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90% off all terraforming costs - bug?

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a year ago
Jul 4, 2023, 1:38:24 PM

It's Ms. Cat o' Nine Tales, but yes, I'm still here, and I put it on our list. But since this seems to be difficult to reproduce, I can make no promises.

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a year ago
Jul 8, 2023, 3:57:30 PM

For repro,  may I suggest:

1. assimilate Sowers

2. save game

3. load game

That's all I had to do in a nutshell,  but of course,  I cannot say if there were some other factors at play,  and unfortunately I do not have a "before" save I can upload for the devs' consideration.  

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a year ago
Jul 16, 2023, 7:19:38 PM

Ran into it again,  very reliably reproduced,  and this time I thought to do a "before" save (attached).  V1.5.49 S5 GOLD-Public.  No mods,  all DLC.

To reproduce:

1. Load save.   Note that terraforming Ainae V costs 560 production,  which is exactly 50% off thanks to World Architects.

2. End Turn

3. Save to "temp" or some other name (don't overwrite the original)

4. Quit to main menu,  or all the way out to the OS,  or do nothing.  All three produce the same result.

5. Load "temp".   Note that terraforming Ainae V costs 112 production,  or 90% off thanks to World Architects being doubled up.

I understand if this is too "obscure" to be fixed,  but it has game-breaking potential anytime the Sowers show up.

Alternately,  is there a way to remove Sowers from the list of potential minor civs?  I could live with that as a personal workaround.

Thank you!

Sower Terraforming Bug.sav

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jul 20, 2023, 11:58:52 PM

Also note, I don't see anything wrong with the XML (not that I'm an expert).  

from Simulation/SimulationDescriptors[FactionTrait_Update8].xml

<SimulationDescriptor Name="FactionTraitMinorWorldArchitects" Type="FactionTraitMinor">
<Modifier TargetProperty="TerraformationModifier" Operation="Percent" Value="-0.5" Path="ClassEmpire"/>
<Modifier TargetProperty="MinorTraitsAssimilated" Operation="Addition" Value="1" Path="ClassEmpire" TooltipHidden="true"/>

from Simulation/MinorFactionPersonalityDefinitions[Update8].xml:

<MinorFactionPersonalityDefinition Name="FactionPersonalitySowers">
<MajorTrait Name="PersonalityTraitPragmatist"/>
<MinorTrait Weight="50">
<Trait Name="FactionTraitMinorSoilHealers"/>
<MinorTrait Weight="35">
<Trait Name="FactionTraitMinorWorldArchitects"/>

The only "different" thing here is that the Sowers aren't part of the main XML, they're in [Update8] but if that was really an issue I imagine there would be a lot of other things that didn't work.

The only other thing I can think of is that,  in this latest game,  I had the assimilation quest active when I assimilated the Sowers via influence.   I wonder if that somehow triggered the double-assimilation?   If so this could be a more generic bug with minor faction assimilation... should be easy to test,  I'll see if I can repro with a different minor faction.

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Jul 21, 2023, 8:18:51 PM

Tried this with a different minor,  took the quest,  waited a couple turns,  then assimilated by influence.  Saved and reloaded the game a few times but their minor faction trait never doubled up.  :\

Hopefully someone at Amplitude is able to repro given my save and instructions..  if not,  at least I have a good idea of how to remove the Sowers from the game,  so I'll be happy either way.   :)

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