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50 Tikanan

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 6:35:04 PM
Ridiculi wrote:

Is there a way of encouraging the growth of a particular species on a system over the others besides that Ecology law? I would love more options to play around with in that regard

Ship all other species away.  When you take over a new minor faction, you'll spawn one member of your race, and then both will spawn on that world. But if  a world only has a single race on it (say, you send away the single member of your ruling race), then only the remaining race will spawn.

I hit 50 Tikanan by having worlds with nothing but Tikanan on them (originally to protect them from Craver devourment, but it's generally a good tactic for this sort of thing)

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 6:18:45 PM
Ridiculi wrote:

Is there a way of encouraging the growth of a particular species on a system over the others besides that Ecology law? I would love more options to play around with in that regard

Not that we know so far.

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 5:39:53 PM

Is there a way of encouraging the growth of a particular species on a system over the others besides that Ecology law? I would love more options to play around with in that regard

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 4:54:48 PM
lo_fabre wrote:

Let me share this screenshot about pop bonus:

Just look at Lumeris and Eyder (Relic Peddlers) dust bonus. Not sure if propperly balanced yet, but that's great, and makes you want one Lumeris in each system.

IMO Amplitude is working in the correct way and doing a good job to give more importance to pop.

Also just curious about some minors, that has a "minor faction name" law as 50-pop bonus, but didn't get one of those ATM.

I do the same thing with Minor Factions. I also try to spread them a bit to other systems so as to get population bonuses, which isn't always easy if they require certain conditions to reach their maximum potential.

I've had Amoeba food farming and exporting systems on Teeming water worlds, Pilgrim/Sophons science research systems with as many anomalies and cold planets as possible, etc.

I really like the min/maxing aspect of them!

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8 years ago
Feb 7, 2017, 10:58:17 AM

Let me share this screenshot about pop bonus:

Just look at Lumeris and Eyder (Relic Peddlers) dust bonus. Not sure if propperly balanced yet, but that's great, and makes you want one Lumeris in each system.

IMO Amplitude is working in the correct way and doing a good job to give more importance to pop.

Also just curious about some minors, that has a "minor faction name" law as 50-pop bonus, but didn't get one of those ATM.

Updated 8 years ago.
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