smallest ship is formed by a single elder Unfallen, while larger ships are made by more and more individuals. The technological parts meld with the mineral cores of the Unfallen to create and operate the systems of the ships, like thrusters, weaponry, etc.

The author may add other images to their thread or add descriptions if they so wish. Feel free to ask questions!

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8 years ago
Sep 17, 2016, 3:36:38 PM


Many thanks! I feel more at ease with linework only, as well! In this case, however, I decided that adding colours would let me highlight aspects of the characters and ships that I wouldn’t have been able to convey otherwise. For example, I feel like the different textures (wood, petals, moss, stone, metal) are clearer this way, so much so that I decided to leave accessories out of the way and focus more on the “natural” parts.

@sovereign and uriak 

Thanks, I’ve really tried to make them feel alien, and I tried to think what would be the natural needs of such creatures, hence the fusion between rock, plant and technology in the ships. Regarding their scariness, I tried to make them more “imposing” than outright frightening, considering that they’re massive creatures that can be extremely old and proud. I also think that, by transmitting a sense of strength and danger, they could avoid direct conflict.

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8 years ago
Sep 18, 2016, 3:04:57 AM

Great stuff. I especially like your ship designs, the others seem to mostly be the same thing, but slightly bigger. This has a great design, and good variety. I also agree that the color works very well here, and I especially love the mossy appearance of the warrior. 

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 5:26:44 AM

This submission is my favorite! The Unfallen's ambition for growth translates really well in this savage wild look. Also, I really like the symmetry of the larger ship design, and the descriptions—how they grow according to purpose and function. The Unfallen appear just as alien as I'd expect (and if I didn't like their faction name before, I like it a lot more now)! With these designs, and their naturally utilitarian and inwardly pacifist ethos, the Unfallen would present a unique counterpoint to the outwardly militant Cravers. Also, this submission reminds me a bit of the Harmony... and Biollante from the Godzilla franchise. They are both majestic, imposing, and tragic figures attuned with nature (or the natural cosmic order), intelligent, not innately warlike and yet very capable of defending themselves.

Well done!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 7:58:33 PM


Many thanks for the kind words! I'm really glad you like the variery in the ships and the colors!



And many thanks to you as well for the appreciation! I really do agree with your comment, those were definitely some of the things I had in mind when designing them. Biollante wasn't a direct inspiration (not a conscious one, at least!), but the affinity is absolutely there!


I also decided to add a few more sketches for my design. 


The flower "head" of the civilian:

The one of the warrior:

And a side view of the warrior. Looking at this after sportsmaster's comment definitely gives me a kaiju vibe:

Hope you like these, as well. Let me know if you have any further question!

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 8:39:00 PM
Koradji wrote:


Many thanks for the kind words! I'm really glad you like the variery in the ships and the colors!



And many thanks to you as well for the appreciation! I really do agree with your comment, those were definitely some of the things I had in mind when designing them. Biollante wasn't a direct inspiration (not a conscious one, at least!), but the affinity is absolutely there!


I also decided to add a few more sketches for my design. 


The flower "head" of the civilian:

The one of the warrior:

And a side view of the warrior. Looking at this after sportsmaster's comment definitely gives me a kaiju vibe:

Hope you like these, as well. Let me know if you have any further question!

I can't express how much I love your designs, and hope very much that you are the winner. Have you had thoughts on designs for heroes?

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 8:48:43 PM

Hey those faces and new creature are really nice and detailled. Honestly they would really fit a plant faction, maybe more than trees, but they have a real otherworldy wibe and I just can imagine them in a tabletop bestiary.

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 9:10:51 PM

Thanks, Hanreld! In fact, I couldn't resist making up a couple of heroes in my mind. I will upload a couple of sketches as soon as I can.

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8 years ago
Sep 20, 2016, 9:33:08 PM

Very clean work. Although I hope your orchard headed Unfallen don't eat me, because its like looking at the snapping beak of an flowery octopus, its totally going to eat me...

I just know it

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Sep 21, 2016, 8:14:55 AM

@Digitalhawk96 That's the point  Make the annoying aliens think they're going to become fertilizer so they can keep calmly tending to the forests.

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