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Tester's Guide Addendum: Multiplayer Desyncs

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8 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 10:43:27 PM

Sadly this game had so many desyncs. Here's the last 3 autosaves, desync happened, then we reloaded to try and save a Synced save to be sure we didn't lose anything.

AutoSave 616.zip

AutoSave 617.zip

AutoSave 618.zip

We've been having desyncs in our game constantly. We always play a 2 player game and it desyncs anywhere from 1-6 turns it seems. This game the other player was the host, while I (AmadeusReborn) was a client, but have desync'd just as badly every other time when I hosted.

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8 years ago
Jul 31, 2017, 10:30:23 AM

Also known as the "Sublustris thread".


Nice work, my deep respect.

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8 years ago
May 3, 2017, 4:18:40 PM

Hi , 

Some questions before I doing the work : 

lets say desync in year 20  at   03.05.2017  8:30 pm 

What game year you need the save's ?  

What kind of Diagnostics File you need  ( have only 10 or so are they always overriding ? ) ?

Can I delate all the savefiles diagnostic files and dump files after copy or upload it ?  Clean folders would make it much easier.



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8 years ago
Sep 3, 2017, 4:33:53 PM

Your weekly dose of Desync reports:

ENDLESS SPACE 2 V1.0.37 S5 GOLD-Public (64-bit)

AutoSave 1006.sav
AutoSave 1007.sav
Diagnostics - 2017'09'03 @1812'53''.zip

One diadnostics for both (acrually three) cases, as they happened in one session 3 turns in a row. Also, if you alt+tab while your host tries to generate desync dump - game crashes :(

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