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Endless space 3? What would you like to see? :)

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 12:51:38 AM

Simple post (have done a similar one on a potential Endless legend 2 a few years back)
Due to Endless space 2 (atm) seeming to be finished (unless they surprise us with an expansion, which I wouldn't actually mind XD) we should focus on the future.
So here is the question. 

What would you want to see from a potential Endless space 3?
Can be anything, can be as minor, or major as you want. Can be anything from textures, to as grand as new mechanics or new ways of plays, even new factions if you could imagine one on the spot.

Personally, Would I like to see more "flavor" added :)
Endless space 2 already are arguably one of the best 4X games out there, and it has production value out of the wazzoo...
But I would like for and Endless space 3 to try and focus heavily on factional visual differences.
Not only in their ships. But for example, If Behemoths would make a return, have them look different dependant on faction.
The pictures visualizing the city levels on each planet looking different for each faction.
Things like that. Maybe the UI itself having small details that look different dependant on faction, tiny things like that would be just *chefs kiss*

Also, I know that they 99.99999999999% didn't survive...
But I would LOVE to see the Cultist faction from Endless Legend make an Apperance as a faction. They are interesting, creepy and their visual aestetich is just... glorious. I would love to see how they would transfer to space travel :D

What would you want to see? :)

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 3:36:04 AM

I would love to see a merge of ES1 and ES2, for example have all the Hissho Heroes from ES2 and ES1 together, with the ability to have both Hissho ship styles flying together as well. Perhaps even have new ship classes, say have dedicated carriers instead of the hybrid large ships that ES2 has.

Another thing I would love to see is the game expanding on the Franchise theme of making your own canon, allow us to bring the Drakken, or Broken Lords and their E.L heroes into the game. Allow us to disable certain heroes and minor species from appearing in order to fit our canon.

Ambitious, possibility of making the universe feel a bit small, and expensive, probably, but the replay value and directions that can be taken with such courses could make up for it and more.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 9:56:01 AM
DragonGaming wrote:

I would love to see a merge of ES1 and ES2, for example have all the Hissho Heroes from ES2 and ES1 together, with the ability to have both Hissho ship styles flying together as well. Perhaps even have new ship classes, say have dedicated carriers instead of the hybrid large ships that ES2 has.

Another thing I would love to see is the game expanding on the Franchise theme of making your own canon, allow us to bring the Drakken, or Broken Lords and their E.L heroes into the game. Allow us to disable certain heroes and minor species from appearing in order to fit our canon.

Ambitious, possibility of making the universe feel a bit small, and expensive, probably, but the replay value and directions that can be taken with such courses could make up for it and more.

Honestly, I would also love to see Hero ships have an option to look like faction ships :)
Like "Turn on hero faction skins" something like that.

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 10:08:37 AM

It may sound weird, but I wouldn't really like yet another soft reboot of Endless Space and with their 'every playthrough is canon' policy, I feel it would be quite difficult to put together a competent sequel to events of ES2.

So how about a prequel? Commanding one of the splinter cells of the Endless in their desperate hunt for last remaining Lost to gain an upper hand in the civil war? Access to some super-wacky technology (imagine Cravers being land combat doctrine instead of a faction), different ways to manage your population whether base of your faction are Virtuals, Concretes or you're a single Endless experimenting with lesser races, and, of course, the race against your own extinction.

Won't gonna lie, though, what I'd really love to get from Amplitude is for them to plug ES2's life support back in, fix it up and push out a large, major expansion as a last huzzah. Maybe bring back some of the community's darlings that went minor/are completely gone since ES1 as some kind of love letter. And finally add a Concrete Endless as a hero, like the one(s) we had in ES1. We already have two Virtuals and no one even likes Virtuals, they obviously were in the wrong during Endless War.

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 11:35:31 AM
DNLH wrote:

It may sound weird, but I wouldn't really like yet another soft reboot of Endless Space and with their 'every playthrough is canon' policy, I feel it would be quite difficult to put together a competent sequel to events of ES2.

So how about a prequel? Commanding one of the splinter cells of the Endless in their desperate hunt for last remaining Lost to gain an upper hand in the civil war? Access to some super-wacky technology (imagine Cravers being land combat doctrine instead of a faction), different ways to manage your population whether base of your faction are Virtuals, Concretes or you're a single Endless experimenting with lesser races, and, of course, the race against your own extinction.

Won't gonna lie, though, what I'd really love to get from Amplitude is for them to plug ES2's life support back in, fix it up and push out a large, major expansion as a last huzzah. Maybe bring back some of the community's darlings that went minor/are completely gone since ES1 as some kind of love letter. And finally add a Concrete Endless as a hero, like the one(s) we had in ES1. We already have two Virtuals and no one even likes Virtuals, they obviously were in the wrong during Endless War.

I mean if they could bring back Amoeba's would I be freaking estatic XD
(My favorite Faction from ES1)

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 12:22:03 PM

Can you imagine Endless Space without Sophons? Yeah, me neither...

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3 years ago
Dec 5, 2021, 7:51:39 PM

yeah i'd like the flavour

also i'd personally want the pilgrims to be playable again. they're cool! they're rebelling against a tyrannical empire, and honestly, playing as them would be fun.

i would want the minor factions to also be like. different depending on stuff. like, some could be pre-ftl and not have a presence in space (depending on if they are able to go to space), some could be like the ES2 ones, and generally i want them to have more flavour. like, them just being "i exist solely to be assimilated into your country" is boring. make them do stuff!

also i would want the unfallen to return. they're just cool, okay?

and the modular canon thing would be great as well! like, i don't particularly like the vaulters, so the forgotten or roving clans or ardent mages being in space would be awesome

also they should really clear up the whole relation between the nakalim and the mezari. my current headcanon is that the mezari are descended from the nakalim, and the nakalim are the original humans

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3 years ago
Dec 25, 2021, 6:02:21 AM

Things I would love to see in ES3.

More Custom Race Options

* Unique Custom Race Art

* Custom Homeworlds

* Custom Exclusive Abilites

Major Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Major race new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 20 Pop to become researchable, (reduced by half for original pop tech).

* Tech 0: Tier 0: Starting Tech, Core Race Aspect, Not Tradable.

* Tech 1: Tier 1

* Tech 2: Tier 2

* Tech 3: Tier 3

* Tech 4: Tier 4

* Tech 5: Tier 5

* These techs would be tradable

These techs would give major bonuses for the orginal race and minor ones for other races.

This would create a trade system where players could research their own racial techs and then try to trade with other civilizations for their own racial techs.

Minor Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Minor race three new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 10 Pop to become researchable.

* Tech 1: Tier 1-2: Requires Tier*10 Pop

* Tech 2: Tier 2-4

* Tech 3: Tier 4-5

* These techs would be tradable

These would replace minor race traits acquired via assimilation and laws unlocked by population.

The tech 1 could give the trait while the tech 2 could give the law allowing tech 3 to give something special from the race.

These could also be randomized by creating many of such techs and 3 being randomly selected for that paticular game.

Played wouldn't know which 3 were randomly selected till they acquired that race.

This would bring a new level to the politics system and encourage trade between factions even if they don't like each other.

Extensive Ship Customization

* Off Module Slot * 3 Cost; Total Cost * 1.1 Cost

Ships can be very limiting with critical needs sometimes.

Being allowed to pay extra resources to fix this issue would be very helpful.

For example if I have a great ship design but need one more weapon or support slot not normally available then I should be allowed to do that.

I suggest that each slot thus equipped off slot should cost * 3 the amount.

Then the final total cost should be increased by Cost Total *= (1 + ( OffSlotAmount / 10 ) ) .

This wouldn't be to much for a single slot, but a lot of slots would quickly become insanely expensive.

Online Custom Race Library

* Online Cloud Library

I can't tell you how many times i have had to remake my favorite custom races because of something or other.

It would be nice to be able to store a copy of my favorite custom races in some online repository.

Kind of like what Spore did.

People could vote what custom races are their favorites and such.

As well as select an option to randomly face off against some of these custom races.

This would require more extra art be created exclusively for the custom races.

Still I feel this would be a great addition to the game.

Star Power

*Star's should give a system modification

They shouldn't be decorations that just sit there as art.

Stars should give system bonuses.

A Red Giant might give all planets in its system +1-3 industry.

A Yellow star might give all planents in its system +1-3 food.

A white dwarf might give all planets in its system +1-3 science.

Star Construction

* Dyson Shperes, Ringworlds, and more

How about options to alter systems in unusual ways?

Get creative, this could be some weird wacked out ways to have unusual fun in the game.

Solar System Building

* Break down planets in one solar system.

* Build up planets in another solar system.

* Transport planets from one system to another.

This should be the ultimate in terriforming.

I don't know about anyone else but I hate finding a perfect planet for my needs and its sitting solo in a horrible place.

Not only is a single planent in a solar system a bad colonization option some times location is important as well.

Ways to rebuild solar systems would be nice.

After The Wandering Earth movie, people are figuring out ways to move planets with our current tech.

Are you saying it can't be done with ES3 techs?

I hope writing so many ideas don't upset anyone.

Amplitude you make great games and I am sure ES3 will be amazing.

I can't wait.

I love Humankind but I still find myself playing ES2 more despite that.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 26, 2021, 2:27:54 PM
Tygari wrote:

Things I would love to see in ES3.

More Custom Race Options

* Unique Custom Race Art

* Custom Homeworlds

* Custom Exclusive Abilites

Major Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Minor race three new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 20 Pop to become researchable, (reduced by half for original pop tech).

* Tech 1: Tier 1

* Tech 2: Tier 2

* Tech 3: Tier 3

* Tech 4: Tier 4

* Tech 5: Tier 5

* These techs would be tradable

These techs would give major bonuses for the orginal race and minor ones for other races.

This would create a trade system where players could research their own racial techs and then try to trade with other civilizations for their own racial techs.

Minor Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Minor race three new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 10 Pop to become researchable.

* Tech 1: Tier 1-2: Requires Tier*10 Pop

* Tech 2: Tier 2-4

* Tech 3: Tier 4-5

* These techs would be tradable

These would replace minor race traits acquired via assimilation and laws unlocked by population.

The tech 1 could give the trait while the tech 2 could give the law allowing tech 3 to give something special from the race.

These could also be randomized by creating many of such techs and 3 being randomly selected for that paticular game.

Played wouldn't know which 3 were randomly selected till they acquired that race.

This would bring a new level to the politics system and encourage trade between factions even if they don't like each other.

Extensive Ship Customization

* Off Module Slot * 3 Cost; Total Cost * 1.1 Cost

Ships can be very limiting with critical needs sometimes.

Being allowed to pay extra resources to fix this issue would be very helpful.

For example if I have a great ship design but need one more weapon or support slot not normally available then I should be allowed to do that.

I suggest that each slot thus equipped off slot should cost * 3 the amount.

Then the final total cost should be increased by Cost Total *= (1 + ( OffSlotAmount / 10 ) ) .

This wouldn't be to much for a single slot, but a lot of slots would quickly become insanely expensive.

Online Custom Race Library

* Online Cloud Library

I can't tell you how many times i have had to remake my favorite custom races because of something or other.

It would be nice to be able to store a copy of my favorite custom races in some online repository.

Kind of like what Spore did.

People could vote what custom races are their favorites and such.

As well as select an option to randomly face off against some of these custom races.

This would require more extra art be created exclusively for the custom races.

Still I feel this would be a great addition to the game.

Star Power

*Star's should give a system modification

They shouldn't be decorations that just sit there as art.

Stars should give system bonuses.

A Red Giant might give all planets in its system +1-3 industry.

A Yellow star might give all planents in its system +1-3 food.

A white dwarf might give all planets in its system +1-3 science.

Star Construction

* Dyson Shperes, Ringworlds, and more

How about options to alter systems in unusual ways?

Get creative, this could be some weird wacked out ways to have unusual fun in the game.

Solar System Building

* Break down planets in one solar system.

* Build up planets in another solar system.

* Transport planets from one system to another.

This should be the ultimate in terriforming.

I don't know about anyone else but I hate finding a perfect planet for my needs and its sitting solo in a horrible place.

Not only is a single planent in a solar system a bad colonization option some times location is important as well.

Ways to rebuild solar systems would be nice.

After The Wandering Earth movie people are figuring out ways to move planets without our current tech.

Are you saying it can't be done with ES3 techs?

I hope writing so many ideas don't upset anyone.

Amplitude you make great games and I am sure ES3 will be amazing.

I can't wait.

I love Humankind but I still find myself playing ES2 more despite that.

IF they ever do an ES3 :) yeah those features sound relatively neat :D

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3 years ago
Dec 27, 2021, 1:30:00 AM
Tygari wrote:

Things I would love to see in ES3.

More Custom Race Options

* Unique Custom Race Art

* Custom Homeworlds

* Custom Exclusive Abilites

Major Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Major race new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 20 Pop to become researchable, (reduced by half for original pop tech).

* Tech 0: Tier 0: Starting Tech, Core Race Aspect, Not Tradable.

* Tech 1: Tier 1

* Tech 2: Tier 2

* Tech 3: Tier 3

* Tech 4: Tier 4

* Tech 5: Tier 5

* These techs would be tradable

These techs would give major bonuses for the orginal race and minor ones for other races.

This would create a trade system where players could research their own racial techs and then try to trade with other civilizations for their own racial techs.

Minor Race Exclusive Techs

* By assimilating a Minor race three new techs unlock.

* Each tech would require Tier * 10 Pop to become researchable.

* Tech 1: Tier 1-2: Requires Tier*10 Pop

* Tech 2: Tier 2-4

* Tech 3: Tier 4-5

* These techs would be tradable

These would replace minor race traits acquired via assimilation and laws unlocked by population.

The tech 1 could give the trait while the tech 2 could give the law allowing tech 3 to give something special from the race.

These could also be randomized by creating many of such techs and 3 being randomly selected for that paticular game.

Played wouldn't know which 3 were randomly selected till they acquired that race.

This would bring a new level to the politics system and encourage trade between factions even if they don't like each other.

Extensive Ship Customization

* Off Module Slot * 3 Cost; Total Cost * 1.1 Cost

Ships can be very limiting with critical needs sometimes.

Being allowed to pay extra resources to fix this issue would be very helpful.

For example if I have a great ship design but need one more weapon or support slot not normally available then I should be allowed to do that.

I suggest that each slot thus equipped off slot should cost * 3 the amount.

Then the final total cost should be increased by Cost Total *= (1 + ( OffSlotAmount / 10 ) ) .

This wouldn't be to much for a single slot, but a lot of slots would quickly become insanely expensive.

Online Custom Race Library

* Online Cloud Library

I can't tell you how many times i have had to remake my favorite custom races because of something or other.

It would be nice to be able to store a copy of my favorite custom races in some online repository.

Kind of like what Spore did.

People could vote what custom races are their favorites and such.

As well as select an option to randomly face off against some of these custom races.

This would require more extra art be created exclusively for the custom races.

Still I feel this would be a great addition to the game.

Star Power

*Star's should give a system modification

They shouldn't be decorations that just sit there as art.

Stars should give system bonuses.

A Red Giant might give all planets in its system +1-3 industry.

A Yellow star might give all planents in its system +1-3 food.

A white dwarf might give all planets in its system +1-3 science.

Star Construction

* Dyson Shperes, Ringworlds, and more

How about options to alter systems in unusual ways?

Get creative, this could be some weird wacked out ways to have unusual fun in the game.

Solar System Building

* Break down planets in one solar system.

* Build up planets in another solar system.

* Transport planets from one system to another.

This should be the ultimate in terriforming.

I don't know about anyone else but I hate finding a perfect planet for my needs and its sitting solo in a horrible place.

Not only is a single planent in a solar system a bad colonization option some times location is important as well.

Ways to rebuild solar systems would be nice.

After The Wandering Earth movie, people are figuring out ways to move planets with our current tech.

Are you saying it can't be done with ES3 techs?

I hope writing so many ideas don't upset anyone.

Amplitude you make great games and I am sure ES3 will be amazing.

I can't wait.

I love Humankind but I still find myself playing ES2 more despite that.

yeah those features sound cool! personally i think one of the weirdest things i could do is like. put a bunch of unique worlds in the same solar system just for fun

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3 years ago
Dec 27, 2021, 11:18:58 PM
Tnecniw wrote:

IF they ever do an ES3 :) yeah those features sound relatively neat :D

transfem-god-tamer wrote:

yeah those features sound cool! personally i think one of the weirdest things i could do is like. put a bunch of unique worlds in the same solar system just for fun

Thank you very much.

It makes me very happy to know someone likes my ideas.

As one who is aspiring to be a game designer and programmer positive feedback is rare and quite appreciated.

PS: Some may noticed I have gone back a few times fixing typos and refining a few of the wordings and ideas.

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Dec 29, 2021, 8:09:39 PM

Simple Request: Add a turn notification sound when the game is in the background.

Complex: Create a play-by-server like system similar to Age of Wonders: PlanetFall.

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3 years ago
Jan 10, 2022, 3:19:59 AM
Sublustris wrote:

Can you imagine Endless Space without Sophons? Yeah, me neither...

No way, ever.

I would never abandon my sophons! :D :3

Updated 3 years ago.
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3 years ago
Jan 10, 2022, 3:22:48 AM

In my view, in my personal opinion... Instead of considering ES2 Finished, I would rather think of it that it needs a serious remake, or, better said, a "finalization" or "final touch" before it is finally considered complete.

I just made a few tiny, little project of research here...

And I think there is still much, much room for improvement in ES2, even.

For me the game, isn't finished yet.

I know there is a lot to improve here...

And my vote would stand for, improving ES2 on it's flaws, and potential lacks of balance, and multiplayer capabilities...

Before proceeding, and thinking, of making Endless Space 3 Or anything as a next generation game.

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3 years ago
Jan 10, 2022, 3:23:15 AM

I don't think we need a new game at all, I vote. Just improve this one! =)

There is still much room for improvement here!

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3 years ago
Jan 15, 2022, 12:28:00 AM
DNLH wrote:

It may sound weird, but I wouldn't really like yet another soft reboot of Endless Space and with their 'every playthrough is canon' policy, I feel it would be quite difficult to put together a competent sequel to events of ES2.

So how about a prequel? Commanding one of the splinter cells of the Endless in their desperate hunt for last remaining Lost to gain an upper hand in the civil war? Access to some super-wacky technology (imagine Cravers being land combat doctrine instead of a faction), different ways to manage your population whether base of your faction are Virtuals, Concretes or you're a single Endless experimenting with lesser races, and, of course, the race against your own extinction.

Won't gonna lie, though, what I'd really love to get from Amplitude is for them to plug ES2's life support back in, fix it up and push out a large, major expansion as a last huzzah. Maybe bring back some of the community's darlings that went minor/are completely gone since ES1 as some kind of love letter. And finally add a Concrete Endless as a hero, like the one(s) we had in ES1. We already have two Virtuals and no one even likes Virtuals, they obviously were in the wrong during Endless War.

So you want to bring back ES2? Hmmmm... I see.

Mee too my friend, me too... =)

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3 years ago
Jan 19, 2022, 8:46:34 AM

In Endless Space 3 i want to know who are the Lost and why are they disappear and why have the Endless killed them or Banish. Or a Prequel like timed in the Dust war thats what DNHL wrote. 

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3 years ago
Jan 19, 2022, 9:59:38 AM

The endless are just greedy farts that lured the lost using some sort of beacon and got dust from it. The Lost are big entities that possess great strength. For example you have Auriga, Sobra, Koyasil being Lost, even tho as of ES2 they're all dead. Best image of a Lost you get in Vodo cinematic is this :