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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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6 years ago
Aug 15, 2018, 4:02:47 PM

Tainted watched the participants of the debrief discuss safety regulations wich for it seemed quite obvious, simply stop feeding them if they get too big. However, there is a good reason for it to not participate in the ongoing discussion, what it says might either be a quite smart answer, more than what one would expect from it .. or that it is missing a key point and its answer is so useless that stating it would just be a waste.

Instead, it sends two separate messages to the ships engineering network, the server receiving and now displaying to anyone with access :

"Sower-Drone 7-4-1-N-7-3-D available for new task assignment"
"Sower-Drone 7-4-1-N-7-3-D requesting checkup and maintenance"

Secretly it hoped it would be tasked to maintain the ship-hull or other similar unpopulated areas of the ship.

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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 3:15:12 AM

              λ continued to stare at his research samples. He felt sure he was close to a breakthrough but… something was eluding him. He needed more time! How he wished he had a compression available. Or better yet, a rewind. Then maybe the human behind him would stop yelling. Something about “Microdebris that made it through the shields” and “Keeping the hull in pristine condition.” λ could fix the hull later. In this linear universe, there were times for thinking and times for working. And now was a time for thinking about his research.

              λ stood and looked at his samples. He was grateful to have such a great lab space here in the hold. At first, he had been forced to store his samples in his room, on the spare bed that The Luis has vacated after the first week of the voyage. But then The Darryl had offered him a deal. There was a great corner deep in the cargo hold! A ‘hammock’ in the corner! Far away from everyone else! Plenty of room for his ‘junk,’ as The Darryl had termed his samples. At first λ was unsure, The Darryl was not usually ‘nice’ to him.

              But then he saw it. On the wall, larger than any sample he owned. A perfect specimen. λ moved into the new space instantly. 

              But now his perfect specimen was vexing him. The Black hadn’t spread across The Yellow yet. It seemed contained to a variety of smaller shapes. At least The Yellow was safe. 

              A new specimen! That’s what he needed to get his breakthrough. But something brand new. Something he hadn’t observed before. That would be hard… He had already extensively observed every specimen on the ship. But a team had just returned from the planet. Maybe they had a sample of The Yellow! λ turned quickly and passed the still yelling human behind him.

              Passing through one of the corridors, λ noticed that a crew door had been left open. The room had few objects of real interest: a table with the remains of serval drink containers, lockers, and several beds. He had already observed the specimen on one of the lockers, but so far it hadn’t yielded any interesting observations. A large headed human {A Horatio?}  was the only lifeform in the room, tapping away at a ‘not-alive-but-thinking’ terminal. λ was about to leave when he saw…

              A specimen, hidden under the bed. Quite mixed to be sure, but of high quality. λ had never seen so many different specimens contained within such a small space. And in the center, a brilliant The Yellow. This was worth observing. λ used one of his subarms to pull the painting out and stared at it. 

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 3:23:26 PM

Mantovani slammed the empty mug onto the table with a loud thud. He had torn his way though the files and finished his tea. now with the inconveniences out of the way, he can focus solely on his art. closing down the projectors, he turned his head to face the sculpture.

It displayed a large predatory avian roosting ontop of a planet, although the details were still undefined. Mantovani attempted to pour some more dust from the vial into his hand to continue sculpting. only specks fell into his palm.

'oh' he thought to himself. 'must-have used more than i thought without noticing.' 

returning his attention to the sculpture he saw it rising towards the ceiling like some kind of helium balloon.

'maybe a bit too much'

He got off of the stool and headed towards his quarters with the empty vial in his hand. He intended to get more dust from his locker.

When he arrived he stood and stared at the mystical figure in his room. '

'A robot...no wait.' He watched as the subarms swished and swayed around in the air. 'is this one of those rift borns those sophons always talk about?' recalling a conversation between two sophons about how they can manipulate time, Mantovani noticed what the thing was holding. He couldn't suppress the grin that spread across his face. He felt like a child about to open presents on chistmas.

Reducing his grin into a toothless smile, he entered the room and stood next to the riftborn.

"oh, do i have a new admirer of my work?" Mantovani said almost jokingly.


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 4:30:39 PM

At first, λ did not react. His body remained motionless, except for the slow movement of the subarms. A moment of silence passes. Then another.

Finally, a slight twitch in the head as it adjusted slightly.

"This specimen... you worked on this? How did you entrap The Yellow?"

The voice is definitely electronic, but it carries an air of solemnity and gravitas. 

The ribbon-like subarm holding the specimen moved it into view of both lifeforms. A second subarm gestured at The Yellow splotch in the center. 

"The Yellow. How long has it been in this specimen? Has it moved?"

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 10:27:39 PM

Taken aback by the flurry of questions, Mantovani paused for a second to process an answer.

'hmm' he began, doing his best to give off an air of wisdom.

"one: yes.

two: by smearing a coloured oily paste onto the canvas with a brush.

three: about 3 days ago

four: no, at least i hope not."

His empression fell a little at the realisation of how bland that made art sound.

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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2018, 10:52:11 PM

λ paused in thought...

{Oily paste? Onto 'canvas' with brush? Puzzling... And no movement... Disappointing.}

λ focused on The Horatio Lifeform. The emotion on his face was... or maybe... but possibly... Gah! These lifeforms were so complex. Too many facial muscles and fine movements. Incredibly difficult to determine emotion from such an intricate structure. Why was this dimension always so complicated... But as far as λ could guess The Horatio Lifeform was either proud or was having a small pain in his neck. λ assumed the latter. 

"Three days? Then I must confiscate this specim..."

λ paused, than stuttered on as if he was reciting from a cue card. 

"Thank-you-for-your-assistance. If-it-is-possible, I-would-like-to-borrow-this-specimen-for-my-research."

And then, as if suddenly remembering something else, λ swung his head around to face the Horatio, doing his best to make 'eye contact'.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 23, 2018, 8:48:53 AM

With the broadest grin he had since quite some time ago, Dhanyl accepted his new responsibilities. He gave the Vodyani a curt nod of acknowledgement and let him continue. He didn't listen though. Instead, he began to access every bit of information he had on the science and engineering crew, as well as the available facilities he could make use of.

With that information, he began to prepare assignments and tasks for various crew members.

Clock-guy, cigaret-lady: Accessing data core

Long-head-human, That on Z'vali, Sower ball: sorting data

Me: analysis of data

Laudmas, science girl with the ugly earrings, that one guy who spilt coffee on me: Analysis of worm DNA

Me: vivisection

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 26, 2018, 2:40:22 AM

Even if it did sound monotone and bland, like a child reading off lines at a school play; Mantovani couldn’t help but be pleased at someone other than himself praising his works of art. The mere word ‘study’ elecited a particularily large amount of glee.

‘He said he wanted to research it! does he really find that much greatness in my work?’ mantovani thaught.

"by all means go ahead. It is merely a practice piece, i have no qualms about parting with it" he replied.

A small twang of fear pierced his heart at reciting a word the being said. It was word he heard time and again long ago. one with serious conciquences.


Mantovanis expression never changed, but he felt sick. An old spectre of his past loomed over him.

he quickly tried to shake off the feeling and smiled directly at the riftborn's 'face'.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 26, 2018, 8:01:02 PM

The Horatio Lifeform seemed to be experiencing a series of painful facial contustions. λ was unable to determine the source. Still, he had secured a new specimen. And he had remembered his phrases, instead of just taking it. Most lifeforms failed to see the urgency and import of his research when he confiscated specimens. 

With his prize craddled gently by one subarm, λ began to leave. He paused at the door frame, and then turned. 

"Thank-you-for-your-assistance. My-gratitude-is-in-you."

Phrase recited, λ exited the room with pride filling his mind. He was sure he had done an excellent job communicating 'politely' with The Horatio Lifeform. λ considered his prize. It would be a boon to his research, surely. But one could never have too many specimens. The away team! That had been his original goal. Surely they would have collected new specimens while on the planet. He would inquire on the bridge. 

Wait... to simply enter the bridge might invite 'anger'. 'Tree-passing' or something like that. And then they might take his specimens away. No, he needed another way. Ah! He should take The Horatio Lifeform with him. λ didn't think it was possible to 'Tree-pass' when one was with a Lifeform that liked trees. He retraced his steps towards the room.

"The Horatio Lifeform. We are goin... Can-you-take-me-to-the-bridge? I must speak to the away team about more specimens. And do you like trees?"

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6 years ago
Aug 27, 2018, 9:16:24 PM

"Yes, Captain,"   Alice answered in her well-acted professional tone she mostly reserved for diplomatic affairs, "Results are...inconclusive so far.  The atmosphere is, as we suspected, nonexistant on the moon.   There's no movement on the surface, but I am picking up a faint energy signature, source unknown.   What does pique my interest is the video footage the probe was able to transmit briefly."

She tapped a few controls on her wrist and one of her drones floated into the center of the bridge activatating a holographic projector.    The footage was grainy but showed the pocked surface of the moon passing below the probe.   For a moment everything seemed normal until a glimpse of a structure rising towards the camera was caught right before the signal went dead.

"The probe appears to have ran out of power at that point,"   the engineer explained,  "Yet I designed them to last several days at the minimum.   Something on the surface drained its energy at an incredible rate.   I sent a second probe but kept it at a distance..."   the projector activated again, showing the surface from a much greater height.   The craters were mostly invisible at the altitude, but was more obvious were the gray spires, the same color as the surface, sprouting from the moon in a gridlike pattern, "I could not see any surface details on these constructs but the more fascinating thing to me is that they are made of the same material as the sphere's surface.    While it is covered in dust from asteroid impacts over time that have made scans difficult, I do believe the surface of the moon is artificial.   It's not a moon, it's a very old orbiting space station and it's my hypothesis these spires were used to service passing ships in some fashion."

She paused for a moment, flipping her projection over to the ship's scan of the satellite.   "What we must keep in mind is that it still has an active defence mechanism.   Any approach wi;; be hazardous to a powered craft.   Boarding pods would be ideal, but our ship does not have them.   Besides,  we do not know if this is the only defensive ability our target possesses."

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6 years ago
Aug 27, 2018, 10:50:59 PM

Valorum watches the footage from Tanye I, leaning forward and stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"An ancient shipyard, you say?"

After a moment of pondering, the Captain nods and replies:

"Very good. Take what scans you can while we stay at a safe distance. Hopefully, something will present itself in time."

Looking back at the other assembled officers, Valorum concludes:

"All members of the Tanye II team are dismissed; rest, recover, and be ready for duty again in nine standard hours."

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6 years ago
Aug 28, 2018, 3:13:40 PM

"the bridge? sure. I have completed my shift so it wont be a problem for me to wander around." 

Mantovani made his way out the door and began to walk down the corridor; the riftborn moved alongside him.

'specimens huh, i dont remember any pieces of art being uncoved in the ruins.' he thought. His mind flicked to the question posed by ...uh, he needed to find out its name.

"now, my opinion on trees. 

I do indeed like them, as a matter of fact every hotaio tends to. we as a people have a great appreciation for nature and its innate beauty. Even when it is horrifyingly violent or strange; it still remains so pretty, so beautiful. And trees represent that perfectly."

Mantovani decided to stop there, anything more would probably be too much for the extra-dimensional to comprehend in one sitting.

"oh wait, i dont know your name! 

Mantovani turned towrds the entity and gave a small bow.

"I am Mantovani HB7 Laboran. and you are?"

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6 years ago
Aug 28, 2018, 10:25:15 PM

A silence began as λ stared at The Horatio Lifeform. He stood silently, unmoving. The silence became awkard. Then lengthy. Finally,

"I... I am λ."

This final word was not, in fact, a word. Instead, it was more akin to music, though music that would defy any convential notions about time signature or rythym.

"Much has occured since I said that... In this dimension, I am known as Lambda."

λ began to walk agin, mechanical feet echoing off the floor. 

"The Lifeforms are wholly violent and strange. That is what my people think. And beauty... They do not see it here." 

λ stopped in the hall and glanced at the painting.

 "Your kind, you are all one being, yet also not? How can this be? Where are your others, and why are you not with them?"

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 29, 2018, 4:29:51 PM

‘What?’ mantovani thought  ‘if lambda already knows of my kind it should be obvious why... oh, right. he’s an extra dimensional.

“before i can give you an accurate responce, do you know what a biological cell is? or how organisms reproduce?”

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6 years ago
Aug 29, 2018, 7:20:13 PM

"Cell. Basic unit of life in this dimension. All things are made of it. It is a 'living-but-not-thinking. Like a tree."

"I am uncertain about organism reproduction. When I asked, a woman of great time will assault me."

Something was off about that last sentence... but λ could not determine what it was. He would review it later.

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6 years ago
Aug 30, 2018, 5:43:07 PM

"i see you at least know that much.

Most new organisms are created though a method called sexual reproduction. this process causes the offspring of the original parents to have variable features. It is done by a combination of both organisms dna using a revolting method i would rather not describe. 

my people, however , do not require such disgusting methods. Instead we over -stimulate the duplication process of a sample of our cells. using the artificial womb technology we developed, we can grow those cells into a complete perfect copy of another horatio. this is called cloning and is the reason why we all have the same appearance. We are all copies of the original horatio known as horatio prime."

"as for where my fellow horatio are, they remain in the empire. As for why i am not with them... i will not share that information.

Mantovani hoped that would satiate lambda's curiosity. He couldnt help but be reminded of his encounter with a adolescent sophon once upon a time. nothing is more annoying then having every answer you give to the noisy little thing be responded to with "why?".

Mantovani's expession changed from utter calm to utter perplexion.

'wait, did he mention getting assaulted by an old lady?'

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 30, 2018, 7:15:42 PM

Reproduction. Cloning. It all sounded too complex. Nothing was ever easy here. It was a lot to take in at once. If the bridge was to be anything like this, perhaps the specimens wouldn't be worth it.

No, he had to keep trying. The Yellow might hold the key, each day λ drew closer to the breakthrough that would change everything. Confusion could be endured, success waited on the other side. Forward was the only way. 

 λ continued the rest of the walk in silence, stealing glances at his specimen now and again. Another turn, and the bridge door came into view. 

"The Horatio Lifeform. Mantovani. You like trees, you enter first. Please" 

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6 years ago
Sep 2, 2018, 3:58:10 PM

Mantovani stopped and faced lambda, confusion sown on his face.

"what? how does me liking trees have to do with-"

He cut himself off. 

A hand rose up to cover his face as he tilted his head down.

"ah wait. you're just ignorant, arent you?"

At first to Mantovani, the actions taken by lambda seemed to be a small case of culture shock and an understandable lack of knowledge in key areas. But it now occured to Mantovani that lambda was probably suffering from the worst case of culture shock in history.

He sighed, removed his hand from his face and looked up at lambda.

"why did you even want to come to the bridge?"

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6 years ago
Sep 2, 2018, 6:28:32 PM

Tainted was a bit shocked at the captain's statement.

Nine standard hours downtime, Do the other crewmembers really need that much, the sower wondered.
It has seen some species eat or drink now and then, but not sleep till now. it logged in its database that all this was needed and normal behavior for organics, but it simply couldn't imagine how they would do it. Being reminded of the differences between it and other crewmembers it came to the realization that even with a full recharge and a careful expectation it should need not more than 2 standard hours to return to operations.
Would that be something that is positively noted? Or just expected due to its nature? Could two members of different species be compared that easily?

All those unwanted questions that invade the mind of the machine causing it to stay idle for almost a standard minute. Then it reminded itself of the task at hand and flew to the exit of the bridge, stating.

"Unit will leave for checkup, maintenance, and recharging."

As it opened and passed the door it noted two crewmembers. One looked robotic in nature, but tainted hasn't seen any of that kind yet, maybe a new sophon model? Do they even make robots?

The other was obviously human, Tainted knows that he prefers to be designated as Horatio though. Tainted didn't like that human, he must have followed tainted through its entire travelings up here to the savior! This is the eight-time it saw him, the human was obviously hunting 7-4-1-N-7-3-D across the galaxy. The sower abandoned the hope that it was pure chance. The drone sped down to not fly into the robot and the stalker.

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6 years ago
Sep 2, 2018, 8:33:35 PM

Irritating. The bridge was here. Specimens here. But now The Mantovani asked a question. λ was almost certain that he had explained this. Or he would explain it. Either way, why repeat these reasons. Still, he need The Mantovani to enter first. 

"Away Team is on bridge. They might have additional specimens. I require them for my research."

Another thing... The Mantovani had called him 'ignorant'. λ would hear this word before. He did not think it was a good word.

The bridge doors slid open behind The Mantovani, revealing a not-alive-but-thinking machine. This was a moving type, not a stationary type.  {Too much complexity, even the things that aren't alive refuse spacial conformity}. The machine slowed as it drew closer. Perhaps it had been part of the Away Team? 

Two subarms twisted with sudden activity. They shot past The Mantovani, grabbing the machine once it reached range. The rest of λ's frame remained unnaturally still. 

"Not-alive-but-thinking machine, I require The Yellow for my research. New specimens. Did Away Team procure any samples?"

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