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Official Release Notes - Endless Space 2

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5 years ago
Oct 8, 2019, 1:02:38 PM

PATCH 1.5.8



  • Sobra has received a new texture with significantly less ocean
  • The Nakalim Protector class hull now has more hybrid slots to allow using additional support modules
  • Added relic rewards to several quest chapters
  • Adjusted effects of Temples of the Lost
    1. Reduce FIDS by 50% rather than setting it to 0
    2. Generate +10 Influence per Population
  • Increased the speed of the Academy Master Fleet by 10 to improve utility on large galaxies
  • Nakalim Peace and Prayer Act now reduces conversion cost by 50% instead of setting it to 0
  • Reduced power of Academy Attack Fleet and Insignia Ships in the early game
  • Improved scaling of relic spawns with Galaxy size
  • Lowered the objective of the Pacifist “Invigorate” quest of the Nakalim faction Quest Chapter 4 Part 1A (Convert 14 systems -> Convert 7 systems)
  • Relics on owned colonies can now be collected through a system improvement
  • Empire Relic slots now require 2 temples to unlock but provide a 15% bonus (up from 10%)
  • Lowered cost of Librarian questions by 25%
  • The Diplomacy screen shows a temple icon for systems with temples
  • Reenabled rotation of main menu scene



  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite pending turn when the Academy tries to colonize a system that already contains an outpost.
  • Fixed some causes of “Pending” turn and “in talks” issues
  • Fixed the game freezing due to an interaction between Fold singularities and Temples of the Lost under construction
  • Diplomatic terms should no longer vanish
  • AI empires will now value the Master of Dust’s Academy Grants
  • Laws unlocked through the Vault Keeper now show on the law screen regardless of number of empty law slots
  • Academy systems no longer block trade routes unless you are at war with the Academy
  • Systems converted to the Academy now properly supply strategic and luxury resources to the player
  • “Laying Down the Law” Achievement should now only unlock under the listed conditions
  • “Not for Profit” achievement tracks only Dust granted during a single match, as per the description
  • “Making Amends” achievement now accumulates progress over multiple payments rather than requiring a single reparation payment.
  • Fixed glitches in hero relic assignment interface
  • Relics are now unassigned from Empire slots by click rather than ctrl-click
  • Laws unlocked by the Vault Keeper role will now display even if no empty law slots remain
  • Fixed heroes not displaying their skills when viewed from the marketplace menu
  • Nakalim Explorers properly receive an additional Support Slot when researching Adaptive Colonies
  • System output shown on the empire screen now refreshes immediately as relics are assigned/unassigned
  • Riftborn Explorers will now properly save modules placed in the top support slot
  • Clarified effect of the “Cannot declare war” diplomatic pressure demand
  • Clarified conversion requirements in the Temple of the Lost tooltip
  • Academy Diplomacy screen will no longer briefly show the diplomatic relations screen behind it on opening
  • Converting a minor faction to the Academy will no longer state Isyander assimilated that faction
  • Master of Dust text will no longer overlap with the Diplomacy button in non-English languages
  • Vaulters receive only the Vaulters-specific New Colony Rule from the Vaulter Keeper role
  • Unfallen can vine Academy systems when allied to the Academy
  • Player names no longer overflow role cards
  • Happy Augurs population trait can no longer be selected without the Nakalim affinity
  • Improved Lost Templar AI economy management
  • Fleet Accelerator Tooltip now uses the hero icon
  • “Tools and Fools” Hissho law now displays properly in the keii tooltip
  • Clarified tooltips of the Revive and Rebuild tactic, “Stop Peaceful Conversion” Accept choice, and Negative Anomalies
  • Clarified tooltip about metaplot finale blocking hero healing and recruitment
  • Clarified hacking tooltips to indicate that losing the starting node will cancel the hack
  • Clarified the cost reduction in the description of Democracy governments
  • Removed erroneous line from the description of The Last Empire affinity
  • Nakalim no longer start predominantly scientific in their home system
  • Added a notification when the loss of a temple locks an Empire Relic slot
  • Nakalim Relic skills for fleets now work and display properly
  • Nakalim are properly considered humanoids for the purposes of the Celestial Worlds quest now
  • Nakalim faction Quest Chapter 4 Part 2B now counts only terraformed planets
  • FIDSI bonuses from the Cathedral of the Lost are now marked as such rather than “Percentage Bonus”
  • Academy Systems will no longer construct copies of improvements
  • The Academy will now abort ground invasions after reparations have been paid
  • Academy systems generate resources when pillaged
  • The Academy will no longer settle on Sanctuaries
  • Xirmisala troops properly display in ground battles
  • The “Academy Ally” assimilation trait no longer appears twice in the list of traits and displays its value
  • The Academy no longer delays reparations for obliterating a system during a request phase until the next request phase
  • Added art for the “Empire Relic Slot Locked” notification
  • Propitious Season and Long Season are now mutually exclusive
  • Nakalim Carrier default design no longer places a defense module in a support slot
  • Librarian answers no longer display half a line of text when folded
  • The tooltip for Academy requests is positioned properly now
  • The tooltip for the Academy’s relations to other empires now correctly refers to them instead of you
  • The Academy fleet uses the correct wireframes on the galaxy map even if not including a carrier now
  • Improved subtitle timing for Nakalim outro
  • “Relic Reliquary” quest reward now shows its correct category (Empire, not hero)
  • Improved tooltip of “Relic Reliquary” quest reward
  • Fixed minor graphical issues with Xirmisala hero portrait
  • Properly position Nakalim leader in “Diplomatic relationship changed” notification
  • Fixed vfx issues with the Nakalim carrier
  • Fixed shaking of the Nakalim carrier
  • Nakalim system defense station properly shows during battles
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5 years ago
Oct 11, 2019, 12:25:40 PM

UPDATE: Version 1.5.10 is live now.

Hey everyone,

we found a potential solution to the issue with the old saves, but it's still undergoing tests. In the meantime, we want to give you access to it through a beta branch:

  1. Open the properties of ES2 on Steam
  2. Go to the Betas Tab
  3. Select PatchPreview

This will put you on version 1.5.9, which should be able to load the problematic saves.

UPDATE: Branch has been updated with version 1.5.10

Hotfix 1.5.10

  • Fixed a bug in the new objective of the Hope in Heresy Quest
  • Further fixes to the Nakalim engine fx

Hotfix 1.5.9


  • Fixed error loading certain old save games
  • Added "on senate" effect to a Nakalim hero skill
  • Fixed Hope in Heresy Part 2 quest
  • Fixed Nakalim engine VFX
  • further fixes to localization
Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Oct 16, 2019, 1:08:47 PM

Patch 1.5.10


Unfortunately, finishing the Vodyani quest Hope In Heresy Part 1 with the Awakening DLC disabled causes the turn to get stuck. We are already testing a fix.


  • Fixed error loading certain old save games
  • Added "on senate" effect for Nakalim heroes
  • Changed Hope in Heresy Part 2 quest (Warning: See known issue above)
  • fixes to the Nakalim engine fx
  • further fixes to localization
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5 years ago
Jul 1, 2020, 2:44:39 PM

We're sorry about the delay in this patch. Technical issues and last minute fixes meant we had to postpone it by about a week to ensure you can enjoy a stable game experience.

Patch 1.5.28


  • Fixed an issue of the UI becoming unresponsive
  • Fixed several instances of the turn getting stuck
  • Fixed compatibility issue with Intel Iris chipsets; the game should run properly on Surface devices now
  • Laws rewarded by quests are properly displayed in the Law screen again
  • Riftborn Hyperium Outpost action works again
  • AI should no longer make demands when asking for a truce
  • Vodyani can now build Arks with Meditation modules (fixed faulty DLC check)
  • Fixed localization key displaying in some diplomatic messages
  • Umbral Choir Population Collection bonus now applies its Hacking Speed bonus
  • Ionic Crystals properly apply their System Development Bonus now
  • Vodyani Factory of Faith no longer creates Ecstatic status at 5 or less Approval
  • Special node names use the full name list name list instead of duplicating names
  • Price of Perfection now properly applies its damage bonus

We have also made some changes that will hopefully ensure that the correct version of Mono and other necessary supporting software will be installed on MacOS Catalina devices, (hopefully) allowing players to run the game without manually updating these.

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Jul 23, 2020, 2:29:41 PM
Patch 1.5.30

  • Fixed more stuck situations
  • Shared Vision achievement no longer attempts to count hidden uncolonizable nodes like quest nodes to determine the threshold
  • Fixed "Not For Profit" Achievement
  • Fixed occasional visual corruption of the Empire screen
  • Luxury Deposits now display the correct per planet effect in their galaxy map tooltip
  • Fold Singularity now properly applies its "top queue" efect after reloading a save
  • Fixed a situation when Sophons could not complete Chapter 1 of their main quest on particularly small galaxies
  • Undocked Arks now properly contribute to Overexpansion Disapproval (tooltip localization still missing)
  • Increased minimum hero unlock modifier to reduce occurences of "one new hero each turn" situations
  • Custom Factions combining Riftborn visual affinity with In the Shadows gameplay can not populate their sanctuaries
  • Sanctuaries can now be selected as a destination when hiring mercenaries or forming hero-only fleets
  • Vodyani no longer receive two Explorer Hulls
  • Fixed Vodyani Quest being impossible to complete without superweapons
  • Umbral Choir Tier 3 collection no longer applies to Sanctuaries on other home systems
  • Using Resource Recoverer Probes on crescents no longer reveals their location
  • Umbral Choir should no longer lose population in "upgraded slots" when migrating
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4 years ago
Aug 31, 2020, 3:18:08 PM

Patch 1.5.34


  • Custom Factions with In the Shadows Affinity are now bound to starting on a Crescent System as intended
  • The Nakalim population collection trait is now available for custom factions
  • Custom Factions with In the Shadows can no longer take Extreme Foremen
  • Hacking effects of singularities no longer show without Penumbra enabled
  • High and Low Gravity should no longer spawn on the same planet
  • Filling all law slots should no longer prevent Eternal War empires with pacifist leadership from using diplomacy
  • Changed Asset Exporter to load assets only when selected to avoid excessive load time
  • Fixed portraits of two Hissho heroes being swapped
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4 years ago
Oct 19, 2020, 2:09:37 PM

Patch 1.5.37


  • The system improvements screen properly shows constructed improvements again, rather than Darth Paul.
  • Extreme Foremen is available to custom factions again (with exceptions)
  • "In the Shadows" Affinity custom factions with Riftborn visuals can construct population for their sanctuaries
  • Riftborn Singularities properly time out and should no longer stack infinitely  
  • Fixed another source of "Pending Turns"
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4 years ago
May 6, 2021, 4:08:08 PM

Dark Matter Release - Endless Space 2 1.5.46


  • New hero: Sbejru Mashmir
  • Released Dark Matter DLC
    • 8 new single-chapter quests
    • 1 new multi-chapter quest


  • Fixed several missing or swapped technology icons
  • Rewrote several technology and unlock descriptions to make more thematic sense

[Known Issues]

  • Several icons and images may suffer from graphical corruption; We're already investigating the issue and will release a fix as soon as possible
  • The new technology and unlock descriptions are currently only available in the English version; other languages will be patched later
  • There may be a visual error in the new pug hero's animation     
  • An error may occur if AI try to invade a system targeted by the "Incoming!" quest     
  • "A Final Absolution" may not always properly reward a Tier 3 technology
  • Emperor Zelevas may not be visible in Diplomacy and menus

Hotfix 1.5.48
  • Fixed corrupted image files
  • Fixed invisible Emperor Zelevas
Updated 4 years ago.
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4 years ago
May 24, 2021, 3:40:18 PM

(Note: Due to a small error the main menu will still say 1.5.48; The version number here will be fixed when the main menu displays the correct number)

Patch 1.5.48


- Nakalim ships should no longer use Sophon models or have their module slots displaced on the design screen


- Dark Matter is not correctly listed under "Add-ons" instead of "Expansions"

- The Pug Hero is now listed under "Add-ons" so you can disable her

- Extended timer for "Forged in Battle" Quest

Updated 4 years ago.
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8 months ago
Jun 20, 2024, 2:00:35 PM

Endless Space 2 Re-Awakening Update: Version 1.5.60 


  • Weapon/Defense/Support Module related changes: 
    • Defense module stats are rebalanced, and Shield Capacities are substantially buffed. 
    • Weapon DPS values, fire rates, effective ranges, Weapon Hull & Shield penetration values are tweaked. 
    • Strategic modules, EMP Weapons, Railguns, Swarm Missiles, Blast Effect Batteries, and Squadrons are adjusted in terms of their stats, effects, and use cases. 
    • Support modules are balanced, some are reworked, and new ones are added. Flotilla-wide effects are expanded. 
  • Ship Hull changes: 
    • Ship Health, Hull weakness, and manpower capacities are adjusted. Carriers are significantly nerfed. 
    • Coordinator and Protector ship bonuses are significantly buffed, and new effects are added. 
    • Ship targeting priorities are changed and made visible in the ship design view under the ship “Role” UI. 
    • New Attacker and Protector Ship Hull Upgrades are added to the tech tree, increasing their module multiplier to x1.25 
  • Battle Tactics changes: 
    • Battle Tactic effects, ranges, and tech stage placements are changed. Their UI is made to be more descriptive. 
    • New situational but powerful battle tactics and upgraded versions of existing tactics are added to the curiosity rewards. 
  • Squadron changes: 
    • Squadron movement speeds are substantially buffed. 
    • Fixed squadrons dealing significantly more damage than intended 
    • Squadron stats are adjusted in line with new squadron roles: Light & Heavy Bombers, Interceptor & Strike Fighters. 
  • Mechanics & Other Changes: 
    • Flak damage, Flak fire rate, and projectile health values are adjusted. Flak targeting orders are adjusted. Swarm missile, BEB, EMP missile, and normal missile fire rates are aligned. UI is updated to provide more information. 
    • Fixed Evasion: Evasion used to provide only half of the intended effect; now works correctly. 
    • Ship level-up effects are adjusted. 
    • Fixed ship experience on construction. 
    • New tags for modules are added: “Only once per ship” “Only once per flotilla” “Can only be used on Medium Support Ships” 
    • Curiosity rewards and drop rates have been rebalanced. 
    • Re-added removed technology "Vacuum Protection", moved the following items onto it: 
      • Advanced Explosive Drones (Empire Improvement)
        Increased bombardment damage from ground battle strategies 
      • Extreme Swarm Missile (module) 
      • EMP Disruption Field (module) 
      • Repulsive Plates (module)
    • "Weapon Interference Beam" unlock with either Advanced Game Theory or Tensor Algorithms 
    • "Shield Interference Missiles" unlock with either Advanced Fusion Power or Hyperium Magnetics 
    • Cleaver module has had its damage and manpower damage increased to match its tier 


  • Reduced Academy Aggression 
    • Academy fleets no longer siege player colonies and outposts while at neutral relations 
    • Academy fleet power now scales with Academy level and starts much lower 
    • Introduced “Endless” Difficulty setting for the Academy 
    • Introduced “Academy Expansion” setting 
    • Adjusted the speed at which the Academy gains levels to better align with players 
  • Introduced Academy Diplomacy 
    • Improve your relationship by donating during role assignment periods 
    • Nakalim gain favor by donating systems to the Academy 
    • Ask for favors at the cost of relations 
    • Each faction has access to one unique favor 
  • Adjusted Legate role (formerly Master of Dust): can declare a Crusade against a player, which allows any other empire to attack their fleets regardless of their diplomatic relation. 
  • Each major faction now has its own preferred Academy roles 
  • Academy ship equipment and fleet strength have been entirely reworked 
  • Ships loaned from the Academy are now prohibited from invading 


  • Gameplay Affinity: The Last Empire 
    • -50% Base FIDS on Planets by default 
    • Can build Temples (Cost 1 Relic and 1 Turn), which remove the FIDS malus and convert Base Science into Influence. 
    • Systems that have temples on all planets can build a Cathedral (Cost 1120 Industry, no Relics), which provide the following bonuses on their system: 
      • +10% FIDSI 
      • +30% Influence Radius 
      • +5 Vision 
      • 5% Enemy Health damaged per turn of Fleets in Influence Radius 
      • 20% Friendly Health repaired per turn of Fleets in Influence Radius 
      • Increases number of total empire relics that can be allocated (See below) 
  • Cathedrals provide empire relic slots, which provide powerful empire-wide bonuses and require multiple relics to activate. Any bonus may be activated at any time, but only one per Cathedral may be active. These replace Food/Industry/Dust/Influence relics, and are toggleable on / off. Empire relics focus on increasing one of the innate strengths of the Nakalim, with one changing based off of leading political party 
    • Exploration Slot - +25% Movement Point efficiency, +5 Vision Range on Fleets & Systems 
    • Expansion Slot - +1 Colonization Threshold per Cathedral, No disapproval from planet type on planets with temples 
    • Diplomacy Slot - provides a constant amount of minor faction relation and increased influence radius 
    • Political Slot: Get bonuses for all elected parties, but government types with fewer political parties get more powerful bonuses 
      • Industrialist - +50% Strategic Deposit Generation on Temples 
      • Scientist - +20 Dust, +10 Influence, +10 Manpower per Unassigned Relic 
      • Pacifist - +100% Trade Value on Systems with Cathedrals, +40% Fleet Health Regeneration in Friendly Territory, +20% Troop Health per Temple in System 
      • Ecologist - +100% Luxury Deposit Generation on Temples 
      • Religious – Heroes are earned faster and can be assigned outside of Borders 
      • Militarist - -20% retrofit Dust cost, Fleets can be retrofitted outside of Friendly Territory 
  • Can assign a relic to a hero, which provides the following bonuses (you can no longer assign multiple relics to a hero, the effect is now binary): 
    • +25% XP on Hero 
    • +50% Hero Recovery Rate 
    • +10% FIDSI on Fervent, +5 Approval per Temple on System 
    • +10% Fleet Health, +10% Fleet Damage, +10% Fleet Evasion, +10% Fleet Shields 
  • Unassigned relics generate 50 science, can be upgraded via empire improvements 
  • Adjusted relic spawning formulas to respawn them once they reach a certain threshold and to focus their spawning location on getting further and further, eventially stopping near the middle of the galaxy. 
  • Trait: Beliefs not Breakthroughs 
    • Planets do not generate science 
    • Systems only produce half science 
    • Science gained from battle rewards is halved 
    • Technologies can be traded at higher than normal cost 
  • Trait: Forgotten Lore 
    • Technologies granted by Forgotten Lore now do not reduce the Sophon research bonus 
    • Created a lower level version of Forgotten Lore that only unlocks tier 1 technologies 
  • New Trait: Slumbering Ruins 
    • Some systems will be marked as Slumbering Ruins per Nakalim player. These systems are marked to all Nakalim players, and retain their status even if colonized by another empire or obliterated (though, owned by another player it needs to first be conquered, or if obliterated it needs to be repaired). 
    • The system can be awakened from its dormant state by colonizing it. 
    • Awakening a Slumbering Ruin provides a small amount of Major Population, a few early game buildings (if not already constructed), and a temporary flat FIDSI bonus. 
    • Once Awakened, a system cannot be reawakened by another Nakalim player, but all Nakalim players can see that it was reawakened. 
  • New trait: Well Founded 
    • Starts with the area around them revealed (Starting constellation on non-unique galaxies, radius of systems around them on unique galaxies) 
  • Trait: Apathetic Colonists 
    • Outposts generate 25% less food 
    • Colonies ship 25% less food to outposts 
  • Systems can now be gifted to the Academy as an invasion outcome 
  • Added an “Align” Minor Faction interaction that allows “vassalizing” a minor faction 
  • Nakalim heroes: Rebalanced most skills 
  • Nakalim Population 
    • +2 Approval (+1 Approval Spliced) 
    • +2 FIDSI on Happy (+0.5 FIDSI Spliced) 
    • Collection Bonuses 
      • 10 Population: Boosts Religious politics 
      • 20 Population: +10 Approval on systems with Nakalim 
      • 50 Population: Unlocks a new offensive and defensive ground battle strategy 
    • Politics: Religious, Relativist (Science -> Religious), Utopian (Industrial -> Ecologist) 
  • Xirmisala Population 
    • +1 Food 
    • +4 Dust on Happy 
    • Collection Bonuses 
      • 10 Population: Boosts Religious politics 
      • 20 Population: +10% Dust on systems with Xirmisala 
      • 50 Population: Unlocks the Dust Dowsing Law 
    • Politics: Religious, Relativist (Science -> Religious), Utopian (Industrial -> Ecologist) 
  • Relics can now be collected while a fleet is cloaked 
  • Nakalim now start with a colonizer and 2 explorers 


  • Adding new modifier operations, Minimum & Maximum 
  • Increased the ability of modders to change Academy diplomacy, AI, ship spawns, etc. 
  • Exposed multiple new formulas in the registry, along with the ability to revert the academy back to using "stress" instead of relying on academy levels 


  • Slightly increased infantry health and damage 
  • Unfallen now start with an additional vineship 
  • Influence conversion unlock tech has been moved to T2 Empire Development 
  • Explorer hull upgrade tech has been moved to T2 Science and Exploration 
  • Reduced the military support requirement of the Sophons Quest "Chapter 2. Seeding the Cloud - Part 1" and the "Masters of the Arena" quests so that they were reasonably achievable 
  • Changed screen placement of several T3 &T4 Military technologies (no gameplay changes) 
  • Clarified some confusing tooltips 
  • Dust Bonanza no longer has an upkeep cost 
  • Denarque University industry cost reduced by 2/3 
  • Improved AI from using some incorrect module combinations 


  • Battle Result Notifications no longer block the turn, while keeping the big stability improvement that originally caused this issue (Note: This fix works for Single Player and Multiplayer hosts only, but not Multiplayer clients, who will still need to dismiss the battle report notification to let the end turn progress) 
  • The Academy's aggression & power level scaling has been fixed 
  • Isolated systems are no longer blocked from being colonized by the quest Death Without a Corpse 
  • Horatio's Main Quest: Chapter 2 (Industrialist) will no longer get stuck if another empire destroys the fleets (It will complete) 
  • Relics gained from converting will always be 2, it is no longer scaled by gamespeed which resulted in 1.33 relics on slow 
  • Quest "Forged in Battle" Now is 25-55 turns instead of 10-70 by galaxy size 
  • System Trade Value no longer scales with Game Speed 
  • The mining probe lifetime of multiple Behemoth modules is no longer additive, now taking the highest instead 
  • Influence gained from Lumeris pop bonus is now shown in the Empire Influence tooltip 
  • Unfallen Terraform Options (Hot types to Forest) now use the forest art (previously all were Savannah) 
  • Optics Research Lab's yield is now shown in the System Science Tooltip 
  • All Singularities now affect heroes as intended 
  • The Diagnostics.xml file should no longer be filled with errors if the Nakalim main menu screen is displayed 
  • Fixed Nakalim being after the Umbral Choir in the faction selection 
  • Behemoths no longer shown under Faction Hulls for every faction 
  • Capped many cost reductions from reaching 0% 
  • GasWarm now has the Temperate tag 
  • Fixed Custom Umbral Shadows not having GUI Elements 
  • Fixed Influence Radius flickering and huge influence border growth projects 
  • Fixed many slots on Academy ships not functioning properly 
  • Fixed Behemoth Mining not properly transferring its FIDSI to your planets 
  • Fixed some icons some icons appearing as much lower resolution than they should 
  • Fixed malus for missing colonization tech not showing up in planet FIDSI breakdowns 
  • Fixed some empire relic effects not toggling correctly 
  • Fix miscellaneous tooltips from not showing up properly / being duplicated 
  • Fixed starting Behemoth modules not unlocking when you research the Behemoth hull technology 
  • Fixed Bait / Jammer modules not correctly applying movement effect 
  • Added missing EmpireAttitude localization strings 
  • Adding missing warning strings 
  • Fixed many typos 
  • Fixed Hero Skill GUI showing an incorrect amount of available relics 
  • FIDSI per Population bonuses on Planets no longer appear as though they are giving you a large percentage 
  • Fixed Aligning a minor faction not failing any assimilation quests associated with it 
  • Fixing colonization module tooltip appearing in the incorrect category 
  • Fixed some modules appearing as though they require a different strategic resource in the tech tree 
  • Minor factions can no longer run out of quests to give 
  • Fixed brainwashed faction still allowing their boosts to be used 
  • Fixed terraformation not showing difference between planet FIDSI 
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