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Riftborn Populations vs Inverse Terraforming

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6 years ago
Sep 6, 2018, 8:05:01 PM
CyRob wrote:

If your language is supported I suggest using DeepL as for the few languages it does support it is great at translating.

Thank you!
This translator is good, and will save me a lot of time.

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6 years ago
Sep 7, 2018, 7:50:34 AM
Keioel wrote:

Also since we can't degrade special planets can they start out on the lowest possible cold planet?

There are lore reasons why special planets begin life as they are.

Also, if all special planets started out on a specific start point, they would cease to be special, and defeat the point in adding them.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 6, 2018, 7:49:01 AM

One thing that definitely irks me, especially when making a custom faction with inverse terraforming, is that your starting planet selection remains the same, rather than inverting to accomodate the terraforming change.  This means any faction with the "continuum sculptor" affinity, which gets the inverse terraforming, now gets to start on, say, an arid planet for only 5 points, Taking the "biophobic" trait exacerbates this further, leaving you with the option of either taking a fertile planet that has more food to grow your pops, but with MAJOR approval penalties or a non-fertile, lower resource planet that completely stunts your early pop growth.

The whole affair almost REQUIRES that continuum sculptor and the riftborn visual affinity be used together; otherwise you get a faction with an extremely fragile early game that may never get off the ground.  I feel like either the pop, the terraforming and the bubbles all need to be under the sculptor affinity or the terraforming needs to be moved to the Riftborn visual affinity.  As they are, they're so dependent on each other we can't use them apart without nearly crippling our faction concepts.

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