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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 5:44:42 AM

Zeros watched, stunned, as The Craver savagely beat the door inwards.

{Maybe you missed a click in there somewhere?}

[Or the recording you took meant something slightly different than we thought....]

Either way the result was spectacular. Not for the first time in it's existence The Automaton was glad for it's lack of ears. The Craver spoke. And Zeros responded as The Automaton stepped carefully through the smashed portal.

"Yes, well," Zeros was momentarily at a loss for words. The destruction would take quite some time to repair, much more than it would to fix the gun!  "Technically I don't have the capacity to speak any language naturally. My intention had been for you to enter your access code. But all I can say is what I've heard, recited as recorded, with a consistent modulation pattern." The Automaton picked up part of the magnetic lock, soothing the tiny electronic mind that was flickering out and trying to salvage as much of it as Zeros could. They felt immense sadness as it died. "Clearly my Craver is lacking in subtlety." The Automaton paused for a moment, surveying the wreckage and flicked a nearby light switch on to brighten the darkened room. Trying chase away the shadows growing in Zeros as it did.  "Hopefully I can increase my vocabulary in the future, to prevent further miscommunication." Zeros lifted The Automatons head and locked ocular inputs with Decius. "As menacing as your race can be, your linguistics are beautiful."The Automaton turned in the direction it could feel the repetitive clicking from. Other injuries needed mending. The Automaton quickly remembered something that had almost eluded Zeros. "Please leave the door here, repairing it will be quite a task without all the parts."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 6:22:29 PM

Ylona watched the robot with some amusement as he stared at the viewscreen in great fascination. She was somewhat fascinated by him, as Precursor robots were a rare sight, especially ones which hadn't attached themselves to Vaulter clans at some point in history.

She gave both Alice and Valorum a nod as they entered, acknowledging their presence. Some time after, Rolak also entered the bridge, slightly out of breath from his trip.

"Good. Now we'll just have to wait for Hadrian, and we can begin." Turning to Dhanyl, she granted him: "You can stay, if you want, but be quiet, please. This is a matter for the senior officers."

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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 6:47:29 PM

"If I may break the silence, I would like to announce myself." The robot gave a polite nod to the crew-members. "My name is Laudmas Achromb and as all of you can see, I am not completely made out of flesh nor do some other crewmates." With confidence, the ancient robot spoke while prompting to Valorum and Dhanyl. "However, I expect and ask that all of you would hopefully treat each other respectfully while we are working together on this ship to achieve each of our personal goals. Let us not take the fool-hardy decision of rushing to complete a single objective for one individual, while we could have co-operated all together and strive for the greater good of each and every one of us." 

"Hopefully, we could achieve the latter." Laudmas added.

"Now, I suppose the acting captain on-board the ship would like to continue and explain the current situation on board the ship. Would the acting captain kindly announce him or herself and explain the situation?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 8:29:43 PM

"In case case you didn't figure it out from me sitting in the Captain's chair", Ylona began sarcastically, "that'd be me."

Seeing that everyone was present, she stood up and ordered: "Stand to attention, everyone. I am your superior at the moment, and I also want to take holo-recordings from each of you, since there ceremony is starting in half an hour and I doubt we will be finished by then." Glaring at those who didn't follow her order until everyone was at least upright, she switched on the recorder.

Once she had enough, she announced while switching the device off: "At ease. Captain Yerem was called in to explain his hiring choices to his higher-ups, who weren't happy to learn he'd hired Vodyani and Craver, among other things. They can't replace the crew this close to the launch, so nobody else will have to worry about their jobs. To make sure we don't offend them more, I'll pretend to be the Captain during the ceremony and you", she said pointing at Ricards, "are going to appear as first mate. That ranking of the holograms standing to attention down there isn't going to be the truth, however."

She took a deep breath, then plunged on: "Because what I called you here for is to discuss who will actually take over the captain's position. The Pilgrim leadership has offered it to me, but I'll be honest, I'm not good for it. The Savior would have been my first time ever to hold a position of authority. While I think I might manage being First Mate, I'm not going to be captain when there are so many people who actually have experience."

Her gaze wandering around the room, she lists: "I've read your dossiers. Rolak, you've already been second in command before. Same with you, Alice. Hadrian, you've been to an officer's academy. While I'm not sure what you've served as, Valorum, the way you walk makes it clear you're used to a high rank. Even our little spectator here", she finishes with a little gesture towards Dhanyl, "has at least experience in ordering scientists around. I'm a woman who just knows how to read star charts. So, for the sake of any of us reaching their goals, I ask that one of you steps up to the challenge."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 28, 2016, 11:52:41 PM

Upon seeing him enter, Valorum offered the Sheredyn man a salute; more specifically, a Sheredyn salute, holding his left fist over his right shoulder. It had become a force of habit, really, since his time on Gemini III. Any Sheredyn he came across had his unwavering gratitude for their honorable conduct and a salute was the least he could do to show it. Curiously, the Sheredyn 'Ricards' immediately went to stand next to Valorum too, which, although he could not really show it, surprised the former Admiral. For once, someone who wasn't Vodyani was instantly comfortable with him. Something of a welcome change, particularly as the two stood to attention; while Valorum placed his free hand behind his back and straightened his glaive next to him for the holo-scan, Ricard's head turned slightly in Valorum's direction. Seeing the motion in his peripherals, Valorum could feel a sense of admiration emanating from the young man.

Perfectly comfortable and remarkably respectful, this one. He must know of my service...

As he shifted his attention back to the holo-scanner Ylona was using, if more from manners than practicality, Valorum began to wonder; how much did Ricards know? He'd at least know that Val was once an admiral, that was certain, but the history of his fleet? The outcomes of his engagements in Sheredyn systems? The impact of the treaties he signed? Though his past was not entirely a badge of honour, Valorum couldn't help but feel a flicker of pride thinking his exploits were spoken of among his old comrades.


By now, Ylona had finished talking and Valorum was feeling a myriad of emotions about this turn of events.

Oh dear. That is...extremely unfortunate.

Embarrassingly, it sounded like Valorum was the only one who actually had experience leading expeditions into unknown territory. Granted, he usually had a fully armed escort and was steering an Ark between systems, but he'd been on scouting expeditions with only a ship or two before...once. At least if Ricards had officer training, then Valorum's exploits probably weren't just known to him; they were studied in depth. If he became captain, it would be good to have a subordinate who had a sort of prior history with his maneuvers. After a moment of silence, Valorum made a noise like he was clearing his throat before addressing Ylona with a praising tone:

"No soul brave enough to admit their faults should be forced to abide a task they do not desire. I respect your decision, m'lady."

He then changed his tone to one more serious as he regarded the others present.

"Regarding the matter, you are correct that I do have prior experience as a captain of ships. I would be more than honoured to take command, but there are some rather serious concerns to be addressed. For starters, I've had..."

He pauses slightly to look discreetly at Laudmas and Dhanyl in his periphery before continuing:

"...difficulties interacting with the crew. I'm hesitant to think that I would be trusted in such a position by most aboard the Saviour. Furthermore, I'd like to apologize, for if you speak truthfully, then I am mostly to blame for this happening at all. Therefore, taking the post of a captain I inadvertently removed could be...uncomfortable for most involved, to say the least."

As if to show his sincerity and shame, Valorum bowed his head, allowing the others to speak.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 29, 2016, 3:17:04 AM

"At the very least, Valorum, you are an excellent speaker sir."  Alice nodded her approval to the Vodyani.   She hadn't dealt with his (well, she presumed male by the style of Valorum's outfit)  people too much given their usual disdain for outsiders but he was pleasant enough.   She wasn't sure about the political nightmare his command could become, however.

"I have in fact taken command of vessels on several occasions, Ylona,"  Alice corrected pointedly, "Though I will admit it was often not my choice to do so.   If the need arises, I am confident I could lead our intrepid crew here as I have the advantage of dealing with crews of, let's say 'varying backgrounds' in my previous line of work.    I also feel we have enough senior engineers that I could take the position without jeopardizing our mission which is not something that could be said for many of us here.   I would be far more comfortable serving as your first mate, however, should the captaincy fall to you."

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8 years ago
Oct 30, 2016, 1:28:37 AM

Lifting his head, Valorum thankfully responded:

"Thank you, Ms. Skeler, but I've done little to deserve such praise. While I don't doubt your skills, the former captain did choose us each for a reason, I feel it wise to disrupt the present chain of command as little as possible, regardless of who becomes captain. You were brought aboard for your engineering expertise, after all, and taking the position of First Mate in the event of my promotion would usurp Lady Ylona unfairly. If I were to become captain, it would leave the Second Mate position in need of filling, though."

Turning his head back to the rest of the assembled company, Valorum clarified:

"Still, that is assuming I am the one to take command. I'm still hesitant to fill the position for the previously noted reasons; most predominantly, the discontent among the crew. If it would help, perhaps we should all lay bare our qualifications for this post and determine who would be best suited to take the mantle from there?"

Most of those present come from societies with representative governments. A democratic solution might appeal to them.

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8 years ago
Oct 30, 2016, 6:44:19 PM

"My apologies, I was speaking about serving Miss Ylona as First Mate who I still feel is the most qualified to command."  Alice corrected herself, "I apologize if I did not make that clearer.  I agree that disruptions should be kept to a minimum."

(I did in fact word that oddly, but she was addressing Ylona)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 30, 2016, 7:34:52 PM

Rolak was not happy. First he was lead on a wild goose chase by faulty sensors (damn pilgrims and their aesthetics over utility attitude), then he finds out that the captain that his...employers, had funded the mission for had been removed from his post by a bunch of uppity politicians. At least Lumerian politicians have the decency to stick by their decisions (and by further extent their investments) when they make them. Still...for Ylona to name him as one of the possible candidates for captain warmed his heart more than a little. She was a good kid, and was more fit for captain's position than she realized. She followed orders with a flexible attitude, had already connected well with every crewmember that she had come across, and even had the humility to actually call this meeting about the captaincy nstead of just taking the position without regards towards the feelings of the crew. That was captain material in his book.

"Sorry Ylona." Rolak chuckled, "But I'm afraid that since I'm technically here to make sure the investments of our benefactors stay in one piece, my being captain would create a conflict of interest between the 4 families and the Pilgrim leadership. So I'm not a viable option for the captaincy."

((I have returned ))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 30, 2016, 11:20:07 PM

                The magazine room nearly darkens with Decius’ shrug of disappointment. Jadedly replacing the door on the floor inside of the now misshapen and bent room, he exits swiftly without a sound. His frame glows red as he moves through the halls prowling like a hunting cat for ideas. Passing the bunk room, a thought pops into his head. Entering the cramped space once again, he moves to the bunk claimed as his own. Studying the padding, it appears just right for his purpose. Tearing out the fibrous material proved harder than he had thought it would be, but still provided little resistance to four mechanically assisted arms.

                Leaving the room and moving up the elevator with the carcass of his soft, cottony bed trailing fluffy white entrails behind him, Decius looks to his consciousness. Requiring information on the authorities of the ship, he listens to the conversation in the captain’s cabin. Using parameters to clear out confusion and applying a sound kinetics program to the ship’s construction diagram, the small vibrations moving through the air can be singled out into clear voices.

                Taking note of the individual auditory signals and matching them to the roles and races called for on the list, a quick mental map of the important people on board is formed. Through simple logical extrapolation Decius decides the best way to act around certain entities and what mannerisms to adopt around others, as well as those to be befriended and those to be observed. Social situations and customs are easily compiled, whole scenarios played out in his memory banks.

                The elevator reaches the floor with a ding, and he steps out now aware of many around him; returning to the life support room, the Craver smiles inwardly with his newfound knowledge. Laying down his bedding in the warm, dark, damp, cavernous room he thinks to himself:

                “This is going to be easier than I thought.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 7:33:46 AM

"I'm flattered by your confidence in me, but I'm not as good as you think I am, and I'm certainly not a lady. I'm a civilian pilot, I hauled freight on the order of a captain that hired me for the trip", she complained, "I think the only reason Yerem picked me for first mate was to hope his higher-ups wouldn't look further at the roster when the senior staff is acceptable."

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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 2:44:31 PM

"Not true. Where I come from, those of respected stature are to be addressed respectfully. As I said before, Ylona, you were brave to admit your faults; many would have just said they didn't want the post and left it at that, but you had the heart to acknowledge your inexperience. You, if anyone onboard, are worthy of the title 'lady'."

If nothing else, Valorum's body language was a clear sign of sincerity; though his posture was relaxed, his free hand was behind his back again as if he was standing at attention for a superior officer. Still, he was feeling a little disappointed. If anyone had the chops to be the captain other than him, it was either Rolak or Ricards, but if what Rolak said was true, neither one could be captain, or even in the chain of command, without there potentially being a serious political conflict of interests. Angela at least sounded experienced, if not completely refined. Then there was the robot and the Sophon he had met...

"Laudmas and Dhanyl, correct? Do either of you have any experience as a captain?"

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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 4:30:57 PM

The ancient robot was still staring at the hologram. It showed a large insect with long, spindly legs that were protected with long, jagged spikes. It moved like a locomotive, and the ancient robot could imagine it puffing steam.

      "Experiences? I suppose I do have plenty of experiences. But good experiences with leading others?" Laudmas laughed. "Not something we can all count on." The ancient robot grinned a little but then, similar to how a grandfather would give a advice to his most favourite and youngest grandson, he added "But, if you want me to share my opinions, I believe it would be more ideal to listen to the words of other before judging yourself. Because of that rule, I'm afraid I would not like to boast my achievements. Though, I cannot always promise that." He said with a wink and a slight twinkle in his visor. "I would be honoured to become the captain, but for now, I would prefer to hear the opinions and voices of others. Let us continue."

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 9:24:57 PM

Dhanyl already got bored when they started the introductions and because nothing interesting happened since then he tried to kill the time. Now, surprised that he got addressed he stopped the game of Tetris he was currently playing on his helmet screen, one of the few human games that managed to entertain him, and answered the vodyani.

"Leading experience? As our temporary Captain said, I've got a lot experience in 'ordering Scientists' around. On a Sophon ship. A Sophon ship with the main objective of finding and exploring new Stars, Planets and Anomalies. A ship whose crew consisted mostly of scientists. To ninety-six percent of scientists." 

While saying that he looked to Ylona, his voice slightly sharp and with a bit of condescension. He didn't like the 'little guest' at all.

"Also, the chain of Comand is slightly different on sophon ships than on ships of other races. The rank of the chief scientist and the one of the Captain are more or less equal. Decisions are made in agreement between them. The captain takes complete control in militaristic situations, so I have no experience with that. But as long as we are not under attack, I would say that I am capable of being the Captain of this ship."

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 1, 2016, 9:29:55 PM

*bzzzt, clunk, zzzm* *Bzzzt, Clunk, Zzzm* *BZZT, CLUNK, ZZZM*

<Loading, Error, Reset.> <Loading, Error, Reset.> <Loading, Error, Reset.>

[Executive Command: Cease current activities.]


Zeros shut down the faulty loading sequence once it drew communication range of the malfunctioning gun to identify the subsystem responsible. 

The problem was obvious, the feeder tube leading into the firing chamber was misaligned due to an inactive tube clamp. Every time the gun attempted to connect the tube to the socket it was pushed to one side by the functional clamp. Without an equal force on the other side it would bump against the loading port at the wrong angle, normally a simple enough fix. In this case however the flow valve was being tripped by a protrusion. And the inside of the gun was soaked with flammable fluid as a consequence. If the gun had been firing, it would have ignited the fluid in the gun. And then likely spread flames to the fluid in the tube, ending in catastrophic results. All because someone didn't tighten a spring enough. The Automaton removed the outer casing of the gun, absorbed some of the excess fluid (the meager amount of Dust that impregnated the fluid made the job almost worthwhile, and Zeros could feel it's efficiency increasing as it fed.), and tightened the spring on the loose clamp. Zeros mentally sighed as it's frame worked on the rest of the interior. Mental acuity increasing from the intake of Dust, even as it's physical senses were dulled.

[Brain metaphorically the size of a bloody planet, able to speak most languages fluently or at least in a serviceable manner, reduced to janitorial work.]

The Automatons response was typical, Dust infusion tended to temporarily lower its autonomy.

{Cleaning, Cleaning, Cleaning. Complete! Query, Next Task?}

[Reconstruction, honestly, do I have to do all the thinking for us?]

{Activating actuators.}

The following span of time flew by in a golden blur, time simultaneously standing still and moving far too quickly. Sensations of the gun being repaired, the hatch being re-installed and welded back into place, and Zeros returning what fractured pieces of the doors virtual locking system it could reconstruct to their proper places (The ship was quite curious about the foreign digital signature. But Zeros wasn't in the mood the chat with the querying Sophon designed system A.I. at the moment, so all it got was cyber-security credentials validating commandline access rights.) flowed by like a tableau. The next clear, independent, thoughts Zeros and The Automaton had occurred an unknown span of time later in the bunk they had chosen. (As much as Zeros was loath to admit, it too tended to be subsumed by the unifying glow of Dust.)

[How much time passed?]

{Unknown, I believe we still have not lifted off. But that memory could simply be missing. We should go somewhere central and wait for further word from Others.}

The Automaton clutched it's aching head, the pain wasn't entirely real, but it still hurt.

[Impurities always have odd side effects, this time it's memory lapses and "headaches". Head down to the mess hall. Our pure Dust ration should cleanse them.]

{And we can wait for word from the Others there, hopefully the meeting ends soon so we can introduce our self.}

As The Automaton walked to the door of the barracks Zeros viewed something odd, one of the beds had been ripped to shreds by some form of clawed hands.

[That wasn't us, was it?]

{Hopefully not, but I can recall no better than you. Shall we attempt repairs?}

[Leave it.] Another twinge of pain ran through The Automaton and Zeros head as they left the bunk. [We have other priorities.]

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8 years ago
Nov 2, 2016, 8:48:34 PM

-I hate spaceports-Martin thought when he got lost again. 

The map was very difficult to read and chaos around didn't helped. It looked like people here don't like Dust-infused after all. 

-Let's start again. I'm here and the dock is there..-

He started to search the way one more time. Finally, he succeed. He saved it in datapad in case he forget it.  

-OK, here left, then right, then third turning right and..-

He stopped. 

-Pilgrims.-he muttered

Although he was very tolerant comparing with higher officers of UE Navy, he felt aversion to them. 

-It seems to be tough voyage.-he said to himself, entering. 

Then, the first surprise. There was nobody guarding the entrance. 

-Is there anybody here?-Martin asked looking into corridor-It looks like all the crew is busy. But where is the officer responsible for crew roster?-he asked himself. 

After a while, he replied to himself-On the bridge.-

-So let's find the bridge-he thought-Maybe I'll find somebody who can tell me where to report my arrival-

((If I write in a bad way, let me know))

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8 years ago
Nov 12, 2016, 12:09:57 AM

So 'no' and 'sort of, but not exactly.' Wonderful.

A feeling of dread began to creep into Valorum as he realized; he might have to actually be the captain now. Ylona didn't want it, Laudmas wasn't forthcoming with any credentials, Dhanyl wouldn't work in a hostile situation, Rolak politically couldn't, Ricards was probably in the same boat, and Angela only had marginal experience. At this point, he was the only actual choice.Still, it wouldn't hurt to ask Ricards just in case...

"Begging your pardon, but you've been rather quiet, Ricards. Do you have anything to say on this matter?"

Ricards didn't move, holding two fingers against the side of his helmet to keep his comm on. After a few moments, the Sheredyn cleared his throat and said:

"I apologise, but it seems that my superiors need to speak with me. For the sake of expedience, please decide without me."

And with a crisp salute to all those present, Ricards left the bridge. Valorum saluted in return, but after Ricards left, the Vodyani sighed inaudibly. That clinched the whole decision. Tapping his staff against the ground a few times to get the other's attention, Valorum addressed his fellow officers with a solemn, serious tone.

"I've made up my mind. So long as no one objects, I am willing to fill the position of Captain."

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8 years ago
Nov 12, 2016, 6:01:42 AM

"If I weren't fine with it, I wouldn't have suggested you", Ylona confirms, "If it helps, I can pretend to be Captain to the higher-ups. Once we're out of port, that would only include setting my squiggle instead of yours under the weekly reports, anyway."

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8 years ago
Nov 13, 2016, 5:24:16 PM

Valorum nods in agreement.

"So long as the river runneth smooth, as I say. I'll try to make my writing in the weekly reports as, uh...secular as possible for both of our sakes. Assistance on the matter would be appreciated, though."

This was dangerous; being captain of a Pilgrim ship without the knowledge of the admiralty whilst flying into unexplored space without any reinforcements and limited resources. It all screamed of something to be left alone...and yet what remained in Valorum that could be called a 'heart' was hammering with excitement. The iron arm of the Church's Laws no longer bound him, and he was sworn to serve no Pilgrim admiral. To seek out the homeworld of the Gods on his own terms, on his own ship, with his own crew, beholden to none but those who served alongside him; it was like a fantasy come to life.

"Say, once we leave port and drop out of contact with the admiralty, would we announce my position as acting captain to the rest of the crew or would only those of us in this room know?"

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8 years ago
Nov 14, 2016, 1:18:39 AM

"It might be wise to be upfront with them"  Angel stated as she tapped out orders on her control pad,  "Hiding it could lead to further...complications down the line.      As for my personal feelings on this change of command: as long as I am able to continue my work, I do not mind who sits in that seat.    All I request is the freedom to run my own department as I see fit."

She moved over towards the viewport, leaning down to inspect one of the control panels,   "And...should you require someone to proofread a report before it is sent in, you may forward it to my terminal.   I know exactly the sort of bureaucratic phrasing these things require."

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