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Quests, Events, Deeds

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6 years ago
Sep 8, 2018, 5:06:08 PM

quaedam wrote:

Thanks for reporting this issue.

I've tried to reproduce your bug, but it is working. Can I use your save?

Sorry for the late reply, I was away. The closest save I still have shows that the quest to build the Skunkworks is still active but the factory is built at Shaddai


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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2018, 3:46:29 PM

I've met unpleasant bug. AI empires send interactions time to time. After it they should make an offer via diplomacy. For example Vodyani says: "Church need dust from you. Give it now!". But after this interaction nothing happens. No trade offer, nothing. On the next turn they claiming me disgusting creature for declining their offering. But they demand nothing!

This ruin immersion

Anyone has smthing like it?

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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2018, 4:20:42 PM

I have two quest bugs to report, one more serious than the other, although perhaps they are strangely linked:

1) Category: Population Quest
Name: Cultural Appropriation
Description: Quest objective has not been registered as completed, despite far surpassing the completion conditions. The quest even shows a higher number than what is needed for completion (61 out of 47)! When the quest first appeared, it said I had already built something like 30 of the required 47 improvements. Is the quest actually asking me to build 47 improvements from the point it is issued (not in total for the whole game) and not communicating this clearly? Or perhaps what caused this to bug out is because at the end of a turn I built several Dust buildings at once, reaching a total of more than 47?

Save File: United Empire 6 (Victory).sav (This originally occurred on game version 1.3.3)

2) Category: Academy - Finale
Name: Part 2. Collaboration or Cataclysm
Description: I am on the Rejuvenators team, and have gained control over 6 lodestones, with the quest saying I need to control 7. However, the Defenders team has also gained control of 2 lodestones, and so the quest's counter says I have controlled 8 out of 7 lodestones! The quest is functioning correctly, as I was able to complete it. It just displays the information wrong.

Save File: Sophons 6b.sav (Current game version. This is one turn before I complete control of a 7th lodestone and win the quest.)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 1, 2018, 12:12:24 AM
Sulendil wrote:


“Horatio Faction Quest”


Chapter 3. Part 1 - There can be only one trillion


Choosing the religious option, after satisfy the quest condition for part 1, part 2 doesn't triggered.

Save file:

horatio untold tales bug part 1.sav (before quest complete)

horatio untold tales 2.sav (after quest completed)


V1.2.23 S5 GOLD-Public (Vaulters expansion)

I also have this glitch. Not sure if I missed it but I didn't see a response to Sulendil.

I completed Chapter 3 Part 1 and Part 2 never triggered (Religious Option).

Any help or potential fix would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Save File: 

beautify 3.sav

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6 years ago
Dec 2, 2018, 3:13:52 PM


Faction quest (I guess, it's about Horatios, but doesn't seem to be part of the main story line)


Die Plage der Hässlichkeit (German name)


Goal ist to either remove all non-Horatios from at least 2 systems or bring a certain system to a specific industrial level. I chose for the second options and although the system even exceeded that level, the quest is still not counted as success. Well, it could be that the system waits until the time's up to check for the level, but when quest description says "in weniger als 20 Zügen" (in less than 20 rounds), I expect the win-condition to be tested after every turn, so I don't know if the winning condition is registered at all.


Steam-Version, should be the latest version, no workshop-extensions loaded and only the free DLCs


Save file

Nusakan entwickeln.sav

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 3, 2018, 11:43:30 AM

When I tested your save, the win condition was satisfied immediately at the beginning of the next turn. It's possible that due to timing with construction, you missed the quest check for this turn.

I am not sure when in the turn processing quests states are checked, though.

EDIT: Checking again, I see you did not actually finish anything that provides Production this turn. I'll add this to the tooltips and text that need to be improved.

EDIT2: A Game Designer has informed me that there is indeed a bug in the quest.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 7, 2018, 3:42:25 AM


Save file


Faction Quest for horatio


Chapter 2/ the galaxy will be my selfie


Rouge horatio fleet missing

Screen Attachment

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 29, 2018, 6:40:43 PM


Vaulters Faction Quest


Chapter 4. Origins


Upon completion of the quest requirements (construction of the Conscription Complex) the next quest failed to appear. If my memory serves me right, the next quest should allow for the discovery of Auriga 2.0. At this point in the game I had explored 100% of the galaxy, perhaps the quest conditions require "unexplored" space to place a hidden system?

Other Details

I was using a custom Vaulters faction and had some Steam Workshop extensions loaded (ostensibly nothing that would interfere with quest lines...)

Screen Attachment


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6 years ago
Dec 30, 2018, 12:32:14 PM


“Faction Quest”


Chapter 2: The Galaxy Will be my Selfie


One of the fleets I need to destroy to complete the quest disappeared. I assume AI player killed it. I can't progress the game. Quite frustrated, sunk a lot of time into the game.

Screen Attachment

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6 years ago
Dec 31, 2018, 6:36:53 PM

Hello dear developers! 

Is there, maybe, a way to fix my savegame? It's single player only. I activated "quest victory ONLY", so i will not be able to finish this game ever, i am afraid, if you can not help me.

On another website i read:

If you are absolutely certain you want to recover that game and do the faction quest, you could try using a console command to reset the quest. You run the game exe with --enablemoddingtools (EndlessLegend.exe --enablemoddingtools).

That will give a series of options from the chat menu and if you can figure out the quest ID then it should be possible to reset. Figuring out that ID will not be easy.

Is this a way that works? Can you help me how to figure the ID out?


“Faction Quest”


5. Revelatory Nightmare 


Somehow it is stuck between faction quest 5 and 6.

1. Build the Tower of the Consecrate in 3 cities with at least 1 Population from pacified villages.  --> i have 4/3

2. Master additional dark methods! Obtain a total of 30 Technologies from Era I to Era III    --> i have got more than 50 by now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


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6 years ago
Jan 24, 2019, 12:35:25 PM


“Unique Planets” quest chapter 1


Unexpected Entropy


I am playing as Lumeris (dark green, mid-bottom of the SS) against 9 AI opponents.  Galaxy size is small, number of constellations is unique, low node connections and low anomalies.  Rest of the settings are all set to normal/medium.

This quest fired up at turn 74 or 75, prompting me to "discover 10 additional systems in this galaxy".  Trouble is I had already discovered all of the galaxy thanks to my own exploration and Map Sharing with other major factions 2 (or maybe 3) turns before this quest popped up.  I found that really odd and took a screenshot which is below.  Since then I have been trying to discover more systems but 20-odd turns have passed without any luck.

Does this mean there are newly spawned systems out there that I have yet to find?  Or am I sitting with an undoable quest in my hands?

Any ideas/comments?

Thanks in advance.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 24, 2019, 1:29:34 PM

I'm afraid there is no way to complete this quest if you have already discovered every system.

The weird thing is, this quest is supposed to start turn 20 on normal speed (so around turn 10 on fast and around turn 40 on endless). Maybe you started this game without Celestial Worlds enabled, then enabled it turn 55 or so? (calculation for normal speed)

If it's not the case, and Celestial Worlds was already enabled when this game was started, it would be cool if you could share a save, so I could investigate.

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6 years ago
Jan 24, 2019, 2:35:24 PM

Wow. Excellent catch. That is indeed correct. I would never have guessed that it'd have that kinda effect. I do have a savegame around turn 90 but it's kinda pointless to share now. I am looking forward to start a new game anyway cuz those 20+ extra turns looking for those elusive systems really did a number on my empire.

Thanks a bunch for your help.

Best regards.

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6 years ago
Jan 26, 2019, 9:09:16 AM

Category: Deeds

Name: Founder of Conglomerates


This deed requires certain amount of trade companies to create.

I was required to build 2 companies. However, I was playing Umbran Choir, and I couldn't find the way to build second company.


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6 years ago
Jan 26, 2019, 1:52:18 PM


Unique Planets


Chapter 3: Ancient Forces


Playing as the Umbral Choir. Quest objective is to reach at least level 2 on the home system. I have reached level 2 and then, just to be sure, level 3, but the quest does not complete.

Screen Attachment

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6 years ago
Jan 27, 2019, 8:51:26 PM


Population Quests


Take me to your litter


Latest Steam Version


While playing as Hissho, the Epistis Pop quest has approval changes as reward, and can overlap in the UI with the standard 5 Keii reward for quest success.



Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 28, 2019, 12:28:41 AM
flxnh wrote:


Unique Planets


Chapter 3: Ancient Forces


Playing as the Umbral Choir. Quest objective is to reach at least level 2 on the home system. I have reached level 2 and then, just to be sure, level 3, but the quest does not complete.

Screen Attachment

I also encountered this exact bug. This quest remained unfinished for the rest of the game.

Here is a save file with the bug having occurred long ago: Umbral Choir 1 (Victory).sav

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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 11:14:56 AM

Category: Deeds

Name: Studier of Worlds


I'm playing Choirs, and I failed to achieve this deeds.

If "planets colonized" includes Sanctuary, as I'm already have 12 systems, I should already achieved this deeds.

If "planets colonized" doesn't include Sanctuary, the maximum number for Choirs is 5, therefore this deeds is impossible for Choirs to be achieved.


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6 years ago
Feb 5, 2019, 1:32:13 AM


Solo quest


Your bag, please


The quest started and then instantly failed in the same turn. There was already another ship (cold war status) within the designated solar system on the same  the quest was given. This also seems to happen with the capture part of the Photobomber quest.

I think this mission could use a complete redesign. Far too long (10 turns!), seemingly any ship can trigger the fail state, the location is too random. I was once given the quest on a node with four connectors. How can you defend four at the same time? It also means that if you defend and the defeated ship retreats towards the quest node then you still fail! Even if you have a ship defending the node, it does not matter, you still fail! On top of that the reward is really low or useless.


v1.4.3 s5 GOLD Public + All DLCs

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