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7 years ago
Mar 26, 2018, 2:57:43 PM


“Faction Quest”


Chapter 2. A Probe Alone - Part 3


The "Faction Quest" triggers, in case you send any (other) fleet than given by quest condition - ENFER ship - in system hangar. ENFER is close to system Spica in free space, but "Faction Quest" triggers.


-> Move (i.e.) the two ships (named 2.Chrom Expedition) located at Heracles in hangar of system Heracles or Soidan and "Faction Quest" is solved.

Save file (displayed as autosave turn 45 in ingame save file list):



Edit: Thanks to user Iuxi68, who reported this quest bug and delivered the save file.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 29, 2018, 3:52:37 PM


“Horatio Faction Quest”


Chapter 3. Part 1 - There can be only one trillion


Choosing the religious option, after satisfy the quest condition for part 1, part 2 doesn't triggered.

Save file:

horatio untold tales bug part 1.sav (before quest complete)

horatio untold tales 2.sav (after quest completed)


V1.2.23 S5 GOLD-Public (Vaulters expansion)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 27, 2018, 4:45:31 PM



Faction Quest


Horation 3-2 food way


The systeme and planet doesn't exist for explore the curosity. Standard game with only faction minor incresease 

Ps: I love all your game but stop the small DLC.

Screen Attachment

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7 years ago
May 6, 2018, 9:36:49 AM

Category: Faction Quest (Vodyani)

Name: Chapter 2, Locus of Lies

Description: Minor visual error: the icon used for the reward 'River of Holy Vigor' if the player chooses Investigate is a Lumeris logo instead of a Vodyani one.


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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2018, 12:27:19 PM

Hello gigabytemon!

This strange icon is a "Neutral" one. 

If you pick this choice, this is not going to apply political reaction on your Empire. 

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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2018, 1:20:05 PM
quaedam wrote:

Hello gigabytemon!

This strange icon is a "Neutral" one. 

If you pick this choice, this is not going to apply political reaction on your Empire. 

I think he meant this having Lumeris icon on it instead of Vodyani icon while being a reward for Vodyani quest.

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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2018, 2:58:46 PM

Oh sorry >.> I was focused on this objective. 

Thanks a lot Numerlor, I'm going to check this picture.

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6 years ago
Jul 24, 2018, 4:53:57 PM

Just remembered that one user on discord had the quest "Ice age" start for Riftborn, which can't do it because they have reversed terraforming.

I think it is because the prequisite is

<PathPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite" Inverted="true">ClassEmpire,EmpireTypeMajor,AffinityGameplayTimeLords</PathPrerequisite>

Instead of 

<PathPrerequisite Flags="Prerequisite" Inverted="true">ClassEmpire,AffinityGameplayTimeLords</PathPrerequisite>

Like in other quests (Don't know if you are already aware of this or there was a post about it here but rather post it than to have it unfixed)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 25, 2018, 9:02:09 AM

Hello again :)

Thanks for reporting this issue, unfortunately I need more details to solve it.

The path you've displayed is correct (even if "EmpireTypeMajor" is useless here). 

I tried to reproduced the issue but it worked correctly. I assume this is a special case. If you find a save it would be a great help ^^. I'll also to ask the QA to test this quest in different conditions.

EDIT: It seems this issue has been solved in January/February.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 2, 2018, 11:41:38 PM

The quest "Your bag, please" (PopulationQuest1) doesn't count pirate ships as enemy ones

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 11:01:44 PM

I already created a thread about this, but I realized that maybe I was supposed to have put it here instead.

Category: Faction Quest (Hissho)

Name: The Blade and the Eagle - Stage 2

Description: It says I need to invade and occupy 1 system. The tooltip says it can be a pirate, minor empire, or major empire. I conquered a pirate base after receiving this quest, and it didn't count.

Steps to Reproduce: Start a new game as the Hissho. Play until receiving this quest. Be sure to select the option that rewards the Wrath of Tonatsi beam weapon. Go conquer a pirate system.

Expected Behavior: Defeating the pirate base should trigger the victory condition for this quest.

Notes: I also tried colonizing the system the pirate base was in, but that didn't work either.

While the easy fix would be to just change the tooltip to not include pirates, I think pirates should count, because this is a very early quest, and in some games, a minor faction may not be available to go to war with for a while (depending on random map generation). So, it's much preferable to change the victory condition instead.

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6 years ago
Aug 5, 2018, 9:08:14 PM

Description: It says I need to invade and occupy 1 system.

In case you destroy a pirate base you simply don't have the option to occupy (colonization obviously seems to be no occupation), as long as I understand. So choose a major or minor faction system instead to invade and occupy.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 13, 2018, 2:40:56 PM


Population Quest


Riftborn Blues (Part 2)


The quest requires to level up the specific system, but that system is already Level 4.


Save file:


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6 years ago
Aug 14, 2018, 3:15:10 AM


Minor Civilization Quest


A Factory of One's Own - Build Mavros Skunkworks


I was very powerful and I managed to complete building the Skunkworks in the same turn the quest was given. The Skunkworks is built, but the quest asking me to build it has not triggered the quest to finish. I tried destroying the Skunkworks and building it again, but after I destroy it, there is no option to build it again. I went on for a few more turns but still no option to either build it again on any system I own.

Seems like a bug that it's not checking if it has been built or not? 

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6 years ago
Aug 14, 2018, 7:18:38 PM
Groo wrote:


Perhaps you didn't wait for next turn to trigger/finish quest?

What do you mean? I'm many turns past this event and it has still not triggered the quest success screen. I tested a previous save and let it give me the quest and then the next turn build it and it works. I'm reporting a potential bug.

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6 years ago
Aug 15, 2018, 7:10:11 AM


Population Quest


Cultural Appropriation


When playing game with Custom Faction, the text uses machine-generated unique ID instead of user-provided faction name.


Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 17, 2018, 8:47:58 AM
ShowMeTheMonkey wrote:


Minor Civilization Quest


A Factory of One's Own - Build Mavros Skunkworks


I was very powerful and I managed to complete building the Skunkworks in the same turn the quest was given. The Skunkworks is built, but the quest asking me to build it has not triggered the quest to finish. I tried destroying the Skunkworks and building it again, but after I destroy it, there is no option to build it again. I went on for a few more turns but still no option to either build it again on any system I own.

Seems like a bug that it's not checking if it has been built or not? 


Thanks for reporting this issue.

I've tried to reproduce your bug, but it is working. Can I use your save?

bupjae wrote:


Population Quest


Cultural Appropriation


When playing game with Custom Faction, the text uses machine-generated unique ID instead of user-provided faction name.


Oh you're right, I didn't see this issue before. 

We're going to find a solution.

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6 years ago
Aug 29, 2018, 4:36:31 AM

v1.3.9 S5


Competitive Quest


Antihero with a Thousand Faces - Part 2


Siege on a system prevents anyone from intercepting the Photobomber...? (I'm not sure if this is what is actually happening.)

The Photobomber seemed to spawn on the starlane between Elma and Janus, and when he arrived the quest did not complete, nor did it fail. It's been a few turns and he's just... sitting there.

Screen Attachment

Save file

slippery photobomber bug.sav

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