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Thoughts on future minor and major factions

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 8:21:02 PM

Frogsquadron wrote:

UndeadPuppy wrote:

Also, there are 4 Minor Factions left. We know that the Harmony, Vaulters, Sowers and Automatons have been datamined a while back.

Shall I tell you that most of this data was bogus placeholders imported from ES1 to make you guys talk?

What if I told you that Frogsquadron could be trolling us and they are indeed in the game?  

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 6:51:09 PM
ajkrivo wrote:

Apparently, a while back, it was datamined that the remaining four factions would be the Automatons, Sowers, Harmony, and Vaulters. (Keep in mind that this may be fake placeholder data like "Timelords", which are obviously not actual Timelords).

Unfortunately, it looks like that data may be proven untrue. I would characterize those factions from ES1 as:

Automatons - Industrialist/eusocials

Sowers - Industrialist/primitives

Harmony - Religious/eusocials?

Vaulters - Scientist/scavengers

Automatons and Sowers are possible combinations, but it looks like the Harmony and Vaulters are either not going to be in the game, or are going to have their lore changed to match the mechanics. They're probably just not going to be in, though.

Sorry, but no.

Frogsquadron wrote:
UndeadPuppy wrote:

Also, there are 4 Minor Factions left. We know that the Harmony, Vaulters, Sowers and Automatons have been datamined a while back.

Shall I tell you that most of this data was bogus placeholders imported from ES1 to make you guys talk?

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 6:08:34 PM

Apparently, a while back, it was datamined that the remaining four factions would be the Automatons, Sowers, Harmony, and Vaulters. (Keep in mind that this may be fake placeholder data like "Timelords", which are obviously not actual Timelords).

Unfortunately, it looks like that data may be proven untrue. I would characterize those factions from ES1 as:

Automatons - Industrialist/eusocials

Sowers - Industrialist/primitives

Harmony - Religious/eusocials?

Vaulters - Scientist/scavengers

Automatons and Sowers are possible combinations, but it looks like the Harmony and Vaulters are either not going to be in the game, or are going to have their lore changed to match the mechanics. They're probably just not going to be in, though.

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 5:39:10 PM
Kweel_Nakashyn wrote:

They may have merged the Sowers & the Automatons in a faction ? C.O.G.1

(= conglomerate of the gadget ones :) )

That one I'd like to see.

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 5:21:58 PM

They may have merged the Sowers & the Automatons in a faction ? C.O.G.1

(= conglomerate of the gadget ones :) )

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 5:07:08 PM

The Unfallen, based on their mechanics and description are basically guaranteed to be pacifist majority/ecologist minority. Which leaves ecologist as the only party yet to have a default majority, so the "Timelords" will almost definitely have an ecologist majority. After that (assuming the political influence of Pilgrims remains religious as it was the last time I played), industrialists and scientists will be the only parties not included twice in the default parties. If what you say about the change to the Pilgrims is true, then the Timelords should be ecologist majority/industrialist minority at the start.

So based on my interpretation, what we still need is 2 industrialist, 1 pacifist, and 1 ecologist minor factions. Of which, 1 must be eusocials, 1 must be scavengers, and 2 must be primitives.

My guesses at the most likely minor faction combos are then (which are also unique from existing combos):

Industrialist/primitives (e.g. Endless totem builders?)

Industrialist/scavengers (e.g. Titans of industry spurred by the clock of their dying world)

Pacifist/eusocials (e.g. Similar to the amoeba, but more focused on cooperation)

Ecologist/primitives (e.g. Tree worshipers like the Na'vi)

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8 years ago
Feb 8, 2017, 1:53:58 PM

The Unfallen are described as Pacifists, so my money is on Timelords being Ecologists.

Given the breakdown in the OP, I'd guess we'll be seing 2 more pacifists, 2 ecologists and 2 industrialist. There are still 2 major and 4 minor races, so it fits IMHO.

Minor races are not paired with major ones with each release. We saw 2 militarists and a religious following the Horatio, not a single scientific to counter-balance their religious theme.

Updated 8 years ago.
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