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Tester's Guide Addendum: Multiplayer Desyncs

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8 years ago
May 30, 2017, 7:23:08 PM

Playing with my roommate and got a desync on turn 14. here are the autosaves and report in a zip report 1.zip we are on the same router and LAN. Any help would be appreciated. 

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8 years ago
May 3, 2017, 8:00:30 AM

Hello, everyone

For us to be able to fix the desyncs, we need you to upload some useful files, using the "Upload file" button

                                                                                                                                                    ^---This button right here

The files we need are:


In My Documents\Endless Space 2\Dump Files, you'll find a DesyncReport folder for each desync you have, which should be named something like this: DesyncReport.001.d0538fe6-0de7-4f7b-a30e-4bcee38bbd45T.

The 3 first digits are the turn number so make sure you're giving us the good one: DesyncReport.001 is a desync on Turn 1, DesyncReport.036 is a desync on Turn 36 etc...

We need you to zip the correct folder and sent it over to be able to fix the desync issues as they're encountered. 

 This folder will only appear if you're the Host of the game!


In My Documents\Endless Space 2\Temporary Files, you'll find Diagnostics .html files that should be named like this: Diagnostics - 2017'05'02 @1706'42''.html

Again, make sure you give us the correct one by checking the numbers - they are the date (YYYY'MM'DD format) and time (@HHMM'SS" (24 hours format)).

 We do not need Diagnostics.css or Diagnostics.js


In My Documents\Endless Space 2\Save Files, you'll find .sav files

Manual saves are going to be named whatever you named them when saving, Autosaves will look like this: AutoSave 3309.sav

Once again, make sure you give us the correct one by checking the turn / time of modification of the file.

For a desync on Turn 30, we'll need a save on turn 29.

Many thanks for your help!

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 4, 2017, 8:14:48 AM

Hello and thank you for taking the time to participate in this tedious yet necessary effort

It really helps us with the desyncs!

However, I've checked all your .rar archives and they contain way too many files, some of them are not useful at all, others seems to be from the wrong desync! Keep in mind our programmers will recieve them with little to no context.

In your example, let's say the desync that happens at Turn 20, on May 3rd 2017 at 20:30 and 17 seconds.

For it we will need

A Save or Autosave loading at Turn 19

Diagnostics - 2017'05'03 @2030'17''.html

And the folder DesyncReport.020.[BUNCH OF NUMBERS AND LETTERS] that you will have made into a .zip file ( /!\ you will only have this folder if you were the host of the game!)

I'm going to update the original message to clarify this part!

Thanks again for your involvement! 

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8 years ago
May 4, 2017, 4:08:02 PM

Hello, could you elaborate on your issue?

It is possible that they're not named with the exact time of the desync happening as they might have been created before the desync happened. In any case, when you have a desync: go in your folder and select the most recent file

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8 years ago
May 5, 2017, 5:42:52 AM

Hi ,

yes the file has an older date as it is created when you start to play. 

Only to be sure what you need (desync in year 20): 

1. DesyncReport                                       (DesyncReport.020.... )

2. Autosave on year before the desync ( Autosave 19)

3. Diagnostics File                                   ( newest file last time changed one ) 

Is this the correct files you need ?  I will bomb you with thi files but dont want to do the work with the wrong files.


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8 years ago
May 17, 2017, 12:35:57 PM

Hi ,

do you need more files ? 

Would it not be more easy to copy all the files you need so the desync Report Files ?  

There would be thousends more files for you to fix that Problem and to give the files some MB more dosent matters.


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8 years ago
May 21, 2017, 1:57:05 PM
Henan wrote:

Hello, less desync than before but still...

First one :

Diagnostics - 2017'05'20 @1500'10''.html


Second one :

Diagnostics - 2017'05'20 @1503'50''.7z  (Couldn't paste it without zip)


I can't send you autosave as we continue to play after and they are not on the folder then :/


Edit :

third one


AutoSave 384.zip

Diagnostics - 2017'05'21 @1354'32''.7z

And again :


AutoSave 387.zip

Diagnostics - 2017'05'21 @1354'32''.7z

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 9:32:13 PM

Question. Is it OK to stockpile all desync reports in this thread, or should we use another one, or create new separate thread for each desync report?

In the meantime:

No save file, because it happened on the very first turn :)
Will turn 2 autosave be of any use? (desync_turn2.zip)
Diagnostics - 2017'05'21 @2128'21''.zip
Diagnostics - 2017'05'21 @2147'38''.zip
Diagnostics - 2017'05'22 @2226'21''.zip

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 10:20:58 PM

... never had any desync as host with my brother, when I am in galaxy view
BUT ALWAYS , when I finished my turn as host, my brother is still doing his turn. I than open ANY INFO screen, like Diplo, Marktplace , doesn't matter which screen ...

and in the meantime brother ends his turn, I am getting a desync on my side as host. My brother had never any. (we already played over 200 turns) 

We could continue the game, without any problem, but since that time, I will get now every turn that desync message !

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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 10:14:40 PM

This is a two player game with a small galaxy. We tried doing a smaller one after we kept getting de-synchronized frequently in our last game. In this game we have been de-syncronised a total of 10 times starting from around turn 50.

  1. Turn 56
  2. Turn 60
  3. Turn 70
  4. Turn 72
  5. Turn 75
  6. Turn 78
  7. Turn 82
  8. Turn 89
  9. Turn 92
  10. Turn 96

I've included a report for the latest one below:


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