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10 years ago
Mar 16, 2015, 1:52:07 AM
7/10, It is legitimately a great song, but so overdone and definitely not my favorite queen song xp here's my contribution for some flow

Also I apologize that it's 7 mins long. It's just so chill.
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10 years ago
Mar 17, 2015, 9:48:09 PM
Very nice, I like how it picked up towards the end, sounds like it could be an intro theme to a television series.

Here's a bit of a weird one. lol
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10 years ago
Mar 21, 2015, 1:34:02 PM
Shia is good: give him a tank, a Bible and 4 good men and hundreds of his enemies are doomed (Fury), he makes women nymphomaniac and then ditches them (Nymphomaniac), he forces thugs to commit suicide even when he's high and nearly beaten to death (The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman).

I neither want to offend such a dangerous person by giving this video a low rating nor to be considered intolerant. So, 10/10. And yeah, the cameo is funny.

Sorry for another 15 minutes long song, but I'm a prog-head and I really want to share it with you smiley: wink

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9 years ago
Jul 31, 2015, 4:35:45 AM
Vicarious wrote:

Sorry for another 15 minutes long song, but I'm a prog-head and I really want to share it with you smiley: wink

For neo-prog type stuff this was pretty decent, sort of like a cross between Yes and Dream Theater. It seemed really uneven though, like three songs stitched together.


Among the unfathomably vast trove of knowledge that the Endless has bequeathed us, there are a few finds that truly stand apart, even from the wonders that surround them. One artifact in particular has drawn attention from knowledge-seekers across the galaxy for its singular peculiarity. A single recording that was itself left to the Endless from a forebear of unknowable antiquity and power. Certain properties of the artifact suggest that its creators may have even transcended time as we know it. Its nature is so advanced, and so utterly alien in its design that only now has it at last been decoded completely. Our researchers are sure to spend many years to come trying to decipher the meaning of this transmission across unknown infinities, but some clue might lie in some preserved plant specimens found near it that exhibit peculiar psychoactive properties.

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9 years ago
Aug 10, 2015, 1:56:11 AM
Weird music video but on the whole, very good implementation of guitars, the very loud and fast paced which I think is great and which also benefits the guitars quite nicely. Kind of quiet in the middle though, when it is guitar only. 7/10

One of my all-time favorite guitar songs, I hope you like it!
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9 years ago
Aug 31, 2015, 7:41:34 AM

I really loved the instrumental but the singing isent so much my thing.

Something for the Halo fans out there (I only played one of the old ones but still love this song)

Could fall in love with that girl everytime I hear a song from her (I think I have to post more songs by her from here on out^^)

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