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8 years ago
Oct 23, 2016, 10:01:59 PM

This thin distribution on Dust in Valorums Cloth... Well, he never met a Vodyani personally but a short research through his Build-in Extranet access 

(( Sophon wear Helmets for a reason, I suppose. My theory is that it is like a wearable Computer with Internet access (extranet, in this case, because I feel very creative today) and VR lenses))

reveals that it really is a sign that a Vodyani hasn't eaten in a while. Dhanyl reminded himself  to be careful in lonely places.

"Yes, yes I know, as well about your name, I just looked at the crew roster, as where new Vodyani come from. About the thing with the hearing, I knew dozens of Experiments that would proof that it is the ear that is hearing and not the *Soul*. I could execute three of them right now... If there would be anyone with actual ears around..."

Thinking about that problem he fell silent for a few seconds.

(( leaving space for Zennock to say something))

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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 4:05:49 AM

It appeared to Valorum that his philosophical query had fallen on a deaf soul, or one at least hard of hearing on spiritual matters.  Valorum had expected as much, though, being that Sophons were predisposed to science rather than faith. Attempting to 'humour' his new colleague, a rusty tool in the Vodyani's social arsenal, Valorum straightened up from his bow and joked:

"Well, the crew is mostly human Pilgrims, so they'd have the ears you're looking for. Still, between the Vodyani priest, the Sophon scientist, the Craver, and whatever aliens also roam this ship, I doubt any human onboard is going to travel alone anytime soon."

Then, pausing to look up at the apparently dismayed robot in Dhanyl's company, Valorum added a little sheepishly:

"I have yet to check the crew roster, in case you had not noticed, so I'm assuming you(looking at Dhanyl) are one of the research staff. Aside from that, a proper introduction would be appreciated."

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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 10:23:02 AM

“Let us not fight.” The ancient robot suddenly spoke, “Perhaps we will have disagreements but we should avoid those topic as much as we can and focus on what we can all agree on. Note that it is likely we are going to be together for a very long time. It would be a much better idea to have friends rather than enemies, is it not?” The ancient robot relaxed a little, and gave a polite nod. “My name is Laudmas Acromb, and my charitable guide here is Dhanyl Abmaha, who is also the official astronomer of this ship. I believe we, Laudmas and Dhanyl would like to continue this conversation later, as we have great importance to reach the captain of the ship. We shall meet once again, perhaps in a better situation."

The ancient robot slowly edged the smaller cyborg and pulled him away from Valorum before both of them got into a even bigger and nastier discussion. As they entered a empty corridor, the ancient robot asked the smaller cyborg "I suppose you don't like Valorum very much?" The ancient robot sat on a small ledge which buckled under his weight. "If you might have noticed, I mentioned that we are going to stay together for a very long time. I do have a position on-board the ship but even in my amnesiac condition, I would like to stay, observe, and experience new and different stories and events." The ancient robot chortled, "I hope you appreciate my presence rather than considering me as an annoyance."

(( @LordDarkon . Aye, thanks for waiting on me. @AngelicStorm . If possible, try not to assume what the other person might do. Besides from that, I love the way you write your comments. Really descriptive and somewhat fun to read.  ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 1:33:34 PM

Going on he was happy to bring some distance in between him and Valorum. Not because he was a Vodyani, he wouldn't be on this ship if he would be as dangerous as others of his species but... but... well, it was because he was a Vodyani... Dhanyl knew that it was absolutely unreasonable. After all, this special Vodyani did nothing to cause this mistrust. Still, Dhanyl couldn't help it but feel uncomfortable around the Chaplain.

"No, I don't like him very much, Vodyani aren't my favourite species in this Galaxy. Religious, murdering, fanatic and worst of all racistic. They personalise everything I hate. I knew that I am not very friendly to members of other Species too but just when they disappoint me personally , not because I think that they are more stupid than me just because of their species.

Apart from this, I wouldn't consider the discussion I had with Valorum a fight. It was just a discussion.

About you, there is nothing disappointing so far. So, yes, you cold say that I appreciate your Presence"

((@AngelicStorm Zennock is right, you could just have written that thing about the Dust and Zennock and me could have responded or not. Please don't control others Characters like that.))

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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 3:09:39 PM

Now, the ancient robot was happy to see that the smaller cyborg did not think of him as a disturbance, though, he wouldn’t share the same opinion  on the smaller cyborg’s dislike for the Vodyani. The ancient robot lost almost everything he had known, yet somehow, he still had a personality. He did not fear the unknown future he faced. He did not grew dis-contempt upon learning that he had lost everything he had known. He was neither confused on what to do next. There were wants (however simple they may be) and he would accomplish them while taking his time and without negatively affecting the lives of others.

“Ah, I must thank of you for not seeing me a inconvenience. Though, I must admit that I would not share the same opinion you had of the Vodyani, particularly due to how I never encountered a great many numbers of Vodyani. However, I will still respect and remember your opinion on them, no matter how much I could possibly disagree.” The ancient robot said, hoping that the Sophon would not get annoyed. The ancient robot then suddenly stood up (the ledge seemed to have crumpled under his might). “Now, let us continue on our pursuit for the Captain. However, I must say that I would like to meet other crew members. Do you yourself have any acquaintances or a particular person within the ship that you would like to introduce?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 4:44:23 PM

Bowing his head again in thanks, Valorum watched as Laudmas and Dhanyl walked away, giving a short gesture with his staff as a sort of wave farewell. He wanted to tell them that the Captain was currently not on the bridge, which was where they were likely going, but at the same time, he respected their desire to leave, as well as Laudmas' initial words. However peaceful he'd try to look, Valorum always felt the edge in the air when he tried to speak with others, and as light-hearted as the conversation seemed, it was still there just then. The only time it wasn't present in Valorum's experience was when he spoke to Ylona earlier; though the conversation wasn't exactly a touching heart-to-heart, the First-Mate at least gave the impression of trust and it was greatly appreciated. By comparison, most people would sooner put their children in Hissho daycare than trust a Vodyani. As hurtful as it was, Valorum had to own the legacy of his sisters and brothers, and especially his own...

Turning around, Valorum walked down the hallway his two colleagues came from, pondering what to do. It seemed he'd never be fully trusted onboard this ship, but he was the Chaplain. It was his duty to maintain the faith of the crew and remind them of their mission, so if nobody trusted him, his job would be over before it began. He had to make some stronger connections onboard the ship, and that was proving to be tough already. 

I still haven't met the whole crew yet. Just deck hands, some of the bridge crew, one scientist and a robot...let's try the engineers. Maybe they'll be a little more friendly.

With a renewed purpose, Valorum's strides quickened. It would take him a few minutes to get there, but eventually, he was preparing to open the doors to the Saviour's main reactor chamber, so he could meet who was working there.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 25, 2016, 4:55:55 PM

Interesting how much this Robot cared about other People.

 "Inconvenience? Hah, no, absolutely not. More like a most delightful way of passing time. After all, I would most likely sit in my lab and do something boring like unpacking. So, thank you for that. About your Question, I don't know anyone on this ship yet. I wasn't even outside of my Lab, except for one small trip to the Bridge."

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 10:52:39 AM

“Ah, alright then.” The ancient robot said. “Let us continue on what initial plans we had.”  The ancient robot headed to the end of the corridor, “In the meantime, why don’t you tell me more about this ship? Also, are there any meetings planned? What are the goals of this expedition?” The ancient robot asked curiously and quickly. “Though, it is up for you to tell me. I would just be happy to know the plans of the ship.”

((Note, that the thing I said is to be used as a excuse so I am allowed to say things that relates with our plans, goals, destination, etc.))

((@BG123, It's alright. I suppose the fun will only start when you interact with other people.)) 

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 3:05:40 PM

The Captain's sudden departure and her unexpected promotion hit Ylona like a hammer. For a moment, she just sat there, trying to understand what had happened. The crew roster, still open on her console from checking whether the crew was where they were supposed to, showed very clearly all those things the Pilgrim leadership might disapprove of. The Craver she had witnessed herself, and now that she wasn't distracted by looking at the cameras, she noticed the Vodyani as such as well. And if she'd not been mistaken during her glances over the dossiers, those who weren't the wrong species had some damming spots in their records. Or a spotty record, in the case of Dr. Laudmas.

Her communicator beeped, and she answered without looking at the screen. It was therefore a bit of a surprise when she realized it wasn't from the ship, but rather from the Pilgrim leadership. She listened numbly, shortly confirming she had understood. Her employers had apparently done the same math and arrived at the same result: In the time remaining until the ceremony, it would be impossible to bring in a new captain to take over. Therefore, Ylona would get the honors. They just waited for her to accept.

"I will think over your offer", she said carefully, her mind seeking for a way out, "and I'll give you my answer before the launch." The answer to that was understandably annoyed. "I promise that there will be a Captain on this ship when it takes off. But a change like this should be discussed among the senior officers, in case there are other interested parties. Neither of us wants a mutiny over something like this. --- Yes, you have my word. I will take the position if no other consensus is reached."

That last part was a lie. She didn't want this. She'd just about agreed to being First Mate because it wouldn't be that hard a job on a small vessel like this. Before she made a huge mess out of being captain, she'd rather step down in favor of somebody more experienced. The dossier told her that there were many aboard who'd qualify for that.

She stared for a moment at Yerem's retreating figure, visible through one of the exterior cameras. Then, she switched the communicator of her console to PA mode and broadcasted through the ship: "This is Acting Captain Ylona. Captain Yerem has just been stepped down by his superiors. All senior officers please meet on the bridge for an emergency meeting. That means Rolak, Alice, Laudmas, Valorum and Hadrian. Hurry."

Before switching off the camera feeds, she checked whether the senior officers had received the message and were moving. Rolak surely was, turning around somewhat annoyed as soon as he had reached the door to the sealed storage compartment and found it closed.

After a moment, she stood up and sat down in the Captain's seat. It didn't feel any more comfy than the other one.

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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 3:40:35 PM

The booming sound of the speaker rang through the room. Laudmas suddenly stopped walking, stood up, and listened carefully. “My, what has happened?” The ancient robot just stared at the smaller cyborg. His face had no expression. A empty blank slate waiting for information to be poured. At that moment, both of them just stood and stared at each other. The tension had changed. “Interesting that they didn’t mentioned the astronomer." The ancient robot suddenly spoke, "Let us reach the bridge with great haste."

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 26, 2016, 4:32:26 PM

"Of course," Dhanyl responded "our Mission is to find the homeworld of the Endless, Thor, at least that's what the Pilgrim officials say. After all, no one has a clue where to finde it or if it even still exists in the first place. So what we will be doing is more like a galaxy wide paperchase without any hints. We will most likely cruise all over the place, study ancient ruins, find Technology and after many Jears return without any...". Suddenly Ylona's announcement interrupted him. "What? Acting Captain Ylona? That was a fast promotion.... Whatever, here we are , the Bridge. Let's go in."

(( Thanks for all the responses on the in the OC thread, I'll just continue writing as before)) 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 1:29:57 AM

Zeros came back into itself as The Automaton finished receiving data from the terminal it stood beside.


{Acquisition complete, standing by for analysis}

Zeros reviewed the data in its head, everything seemed in order. No power fluctuations, all the guns firing pins were functional.

{They were tested with empty barrels, before the loading protocols were.}

And all the guns seemed to be able to load and unload when required to...

[Wait. What's that one doing?]

{Which? Oh dear.}

One of the guns on the port side of the ship was jammed, and instead of sending out usable information that could alert the gunner it was stuck in a load/unload loop in a failed attempt to clear the chamber.

{That needs fixing, who’s our contact in gunnery? We need access to that ASAP, or the first time we fire that faulty gun we could lose it.}

[And tear a hole in the hull in the process.]

Zeros checked the roster of on-board crew. Looking for the security officer that would be able to let The Automaton into that section of the ship.

[...Oh...Oh no.]

{That doesn't sound good.}

Zeros shared the picture with The Automaton.


Just then a familiar voice came over the P.A. The Automaton began moving for the corridor as the announcement came to an end. At first curiosity at what such an important meeting might entail made Zeros long to investigate, but pragmatism won through.

[It's none of our concern. The Captain, acting or not, of this ship will need it functional more than we need to know what the higher ups are talking about.]

{If it's important we'll be notified with the rest of the crew. Contact The Craver. And try to keep it guessing about us.}

Zeros opened a channel and delivered a message while walking. Zeros used a upbeat, chipper voice at first. But would layer in an undertone of menace when possible. As if to say: "I'm friendly now, but if you push me...". It was one of Zeros favorite voices. 

"Hello Decius, this is Zeros from engineering, we encountered each other at the top of the gangplank earlier. I've noticed an error in the functionality of one of the weapons in your section of the ship and need you to rendezvous with me near there. The security on this ship is still quite tight, I won't have unobstructed access to that section until we're in the void. And I'd rather resolve the issue before we liftoff. I can't tell exactly how long it'll take. Or how quickly we might be fired upon once in flight. I'm headed that way now. And try not to keep me waiting. If that gun blows up when fired, it's bad for all of us." 

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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 4:16:38 AM

                Decius awakens suddenly to his throbbing head alerting him of a message. Replaying it from memory, he clicks his mandibles in exasperation at his impending task with the talkative robot. Moving from his dark, comfortable nest of warm heaters and equipment to the main corridor, his visual receptors blink several times adjusting to the dull fluorescent lighting of the passage. Continuing down the main corridor he forms a message and broadcasts it to the loquacious robot.

                “This is the ship’s gunner. Meet me in the magazine,” He begins. As an afterthought he adds, “And bring me any manuals for the guns as well as any specs you can find on the weapons. I’ll have to learn their guts and pretty pieces on the fly.”

                Moving down the elevator, Decius reaches the lower levels. Passing the food storage compartment, he stops to grab a bite. Opening the console, he calls up an “Organic Block Special.” Part of the reason the kind people behind the expedition allowed a Craver to be part of the crew was because of his relative lack of taste and his ability to palate all types of organic matter. Despite the fact that he was beginning to develop a specific affinity for a sauce created out of what some humans call Soy beans, he had little care of what he ate. Opening his package of “OBS,” he adds several drops of the soy mixture to the block from a small bottle he kept in a pouch attached to his frame. The moisture soaked in to the solid brick, slightly softening it and releasing the pungent odors. If your food is going to taste like detritus, you might as well add soy sauce.

                Finishing his meager snack, the Craver moves through a series of apertures to the magazine; waiting for the Automaton to appear.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 4:34:42 PM

Opening the Door Dhanyl saw everything as it was before. Nothing interesting or noticeable.

Dhanyl thought to himself "Man if I would have to write a book or one of this "roleplays" this Humans are playing since centuries I would describe this scene from the point of view of a Character that wasn't here before and would have some more interesting things to say about it."

In fact, this scene was so completely boring and not worth to mention that he wouldn't have wasted one single line on it and would rather let someone else the first step through the door.

((I think you got my point Zennock, you could have written this yourself, after all, you are the one who has to be here))

"Hallo again Ylona. I and my friend here have got some questions."

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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 4:39:40 PM

“Wait, what is that?” As the ancient robot and the smaller cyborg were moving to the bridge, the ancient robot saw a translucent porthole which allowed one to view the outside world. Instead of following with Dhanyl to the bridge, the ancient robot rushed to the porthole and peered through it. Outside, he could make out the images of gray and shimmering images. Once in a while, a burst of colour would rush through and Laudmas would be bemused by it. Although the ship was decorated, it could not match the vibrant shapes that the robot would see.

“Ah, right. I am sorry” said the robot. "Let us continue" and off he went, rushing to a doorway endorsed with a radiant pattern. Although his appearance was threatening and of epic proportion to some, his mind was still innocent at the time and was very straightforward. Despite this, his memory was slowly becoming more clear. Will he revert back to his past self or instead, will he choose to embrace this new nature? Perhaps the answer was already selected from the start.

(( @Nibot, You're doing excellent mate. Don't let yourself down, we're all here to have a bit of fun. No need to worry. ))

(( @LordDarkon, Whoops. Didn't noticed your message. Lemme edit the post or make a new one. ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 5:25:03 PM

The Sophon entered the door and the ancient robot followed. The bridge was (inn Laudmas's own thoughts) somewhat of a disappointment. It had all the usual electronics and devices that gave out dim lights and wavered monotonously. There were some uncomfortable looking seats which seemed as if they were designed for very delicate and elegant creatures (which Laudmas was not). A rumble passed through and shook some of the instruments that were fixed to their containers. 

       But as Laudmas re-adjusted his vision and he could see all of the bridge, disappointment turned to contentment which lead to awe. 

The room was somewhat pointed at the edge where all sorts of panels twitched, glowed, and glimmered. Even a Sophon adept would have been entertained for hours just by those panels. In the middle there was a rather large screen laid on a upraised surface which showed a hologram image that displayed all sorts of information. From the planet they were on, to the amount of fuel they have. Once in a while, the image would flicker and switch to another one. This time, a rather pleasing showcase of unknown flora and fauna. However, what stole the spotlight was the large opening protected by a possibly indestructible but translucent, exceptionally clear, unknown material which allowed one to view the outside world. 

      The ancient robot viewed through the supposed *window* and was absolutely absorbed by it. 

There were epic, towering, gray citadels that Laudmas could see in the great distance. If he were to go zoom back, Laudmas could see all sorts of space ships and platforms moving around (though admittedly, they weren't very vibrant and colourful). Some moved sluggishly, some moved at what one would have called an average pace, and some were rushing past through each other, giving no notice of the splendor of the congestion of vehicles. What Laudmas was most curious about, was the pearly, somewhat shiny precipitate that were falling down to the basis of the planet. They resembled raindrops and as they splashed unto the glass, they would explode in a splendor of silver and separate into more *raindrops* which dripped down in a simple pattern. 

       "Ah, how wonderous" announced the ancient robot. "A view most have ignored and an opportunity surely missed."

Amusingly, Laudmas didn't notice the humanoid figure at all. He was absolutely entranced in what he saw and paid little to no attention on what he originally planned to do.

(( So how was it? ))

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 9:44:05 PM

The Automaton finished pacing through the tunnel, it had waited by the door for some time before growing slightly agitated and going for a short walk, standing still for too long didn't suit Zeros. As The Automaton rounded the corner, initially staring slightly downward, but looking up when it spotted The Cravers bio-mechanical feet. Seeing The Cravers size was still a minor shock to Zeros, and The Automaton repressed a shudder, but it was getting used to the idea of such a dangerous entity occupying the same ship as it. Zeros prepared to launch into a diatribe, but took one look at Decius' stance and re-evaluated.

{Glaring? Possibly annoyed? Or disappointed? Cravers are so hard to read when they aren't just trying to kill you.}

[It must have arrived after we left. There's no way to tell how long it's been waiting, a simple approach is best in this case. Maybe in all interactions with this one.]

Zeros shifted The Automatons posture, adopting a lazy slouch that decreased the space it occupied in the corridor. No sense attempting physical intimidation, any threat would undoubtedly be acted against. Better to have it think we're passive and at least comfortable around it, that could give a much needed element of surprise against it if it ever turns violent. Zeros then made a noise halfway between a grunt and insectile whistling/clacking while waving an arm at the hatchway, attempting to convey "Well, open the door already." in a manner that mimicked a Craver it had once observed on a mostly ruined planet in the early years of The Automatons wanderings.

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8 years ago
Oct 27, 2016, 11:41:11 PM

Alice sighed, putting out her cigarette on her desk.    Top officers causing issues as usual.    Back in the old days, if there was an issue with a captain you just tossed them out the airlock.  If you had some respect for them you might even give them a lifepod.   Her current captain was the latter, at least in the fact he hadn't managed to the typical bumbling idiot she was used to in empire space.

The bridge doors opened as the Chief Engineer entered, followed by a rolling suitcase-sized droid.     After a second, she put one foot on top of the droid, giving it a slight shove to one side of the bridge.    Calmly, Skeler took a seat on top of the machine, crossing her legs and, finally, acknowledging the gathering.

"Alice Skeler, for those of you I haven't met,"  she stated,  "Chief Engineer and principal designer of many of the Savior's drive and power systems."  

(apologies for being away but I really only get a chance to write on the weekends)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 12:40:35 AM

Decius is barely able to make out the waving robot's attempt at speaking his native tongue, laboriously interpreting:

"The door is stuck... (Incorrigible) smash it open."

He stops for a second.

"This could be a miscommunication," he thinks to himself. Playing the series of clicks back in his head, he is reassured of the robot's need of a smashed portal. Besides, robots don't make those kinds of mistakes. Removing his long sword from his back and straddling the sides of the round opening with his legs. Unfolding his wicked weapon, he smashes the door open like a can of dog food opened by a starving man with no can opener. Within several spine shattering strikes, the metal has completely been removed from it's encasing in the wall. With the sound of his merciless and deafening strikes still reverberating throughout the ship, he steps in to the room and picks up the door for storage in his nest.

Turning to the Automaton, he beckons him in to the room filled with red lights and shiny metal.

"Oh, and you can speak in the common language... the tongue of my kin does not favor those without the natural capacity to utter it," he adds.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 2:23:01 AM

Valorum's finger halted mid keystroke over the door console to the reactor room. The announcement had come loud and clear, and he was among those called.

 ...acting captain? It looks like making friends will have to wait...or maybe not if the rest of the officers will be present. This may prove a decent introduction to my fellow administrators.

Feeling a little disappointed that his trek across the ship was a waste of time, Valorum turned around and strode back towards the front of the ship, briefly pulling his holopad out of the briefcase he was carrying and looking at the crew roster, specifically the officer's section.


It took him longer than Alice, but Valorum eventually made it all the way back to the bridge. Sliding his holopad back into his briefcase like a CD drive, Valorum stepped in, his cape flaring behind him and his glaive held high. The Vodyani looked around at the already assembled officers, nodding his head at each of them in turn and bowing respectfully at Ylona before moving to an open area, setting his briefcase down and just standing there, waiting to see what, if anything, will happen.

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