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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 8:22:09 PM

That was odd, since when did Sowers play games? Then again, that wasn't a normal Sower Dhanyl was talking to... and why not? Playing together was always more fun. But maybe something simpler? After all, this probably was the first time the Robot ever played a game... Didn't he have some old Human strategy games installed?

He pulled a holo-pad out of his bag, started Starcraft II and reached it over to the Sower.

"Here, the goal is to produce an army and destroy the enemy's base. I will go easy on you, it's your first match after all."

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7 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 9:08:34 PM

<That means I am like an actual overseer?>

 The sower shows some of its robotic arms, 3 to be exact, one with 4 finger-like ends which have 4 joints for each finger and two claw hands, the arms itself where flexible, it quickly learned the basic controls, it choose the terrans. Words like "Increasing production" "Scanning terrain" and "Establishing foothold" were spit out by its speakers every now and then.

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7 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 9:30:33 PM

The Robot learned fast... faster than Dhanyl anticipated and he soon lost his first Expansion, not a major setback, but the screeching that his dying Units produced bothered him nonetheless.

The Swarm was strong though and Dhanyls constant attacks slowly wore down Tainted's defences... 

"Not enough Vespene gas"... 

of course...

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 9, 2017, 10:19:31 PM

As it first time detected Dhanyls troops , it silently said. "hostile wildlife detected, starting  defensive  efforts" After the first successive attack, tainted moved over to expansion, thinking it had defeated all hostiles, Dhanyls attacks were stopping its expansions earlier than it planned. The sower seemed to switch tactics often and unpredictable, or maybe too predictable, for some time it uses a clear and logic, in the next moment it tried to land a building in his enemies base. The only thing which it clearly was as good as Dhanyl was in multitasking, sometimes 3 different conflicts were happening at the same time, The sowers base was extremely well thought out, but its Unit composition poor, a last hopeless defend effort after it wasted troops in an attack marked its defeat. "Mission: Failure. Using Data for optimizations"

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 1:33:39 AM

Whilst waiting for a response from Laudmas on the status of TNY_FAF_101, Valorum notices Zeroes approach. The flickering pattern across his body that appeared in his heated discussion with Decius had slowly died down in brightness as time went on, but the appearance of the Automaton causes it to brighten faintly as Valorum tersely asks:

"Something requires my attention, Zeroes?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 12:29:29 PM

Pleased by the sight of his army flooding the Terran base, Dhanyl enjoyed his victory. It wasn't particularly difficult but Tainted learned faster than Dhanyl expected and his troop management, although unlogical, was extremely efficient.

"So, what do you think about it?"

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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 12:52:09 PM

The sower was unsure to answer, not because of it not knowing what it should say, but it actually way unsure what it really thought about this "games"
<I felt satisfaction, or maybe approval. I had similar results when I successfully finished tasks. But I was not able to achieve victory ... still.>
Before it started to think too much, it stopped itself, playing a game was abnormal enough for a normal sower , enjoying it would be too much, probably the result of its Dust-infected mind.

"Data about Games gathered, This Unit is available for same or other tasks until ground team is ready to land"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 11, 2017, 9:18:21 PM

Laudmas waited keenly for a response from HQ. He still remembered what happened quite clearly. At first everything was calm. Data from probe FAF was flowing in beautifully. The live-feed displayed a gorgeous mountain scene. Then the ground trembled, a roar went up, and a gigantic  worm popped out. At first the situation seemed humorous, until there was another roar and the live-feed cut to black. The probe was worm-food; there was no doubt about that.


The robot was bewildered for a second. Suddenly, Dhanyl’s sudden voice put him  back into place. Apparently he too was watching the data, at first the robot was curious at why the Sophon disobeyed then he remembered that SBT probe wasn’t bound to arrive for at least half an hour. Good of Dhanyl to do some extra work the robot thought.


“Well Dhanyl, a wise man said to me before: Stuff happens. A less polite person would have used a less pleasant expression.”


Suddenly a jingle went up. It was the Captain, Laudmas supposed he wanted confirmation on what happened. Quite honestly, the robot had no idea how to respond without sounding silly.


“Captain, it is true. We have indeed lost Probe FAF to hostile flora. To be a bit more precise, giant snow worms that is estimated to be around 1 kilometre in length. However there are some good news. Before the probe was destroyed, we discovered plenty of life. There are plenty of insect and fungoid life on the planet. What makes that interesting is that insect and fungoid life do not usually and naturally grow on arctic climates without the help of other entities. There’s probably a good chance that an artificial force have interfered.”


Before Laudmas could have go on about the strange life-forms of Tanye ll, he was nudged in the back by none other than Liam. He wanted the robot to finish a bot that he himself drew up. “Liam being lazy again,” the Laudmas thought to himself. After a brief conversation (one where Liam tried his best at persuading someone) the robot accepted the proposal after realising that had nothing better to do; especially after FAF became worm-food.


The robot took the heavy pile of machinery while also reminding Liam that he owed him a favour. Liam simply responded with: “As long as I don’t need to do any dirty acts, it’s all AOK.”   

Laudmas shook hands and hurried off back to his personal room. The parts were dumped on the work-table and the the blueprints was installed on it; which then materialised as a hologram. 


To start with, the title was apparently “Floaty Tooty Life Distribution” before it was crossed out and replaced with “Floating Tool : Life Distribution”. There was a small set of words located right next to it, which Laudmas make out as “Because we all have to be professional.” The robot was quite humoured that his old friend would have thought of that name first. A millisecond later, he realised the initials stood for FTLD. That snake, playing with puns again.


After studying the blueprint, the robot immediately set to work. The designs were intricate but the summary of the bot could have been shortened to two words: “Healing Bot”. Although he tried to stay true to the blueprints, Laudmas was much better at improvising rather than following orders. For example, the bot was at first designed to be spherical but Laudmas instead opted to use a special X-styled chassis that he brought along. Because of this, the propulsion system was swapped. Instead of a Miniature-Jet Repulsion Engine (MJRE), an enhanced Compact Graviton-Modulator was used (CPM). 


After some well-dedicated time, the new chassis was finished. Now the fun part was to be done. The main part of the bot was to be located in the centre. It was a split between a engine core and a part of a healing beam system. It was quite ingenious. Dust would be split and filtered so that only a small layer would be used. This would be then projected onto the subject which would hopefully heal it. Basically, it was a laser that heals. The excess heat recovered from the system would be released as steam which could be used to help with movement. 


Now the tools were to be inserted. The X-Styled chassis was very useful for this. Due to the nature of its shape, tools could be constructed and swapped at will with great efficiency.  The first was a filtering and collection tool. Liquid would be inserted into a tube which would then be stored or perhaps purified if instructed to. The second was simply just an extra container (albeit larger). The third was something less orthodox for a healing bot. The third was listed as a tool except that it was much better at being a weapon. To disguise it, parts of it was edited so that it appeared to be as a mining laser. After some tinkering, Laudmas allowed the “mining laser” to also switch location with the “healing beam”. This would allow the “mining laser” to be fired at greater intensity. Now the last one was simply left untouched. It was a spare space for a stranger tool. Judging from the blueprints, Laudmas was amused at what it would be.


To finalise the bot, the AI core Liam specifically made for the bot was installed. With that the power button was turned on and the bot floated to life. For it, Laudmas would have been the first person it would have seen. The robot smiled. Creating life was something to get excited about.


He then carried the bot back to the hangar, hoping to surprise Liam with it.

(( Just a notice to anyone that's curious. Me and Bagel usually work on posts together. In this case, the idea behind the bot should be attributed to him while I "created" X-Styled chassis. if anyone is curious about it's shape, I posted a picture of reference in recruitment. )) 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 3:40:28 AM

Frame bowed deeply in response.

(Clearly still upset, tread lightly.)

"My apologies Captain, but I had a request to make of you."

Frame straightened as Zeros continued.

"I noticed that the away team you constructed seems to be lacking a member of the Engineering detail, I wish to put my name forward for consideration."

Zeros continued to elaborate as Frame crossed its left arm over its central chassis, and rested the elbow of its right arm into the palm of the left hand, gesturing slightly as it spoke.

"I believe I would be  able to contribute a valuable skill set to the away team. I would be able to address any unexpected technical malfunctions, as well as possibly recover any data salvagable from damaged probes or ruins. In addition, should we encounter native alien life forms or ancient data streams, my linguistic translation abilities would be useful."

Frame ended with another bow, left arm behind its back, right arm in front. Then stood at attention.

"That is all I had to say."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 12, 2017, 10:35:51 PM

Valorum is staring at Zeroes, his head tilted ever so slightly. The patterns on his Cloth are still present, but they aren't moving as violently as they were when Decius confronted him. As Laudmas explains what happened to the lost probe, Valorum shakes his head in disbelief. On the one hand, he had wished things would be simpler for his first away mission with such a diverse crew. On the other, Laudmas was right; giant worms, insects, and fungus, all thriving on an arctic planet? There was no way this wasn't the work of some higher life-form. The Endless must have been doing something here.

"Thank you, Brother Laudmas. Be ready to disembark soon."

Ending the call, Valorum turns his attention fully to Zeroes, explaining:

"I already have a sizable away team picked out, Zeroes. If I were to include you, I would have to make somebody stay behind to compensate. Do you consider your skills valuable enough to the expedition that I should do as such?"

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7 years ago
Jun 13, 2017, 9:23:22 PM

Frame shrugged.

"It would be false of me to insist my skills would be 100% required for the mission, I'm not clairyoyant. And I But I do believe my skills, if they became necessary, would be invaluable."

At this point, Frame glanced at Ylona and Zeros turned the vox down.

"There is also another matter I need to discuss privately with you but, should you decide to leave me on the ship, that can wait until after the mission."

Zeros returned the vox to the previous level.

"Ultimately the choice is yours Captain, I can certainly find something to occupy myself with on the ship, and any translation that is necessary can easily be rerouted back to me."

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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 12:11:42 AM

Valorum brings up his list from before and stares at it for a few long moments, thinking. Soon after, he muses aloud:

"...barring a loss of communication, that could work....but having two medical officers planetside isn't a good idea anyway...very well. You will come along on this mission, and Liam Cantari will stay behind to compensate for  Laudmas' absence."

Valorum edits the final team composition and gives it one last once-over.


Ajandek Ylona

Security Detail:


Rolak Ven'Vitto

Chidi Tehik

Research and Logistics:

Dhanyl Abhama

Laudmas Acromb



Satisfied, Valorum sends each member of the team a wireless message; no matter what interface receives it, be it a wireless communicator or some mechanical anatomy, everyone on that list knows to meet in the shuttle bay in 15 minutes and to be prepared for planetary exploration. Once the deed was done, Valorum looks back at Zeroes and asks:

"Now, before we leave, there was something else you needed to discuss with me?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 7:26:31 AM

"Okay, we're in orbit", Ylona announced happily, pushing herself out of her seat. It was not a difficult achievement to bring a ship into stable orbit around a planet, but she nonetheless enjoyed tinkering with trajectories. Seeing that at more or less the same moment Valorum had sent a message to every crew member of the away team, she decided to add some info on her own. On every communicator belonging to an away team member, the follow-up message turns up: "That's 15 minutes sharp. The launch window closes in 17 minutes 32 seconds, and anyone not ready at that point gets left behind. Ylona."

"If you excuse me, Captain, I have to get my gear", she announced while already on her way to the door, "You have the conn."

It was a quick trip to the armory, where she then asked for her equipment to be handed out. The security officer staffing the place quickly came back with her weapon and what appeared on first glance to be a mess of telescoping rods. "One Bolt Caster and one mobility rig, custom made", he reads off the receipt while handing it over, and Ylona quickly confirmed with a signature. It was more security than she was used from hauling cargo, but she understood why it was there. Out in unknown space, you had to know where every single weapon was, in case somebody snuck on board and wanted to use them against you.

The security officer stared a bit when Ylona proceeded to strip down to her underwear right in front of him, then grabbed the tangle of struts that she had listed as mobility rig, and started to unfold it. It wasn't until she had slipped it on halfway that one could make out what exactly it was and what it was for. Strapped against her body in several places, most notably with a padded breastplate pressing against her torso, the telescoping rails supported her limbs and had at the joints of her body had what apparead to be servos, leaving her with full moblity.

Once she had slipped her hands into the attaches gloves, the Vaulter then put on her clothes again, leaving the rig hidden beneath the cloth. Then, she picked up the Bolt Caster, and somebody with good ears might have heard the faint whirr of servos as under her clothes, the electronics reacted to the weapon she held. In a maneuver that to bystanders would look painful and useless, she slammed the butt of her weapon against her shoulder with considerable force, and then nodded approvingly.

After adding a quiver of munition to her belt, she proceeded to the crew quarters, where she opened her locker and retrieved a tick hood and a balaclava that she added to to her outfit, as well as changing into slightly warmer pants. This was a cold planet, even for Vaulter standards. As a last afterthought, she took out what looked like metal soles and kneepads and added them to her outfit, once again with the rig beneath her clothes whirring slightly in acknowledgement of the new additions.

Thus fully geared, she went down to the shuttle bay and did a walkaround to check that the craft was okay, while also out of the corner of her eyes counting the crew members that had already gathered here.

((With all those overly long descriptions going about, I thought I'd indulge myself a bit, too.))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 11:22:14 AM

7-4-1-N-7-3-D started to retract its arms as it got the message, one maybe could argue that it waved Dhanyl by doing so, and then it floated into the shuttle, waiting next to the tools and other cargo.
"This Unit is already ready, if this Unit is needed before start, it can provide assistance"
It started its internal attempt to think as original and normal as possible.
<This game was already enough ... but it was ... unique ... pleasant even... maybe I once can meet Dhanyl in private for another ... Impossible ... ... Need to patrol and serve all time , if i get more distracted i cant benefit the mission>

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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 2:13:24 PM

"Thank you Captain."

Automaton watched Ylona as she excused herself from the bridge. Zeros replying to the captain only once 0000 was sure the pilot had exited.

{Time to spill the beans now is it?}

(We deemed it necessary for the previous Captain to know, we should offer the same courtesy to this one.)

"Indeed, it involves my past, and the circumstances surrounding my appointment onto this ship."

0000 watched Valorum closely, searching for any sign of recognition from the Captains nebulous form.

"The ship logs record me as the ex-servitor of an Empire diplomat, this is only half true. I did in fact work for the man listed, but that was decades ago."

Frame shuffled nervously, turning away briefly before locking its gaze with Valorums blank face.

[Now for the main bit.}

"Before I finish I wish to assure you that, while my past may be partially fictitious, my skills are genuine. Now the unmasking..."

A deep sigh spilled from 0000.

"I used be an Assassin. And by "used to" I mean that my position on this ship was the escape clause I negotiated into a contract to betray my previous employer, a Lumeris crimelord. This is something that the previous Captain would have known but, seeing as how you inheirited the position suddenly, you are probably unaware of. You deserve to know however, a commander needs to be aware of those under them, and I sincerly hope that you can keep this quiet. Now that I have that off my chassis, if I may be dismissed, I should probably get my gear ready for the ground mission."

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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2017, 5:23:13 PM

 Liam turned around to see Laudmas, a smirk grew on his face. 


"Wonderful! I see you changed things up a bit. Just like you do, will do, and already do! I guess it's better to test it here than on Tanye." 


He showed the bot a cut on his skin and it immediately prepared and fired a light green beam along the cut, regenerating the skin within seconds. "Hahahahahaha! It works! It actually works! I wonder if it can fix a lost arm...hopefully before the wildlife will take the other! I guess i'll test the 'mining beam' later." He held it in his hands for a second, then he quickly put it under his arm and walked to the armoury. Liam then found a small case. He set the bot down and opened it. Inside was a simple gun crafted with bits and pieces of metal then and there. He set it in his pocket, picked up the bot and started walking to the hangar.


On his way there he heard a small ring, signalling an update. He looked at the departure list, he was removed, of course, he took out the small gun and walked back to the armoury, put it in its case and shut it. He muttered, "I guess it'll have to wait longer to use this again." He looked at the bot Laudmas helped made, "And this, too."


He walked back to his room, shut the door, and put the bot on the table, and then he sat down on the bed. Thinking to himself, "Oh yeah, there's the Craver, I’d like to meet him, that is if I could go out of my room for more than 2 seconds."


He slowly examined the bot one more time and found a function Laudmas 'forgot' to build.

He reworked the bot carefully and barely fit in the last function. He slowly pulled up a screen, saved a few things and uploaded it into the bot's memory. He then proceeded to turn a dial and pressed a small triangle button. Which then proceeded to play the first of the things on the list. Loud screeching filled the room as he laughed. "I can't believe Laudmas wouldn't put in the music player!"

((for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8iiZxVwIa8 ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 3:11:55 AM

Valorum nods his approval to Ylona as she dismisses herself. Faceless though he may be, Valorum's reaction to Zeroes is clear; a slight, sideways tilt of his head to show curiosity.

"You don't jest? It seems my crew doesn't lack for intrigue...nobody will hear of this from me, but in any case, we do have a mission to prepare for. You are dismissed."

With a look at Angela, who is assumedly still smoking in the corner of the bridge, Valorum orders:

"Sister Skeler, in the absence of Ylona and myself, you have the conn. Matters of defence will fall to Brother Decius, and science and medicine will be managed by Brother Cantari. Keep the Saviour ready in case of an emergency, planetside or otherwise, and contact me if any issues arise."

With that, Valorum exits the bridge to prepare for the upcoming mission.


It actually took the captain all of 10 minutes to make it to the shuttle-bay. After a brief stop at the armoury to recover his plasma cannon and its power cells, Valorum then entered his room to...probably pray? Nobody knows for sure. When he arrives in the shuttle-bay 5 minutes prior to the launch, though, he looks like a completely different person. Whilst his glaive is still firmly in his grasp and his briefcase is held by his side, Valorum's normal cape has been replaced by a jet-black cloak; knee-length and with an accompanying hood that currently sat unused on his shoulders. The sheath for his blade can be seen poking out from behind his shoulders, through a narrow slit in the back of his cloak, and his plasma cannon was mounted sideways on his lower back in its 'compressed' form, where its barrel and stock are telescoped back into the body of the gun.

To make matters stranger, a gauntlet now armours Valorum's right forearm, its fingers elongating into sharp, triangular talons. It doesn't look like a practical part of any set of armour, but from the markings on it, it seems to have some purpose. For another thing, a helmet of some kind is tucked under the arm with which he holds his briefcase. The helmet's V-shaped visor was bisected by a single vertical line, making it cut such an imposing look, so much so that one could only imagine the emotions it would inspire with the fiery glow of a Vodyani's Essence shining through it.

Looking around the hanger and seeing the last of the equipment being loaded up, Valorum nods his approval, notices Laudmas, and approaches his colleague.

"Brother Laudmas! I take it all the necessary provisions and equipment have been loaded onto the shuttle?"

((Might as well have my own super long description.))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 15, 2017, 9:38:02 PM

The bot was quite difficult to hold but Laudmas eventually reached the hangar. The approached Liam and handed the bot to him. Fortunately, he was quite pleased with the results. He would have loved to talk about the new features of the bot but during the journey if not for the fact that he realised how little time he had before the shuttle was to disembark. Still, the robot was patient enough to view the demonstration by Liam and he was quite pleased with the results. 


Laudmas rushed back to his little retreat, hoping that there were still plenty of time to prepare for the trip. However, the only things he needed to do were straight-forward. Make preparation for his squid friend (incase of long-term absence), find his staff and gear-pack, and make sure his med-pouch was fully stocked. Simple, but absolutely necessary. 


The door opened and the robot stepped into the storeroom. It was always pleasing to him. The strange yet oddly mesmerizing glow of the multitude of aquariums and terrariums comforted him while the fluffy metal bed lured him. Most importantly, he enjoyed knowing how hard it took to achieve such grandiose items.


Laudmas walked over to his small pet. Although it would be surprising to some, the robot never actually gave a name to the cephalopod. He thought that giving a name to a loyal companion would have been degrading. The robot never wanted to be treated as a god, the highest position would be being a respectable leader or a friend that one could look up to.   


His containment tank was opened. The little creature was still sleeping and from time to time, it gave out little bubbles. Laudmas smiled as he set the settings for it. Food distribution was set to automatic and “EMERGENCY CRYOGENIC LOCKING” was turned on. The robot then slowly put one of his metallic fingers in the liquid, making sure it was at optimal temperatures. He then sealed it off, making sure not to wake up the squiddie. 


Laudmas then quickly found his gear-pack and wrestled his staff from a tentacle (which then quickly sunk back into sand). The gear-pack was simple. It was one part energy-restoration system and another part container to hold all sorts of stuff. With it, the robot was able to tough out weeks or even months before needing a recharge to boost him up. The staff was a different story. It was made by Laudmas himself in order to assist movement along with some other features such as to repel adversaries and to pick up hard to reach items. It was also compressible, which allowed the robot to hide it from prying eyes. 


His med-pouch was refilled and basic necessities were added to the gear-pack. It was stuffed with plenty of energy supplies (he had to care for other cybernectic beings too), food for organics (and also non-cybernectic beings), common and uncommon tools and to top it off, plenty of medical supplies and equipment. He attached the gear-pack to his backside, tucked his staff along with his medpouch to his belt, and set the setting for the room to “INACTIVE”. Lights dimmed and a gentle hum filled the room. The robot took one last look at his room, smiled for a bit, and promptly left.




The signal for the departure went up. “15 minutes, that’s not much” the robot thought to himself. “Poor Liam’s left behind, hope that he’s not too saddened by this.” 


As he reached the hangar, Laudmas suddenly remembered the bot. Of course, the bot! He could bring that along with him, that would definitely help the journey. He hurried off to Liam’s room, bumped into the Craver (which he then quickly apologised), tripped, and finally reached the room. He made a knock, went in, a small conversation took place, and he grabbed the bot. The robot then rushed off, bumped into the Craver once again (this time running off so that he won’t get an earful of insults), and then bumped into a Lumerian (“Sorry!”) before finally reaching the hangar. 


Two minutes were left, quite a record for such a clumsy machine. As he approached the rest of the crew, he saw and heard the Captain.The robot then extended his free hand towards the captain (the other was busy with the bot), and gave a firm shook.


“Hello there Captain. I am certain that the crew has added all that we need to the shuttle. Everything is accounted for and I am excited to set foot on solid ground. Eh, hopefully not on a worm though.”


Laudmas then activated the bot and let it hover besides him. Its core shimmered and looked curiously at the captain.


“We’re bringing along this bot. Liam created the designs, I added more to it. I believe you’ll find it to be very useful.”


The robot then handed a tablet to the Captain which detailed the features of the bot (he wrote it on the way). He then went to inspect the shuttle, while also congratulating any member of the science crew that he met on his path. Work, no matter how small, still had to be applauded for.

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7 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 5:44:36 AM

Compressing and sheathing his glaive, Valorum shakes Laudmas' hand and accepts the tablet, examining the drone's blueprints. After a brief run-over of its functions, Valorum nods his approval.

"It's good to see you're thinking ahead, Brother. I've seen firsthand how messy organic wounds can get; the faster and easier they can be healed, the better."

Returning the tablet to his chief scientist, Valorum stepped forward to examine the shuttle. It was a small ship of Pilgrim craft, vaguely mimicking the Saviour's own Vindicator-class design; it's long, rectangular human hull made up most of the inner body of the ship, nestled inside an incomplete shell of organic, white plating. Said Sophon construction started at the bow of the ship in the form of a curved, blunt bow that tapered up and back overtop of the human hull like a helmet. Four flight wings with hollow graviton repulsor rings served as the vessel's method of lift and steering, and there were two on each side of the vessel's 'helmet'; one at the very back and the other halfway to the front. Two sublight engines protruded out of the back for propulsion, and the the uncovered sides of the vessel's human design each had sliding doors to exit and enter through. It was functionally similar to a military-grade dropship, and could hold about 10 passengers and a single pilot.

Valorum ran his free hand along the side of the shuttle, looking up and along its hull until he slowly came to a stop, asking aloud:

"Has this shuttle been christened with a name yet?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 16, 2017, 6:21:30 PM

The Craver stands at the door recess to the storage room. A metal mass seems to brush past him as he holds erect, and silently awaits the door. He finally slides his key inside the door, and enters. The door slides shut behind him, and he steps over to his familiar cargo. Wrapped in cloth and plastic, it stands hard and cold off to the side of the room.

((Where'd you get the idea that Decius Curses?))

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