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7 years ago
Nov 30, 2017, 2:43:10 AM


Faction Quest


On Sophonity


I'm sort of assuming this is a bug because it seems really weird otherwise.  I just completed the main Sophon quest (tried both options with the same result) and recieved the Illumination system.

I was excited to see what cool little bonuses I might get from a super AI's homeplanet/dead husk... But instead I got a single tiny boreal planet with no buildings or special bonuses. Oddly it was populated by 3 Mavros, which makes literally no sense given the reason you kill ENFER is the anti non-sophon field it was putting out.  I also got full ownership penalties on recieving control of it.

I'm assuming at least a good chunk of all of that is a bug? (As a side note if it is I'd love to see what the actual reward is) Since as it stands that system is actually a penalty that's quite likely to add 1 to your over colonisation penalty and you can't abandon it for 13 turns due to occupation.

I should probably add I'm playing a custom Sophon faction although I changed very little, simply exchanged some of their fleet movement bonus for a few other minor bonuses.

I have no idea if a save would be helpful here but I loaded back a bit and rushed the ENFER quest so heres one at the start of the turn I recieve the system

Game Version 

1.1.0 S5 GOLD-Public



Thanks :)

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7 years ago
Dec 3, 2017, 7:26:42 AM


Faction Quest


Chapter 3 - Part 1: There can only be one trillion


After finishing the quest, the next stage of the questline does not appear. Seems to only happen in multiplayer. Attached save shows a game where I completed this quest but did not recieve a followup, United Empire was the other human player in the game. Unfortunately I don't have a save from the turn I completed the quest. 

Hora Wrecked.sav

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7 years ago
Dec 4, 2017, 2:52:22 AM
Superbun wrote:


Exploration Quest


The Antihero With A Thousand Faces - Part 3


I chose the option in the quest that needed me to return the Photobomber's ship to one of my planets. The next turn, I got a message telling me that the quest had failed becuse his ship had been destroyed, despite the fact that it was still alive. Perhaps its because I merged his ship into the fleet that caught him?


hero quest bug pre-fail.sav

Here's a save from the turn before the quest fails. The stolen hero ship is in the fleet "5th Peoples Navy"

I experienced the same bug. Sorry, it was a bazillion turns ago and I don't have a saved game. I will say I thought the same thing, merging with my fleet. I reloaded the previous turn. Flew them separate; same thing. While getting the quest before the final stage of the Academy quest started where it stops all recruitment of heroes, I captured the photobomber during this phase. I thought, perhaps, this was intentional and unfortunate because no heroes were being recruited. I also tried flying the culprit to the academy. Each time, I received the quest failure because ship destroyed. I ended up with a Stolen Hero Ship that I can't sell/scrap and can't upgrade but doesn't count towards CP in a fleet. It still carries a tiny upkeep, 6 dust. Not sure if this information helps since it's only anecdotal. If I encounter the issue again, I'll upload a saved game. 

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7 years ago
Dec 4, 2017, 2:14:12 PM

Hello guys!

Thanks for reporting those issues. :)

I've just fixed the Photobomber issue (the quest checked the wrong tag on the ship when it was merged). 

I've also balanced ENFER's System in the Sophon Quest: much more planets and interesting anomalies. On the other hand, I didn't add special buildings to it, in order not to offer too much of an advantage to Sophons (or custom Sophons).

We've also asked the QA team to check the Horatio quest reproduction cases. In fact, I can't reproduce them myself. :/

I can tell you that I'm fixing all those issues, and I'm sorry you encountered them. :/


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7 years ago
Dec 5, 2017, 10:03:29 AM
quaedam wrote:

I've just fixed the Photobomber issue (the quest checked the wrong tag on the ship when it was merged). 

This may be moot, but just in case the data comes in handy later I'll go ahead and file this bug report.


The Stolen Hero Ship has been wandering between the Hamal system (where the academy is located) and the adjacent Oiad system.  I was the top winner for part 1 of the quest, but immediately failed part 2 since the ship spawned in enemy territory at the time and I presume that one of the enemy empires completed part 2 of the quest.  Many turns later, I noticed a ping on the map moving back and forth between these two systems.  Since I'm presently at war with the Unfallen AI who owns the systems in question, I decided to freely enter their territory to investigate.  I set up fleets to guard both systems and I am unable to attack the 4th Greedy Pirates Fleet of Unknown Empire which contains the zero CP Stolen Hero Ship.  Is one of the AI empires still on part 3 of the quest?  If so, shouldn't I be able to attack the ship to cause it to fail for them?

Screen Attachments:

Saved Game:

Stolen Hero Ship.sav


V1.1.0 S5 GOLD-Public via Steam


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7 years ago
Dec 6, 2017, 4:15:57 PM
hp2 wrote: Is one of the AI empires still on part 3 of the quest?  If so, shouldn't I be able to attack the ship to cause it to fail for them?

Hello HP2,

I quickly check your save. AI acheived its quest (probably by mistake because AIHint was missing). But something went wrong: for some reasons, Greenman's ship wasn't destroyed :/ I don't understand why, that's what I've send your save and the info you've given us to the QA. I hope I should be able to fix that soon, but to be honest I can't do it for now.

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7 years ago
Dec 15, 2017, 6:43:56 PM


Event Quest (?)


A Swarm of Locusts


In the latest 3 games I was unable to complete this quest - the quest progress gets stuck at 1 or 2 missing - 7/8 in the screenshot and the location marker disappears rendering this quest impossible to complete.


Quest Progress

Swarm of Locusts broken.jpg

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7 years ago
Dec 16, 2017, 7:45:53 AM

I have the same problem as ryia.  


Cooperative Quest


A swarm of Locusts



As the last stage started the first pirate fleet was slaughter by another empire.  I killed the other 6.  The quest is locked, it will not complete.

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7 years ago
Dec 19, 2017, 10:09:39 AM

Category: Competition(I think? it's a quest competing with other factions.)

Name: Preserve the academy

Description: The objective is to clear the galaxy of 9 Vodyani fleets within a set number of turns. They're attacking the academy system. I arrived at the academy and there were 8 fleets of single vodyani ships, dutifully waiting for me to attack them. Took them all out with a corvette. Searched everything I can see of the galaxy and no other vodyani have spawned in the half of the galaxy I have vision of. Either they aren't spawning enough or they just aren't spawning. Waited at the academy system for 12 turns to see if any others showed up. None.

Save file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0b14c14oboxqxac/AutoSave%20350.sav?dl=0

Version 1.1.0 S5 gold

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7 years ago
Dec 21, 2017, 12:57:20 AM


Faction Quest


A Poisoned Chalice


I can't explore the quest anomoly. I definetly have the required curiosity points but can't add the anomoly to my queue. Curiosity is on Ingris system, and I've also attached the save file.


A Poisoned Chalice.png

riftborn new.sav

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 21, 2017, 5:24:36 AM
Zeratav wrote:

I definetly have the required curiosity points but can't add the anomoly to my queue.

I'm pretty sure that a fair number of the quest anomalies have to be explored by a fleet and can't be done via the system queue.  To test, you can assign a hero to his own zero CP fleet on the system, make sure his ship has a probe installed, and check the anomaly that way.


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 21, 2017, 11:46:00 AM
hp2 wrote:
Zeratav wrote:

I definetly have the required curiosity points but can't add the anomoly to my queue.

I'm pretty sure that a fair number of the quest anomalies have to be explored by a fleet and can't be done via the system queue.  To test, you can assign a hero to his own zero CP fleet on the system, make sure his ship has a probe installed, and check the anomaly that way.


Hp2 is perfectly right. Quest curiosities can only be search through probes and can't be added to the construction queue.

About the issues reported by Sumthinburnin and owens, I'll try to find a repro and fix them :)

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7 years ago
Dec 22, 2017, 11:10:10 AM

was just looking through the bug reports and someone posted about a faction quest bug in the main bug report forum, figured I'd put it here just as a record so it's in the right place: https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/forums/114-bug-reports/threads/28732-vodyani-faction-quest-reward-cloth-of-control-not-working?page=1

edit: a few more



Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Dec 23, 2017, 1:37:38 AM

For the event "An Unexpected Guest," the event text does not match the actual effects. For the attached save, the text says "+2 Kalgeros on system Ibany." The actual effect is 1 Kalgeros on Ibany, +20 approval on all colonies. I'm not sure yet if the approval bonus runs out, the event has no entry in "Active Events" and the approval tooltip does not list a number of turns for the bonus.

AutoSave 1358.sav

On the turn before the event, I had only one open population slot on Ibany IV and several open spots on Raia (the other colonized planet in the system). I loaded the previous turn autosave and moved population so that there were two open slots on Ibany IV. Then the event gave me 2 Kalgeros as expected, and also gave +20 approval to all my systems. In the case with one planet having room for only one more population, shouldn't the event add population in other open slots in the system (adding 2 Kalgeros to Raia, or adding 1 to Ibany IV and 1 to Raia)? Here is that autosave for the turn before the event.

AutoSave 1357.sav

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7 years ago
Dec 31, 2017, 2:22:00 PM




Seeker of Truths


500 science reward is capped by science surplus limit. For example if I produce 60 science a turn, my cap on science surplus is 120 science, so 2 turns worth of science production. So if you achieve this reward while producing 60 science a turn, you only get 120 of the reward while 380 of it is wasted. 

Possible Solutions

  1. Apply science reward directly to research projects in the queue.
  2. Change reward to X turns of X science production. For example 5 turns of +100 science or 10 turns of +50 science or 20 turns of +25 science, etc...
  3. Change reward to something else. For example -20% technology cost for 20 turns, or +30% science production for 15 turns, or permanent +1 science per population, etc...
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7 years ago
Jan 2, 2018, 12:55:06 PM

I tried the search function on the forums and nothing came up so I hope this isn't a double.


“Events”, “Deeds”?


Something with being first to colonize 4 solar systems


The event told me I had failed to be the first to have 4 solar systems colonized as a rival had beat me to it. I have no idea what's the benefit or outcome in general as I'm playing the game first time (in advanced tutorial mode). I had 3 systems through colonization and 4th system through minor faction assimilation. Maybe that's why it doesn't count? I couldn't find where the save games go to, and didn't even pay attention to this first, but since the popup cannot be accessed through the right-hand side notification menu I can't even bring it back. Said something about legendary feat or something. Turn 32

Screen Attachment

Sorry, can't produce one.

Thx a lot!

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7 years ago
Jan 3, 2018, 2:19:48 PM
quaedam wrote:

Hello guys!

Thanks for reporting those issues. :)

I've just fixed the Photobomber issue (the quest checked the wrong tag on the ship when it was merged). 


I'm having the exact same issue.
Does simply not merging him with a fleet work as a workaround?
You posted this message a month ago. I'm unfamiliar with the update scheme you guys have, was this fix supposed to be in-game already or is it queued for the next patch to leave testing?

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7 years ago
Jan 12, 2018, 6:10:44 AM


“Faction Quest”


Horatio Faction Quest Chapter 3 Part 1 - 2


Upon completing Horatio Faction Quest Chapter 3 Part 1 (which required me to have 3 ecologist laws active at the same time for the reward of a random tech) when choosing the ecology route, no part 2 was given and the faction quest seemed to have completley ended there with no percievable way of furthering the quest line.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 14, 2018, 4:11:03 PM


“Faction Quest”


Horatio Faction Quest 3 part 2 : reason to disbelieve


I chose the industrial route "power in part 1 of the faction quest, but I had the exact same back when choosing the religious route in part 1 aswell. For this Quest I have to research a curiosity with a fleet lead by a hero level {variable}. The problem is, I cannot research this curiosity no matter what. Tried it with hero on exact same level as quest told me, higher level. With fleet and explorer ships, non explorer ships and probes from hero. With the system colonized and uncolonized. I usually get to this quest fairily late in the game and I usually have curiosity detection power 3 or 4 although only 1 is needed. 

Upon trying again several turns later, suddenly I was able to research the curiosity although I did not find out why. I tried 2 different heroes which were both high enough level, both were able to research the curiosity. At this point I was level 13, 10 was needed for the quest. Lv 10 and 11 did not work. 

Game version: 1.1.15 S5 GOLD-Public (ptr patch with nerfed pirates) 

Additional bug:

Currently it is impossible to invade during cold war even though the religious party is the leading political party which makes invasion still require war declaration. Also on current (ptr) patch.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jan 20, 2018, 9:07:25 PM


Faction Quest


Lumeris faction quest Chapter 2: A matter of influance - Part 2


After the recent update (1.2) something went wrong with the text 'maintain 2 industrialist Law(s) for... See for more info screenshot below.


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