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The Farty McFarts

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6 years ago
May 4, 2018, 4:13:54 PM
PotatoesAreBland wrote:
Velorace wrote:

i will upvote this one hoping it doens't win xD

That's not how it ... wait, that was the exact logic of two people I know who claim they voted for Trump.

#Trumpforlife <3

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6 years ago
May 4, 2018, 1:00:08 PM

Why, whatever do you mean good sir? This is a totally legit, well thought out submission, No memes here I assure you.

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6 years ago
May 4, 2018, 8:42:02 AM

But you have to know that, infringing the "no memes" policy, this will definitely not be among the selected options for the final vote. With that in mind, meme away!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
May 4, 2018, 3:10:10 AM
Velorace wrote:

i will upvote this one hoping it doens't win xD

That's not how it ... wait, that was the exact logic of two people I know who claim they voted for Trump.

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6 years ago
May 2, 2018, 6:55:29 PM

Born from the great cosmic fart commonly known as The Big Bang, they seek to restore the universe to the gassy paradise it was long ago.

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