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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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6 years ago
Jul 9, 2018, 1:20:02 PM

As Ylona walked up to the bridge, she tried to recall who'd be standing watch there at the moment. It had been Alice when she'd called up last, but the trip down to the planet had of course messed up her internal clock and she wasn't sure if the shift had changed. If it was the engineer, it was a good opportunity to pay up. If it was the Craver, well, the more she was exposed to him, the less scared she'd be, or at least she hoped it worked like that.

Once on the bridge, she autmatically moved to the navigator's chair and slumped into it, depositing her mobility rig on the floor next to her. With a few lazy button presses, she called up her usual interface and already studied the next stars they might fly to as she turned around and looked at Valorum, saying: "I'm here, Captain."

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6 years ago
Jul 12, 2018, 6:23:38 PM

Valorum turned around in his chair slightly at the sound of Dhanyl's tinny, synthesized voice, appearing unsurprised.

"Ah. Excellent initiative, brother."

(A thought occurs to Dhanyl; if he comes from a race of black-clad androids with orange glowing parts who live on black-clad ships with orange glowing parts, then this might not be the first time Valorum had to take notice of a hitherto camouflaged crew-member.)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 13, 2018, 2:01:30 PM

"Welcome back,"  Alice flashed the first mate a grin before returning her attention to her work.

Something about the makeup of the guardian had triggered a faint recollection of her earlier scans of the planet so she'd returned to check the logs and make sure.   Something in the atmosphere's composition simply did not make sense...

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6 years ago
Jul 14, 2018, 6:02:05 AM

 Liam sat there, bored. There was only so much poking a box around would do for him. He called up Laudmas on the radio. “Hey, change of plans, I’m taking it to my room, I can’t really uh, keep it here forever and I want to go back to my room and lie down or something, bye.” He turned around and walked back towards his room, crate in hand, or hands in this case. He heard a small rustle from the hallway of his room. He wondered, did I leave something on? Poking his head through the doorway, he found someone rummaging through the spare parts, gizmos, and gadgets in his room. He set the crate down. “Hey, looking for something?” He said, a little confused. He was a bit surprised too, he didn’t expect Horatio in his room. Truth be told, he wouldn’t expect anyone at all searching through his room.. Not that he cared, he’s glad to have company! At least he thinks so.

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6 years ago
Jul 14, 2018, 2:33:42 PM

" ah nothing in particular"

With the entrance of liam, Mantovani felt a sense of relief. 'finally he's here' he thought to himself whilst turning his attention away from a cube he was examining. It did not take him long to realise what he appeared to be doing. the colour drained out of his face and he dropped the small bronzed cube back into the box at his feet.

Snapping upright from the hunched position he held prior, mantovani calmed himself with few steady breaths. He turned to face Liam, a friendly smile worn on his face.

"may i introduce myself. my name is Mantovani-HB7-Laboran. I am an IT technician aboard this ship."

Mantovani gave a polite bow. Manners are very important for first impressions, not to mention he had to make up for any ideas interpreted from his rummaging.

"i must apologise for being in your room whilst you were away and rooting through your possessions. I was waiting for your return and was enamoured by the great variety and craftsmanship of your devices.

 as for the reason i am here, i would like to request your assistance with a project I'm planning."

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 14, 2018, 6:30:29 PM

 “Ah, hello,” said Liam, “I’m Liam, Liam Kantari, nice to meet you.” He saw Mantovani bow and gave an awkward one back. “Uh, it’s okay, just don’t touch anything that’s powered on at the moment. And what about this project? I am interested, though I don’t know whether I can help very much or not.” He pointed to the crate of worms, “If it involves me doing anything, I can’t really do much until Laudmas gets here...But! If it’s just taking stuff, just take anything from that box.” He pointed to a box next to his table that was full of metal pieces. “It’s full of stuff just waiting to be used. Nuts, bolts, more bolts, metal plates, you name it!”

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 16, 2018, 1:05:06 PM

"I'm here." Laudmas said as he quickly scanned the room to make sure everyone was there. "Let us start the debriefing."

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6 years ago
Jul 16, 2018, 4:19:15 PM

Sidling surreptitiously over to Alice, Ylona pulled the chain around her neck out of her collar and removed the small container of Dust from the end of it. While she placed it on Alice's console, she said out loud into the circle of faces: "Well, I don't think I need you to read out the flight schedule, so let's keep my part to the point: I set the team off at the main entrance, which worked, then had to rise a lot of air layers up to find a stable wind that I could park the shuttle in. Good thing I did, given how touchy those worms turned out to be. If they'd taken a bite of the shuttle, we'd be down half our crew. She handles fine, as far as I can tell, with a very even thruster response."

Gesturing towards Valorum, she finished: "Well, that's my part. You'll have to fill in what happened down in the cellars."

((Because people were probably all waiting for the briefing to start, but nobody wanted to start it because it wasn't clear if everyone was actually there, Zennock went ahead and defined everyone as being there now, with my blessing. Let's try to keep the briefing moving so that we don't stall for another year))

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6 years ago
Jul 18, 2018, 2:27:21 AM

Rolak, having entered the room with Laudmas, is leaning against the far wall and absently spinning an unlit cigarette between his fingers.

For his part, Valorum presses a button on the captain's chair, causing the bridge's main console to project a holographic display of what parts of the ruins were mapped out; the entrance with the disabled turrets, the long elevator shaft, the main hall, and the several small side-rooms that were searched. Adjusting the map with his controls and highlighting as necessary, Valorum explained.

"The ground team approached the surfaced portion of the Endless structure and managed to unlock the front-door and disengage a secondary energy shield. Beyond that was an entrance hall, lined with disabled automated defences which pointed inward towards a lift. Going down that lift, the ground team entered this main hall and split up."

"However, the whole ruin had apparently been made into a sanctum by the indigenous worms, which cut our expedition short, as seen in our unfortunately incomplete map. We did encounter a reactivated guardian of the ruins and managed to disable it, and Brother Laudmas and Dhanyl also managed to find a live specimen of said worms and great store of data-drives respectively, all of which is now aboard the Saviour. In summary, all members of the ground team returned unharmed, and we have a great many objects to probe for answers."

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 18, 2018, 11:52:00 AM

"Thank you for informing me" said Mantovani. He approached the spare parts box and immediately seized some pieces he had been eyeing prior to liam's entrance. "the 'project' i spoke of earlier was artistic in nature" began Mantovani. " i am currently trying my hand in sculpting. the problem that i required your assistance with was acquiring material of which to craft into a sculpture." He had to stop himself from taking to much, the ship was only so big, he didn't really have the room for something reasonably sizable. The thought reminded him once again that be had a job to do and minimal time to waste on personal projects. Instead of the massive arm-fulls of scrap he first planned to take, he merely grabbed a couple large metal plates and some bolts. 'it would better if i made something small like a figurine' he thought to himself.

"Mr kantari, may i use your tools here to build my sculpture?"

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6 years ago
Jul 19, 2018, 4:54:12 PM

Dhanyl listened patiently for the Captain, waiting for his name to fall so he could contribute to, or rather take over the conversation to present his own thoughts. Completely disregarding rank, etiquette and anything of this sort, he spoke up as soon as the Vodyani made a pause.

"I think our first priority should be to decode, translate and study the big data core we found. Due to its size and relative security, I'd say that whatever is on there, it must have been Important to the people who built that place. For that, I suggest that we recruit every engineer, IT-expert and translator that we have on this ship. That should be our highest Priority.

After that, we should focus on the smaller data stores we recovered. 

Meanwhile, the Biology department should have a look at the animal samples we brought back. The animals on the planet did not look natural, how should such giant Worms ever develop by themselves on a Planet so hostile to this kind of life? My guess is that they were engineered by the Endless for some unknown purpose, decoding their DNA could maybe be helpful in some way. "

And with that, he crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall where he stood.

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6 years ago
Jul 20, 2018, 2:20:03 AM

 “Oh, don’t you have any tools of your own?” said Liam. “Or maybe they aren’t fit for sculpting, nevertheless, I have a few extras!” he said, already crouching and opening a dusty, black case. “I have hammers, drills, welders, and more! Just pick anything you see two of. I assume you don’t need two of the same tools at once?” He stood up and looked at Mantovani. “Oh, right, I should probably put that on the table.” He closed the case, put whatever was originally on the table on his bed and opened the case. “There. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be close by watching this crate.”

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6 years ago
Jul 22, 2018, 9:39:28 PM

"thank you very much" replied Mantovani, already approaching the table to pick up the tools. He began immediately. Producing a vial of dust from beneath his dark green tunic, he grabbed a pinch and scattered it across the spare metal he had collected. he then reached into a pocket and swiftly put on a thin glove with sparkling gold trimmings indicating the existence of dust woven into the fabric. Mantovani learnt a specific technique from a fellow horatio who was studying at the academy. A useless technique for most, but for beings who had the ingenuity to understand its complexities it was invaluable. Mantovani picked a piece of metal off the table and began melting the side with the welder.

Staring intently at it, he let the piece go. As if defying the laws of reality, it remained in the air perfectly still. Quickly heating another chunk of metal coated with dust, he grabbed one of the ends and began to stretch it like putty. Mantovani silently thanked the academy student for teaching him how to bend metal like clay, that and his gloves which reflected 100% of all energy. By some miraculous coincidence he received both gifts form the same man, its just that he was 'borrowing' one of them... permanently. After a few more minutes of heating metal and shaping it, the sculpture began to take shape, that of an avian figure over a spherical object.

Mantovani decided to stop there. intruding on someone's quarters for too long is not good manners. He put down the tools and inspected the statuette, which was floating in the air by means of dust. it was a silvery grey with hints of gold speckled throughout it surface. He removed his gloves and caught the sculpture as reality began to enforce its will on it once more. 

"Alright" said Mantovani as he began to step away from the table. "i will be going now, thank you for your assistance". The crate liam was looking after moved. The horatio paused as he heard faint squirming emanating from the crate. " and uhhh... good luch with...those."

Mantovani hurriedly exited the room, forgetting his manners in the process. They can stay there with the worms.

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6 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 10:11:19 AM

The Sower listened to Valorums recreation of the events, as it wondered if others were allowed to add to the report. Dhanyls quick response was a strong indicator that they were allowed to. 7-4-1-N-7-3-D flew slightly higher and spoke up.

"Unit can confirm most of what the captain said, it will provide its scan data to scientist Dhanyl after the debrief. In addition, Unit notes the salvage of robotic Unit from the ruins, it could be used to interface the retrieved core easier. Unit also recommends decontamination of the away teams crew, if not done so already, Unit noticed multiple accumulations of dust in the ruins, safety is of utmost importance."

As the machine lowered again it wasn't sure if it should mention the dozen of structure simulations it made of the ruin, but decided not too, they arent of use now and weren't really of use that much back then. So it was content with ending its addition to the debrief there, for now.

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 12:10:27 AM

The door to sleeping quarters room 02 opened with a short hiss. Mantovani stepped into the room still examining his small sculpture. the room was long, holding 4 bunk beds which were all bolted to the long wall section opposite to where Mantovani had entered.  At the far end of the room a group of deck hands, engineers and a cook sat in a circle around a crate playing cards. They were yelling and laughing at each other; telling stories, complaining about work and drinking alcohol.

they were having fun and enjoying eachothers company...loudly.

too loudly.

Mantovani exhaled and approached his locker, neatly patterned with gold and green patterns, patterns made by a member of the greatest species of course. They were irregular and a little misshapen, ' an effect caused by the clash between the horatio and pilgrim designs' was Mantovani's main excuse. He calmly opened his locker and took out a pair of silvery earbuds, before placing the statuette on a metal shelf next to his bunk, which was already burgeoning with trinkets and small photo sized pieces of artwork. the statuette wasnt finished yet but he needed to rest, he could feel sleepiness biting at the sides of his consciousness.

The group playing cards nearby started murmering to eachother following Mantovani's entrance.

A lumeris stood up and shouted to him.

"Hey hort, wanna play a game of cards before you tick out?"

Mantovani put on a weak smile and facedd the lumeris.

"no thank you, im a little too tired for card games"

"what! Mr master race is too tired for poker?"


the lumeris was taken aback by the statement, he expected more snide combacks from him. Looking to the other members of the group, he eventually shrugged.

"suite yourself..."

Mantovani slipped the buds into his ears and crawled into his bunk to catch some sleep before he worked his next shift. The buds neutralized the sound of the rabble. 

silence, perfect.

Mantovani let himself fall asleep.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 4:42:05 AM

"I'll just say it again for the record: I don't like having those 'biological samples' on board", Ylona said firmly, "I think by bringing these things on board, you're putting the crew at risk. Those things are dangerous, and will grow to be bigger than the ship. I'm not going to to against the decision of the Captain, but if this goes wrong, I will make sure you get punished for the danger you put all of us in." Ylona frowned at the science team, silently thinking about how this set a bad precedent for the next planets. They'd flown past a ship that had been blown up by a bomb of some kind. She had no desire to end in a similar fate because of misplaced scientific curiosity.

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6 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 6:47:36 PM

"I'm hardly thrilled at the prospect myself, Sister."

Valorum spoke up from his chair, his voice level, but stern and informative; like an instructor patiently reminding his student.

"However, we are a scientific mission. It is our duty to explore and probe the mysteries in our path, and these worms are a part of the larger puzzle that is Tanye II. To ignore such an opportunity is no less than anathema to this mission."

Then he turned to Dhanyl and Laudmas and points with an authoritative finger, his voice lowering into a register suited for a solemn promise;

"Having said that, I made my case on the shuttle; take every precaution you can with all of our artefacts. The worm poses obvious dangers, but there could also be ancient, complex viruses in those drives, and the guardian could reawaken and become violent if mistreated. Remember; no matter what becomes a danger, if my crew is threatened, I will personally take responsibility and destroy it. Is that understood?"

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 7, 2018, 4:18:39 PM

Dhanyl wasn't too familiar with these 'safety measures' the captain spoke off, seeing that this was his first time serving on a vessel not under triumvirate command, and it had to be said that Sophons weren't the most careful race, what with blowing their own moon up and all that.

Of course, he couldn't let that show. It'd be embarrassing, to say the least. After all, it seemed to be quite a big deal.  He'd simply have to look up some of these measures later and try to do his best.

"Yes sir, I'll even wash my hands after operating of any of the biological samples. Speaking of which, I'm sure they'll hardly grow fast enough to make their size a reasonable concern. We'll be done with them before they reach the size of a Sinturian Wandlorf."

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 11, 2018, 10:34:09 PM

Valorum's gaze lingers on Dhanyl for a moment, as if he is trying to read the Sophon through his suit, before he nods:

"So shall it be; you are charged with the containment and research of our gathered artefacts. Work with diligence."

The Vodyani returns his gaze to the rest of the assembled crew, propping his glaive up beside his seat and lacing his fingers together in front of him.

"From that matter, there is little else to report. The worms reaction to our intrusion was...destructive, so it is likely the ruins are mere rubble now. Suffice it to say that we will not be returning to Tanye II any time soon, but we have what we need. Now it is just a matter of learning what we can from those artefacts and being proactive aboard the Saviour in the meantime."

Turning his head slightly to adjust his field of vision, the captain asks:

"Sister Skeler? A probe was dispatched to Tanye I's moon, yes?"

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 13, 2018, 6:46:34 PM

A sweet melody filled the air. the tingling of metal instruments like the smell of roses on a spring morning. however such things are relative, and as much as roses smell nice to us , to a fly the stench of a heap of dung is a far more appealing thing. Mantovani was experiencing something similar to this, although in the opposite direction.

the song was meant to be a soothing alternative to the harsh, violent screeching of beeping alarm clock. But as it turns out everything sounds terrible and annoying as an alarm. Mantovani tore out his earbuds and threw them across the room, distancing himself rather literally from the sound. he rubbed his eyes which were still groggy with sleep. pulling himself out of his bunk he approached his mirror and washed his face with fabric pads soaked in all kinds of sanitizing chemicals.

rows of poorly made pictures and similar pieces of artwork glared at him from the shelf adjacent to his bed; he returned the glare albeit with tired eyes. his hand reached up to the statuette he was working on earlier and snatched it from the shelf. with a yawn he walked over to the earbuds and pressed a symbol on the side, turning off the persistent music. he checked to see if he had the 'sculpting' gloves in this pocket, which they were. finally a retrieved a vial of dust from his locker and headed for his workstation.

He arrived a few minutes later and immediately put all the gathered items on his stool. without wasting a second he also turned to 'his' coffee machine and pressed the botton for tea. returning to his stool he moved the items to his desk and activated his computer before sitting down ; the holographic display all to familiar and boring. the coffee machine let out at ping and Mantovani leaned back to retrieved his tea.

"*sigh* i hate routine check ups" 

He set to work on the statuette and read through the files. breaking frequently to take sips of tea or to scroll or swipe across on the screen.

Updated 6 years ago.
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