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Endless Space Forum RP [Roleplay]

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8 years ago
Nov 14, 2016, 4:02:18 AM

" I've no objections to it." Rolak said, looking at the Vodyani turned captain. "And while I'll have to inform my employers of the change, they only care that their investments are retuned in full. So the change should be fine with them."

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8 years ago
Nov 15, 2016, 2:56:09 AM

"I concur, Miss Skeler. I wish to be as transparent as possible with the crew. Any assistance with the writing of reports would be appreciated as well, of course."

Surprisingly, Angela's request elicits a strange response from Valorum; a hearty, honest laugh followed by a respectful bow of his head and teasingly saying:

"I no longer take cues from my Church if that's your concern, Miss Skeler. As long as you keep the Saviour moving, you have my blessing to work as you see fit."

For once, lacking a face proved a detriment to Valorum, for if he had one he'd have been smiling reassuringly. Though he had little experience with it, Angela's want for independence was surprisingly easy to understand. She didn't want higher powers to harm her much in the same way Vodyani never wished to be punished by the Laws; both only wanted to do their work to the best of their ability. Little did she know, though, that with Valorum at the helm, her position was probably the safest it would ever be.

Addressing Rolak, Valorum returned to a more formal demeanor and replied:

"I'm glad to hear that. I don't suppose those...investments are covered in the captain's contract and listed in the ship's manifest of donations and expenditures?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 15, 2016, 4:00:59 AM

Rolak grinned in a somewhat feral fashion at Valorum's question.

"But of course, after all if anything unfortunate were to happen on the expedition then my employers would want to be damn sure of who to blame. Though perhaps blame is too weak of a word."

At the slightly concerned look from the others he decided to assuage their concerns, "But I assure you as long as I'm here none of that will be necessary. It is just a system in place to make sure that Lumerian investors can streamline the collection process on payments and is a system used in virtually all of our kind's ventures."

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 9:51:55 AM

Ylona had been temporarily distracted by the starting of the ceremony. The main viewscreen now showed what one of the portside exterior cameras saw, which was the large audience gathered to witness the launching of the ship. Most of them were Pilgrim, although they were by themselves already a rather diverse group in appearance, clothing and demeanour. In the front row, three Sophons were at least physically attending, if one looked closely it as visible that they were busy in an argument which probably had nothing to do at all with the Saviour. Somewhat in the back was a group of Vaulters who looked rather grim and sollemn, including the children they had brought with them. They were partly obscured by the bulk of some Lumerian representatives whose obese faceshad the smug look of somebody who would make money from this venture whether it succeeded or failed.

Between the ship and the audience was a podium on which someone was currently giving a speech. Since his back was towards the camera, it was difficult to say who it was, but it was likely he'd not be the only one giving a speech today.

"Let's inform the crew of the change once we're launched. Right now we need everyone focused on getting everything online. And Rolak, if you inform them, let them sign an NDA or something so we can be sure they don't leak it further."

She stood up and gestured a bit dramatically towards the captain's seat. "Your chair, Captain", she intoned with pathos towards Valorum.

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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 4:40:29 PM

The ancient robot had been listening and thinking. He remembered a cheerful little tune he heard from the intercom a while ago. It was a beep and a boop then it went to a loop. A grin formed on his face while he enjoyed the chirpy little tune. Hopefully, nobody saw that smile and thought of him as a insane maniac. 

"Your chair, Captain", Ylona suddenly announced.

"Hmm?" Laudmas thought to himself "Now, who could that be?"

Ylona then inclined towards Valorum.

"Ah?" The ancient robot suddenly brought himself to full alert. Ylona, Rolak, Angel, were all perfectly acceptable candidates but instead, Valorum was selected. Laudmas knew not to base entire judgement upon first impressions but if the soon to be captain of the ship was as easily susceptible to arguments as the one the "trio" had, it wouldn't bid well for the crew members.  

"If I may." Laudmas abruptly stated, the suddenness reaction reminded the crew members of his presence. "If Valorum is to be the captain of the ship, I would like to ask him to keep a promise." 

The ancient robot faced the Vodyani with somewhat of a emotionless yet intensifying glare that highlighted the seriousness of his request. 

"As you are the chaplain of the ship, I would assume that you would have a very significant opinion on some matters. If a situation arises where a individual or a party has a opposing view on your beliefs, would you be the better person and choose to ignore instead of deciding upon the unnecessary and create a argument?" 

Laudmas straightened himself. "Of course, this is a requirement that only me, myself propose. It is entirely up for you to decide whether you wish to follow the request or not."

The ancient robot lowered his glare and faced the other crew members.

"Others may have a different view on what I have said and they are entirely free to argue, ignore, or bash against my request. However, kindly note that I uphold this desire because I believe it will serve to the greater good of the different members on-board the ship rather than a single individual."

Laudmas straightened himself once again and waited for a response.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 16, 2016, 10:44:38 PM

If Valorum had learned anything about the Four Families, it was that they were opportunists first and governors second. They'd most likely agree that withholding this changing of the captaincy until the ship was safely flying is a good move. Plus, they wouldn't want to out Valorum for fear it would either de-fund or cancel the mission and reduce the value of their profits. An agreement in writing, though, wouldn't go amiss. It was just then that Ylona said:

"Your chair, Captain."

A sudden thrill shot through Valorum's synthetic spine. It had been almost too long since someone had called him by a proper title and the burning sensation of authority began to flicker like a rekindled flame within him. Turning toward Ylona, he followed her gesture and stared at the captain's chair. It was smooth, white, and spherical, standing on a single, sturdy leg, with grey upholstering and projector orbs at the front of the armrests for the holographic interface. In Valorum's mind's eye, though he saw a familiar, jagged, black throne with fissures running up and down its length, pulsing with orange and gold light; his old chair on the bridge of the Endymion. His time as an Admiral, the unyielding service in the name of the Hierarch, the Battle of Gemini III; had it all had led him here?

The Vodyani was brought out of his reverie by Laudmas and his request. Though he didn't turn to look at the old robot, Valorum listened attentively, his doing so only marked by the slightest turning of his head. Once he had finished, Valorum couldn't help but chuckle at Laudmas. Without turning around, he said:

"Did you know that the most popular religion amongst the Sheredyn is atheism, Laudmas?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 22, 2016, 2:56:38 PM

Now that the matter of the captaincy was cleared up, Ylona returned to her previous seat, passing Laudmas on the way. She whispered while passing: "Asking the captain not to have the last word is not a smart move. Especially if you want order aboard." This was the first time she'd actually been in close contact to one of those Precursor robots, and she hadn't realized how strange their personality could be. This one seemed overly focused on the matter of religion, in a context where it didn't make much sense.

She sat down, planning to flesh out the watchstanding plan by dividing the roster into the appropriate teams. Instead, she had to take up the communicator, which was flashing neglectedly, ignored during the discussion. She listened to what the other person had to say and just answered with: "It will be dealt with" silently, as not to interrupt the captain's discussion.

Hurriedly, Ylona waved Rolak to her console and told him in equally quiet tones once he was there: "Apparently, one of your security crew, Decius, just ripped a mattress in half and ran off with half of it who knows where to. Do you want to explain or go and chew him out for it?"

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 2:57:36 AM

"I do not believe I have committed malicious action, Ylona," Decius says brusquely to the two, the doors still sliding shut behind him. "I moved my nest elsewhere. There is no need for concern, the bunk was easy to dismember. If you disapprove of the life support room as my dwelling, please aid me in finding other reasonable accommodation."

"And congratulations, Valorum," Decius rumbles vociferously, looking to the stoic Vodyani. "I will be your gunner. May your sword be unwavering and your leadership never lead us astray."

Finally, Decius strolls over to Alice, his imposing form making it hard to maneuver the smooth work stations. "I require a better suited interface for my control station." Flexing his four muscular arms he adds: "I believe you'll be up to the task?"

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 5:43:25 PM

"No, I do not. But I am not concerned with faith nor the lack of it. Everyone will have their own entitled opinions and I shall respect that."

The ancient robot collapsed itself on the floor and sat on it, cross-legged. He then breathed in, and then breathed out.

"What is it about atheism and Shredyn, Captain Valorum?"

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8 years ago
Nov 23, 2016, 11:54:59 PM

"That is...quite the modification to perform while in flight,"  Meier didn't seem to react much to the Craver's towering form,  "I'm not even sure if we have the necessary parts  onboard but I'll see what I can do about securing a couple consoles, preferably ones with layouts better suited to Craver biology.   Discretely of course."

She turned to face the captain's chair.   "I should return to engineering, unless there's anything further required of me first?"

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 3:09:17 AM

 Valorum replied calmly, staring at the main viewscreen displaying the procession below the Saviour:

"It's just interesting; about 83% of Sheredyn, galaxy wide, choose to believe that no god exists. I've even heard a Sheredyn diplomat respond to a threat of war from the Church; 'we have no gods to pray to; our soldiers have that honour.' I saw that remark as a blasphemy of the highest kind once; to think that mortal beings were on par with the Virtuals in their splendour. I truly wanted to see just how a people as arrogant as they could live from day to day."


 Turning his head slightly towards the old robot, Valorum continued:


 "Then, as fortune would have it, I spent four years on a Sheredyn colony, living with its governor and training after I was exiled from the Church's fold. When I landed on the planet, I was alone, afraid that I would be dissected or shot on sight, simply because I was Vodyani. I feared that I would become a specimen, a plaything for heathens, and the single loose thread that would unravel the elaborate tapestry that was my church."


His tone was almost too level as he spoke; one would think a Vodyani would have some venom in their voice when they spoke of things like this, but Valorum's voice is surprisingly calm.


 "Instead, when the authorities on that planet took me in, they treated me like an honoured guest in their home. I was given a room, guarded like a prince, even given a seat to watch as their officials debated on their next course of action. At first, I was confused. I couldn't understand why any godless race would be so accepting, especially one who so willingly thought that they themselves were as great as any god. When I asked why this was, the Sheredyn governor told me that 'it was in their code'. In my experience, laws only came from Gods and the Hierarch, so I was only more confused. So I asked the governor what god commanded such behaviour from them, and what she told me will be my answer to you now, Laudmas;"


 'No god commands my actions. No god has walked my path, seen what I've seen, or done what I've done. The only person who truly knows who we are is ourselves, so what god can say how our story ends when they aren't the ones who've written it? Only I choose my road, and if others walk that road as well, then I'll gladly share the path. Regardless of our beginnings, together we share that journey, and together we will see it through.'

Turning around, the gold markings on Valorum's body and cape glinted as he moved. He stepped in front of Laudmas, looking down at him and speaking as much to the rest of the crew as he was to the old robot:


"It was then and there that I asked the governor to have my holy cloth scribed with the symbols I bear; honour, truth, faith, loyalty, justice, and kindness, for it was that day that I swore a new oath; to honour others as if they were my own, to be humble in my actions, and to seek truth and good in all things. I made the greatest of friends in those four years, among those the Vodyani would call heathens, heretics, and desecrators, and I plan on making more aboard this ship. Nobody will share my faith exactly, and not only do I accept that, but I embrace it. So if you worry my faith will guide my actions, Laudmas, your concern is well placed, but remember this; we walk this road together now. I accept the journey ahead of us, I'll celebrate my crew for all its flaws and virtues, but most importantly, I will cherish the people who walk beside me. Such are the demands of my faith, and I will not part with them."

At that, Valorum holds out his hand to help Laudmas up.

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 6:27:37 AM

What an impressive speech, to bad that he didn't hear the beginning of it. But the new record was worth it. After he answered the question he was asked by Valorum he returned to playing Tetris. Until now, something interesting seemed to happen and looking through the parts of the discussion he recorded while he was playing he found his guess confirmed.

Valorum as Captain... The question about his Religion where cleared now, but there was one concern Dhanyl still had.

"Fine, so you won't throw us into a rescue capsule and shoot us to space if we don't fit your beliefs, but what is about your nutrition? Seemingly no one else wants to talk about this, so I have to ask this Question. You will have to eat sometimes, and by the thin distribution of Dust in your Cloth,  I can see this will be rather sooner than later. So I have to ask, who will you eat?"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 4:42:13 PM

As Valorum finished his last words and ancient robot set out, thinking. 

Imagine a mayor of a small town. He sometimes had to do things that could possibly have consequences that his people wouldn't like and perhaps he too wouldn't have liked. 

This time however, things turned out much better and the mayor would have exhaled some relief and would have been absolutely delighted.

Laudmas himself felt similarly to the mayor of the small town. He too had expected much worse things but this turn of events was gladdening. 

The ancient robot thought to himself, chuckled, and reminded himself to have better trust of other people. 

Valorum extended his hand towards Laudmas and waited.

The ancient robot faced towards Valorum and gave a satisfying grin towards him.

"This is excellent to hear." Laudmas said. "Captain Valorum, I am now proud to serve under your command."

He then reached out to Valorum's hand, gripped it tightly, and helped himself stand up.

The ancient robot backed a step, bow down, and placed his right hand behind his back.

He waited for a moment and then fully straightened himself, rivaling the height of the Captain. 

"I apologize for making such sudden and perhaps brazen requests. Now, please excuse me."

He then turned his back upon the Captain and walked away.

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 5:15:50 AM

Valorum helps Laudmas up and gives him a nod, letting him leave without another word. When Dhanyl voiced his question, Valorum visibly tensed upon hearing the last part. Turning to address the anomaly expert, Valorum replied:

"A valid question, Dhanyl. However, you'll find that the crew will be surprisingly safe from my appetite. As I said, I spent 4 years training among Sheredyn elites, and one of the things they drilled me with were rigorous Ascetic exercises. Doing so has helped me to ignore my hunger, and I've since learned to subsist off small amounts of Dust rather than the Essence of others. It isn't as appetizing as Essence...but I think we can agree that it's better than the alternative."

Looking up at the other officers, and nodding to Decius for his earlier remark, Valorum adds;

"Let Dhanyl and Laudmas serve as good examples; if anyone has any concerns about my captaincy, be it with my commands or myself, feel free to address them to me. It is as much my duty to serve the crew as it is yours to follow my orders now."

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 6:31:23 PM

Though satisfied Dhanyl wasn't completely convinced jet, after all, there was no way to prove what Valorum had said... what was this old saying again... something about velvet fists and Iron... Whatever...

Valorum was captain now and there was nothing Dhanyl could do to change that. a who knew, maybe he wasn't that bad after all.

"Pleased to her that, but now I think I have to go... Luckily Laudmas is pretty easy to see, but with these long legs it won't is easy to catch up if I wait any longer."

With a halfhearted and ironic Salute, he said his goodbye and jogged in Laudmas direction.

"Hey! Laudmas. Where are you going? Ylona is over there. You still know? The Questions,  the reasons for going here in the first place?"

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8 years ago
Nov 26, 2016, 1:30:38 AM

"Excellent speech captain! It's been quite a long time since I heard something that inspiring." Rolak said as the others finished speaking to Valorum. 

"No then, if I my prescence is no longer required on the bridge, I need to go and assess the quality of our security forces and update my superiors on our decision."

((sorry for the long absence, I was without a computer for a week and a half or so unexpectedly.)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 26, 2016, 5:16:31 PM

"Ah, Dhanyl. Good to see you." The ancient robot said and turned to Dhanyl. "The new captain was a bit of a surprise eh?" Laudmas chuckled a bit and continued walking. 

"For now, I don't think telling Ylona more problems would be advisable. She seem somewhat easy to upset and she has enough to worry about." The ancient robot frowned a little. "I see potential in the new captain. Perhaps it would be better to tell him about my amnesia later when we are all much more acquainted with each other." Laudmas continued walking. "I would like to explore some parts of the ship and then meet some of the *odder* crew-members. I don't expect this to be too exciting." The robot suddenly faced the Sophon.

"Despite this, you're welcomed to join me." Laudmas flickered his visor, resembling a wink and went through a door way, making sure to bend so he wouldn't collide with it.  

"Oh and by the way." He faced the little robot. "I believe it is mandatory for me to take up the lab as a place where I can rest. I don't think the beds on-board the ship can support my weight."

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 26, 2016, 6:58:58 PM

Ylona, her last doubts about Valorum being wiped away by the speech, went back to the more mundane matters now that everyone seemed to be ready to move. The most pressing of that seemed to be the hulking, four-armed creature in the room.

Since Rolak had just walked out without bothering to comment on Decius' behaviour, the Vaulter summoned her courage and started with the easy parts: "Alice, Decius. I don't think a new console will work, it might be better to try adding two holo-input interfaces on each side, so that you can use your four arms. This way, we're not cluttering the bridge and blocking everyone's path.

"Secondly, Decius, you are part of the security forces Rolak will be looking at, so if I were you I'd hurry after him to make sure you're not missing an important briefing.

"First, however, we will talk about this incident, no matter how minor you consider it. It doesn't matter that a mattress is easy to dismember. With your mass and cybernetics, the entire crew and most of the interior doors and walls count as 'easy to dismember' for you, and I hope you can see the problem with that logic. The crew needs to trust you, and one of the ways to achieve that is not to remind them how much stronger and deadlier you are. To restore that trust, you will clean up the crew quarters today, including your entire trail of stuffing, once Rolak has no other tasks for you.

"Thirdly, Alice, could you have somebody check whether Decius' new 'nest' is in anyone's way or in danger of causing life supply loss in the ship if he knocks something off by accident. If not, give him a security advisory and we'll call this matter closed."

She tried her best to stare down the Craver, but it was difficult to do so against somebody who was not only considerably taller but also showed no emotions on the cybernetic case that hid the head. "You're dismissed", she finished sternly.

((I'm back from Iceland, so the crew roster has finally been fixed.))

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 1:49:55 AM

Valorum nodded to both Dhanyl and Rolak as they both left the bridge. It looked like he hadn't lost his charisma from so long ago. Still, Valorum felt a twinge a guilt. He had omitted one fact about himself; in one regard, consuming Dust wasn't more efficient. Yes, not consuming the crew was a benefit of his fast, but such was more of a sacrifice on Valorum's part than he wanted to admit.

They don't have to know. Just spend your meals alone and spare them the worry.

Suppressing a shudder, Valorum turned to sweep his gaze over the bridge before setting his sights back on the captain's chair. Approaching it, he ran his free hand along the armrest until it met one of the spherical projectors at the end. Tapping it, a keyboard and display lit up in front of the chair made of solid blue light, showing a model the Saviour and it's many systems, all currently under pre-flight diagnosis. Swiping the to the right, a crew roster came up, with showing Yjandek, Ylona, Valorum, Angela, and Rolak, as well as an indicator to swipe down. Almost in a daze, Valorum did so, seeing Laudmas, Dhanyl, and the various other crewmembers under the higher officer's command; Decius was under Rolak's command tree, Angela had several subordinates including an Automaton named Zeroes, and another human named Martin Corvus was a part of the scientific crew under Dhanyl's command.

During this time, he was only tangentially aware that Ylona speaking to Angela and Decius, as if they were speaking from a great distance away. However, Valorum's attention snapped back to reality when he heard Ylona's voice becoming a little more heated whilst referring to Decius. Straightening up, Valorum remained looking at the screen, but part of him was prepared just in case Decius didn't take kindly to Ylona's scolding, watching the conversation in his periphery.

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8 years ago
Nov 27, 2016, 6:55:25 AM

"Surprise, ha, you could say that, but one of the more unpleasant ones..." Dhanyl said, hastening next to the Robot.

"Anyway, I would like to join you, I haven't seen much of the ship and its crew jet." That was not completely true, he had the full ship layout downloaded on his Helmet, but the firsthand experience was nearly always the better experience.

"But could you slow down a bit? My legs are not as long as your's..."

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