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What's the deal with hapiness?

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 8:55:51 AM

Did you watch my videos by any chance? xD

Of course I did. ;)

Watching your LP made me start this thread in the first place.

Do you think it is possible we'll see something like tax policies implemented in the future?

It seems to me as a waste of resources if there won't be.

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 8:51:17 AM

we are not entirely satisfied with how happiness is working right now, we'll need to give you more ways to influence it, through politics among other things, and with more interesting consequences as well.


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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 7:58:33 AM

Did you watch my videos by any chance? xD

I agree with the overall notion of this topic though, it's weird that starving my population to make the rest of my population happy is... weird. I mean, it's amusing and I like the idea of being able to play as an evil, mad dictator but starvation shouldn't be the best option you have haha.

Sir-Rogers wrote:

The technologies in the top-left Corner - the improvement of your systems, there are two era1 techs that increase your happiness. It´s not wise to colonize every system, it certainly was not in ES1.

Oh certainly, but ES1 gave you a bit more freedom in that regard. In the public version of ES2 (the one that we're allowed to post footage of) you can make one colony without approval tech - any more and you're likely to run into problems.

I'm pretty sure that this harsh disapproval penalty will be fine tuned and less sudden but I can't really elaborate on that  NDA is an NDA after all.

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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 5:56:31 AM

But sometimes there is simply not enough time for researching happiness techs or building the necessary planetary improvemenents. In times of war for example.

And it is easier for the player to destroy improvements and starve his people to death so that their happiness will increase. 

Why should this be a more preferable solution than a simple decrease in taxes?

If anything, starving population should be a modifier that decreases happiness, not the opposite.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 6, 2016, 2:08:08 AM

The technologies in the top-left Corner - the improvement of your systems, there are two era1 techs that increase your happiness. It´s not wise to colonize every system, it certainly was not in ES1.

In addition to that your systems level up - so you want to carefully balance wide and tall expansion of your empire for the maximum efficiency.

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