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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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7 years ago
Jun 17, 2017, 2:45:42 PM

"Not as far as I know", Ylona answered while peering inside one of the thrusters. She checked by pulling on it, but that protusion that looked loose actually was solid and probably part of the design. "Not many people bother naming a brick like this", she continued, wiping her hand on her pants, "Besides, the operation manual says the callsign is just 'Shuttle' anyway." She gave the propulsion a friendly thump with the fist, then walked inside the craft, shouting loudly without looking at anyone in particular: "Go and take your seats, people! Not much time left till we launch."

Inside, she sat down in the pilot's seat, carefully placed her weapon on a safe spot in the cockpit, and then looked around with a sigh. She'd not flown small craft that often, and none of this type. Half of the buttons looked unfamiliar to her, but at least the ignition wasn't that hard to find. She flipped it on and exhaled happily when the engines sprung to life.

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7 years ago
Jun 17, 2017, 7:54:26 PM

Valorum 'hmphs' disdainfully. Barring the Church, the Empire, and the Sheredyn, it seemed that few races gave ships the respect they deserved. Without this 'brick', the team couldn't go to the surface. The shuttle was as integral to this mission as the Saviour itself and, at least to Valorum, that made it worthy of a name. Placing his forehead and free hand flat against the hull, the Vodyani murmured a brief benediction in his home tongue, completely incomprehensible before he switched back to Galactic Common for the final verse;

"May your wings bear us safely through storms,

and your hull, unbending, withstand fire and fury.

Be worthy of your name, the Adamant,

and see us through the hardships to come."


With his backpack on, his rifle slung over his shoulder by its strap, and his helmet tucked under his arm, the promising soldier Chidi Tehik entered the hangar. Fully loaded and ready to get some air, he looked around the cramped hanger, sizing up everyone present. He was all smiles until he saw a particular black-clad figure next to the shuttle, at which point he stopped and frowned, looking perturbed and a little insulted. Seeing that nearby was the robot from a few days ago, the ship's resident doctor, he approached and asked:

"Hey, what's the Vodyani doing by the shuttle? It isn't...coming along, is it?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 17, 2017, 8:01:02 PM

While ,,Saviour" remained in above-c, Martin let himself for a moment of relaxing, but as soon as the ship appeared in the Tanye system, he had to return to work. Keeping the AI of research ship working properly was a difficult duty. Tanye was a remote system, and recalibrating programs responsible for communication, ship positioning and subspace monitoring took a lot of time.

After few days filled with work and (very short) brakes for sleep and meals, he managed to overcome all problems.

-That's the last thing!-he shouted, after correcting the instructions for starlanes monitor-Everything is done!-

Martin sat in the chair, sighing heavily. While working, he also checked data transmissions, so he knew about many things that happened while he was busy. He wasn't very sorry about not participating in them (duty is duty, after all), but when he found out that he was to take care of communication with ground team and (maybe) security, he felt nervous. Since the tragical battle in Veerdan he never was in charge. Of course, sometimes he had some technicians under his command, but the responsibility for the whole ship...

-I'd better talk to the captain about it-Martin decided after a short time. Then, he heard the notification from hangar CCTV camera. The shuttle was starting.

-So, let's return to work-he thought. He opened the window of short-range scanners and checked the space around the ship. Then, he turned on the communication screen and called to Ylona.

-Ylona, this is Martin. Space around is clear, you can start. And, by the way, is the captain with you? I'd like to talk with him a bit-

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7 years ago
Jun 17, 2017, 9:19:22 PM

Laudmas viewed the shuttle . To be honest, he expected the shuttle to be a bit bigger. But the robot supposed size wasn’t everything. As long as it could transport equipment and the crew safely, it was perfectly alright.


Before he could further examine the ship, the robot was interrupted by a peculiar Pilgrim. Laudmas turned to face Chidi Tehik and was quite surprised at his size. He wasn’t very tall, in-fact tall was nowhere near a word that could be used to describe the Pilgrim. Fortunately, he wasn’t as small as the average Sophon but nevertheless he still was quite short. The robot even had to stoop in order to view the Pilgrim clearly.


Laudmas listened attentively. Before he said another word, he quickly suppressed the thought that only short people despise the Vodyani.


“Well I’m afraid that the Vodyani is indeed coming onboard the ship.”


The robot was impressed at how quickly the expression of the Pilgrim changed. He was reminded of a rare fruit he sampled on a particular planet; which quickly turned red when plucked and exposed to the warm temperature of a Lumerian hand. 


“And he’s also the captain of the ship. There used to be another captain yes, but he had to leave due to important matters. The Vodyani, Captain Valorum was chosen because he was deemed to be the best option available. You might not like it, but if you want to clear doubts you may want to personally express your worries to him. After all, there was a reason why he was chosen.”


Before Laudmas could go on, the robot was interrupted by Ylona’s loud and clear voice. Joy filled him, and he snatched the bot that he and Liam made and quickly boarded the ship. The robot de-activated the bot and held it tightly in his hands (he wanted to be absolutely sure it won't get damaged) and attached himself to a wall (the robot wasn’t going to try sitting on a seat again) right next to the cockbit. The robot then eagerly waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. Indeed the robot was very enthusiastic for the journey to start.


(( Angel, I don’t know how Tehik looks like so I just thought of some stuff. If you don’t like it or already have a plan for his appearance tell me and I’ll change it if you wish. Nibot, I never said that the Craver swore. I meant that he ran away because he didn’t want to get scolded or get into a argument. Sorry for the confusion. )) 

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7 years ago
Jun 17, 2017, 11:46:06 PM

7-4-1-N-7-3-D noticed laudmas entering and wondered if the robot would see it floating between the equipment.
<Hopefully the landing is not going to be too rough sower ships have special docking positions for each sower . I have to correct any sudden movement with my personal graviton engine ...>
It calmly waited for the shuttle to start.

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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 6:42:32 AM

Chidi Tehik, perhaps short by Laudmas' standards, looked displeased. He had heard the new captain's speech from the day of the launch and saw him during the incident with the accursed Craver, but it did nothing to change how he felt. This was supposed to be a Pilgrim mission. Having members of other races on board as crew was understandable if their empire contributed to the mission; the Lumeris, the Vaulters, the Sophons, all of them were okay. He could even tolerate the Automaton engineer and the Haroshem cook. A Horatio and Imperial running IT was distasteful, and the security chief already knew well his disgust at the Craver manning the guns.

But the Vodyani...that flipped a whole other switch in the zealous Pilgrim's mind. Chidi knew not to fully trust anything so esoteric, callous, and egocentric. The stories of his childhood were still fresh in his mind, and not even the thought of the Craver made him as mad as those gruesome tales. Still, Chidi started towards the shuttle to board it. Duty was duty, and he would follow his orders, but if that...thing...showed the slightest sign of endangering his fellow crew...

Well, they didn't call me Chidi 'Flashpoint' Tehik in the barracks for nothing.


Finishing his benediction, Valorum steps back and reviews the shuttle, now named 'the Adamant', with a hint of pride. The shuttle was more than just a tool now; at least to Valorum, it felt as if the Adamant was a crewmate ready do its part for the mission. A little sentimental, but it's nothing new for the Vodyani; just how he was raised. Snapping himself out of the little reverie, Valorum proceeds to board the Adamant and finds a seat near the cockpit. He's about to sit down when he stops, straightens up, and reaches for his briefcase, sliding his datapad out and looking at the file displayed onscreen. Had anyone taken the time to read it over his shoulder, they would have seen the Captain's weekly report; a long, fairly detailed summary of the last seven days of travel, including the incident with Decius and the dust cloud, written in legible Galactic Common. There's also an unmarked box near the bottom of the file, awaiting the appropriate signature.

Looking into the narrow channel between the Adamant's cockpit and its cargo bay, Valorum steps through and stands next to where Ylona sits. Clearing his throat, the Captain reveals the tablet and says:

"Ylona, there's one more order of business for you before we depart."

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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 2:25:05 PM

The Sophon was completely occupied with his game again when the doors to the shuttle opened. He absentmindedly took a seat and then fully concentrated on the naval invasion that currently took place on the northern coast of his territory.

Suddenly he saw a yellow glow behind the VR consoles, that where projected on the inside of his Helmet. The glow obviously belonged to Valorum, wich was odd... Dhanyl didn't expect him here... 

He decided to pause his game in order to satisfy his curiosity: "Captain? What are you doing here? You don't come with us to the Surface, do you?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 5:03:21 PM

The Craver shifts around inside of the cargo room, remembering something. He had wanted to give the captain more time to think after their argument, however communication is necessary.

"Captain," Decius messages him. "It is necessary that every crew member on the away team wear the badges I have distributed. There should be extras stashed inside of the crew compartment; they will allow me to provide close fire support from the ship if necessary. Every member must wear one. You may do it on the ground, but get it done before you run into trouble."

The Craver returns to his work, tools sparking like rubies reflecting lights from his cold bright eyes. His line about close fire support was only a passable half truth, but it was better than explaining it as brutally as he normally would have.

((It's cool, just the phrasing sounded as if it implied swearing. Might want to change cockbit to cockpit though, if that's what you meant.))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2017, 6:00:45 PM

That was enough reasson for the sower to actually move and talk, instead of continuing to think about its behavior. It needed a badge too, probably, maybe.It hovers away from the supplies it was next.

"Does this Unit also require one? Captain, this Unit has noted that there is no fitting holder for this Unit, is that going to be a problem during landing?"

It calmly floated there waiting for an answer, its secondary sensors (a grid of basic sensors allowed the sower to gather essential data from all arround   it, while its main sensors are more advanced and are on the frontal side of the sower) focused on Dhanyls game.

((Did Decius use direct or open comms to message Valorum? If it was private comms I will change my post accordingly))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 3:04:39 AM

Frame reached into its crew compartment and took the mentioned badge out, fastening it onto the inside on one of its chassis plates, then continued observing its fellows on the shuttle as it triple checked its tools and equipment.

{Can't hurt to be well prepared.}

(Wrench set, Check. Pocket welder, Check. Multidriver, Check. Hand tasers, Check. Folding blade, Check.)

After stowing the toolbag back in the compartment Frame returned to its seat, crossed its legs, and leaned back. Closing its aperture and listening to the melodic hum of the ship and voices.

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7 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 3:40:28 AM

Whilst waiting for Ylona's signature, Valorum looks back toward Dhanyl and affirms:

"Indeed, brother; I will be present on this mission. It's only right, considering my skills in deciphering the Eternal script."

Receiving the message from Decius, Valorum messages back (assuming 'message' is basically a text):

'I will notify the team, brother. In Rolak's absence, management of the Saviour's security is now your responsibility. I have faith you will keep our brothers and sisters safe, both shipbound and planetside. Be vigilant and remember your duty.'

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7 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 5:28:50 AM

"Really, captain?", Ylona asked with an exasperated voice as the report was held under her nose, pointedly flipping a switch to keep the shuttle starting up correctly, "Now? I had free time an hour ago when we were floating about waiting for scans. Now I'm kind of busy. Just put it down somewhere."

As if to underscore her point, just as she had finished answering that, she turned to the communicator to answer Martin: "Yes, the Captain is here, but you have to keep things short. He's got one shuttle flight of time, then you'd better not distract him."

And once that call was done, another came in: "Science to Shuttle. We found what we think could be an entrance, out at the edge of the probe range. We'll send you the coordinates." Ylona acknowledged and thanked them for the heads-up.

Sighing, she turned back to the console to monitor the engine, which had fully started up by now and was ready to go. Turning around and making a quick head-count, she saw that everyone was there, so she stood up and asked Valorum quietly: "Mind if I do the start of the briefing?"

((Since BlackBird is a bit of an irregular poster, I think it's better for the flow of the story to just quietly assume Rolak has arrived))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 9:34:52 AM

Decius pauses from his preoccupation to reply to the captain through another text based communications message.

"Yes, captain."

He opens the remote monitor within his mind, checking the functions of cannons, sensors, nearby bodies, and the locations of the landing site. Everything seemed to be in order, no spot out of place from where he had left it. If anything were to move in surrounding space, he could know about it and react to it within milliseconds.

The Craver sits, working on an imposing suit of violet and dark grey metal. It glints in the light of the ship's dull flourescent bulbs, a bullet with no charge.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 19, 2017, 7:22:52 PM

Valorum gave the report a brief skim, replying:

"True, but we do still have a few hours before it needs to be sent. I think the report is dour enough that it would be hard to tell specifically who wrote it, so all I need is your signature. Just tell me when you have a moment."

And the Captian slid the datapad back into the slot in his briefcase. Hearing that another crewmate wanted to speak with him, as well as Ylona's request to start the briefing, Valorum couldn't help but murmur:

"Goodness, am I the popular one today...start briefing the ground team. I'll speak with Brother Corvus."

Standing back from the cockpit access-hall, Valorum taps into the channel Ylona's communicator is active on and speaks:

"You wish to address me, Brother?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 20, 2017, 7:52:27 AM

"If you can leave the thing behind, I'll just look over it while you're in the ruin", Ylona offered, "And you're supposed to be listening to the briefing, too", she critzizied as Valorum picked up Martin's call. Slightly more submissively, she added: "So keep an ear open, okay?"

Then Ylona marched a few steps towards the crew and announced in an outdoors voice: "Okay, listen, all of you. Let's first go through a short checklist so that we all know who to blame if we have to put this off by an orbit. We're going to land on an Artic planet. Just because there's critters about doesn't mean it's not cold enough to freeze your nuts off. So those who have organic parts that can get frostbite, bundle up in the warmest clothes you have. Thick boots, pants, jacket, gloves and for the love of, don't forget to protect your face. Those who do not have those parts, put the right amount of anti-freeze on your joints and make sure you can deal with the icing problem.

"Second, make sure you all have something to protect yourself with. Just because there's a guy with a gun in shouting range doesn't mean the ice hounds won't eat your leg off. You are all responsible for each other's survival, nature doesn't care if your tag says Science or Security.

"Then, when we land, grab the borers and shovels from the lockers above your seats. We don't know how old the place is. We don't even know if it's Endless, so don't get your hopes up. Anyway, chances are, those corridors down there aren't going to be nice and open, so bring along the stuff that lets you make them open, and then make sure they stay open.

"Major priority, powerful radio. Those tiny ship-side comms won't cut it. We're flying in what military types call a whiteout, but since I'm not one, I'm just going to call it a jelly-bagging blizzard. I'll decide on the ground whether I'll land ther shuttle or have it hover somewhere above the snowflakes, but the point is: If you need to be picked up, I can't see you. Only thing I can see is a radio homing beacon, so make sure your have something that can actually power one. Get lost in a storm like that without a radio, I promise I will give your corpses a proper dressing down.

"Now to the specifics. It's some kind of underground complex, of which Science says they found an entrance. I'll fly there first, you see if it's doable, otherwise we'll make a hop over to where the probe went down, because that made itself a nice tunnel down into the place. It's in bedrock, so you probably don't need to worry about those hundred meter long worms our other probe saw, but just because it's not in the snow doesn't mean it's not freezing. Keep your clothes on and don't lick any metal.

"Oh, I nearly forgot, Decius said something about transponders to identify you. If you find them and a place to carry them, fine, otherwise don't bother. He's not here, and if he's coming down, then in the Saviour, and her guns have their own targeting thingies. Allright, any questions? If not, then Valorum will do more briefing and possibly an inspirational speech while I get this shuttle flying."

((Congrats to Valorum for the 1000th post (RP and Recruitment combined). Here's to another 1000))

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 20, 2017, 5:36:07 PM

The sower actively listened to the briefing, thinking about the upcoming mission.

<The cold should not be a problem, only some of our series are not able to withstand some cold, and my one is the exact opposite, durability for new worlds.Some anti-freeze is still needed.

I have digging equipment build in, rather for level dirt and snow to establish small bases and devices, but my other arms could speed up digging if  Appropriate tools are given.

Weapons ... that could become a problem.>

It extended its fourth arm, with its laser cutter attached, the fourth arm can be equipped with all the tools 7-4-1-N-7-3-D possesses, the tools itself are not high quality because of this , but standard (standard in sower terms, which still is quite good) and 7-4-1-N-7-3-D doesnt need an additional arm for each tool.

It tests the cutter two times and a strongly focused laser appears between the both ends of the tool, the maximum space between the ends is 20 centimeters:

“Would one consider this tool as an adequate weapon for this Unit? This Unit has no military or similar fighting subroutines.”

Then after some seconds of showing the cutter, it deactivates it and waits until the laser is faded away enough to retract the tool without sending a dangerous beam of reflected focused photons in someone´s direction. It fully retracts the arm but not closes the hatch for it, in order to show another tool of its collection after the old on was switched out in its body. A pneumatic hammer, at least that's what its nearest cousin in other non-sower-Races would be called, the tool is more like a high powered piston.After showing its capabilities it completely retracts that arm and sealed the small opening in its body again.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 22, 2017, 8:55:25 AM

-Yes, I do-Martin replied silently.
He made a quick look on the room, to ensure that nobody hears him, and continued:
-Captain, if I understand well, after you leave there will be only Mrs Skeler, Mr Kantari, Decius and me from officers on the board. It's obvious that we shall have more duties than usually, but...-
There Martin stuck. He couldn't find an expression to tell the captain what he was afraid of, being polite at the same time.
-Speaking straight, I heard that if something unfortunate happens to Decius, I shall be responsible for the security-he stopped, to catch a breath and prepare for the clue of the talk. 

-It's for me a great honour, but... I'm afraid I'm not a proper person. The only time I was in charge during a fight was a long time ago-Martin finished.

-And it didn't end up well-he added in mind.

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7 years ago
Jun 23, 2017, 12:16:41 AM

Valorum was quiet, listening to Corvus intently. It appeared that there was more to this IT expert than met the eye. If anything, Corvus reminded the aged Vodyani of himself.

From a long, long time ago...

Now Valorum recalled that fateful day with absolute clarity; it was almost 80 years ago, in an asteroid field east of the recently conquered Sagittarius system. On the orders of his admiral, the captain once known as Valar had taken full command of the 1st and 2nd Righteous Crusades, two small flotillas of 2 corvettes and 2 destroyers each, and held the line against an onslaught of pirates, Hissho patrols, and Imperial scouts for 5 years while the admiral retreated to obtain reinforcements. At long last, the admiral returned with a newly made fleet with a battleship at its head, expecting to see the flotillas he left behind broken and dead. Instead, he found a single Vodyani fleet, the ships battle-worn and their crews exhausted, but they remained vigilant. When the Admiral finally met with Valar, he removed his own cape and placed it on the young Vodyani's shoulders, proudly giving him the rank of Admiral and full command of the battle-proven flotilla. Like Corvus now, Valar thought himself unworthy of this task and cited his inexperience. Quietly, so the rest of the shuttle wouldn't hear, Valorum echoed the sentiment of his former admiral, Saint Zouineia himself, from the day he became Admiral Valar, Commander of the 3rd Righteous Crusade:

"Martin, lack of experience does not compromise true character. You may be reluctant to shoulder this burden, but I have seen the best of your character firsthand. You not only rallied our security team to end a perceived threat, but you lead it personally in spite of the danger. That is what gives me confidence in your abilities. Few officers would dare risk themselves alongside their crew to tackle such a daunting task, and those who do are worthy of respect. You have the heart of a leader, even if you do not believe so now. The duty I have given you is not taken lightly, but I know you will not falter in the face of danger."

Catching himself, Valorum paused for a second before finishing:

"Believe me, I know what it's like to be given an unwanted responsibility but do not make light of your skills. You are stronger than you give yourself credit for. Be confident, do your best work, and stay true to the cause; that's all I will ask of you."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 23, 2017, 8:09:30 AM

"I said you need something to protect yourself, not a weapon", Ylona corrected the Sower with a sigh, "If you don't have self preservation routines, get some quickly, because otherwise a place like this will turn you to scrap. Depending on how much force you generate with that ram thingy there, you can defend yourself with that. Otherwise, curl up inside your shell and hope you're not up against things with hullcutters."

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7 years ago
Jun 23, 2017, 2:17:10 PM

Self-preservation is a tricky thing for the common sower, they have none but it seems as they do because they can't work towards the calling if they are destroyed. Such thinking, of course, leads to problems if a sower is not able to comprehend if its sacrifice would help the calling more than the work which it could do if it won't die , but explaining all that to Ylona would be to much and for Tainted it was not even important, since it was infected with dust it feared death anyway .

"Acknowledged.Self-preservation is active."

The sower floated back to its place between the cargo.

Updated 7 years ago.
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