ENDLESS™ Space 2 is turn-based 4X space-strategy that launches players into the space colonization age of different civilizations within the ENDLESS™ Universe. Your Vision. Their Future.
Wanted to discuss the biggest problem of the game regardless of what faction you are playing or what strategy you are using.
At some point you get a snowball effect and you don't need to care about anything as your:
Fleet cannot be betten by anything regadless of tactic used.
Science output gives a tech each turn
For science this should be a simple solution and I don't think that increasing the cost of tech's is the only way this should go.
I think the problem is with the science bonuses you get from buildings and heroes that are the biggest contributor to the snowball effect.
Graviton-Shielded laboratories provide a big boost that could be reduced to (+10 flat and +1 per populaion).
Optic Research Labs that give +25% science are also a big deal. Maybe it should be +10% or +15% ?
And once you enter terraforming and combine this with Punctuated Evolution Fundation science really spins out of control with the (+4 per pop on Fetile) as you get more and more Fertile planets (unless you are Riftborn).
Population breading like rabbits is also a significant contributor to all this.
For Fleets the subject is much bigger but also more significant as space battles are a key part of the game (regardless of how broken they are at the moment).
I don't want to concentrate on kinetic/energy balance, etc but only on the snowball effect.
Command Points
This is a great mechanic that doesn't allow a player to put all their ships into a single kille fleet that nothing can stop.
Problem is that the increases are big jumps (4/7/10) and then you get to something like 22 with the Universal Aerodynamics tech that gives +2 CP per hull. This is just crazy as facing a 22 CP fleet with a 10 CP one is just pointless.
You get increases in CP of +3 for Tier 2 tech, +3 for Tier 3 tech, +2/per Hull for Tier 4 tech, +4 for Tier 5 Tech, +3 for Endless tech.
We need to change this and I think this order would be better:
+2 CP /per Hull as a starting tech for all or a Tier 1/2 tech that for sure everyone will want to grab.
But even at tier 1 this will give +4 CP so it would be better to have starting CP at a value of 6 or 7 so that this would not be a huge difference or maybe change this to: +1 CP / per hull to make it more managable.
With 6 CP starting value, +1 CP / per hull and +2 CP per tech's we would end with a total of:
This is much lower then the 28 we are able to get now so to counter that I would include bonus CP in more tech's.
So 5 more techs that grant +2 CP and that would lead us to 29 CP (without endless tech).
Fleet life
A big problem is when two great fleets face each other there is only one outcome. One gets obliterated and the other has very little loses if any. That is the root of the problem. Whoever wins starts the snowball effect and there are a few ways we can counter that.
1. Damage should be lowered (or HP increased) so that space battles don't end in phase 1 and for larger battles should span multiple turns which would allow for reinforcements and meaningfull retreat actions.
2. Focus fire is an overkill. If damage would be spread more then the end result could be better. Maybe allow for a Hunter ship to "command" 1-2 attacker ships to fire at the same target but the rest firest at a different target? Carrier ships could have a similar role of being able to "command" 1-2 Hunter ships to foccus fire and those in turn have attacker ships. This also encourages to have a diverse fleet that isn't build from Hunter ships only. Maybe there would be a module that increases this "command" limit and Coordinator ships would trully become engagement coordinators.
3. Don't allow a ship to be repaired in a newly conquered system untill you have full ownership. Or maybe repair only to a percentage or ownership. (you have 50% ownership then you can repair up to 50% of HP). This way a damaged fleet would need to return to friendly territory for repairs.
4. Heroes are a HUGE increase in a fleets power (of course depends on hero and skills). Is that good or bad it is hard to say. But one thing is for sure that fleet with a strong hero is no match for a fleet that doesn't have one. So maybe nerf down some of the skill like fleet having double normal damage (this is with multiple skills not a single one), 80% shield penetration, etc. Don't get me wrong, a hero should still provide bonuses but the increase of those bonuses shouldn't be so huge.
5. Fleet shield. If only they would have 10x the values that have now then we could consider them and maybe they would add to the solution.
Those just don't have much to add. If the enemy has a stronger force then they win and that's it regardless of the tactics you choose. That should not be the case. Those tactics should have an impact on combat and even with a smaller force you should be able to chip away at an enemy fleet.
And if your forces are similar then this choice should be critical and have critical effects.
All I see 90% of the time is "Get Lucky" in use as it has an insane +70% damage on critical hit and is a close range tactic so what you need when faced agains missiles, all other tactics don't even get close to this unless you have missiles only (which isn't such a bad idea) and then you go for "Barrage Fire". This system is totally broken and needs a huge redo. I would suggest to have each flottilla be able to pick a different tactic and the same goes for squadrons. On top of that a redo of all the cards is needed.
Early aggresion
Each faction is capable of early aggression (ok, some more then others) and the problem is that the only defence to this is to go for early aggression yourself. If you don't you are dead and the enemy starts his/her snowball effect of capturing systems.
What we lack is some static defence for a system to be able to defend agains early aggressions. Minors have a fleet orbiting that you need to destroy before you can invade them (not that it is a strong fleet). Weapon platforms or something like that could be the answer. Think of them like ships with 0 movement points that have a CP cap just like any other fleet. They would be usefull in early game only and with larger fleets with Hunter class ships would probably have less to offer.
What are your thoughs on this?
Anything else you would add as a snowball painpoint that could be addressed?
I like the direction of most of these changes. My thoughts on some of the subtopics:
The science issue is a good point. The Graviton-shielded labs + Optics labs is this game's equivalent to Civ 5's classic Universities + National College rush combo, except much more potent and scalable for a big empire and buff-able by laws and traits on top of that. The game might benefit from the power of the early science improvements being more gradual (or shifted to higher-tier improvements). I don't know how long the devs intended a typical game to last, but having nearly all techs done by turn 110-120 on even role-play/unoptimized runs seems too fast.
Universal Aerodynamics is indeed another feature that should get rebalanced; it's too much of a wunderwaffe tech that players know to beeline for. Spreading out its power would be a plus for the game. I dislike having base CP be 6 or 7 though, and would prefer those numbers be gated by at least some science investment lest it give even more power to a military-focused start. Maybe make the new low-tier version of UA strictly inferior to military +CP techs of the same tier? Perhaps split it into 2 lower impact techs on successive military quadrant tiers (or bake half of it into one of the less competitive picks that exist in the next tier). This should somewhat solve the issue of a military minded player unlocking all the CP techs in successcion when preparing for a rush by neutering the effectiveness of the tech without unlocking more hulls first.
For fleet battles, I too would like to see more battles making it to the 3rd phase of battle. Any such feature would make balancing Long vs Short less extreme and introduce more variety into the game. Improved survivability and less focus fire does seem a good way to go about achieving this (although I forsee the repair bots needing to be rebalanced afterwards).
Tactics should absolutely be redone. They should just decouple flotilla range from the provided bonuses and let us mix and match depending on unlocked tech.
Personally ever since the first free weekend and the inclusion of boarding pods there have been a lot of combat items that are functioning as intended and a few that are not. I like the idea of spreading CC more widely accross techs, maybe making them tier unlocks, as the jumps are signifigant from 10 to 22, and you can save the tech for a instant. In many multiplayer games I judge my opponents strength by how many CC he is holding, and I usually wait to unlock universal aerydynamics at the last minute just before the attack to make my opponent 'feel safe' until I show up with double the power he expected.
Some changes here all sound good, personally I could go for just lane countering and expectations of combat to go as intended. You can use a defensive card, stack a top or bottom lane, and use bombers at long range with a defense repair heavy fleet and win against your opponents when outmatched. Most people have no clue as to why they get beat in some combat scenarios and I think that is most of the problem. Its a little off the original posters topic but it would be really nice to get a system where fighters and flak are evenly useful, and if your fleet has no manpower (ie vodyani)its not suspect to a easy takeover from the boarding pods of hissho or vaulters.
Just 2 cents, hope it gets polished out to keep people playing multiplayer for years to come. Often the longevity of a game seems to coincide with the fairness of combat scenario's and the ease of their understanding. I have absolutely no suggestions other than it is almost become too complicated. And playing as much as I have its second nature but to somebody new not understanding why there fleet got crushed can be quite disheartening. I may have pitched a keyboard or too once in a while in a heated match in the same kind of scenario.
I guess the original poster brings about my feelings on combat which I have shared here. Cheers
I think the native Damage and Health bonuses of Hunters and Coordinators should apply instead to their allied Attacker and Support ships, that way Small size ships will do best when combined with their Medium equivalents, while Medium ships will be missing the full potential of their buff without Small ships to accompany them.
Command Points
I agree with Plutar and OP, insofar as Universal Aerodynamics should become a really early CP tech with only +1 CP per Hull Type, and then there should be a +1 CP improvement for each Military Stage Unlock. That way a consistent, quick growth in Fleet sizes will require maintaining some very consistent Science production. Of course, I also believe that...
Hull Quadrants
...Hulls should really be moved elsewhere already. Maybe move them to some sort of an out-of-context fifth quadrant or something by the side of the screen with some other stuff, I dunno, but the Military Quadrant is too full to take them even though they just don't belong in the Empire Development quadrant. It just drives me nuts that Hulls and a few other technologies are just in all the wrong places.
Fleet Life
Triple or even quadruple Fleet Health, bump up the construction costs a considerable amount, and ships will become something I both can and should look after again. Not like now where even if I did care enough to save my fleets it wouldn't matter because they will either destroy all challengers without a scratch or die to a man in any given battle.
We need tactics to really break down more nicely by weapon and module types and such instead of all these weird tactics about destroying Manpower or what have you. I rarely if ever give a crap about destroying Manpower using guns, if I wanted Manpower gone I'd just spam Boarding Pods.
Now, regarding the snowball in general, I'd like to bring up a problem near and dear to my heart as both a Horatio and old school Drakken player, Growth.
Food Snowballing
Population Growth
Firstly, the lack of scaling population growth costs makes for some really bad economic snowballing, where once a system hits the 150 Food mark it is guaranteed a new Pop every 2 turns, and once it hits the 300 mark it's guaranteed a new pop every turn. Each unit of population on a decent Food producing system (aka the only systems available early game) can just accelerate the rate at which you grow, making Population Growth a snowball mechanic all on its own. Which ties into two other problems...
Conquest Reward
If all the systems are growing at maximum pace, that means the reward for taking a system grows extremely quickly at some point. Every system we can conquer, turns out to be a full system, for much of the game, requiring minimal further investment of time to grow the population. This just makes Military snowballing even worse, because each conquered system is itself already snowballing.
Overpopulation Disapproval
I've heard it often that there's not enough Approval management. It's very, very easy to keep your Approval maxed out all the time without a care in the world. I think a large part of this is the fact that Overpopulation only provides very, very minor Disapproval- which of course it does, because our population is growing so quickly that if Overpopulation actually did enough harm to care, we'd probably end up drowning in it due to our rapidly exploding population!
If Population Growth was made to scale with current population to slow growth, then Overpopulation Disapproval could be suitably buffed to a very large amount that low Food/Growth factions wouldn't necessarily have to worry about for much of the game, but would nonetheless present an Approval obstacle before taking war and Overcolonization into account. And with slower growing systems, the relative reward of Conquest would also flatten out a bit.
Personally my own math suggests the following- Increase the Growth necessary to gain a new Pop by 100-150 for each Pop on system, add a 100-150 Food cost on Spaceport to prevent circumventing the cost, and add a .5 Overpopulation Disapproval malus for each Overpop Slot filled in a planet for all Pops on that planet.
So for example, at 3 Overpop slots filled on a 12 slot planet, it'd be 1.5 * 12 = 18 Overpopulation Disapproval total. That would make a conqueror think twice about adding more systems before taking care of their own, certainly, or at least to not try and grow every system they take to max population so quickly. (An alternate possibility would be to add Growth Consumption, which would be far higher than Food Consumption but only affects the filling of the Growth meter, and thus does not affect Manpower or Food conversion)
And on the note of snowballing and Drakken,
Influence Snowballing
Unlike EL, there is no innate Influence cost to expanding, and the means by which we afford laws are mostly the same as the means by which we produce Influence- on a per Pop basis. It was a bit different in EL, because while each city bumped up Influence costs, it bumped them up even more for the higher tier effects. It was not a linear increase like ES2 has, 1-2-3-4, but rather the second tier cost three times as much as the first, the third cost almost three times more than the second, the fourth cost more than twice the third, and you had no choice but to stack the costs of the first three in order to get the fourth. That's ignoring the fact that actually, if you were trying to go into all four Empire plans at once, each city was actually providing each of those increases four separate times. In addition, the Influence costs were based on Cities owned, but all of the passive Influence bonuses were too small to cover all the increases incurred by a city. In order to actually cover all costs, you had to actually switch gears and turn your population towards Influence production.
In ES2 though, because you pick and choose your laws and can take a high tier effect without agreeing to the cost of a lower tier effect as well, the costs just don't increase that much, and most people can cover all their Influence costs with just their home system. All it takes to hit the highest law cost is 4 Influence per Pop, which is quite possible with all manner of combinations of Luxuries and Heroes and the like.
The simplest solution I see is to add an initial per System cost like we had in beta on top of the per Pop cost, and take the per Pop Influence bonus of Museums and move it much much later, making Museums provide a bonus based on System or Planets perhaps. Something like 25 Influence per System on the initial Law cost for each tier of law, bumped up by an additional 10 for each system over the Colonization cap. Also just adding higher tier laws with greater costs. I don't know necessarily, I'm spitballing here.
I actually doubt that rising a growth cap for each pop is healthy for the game. Mainly because your population is closely realted to Conscription which is like a super anti-snowballish tool against early invasions. I found myself in situations where I had around 10 pop per system at turn 30 and only 5-6 Conscriptions in a row allowed me to hold against an early rush and counterattack. It can even easily hold a system for some turns if you are at 0 defensive capacity (!). Imagine 10 pop is 3k food for now, but with your suggestion I could only have 5 pop and be snowballed and destroyed..
Kinda agree on other points though, except mb influence cause I just like the advantage of early unique planets and their influence per pop bonus so much. It sometimes feels more tempting to go for a system of 3 with a Teonha on it instead of system of 5 just for that early influence and law pushing. You then feel really rewarded for each pop you generate on those. I actually never felt like I have too much influence (I am mainly a democracy/federation player) and I always utilized it to the max. I never felt like Museums are op, instead I felt like THIS is the one I need right now to sustain an extra powerfull law or to store some influence to turn into diplomatic proposals. Isn't that a good thing? If you are overflowing with influence it seems like you are not using it to the max. Pacific conversion anyone? All tier 4 laws? As sophons I sometimes pushed +33% on weapons from scientists and +33% health and dmg from militarists and + 33% health from industrialists at the same time and damn it cost a lot
This would essentially make it require quite a bit of food tech/hero skill investment and population micromanagement to cap those high population systems. A few things to note:
Riftborn Pop build-to-spaceport spam would need to be addressed (it already does imho).
The numbers would likely need to be tweaked to balance with food production. Mine were only intended to demonstrate the increasing ratio of consumption:population.
Super Biofuel would need to be balanced (I would suggest lowering the tech tier so it becomes something useable in mid-game with a lesser investment cost and lesser industry gain due to the consumption rework).
Very low food quantities in the - or + should be ignored within a certain margin (maybe + or - P where [P = Population/2] so a system with 30 pop would neglect any food within the +15 to-15 range ... explain it away with "seasonal variance" or "general waste" for + or "rationing" for -) to avoid the current +1 pop, -1 pop, +1 pop, -1 pop back and forth when gaining a pop puts you in the negative, then losing a pop puts you in the positive again, which tends to happen from time to time (and it is annoying).
I would love to hear some ideas on this proposal. Idea link here if anyone is interested.
Currently in the game you have implemented that more population means more consumption.
I mean that population of 10 eats more then two populations of 5.
To be exact a population of 2 has consumption of 13,6 which is 6,8 / pop
Population of 39 has 590,9 consumption which is 15,15 / pop
The problem is that this curve needs to be increased more. On that 39 population system I have 104 leftover food production WITHOUT ANY food oriented buildings, laws or hero skills (no hero assigned). That is just crazy. Why would anyone bother with food buildings?
The increase in consumption should gain at around twice current speed. But we need to be mindfull of Vodyani so that they don't starve because of those changes.
With that in play you would need to have food buildings to get to overpopulation so there is no problem to have a bigged approval pennalty for overpopulation.
This depends on the Government. If you are a dictatorship then you have less choices as you can use laws from only one party and the truth is that not all of them are worth having. I end up having one that I need to pay for and two that are free so that leaves me with 3.6K influence per turn that I simply have no use for. It keeps pilling up without any sensible way to spend it.
In Democracy you have a lot more to choose from and therefore use laws more which provides a meaningfull way to spend influence.
I see two solutions to that:
Make up new laws so that each party will have 10-12 of them and then you will be able to pick something you like. They can be increased versions of former ones. For example Star Boogie Bill gives ships +3 movement and costs 2 influence per pop. There could be a law giving +5 movement an costing 3 influence per pop.
A different path would be to assign influence points to each party in a similar way that EL does to stages and in this way the more tiers you open up for a faction the more bonuses you get. Election is the same as now and after ellections insted of passing laws you set how much influence you "spend" per turn per pop on a faction. In dictatorship this would mean you can spend on only one faction that is in power and in democracy you can (or maybe have to?) spread this around.
I actually doubt that rising a growth cap for each pop is healthy for the game. Mainly because your population is closely realted to Conscription which is like a super anti-snowballish tool against early invasions. I found myself in situations where I had around 10 pop per system at turn 30 and only 5-6 Conscriptions in a row allowed me to hold against an early rush and counterattack. It can even easily hold a system for some turns if you are at 0 defensive capacity (!). Imagine 10 pop is 3k food for now, but with your suggestion I could only have 5 pop and be snowballed and destroyed. ...
See, the problem with your proposal is that if it roughly halves your population, it's also roughly halving your opponents population. So they either take twice as long to summon the same rush, or rush half as large a military force in the same time. And either way, by many accounts the ability to indefinitely defend against invasion using Conscription is considered a problem.
Abrasax wrote:
You can slow down population snowballing without changing the Growth Cap.
All you need to do is make each subsequent unit of population consume a greater share of food: ...
I'm going to have to shoot this down and say from experience, it doesn't work. I was of this opinion for a while, and worked together with CyRob to mod the hell out of Consumption to test my theories, including the one you present there. It really, really does not work, because of how badly it affects everything else Food related. This is because you need population to consume such gigantic amounts of Food for it to have the desired effect, that there's none left for other purposes, including Manpower, which plummeted under a similar scheme.
This is, however, why I proposed above that we can instead add _Growth_ consumption, which is not technically the same thing as Food as presented in the UI. This way the population could be made to grow ever slower without horribly affecting everything else Food related, only the rate of growth.
samsonazs wrote
The problem is that this curve needs to be increased more. ...
With that in play you would need to have food buildings to get to overpopulation so there is no problem to have a bigged approval pennalty for overpopulation.
You more or less understand my point, though as before, actually increasing Food consumption causes myriad issues for other things tied to Food, and as such it would be better to consume the Growth that Food gets turned into in the Growth meter on the left. But the point that you would then need to focus on Food before having to worry about Overpopulation, justifying higher Overpopulation penalties, is exactly in accordance with what I meant.
samsonazs wrote:
Interesting ideas, that I have no particular opinion on either way as to their effectiveness. The only problem is that the Empire Plan system doesn't really work with ES2 because ES2 doesn't have Pop shuffling between jobs the way EL did, so there's no opportunity cost to making more Influence- what you get is what you get, more or less.
I do think the game should have Party laws going up to 6 though. Maybe not 12, but perhaps there could be a button which doubles the consumption of a law to increase all its effects, or something.
On that 39 population system I have 104 leftover food production WITHOUT ANY food oriented buildings, laws or hero skills (no hero assigned). That is just crazy.
But is it? I assume you are talking about a system with average base food deposits on several planets. If you think about it in a way, that historically every civ went through a lot of agricultural development, then it seems totally fine that a colonized forest planet has enough food to sustain itself and to produce leftovers for other (more inhospitable) planets in the system. At the point when space travel is a common thing agriculture should really be at that level. I can post a screenshot where I recently experienced a shortage of food on my system of 2 deserts, 1 lava, 1 arid and 1 atoll with Sustainable Farms. I really thought that this is well balanced and forces you to invest into researching Food Specializations and buildings.
And here comes a real problem. Why does average lava have less pop slots than average forest? Population ROCKS in this game. You want 1-2 pop much more than you want +12-24 industry ALL THE TIME.. Because all those bonuses from Specs and Improvements will turn that 1 pop into smth like +10 FIDSI at some point.
I think pop slots need to be the same on all planets. I think that inhospitable planets must have some pop slots locked at first but those should be unlockable upon reaching new eras. For now there is simply no reason to keep your lavas and barrens, you just terraform them all and it kills system managing.
You can slow down population snowballing without changing the Growth Cap.
All you need to do is make each subsequent unit of population consume a greater share of food: ...
I'm going to have to shoot this down and say from experience, it doesn't work. I was of this opinion for a while, and worked together with CyRob to mod the hell out of Consumption to test my theories, including the one you present there. It really, really does not work, because of how badly it affects everything else Food related. This is because you need population to consume such gigantic amounts of Food for it to have the desired effect, that there's none left for other purposes, including Manpower, which plummeted under a similar scheme.
This is, however, why I proposed above that we can instead add _Growth_ consumption, which is not technically the same thing as Food as presented in the UI. This way the population could be made to grow ever slower without horribly affecting everything else Food related, only the rate of growth.
How does that affect manpower? Standard manpower conversion is based on base food production, not food surplus.
On that 39 population system I have 104 leftover food production WITHOUT ANY food oriented buildings, laws or hero skills (no hero assigned). That is just crazy.
But is it? I assume you are talking about a system with average base food deposits on several planets. If you think about it in a way, that historically every civ went through a lot of agricultural development, then it seems totally fine that a colonized forest planet has enough food to sustain itself and to produce leftovers for other (more inhospitable) planets in the system. At the point when space travel is a common thing agriculture should really be at that level. I can post a screenshot where I recently experienced a shortage of food on my system of 2 deserts, 1 lava, 1 arid and 1 atoll with Sustainable Farms. I really thought that this is well balanced and forces you to invest into researching Food Specializations and buildings....
If we're gonna talk "realism" then Food should be removed from the game entirely because as you say, space faring civilizations shouldn't be worried about something like that at their level of advancement.
But we're talking about "Food," not actual food. "Food" is the mechanical measurement of our vertical population growth, and as a game mechanic it's pretty much useless past an extremely low threshold. There shouldn't be an entire one of the FIDSI that is just tacked on. As you point out, it took you an entire system of crappy planets to even begin to worry about Food production enough to bother with more than the second, most basic Food building you can research. What about the other 5 or 6 Food buildings, and all the Food hero skills, and Food laws, and Food populations? Why should those all just be unnecessary excess when in most games, you need more Food to produce more Population at the same rate, including ES1 and EL?
Abrasax wrote:
How does that affect manpower? Standard manpower conversion is based on base food production, not food surplus.
Because Food consumption also comes from Food production, leaving less Food for Manpower conversion. It's calculated first. I'm not saying this as a theoretical thing either, I'm saying that when we implemented increased Food consumption, it screwed up everything else Food related. That's just what happens when you increase it.
Food consumption should be completely detached from conversion to manpower. If it wasn't detached when modding, then the equations were borked. Base food conversion to manpower is 10% of net gross food production.
System Food = 88, Conversion to Manpower = 8.8
System Food = 500, Conversion to Manpower = 50
The single best piece of evidence proving this detachment comes from improvements like Patriot Pills or Exotic Rations. If it were calculated AFTER the food consumption, these improvements would never put you in the negative. It wouldn't be mathematically possible. They can and do put you in the negative. One of the first things I do when conquering enemy star systems is to curb population loss. First place I check is Constructed System Improvements. If Patriot Pills or Exotic Rations are built, I scrap them immediately. If it was calculated after consumption, this would not work to bring the negative value to a positive value.
It wasn't the system design's fault. It was the modding.
Sure, maybe it was the mod, though I have greater faith in the people I was working with than for them to make a basic mistake of that sort.
Either way, Consumption doesn't work as a solution, because it has to be so mind-numbingly massive. If it reduces 1200 Food to 301, the consumption increase has effectively done nothing for population growth. If it decreases any amount to 301, it's done nothing. And even then you need to lower Food production all the way to 149 just to make a difference of two turns per Pop. If it decreases Food by 10000 but doesn't reduce it past 300, it's done nothing, and to get a mere 3 turn increase requires reducing Food all the way to 75 or lower.
Just increasing Food consumption leads to having no Food to work with, because population growth is the absolute, only FIDSI where progressing to bigger and better things doesn't result in increasing costs. Buildings and ships cost more and more Industry and Dust, Technologies cost more and more Science, Laws cost more and more Influence up to a fairly low limit, but Growth never changes.
To the trouble of? 1200 is pretty easy with any sort of Food specialized faction, really easy in fact. Just nobody ever bothers because having that much Food does nothing for you. Case in point, Horatio gets two faction specific Food improvements from his questline, and there's no reason to go for either one because there's two Industry buildings with the exact same output.
Food is a resource where you get no reward for continuing to invest in it more and more, so all the Food sources are bad because they're not providing any actual reward unless you're still beneath that minimum.
To the trouble of? 1200 is pretty easy with any sort of Food specialized faction, really easy in fact. Just nobody ever bothers because having that much Food does nothing for you. Case in point, Horatio gets two faction specific Food improvements from his questline, and there's no reason to go for either one because there's two Industry buildings with the exact same output.
Food is a resource where you get no reward for continuing to invest in it more and more, so all the Food sources are bad because they're not providing any actual reward unless you're still beneath that minimum.
I'm going to assume you are talking about post-terraforming, correct?
Just with the examples I gave for consumption increase curves, a population of 30 would need to produce a little over 20 food per population just to sustain itself. And for Horatio, their whole gimmick is that they don't need those food improvements. If there are Horatio players out there investing in them, I hope they are running BioFuel production builds. And if all you want to discuss is the extreme margins, then you willingly ignore the majority of systems out there that aren't producing 1200 food per turn.
A majority of my systems when I am not running BioFuel builds run about 500- 800 (food before consumption) with moderate food investment and the 25% food boost from ecstatic. And as I stated earlier, the numbers could be tweaked. Increase consumption incrementally by 2 instead of 1 as I did and those requirements will rapidly rise. 1000+ food to support a population of 30? It can be done.
I'm getting the feeling you'd rather just argue to argue instead. After all, you'd rather have faith in people modifying code than the basic math that I can present with consistent results from the 50+ save files I still have.
I'm getting the feeling you'd rather just argue to argue instead. After all, you'd rather have faith in people modifying code than the basic math that I can present with consistent results from the 50+ save files I still have.
Yeah alright, if you're gonna be like that, there's no point in my participating. You put forward an idea, I told you that others among us have already tested it and it went poorly.
As for "Horatio don't need Food improvements", yeah, that's kind of the problem I'm talking about that Food factions don't feel better for investing in Food like Industry, Dust, and Science factions do. But whatever.
That's the nature of Food. Why would a faction like Horatio (who essentially are the people at the restaurants who only eat the half-portions) feel good about overproducing Food?
That makes no sense.
I feel great if I have a healthy cushion in the bank.
I feel great if I get a lot of work done around the house.
I feel great if I have a ton of sway in social situations.
I feel great if I can invent new things and cure diseases.
I don't feel great if I have so much food I can't find anywhere to put it. That's how food works. You need enough to get by. The problem in ES2 isn't that all that excess food is a waste. The problem is that it is way too easy to have the excess food.
The only other resource like that is Influence, but only because they haven't added enough Influence sinks for mid-late game. Luckily there are some great ideas out there which could fill that role.
I also think Influence Upkeep should be introduced for diplomatic agreements instead of them just being one-and-done, just like wars need the occasional influence dump to keep them going.
But on the Food topic, I think mamarider hit the nail on the head here:
mamarider wrote:
On that 39 population system I have 104 leftover food production WITHOUT ANY food oriented buildings, laws or hero skills (no hero assigned). That is just crazy.
And here comes a real problem. Why does average lava have less pop slots than average forest? Population ROCKS in this game. You want 1-2 pop much more than you want +12-24 industry ALL THE TIME.. Because all those bonuses from Specs and Improvements will turn that 1 pop into smth like +10 FIDSI at some point.
I think pop slots need to be the same on all planets. I think that inhospitable planets must have some pop slots locked at first but those should be unlockable upon reaching new eras. For now there is simply no reason to keep your lavas and barrens, you just terraform them all and it kills system managing.
I might not agree with his solution to the problem, but I do believe those rough planets should have a much better FIDSI output than their Terraformed versions. I would rather see them modify the improvements to focus much less on the "+FIDSI per pop" and more on the "+FIDSI per planet type". There should be viable builds that exploit Toxic planets to dramatic effect, or ways to squeeze serious Industry from Lava planets and serious Science from Barren planets. Sadly, the most productive planets in late game are easily the Fertile/Temperate simply because of the increased population caps multiplied by the high per pop FIDSI. ES2 very much focuses on quantity over quality and that pigeon-holes playstyles.
Perhaps modifying the overpopulation disapproval and basing the overpopulation slots on planet-type instead of size, so Barren/Ice/Toxic/Ash/Lava would have 1 Overpopulation slot that hits hard to happiness and Ocean/Boreal/Forest/Terran/Jungle/Atoll would have 3 overpopulation slots that hit hard/harder/hardest, respectively? This would definitely change how people approach Huge Barrens and Tiny Forests. Modify happiness on some of them too. Why is a Gas Giant -5 happiness per pop and the Toxic -8? That really seems off.
Note: And the reason Food ends up going so high is the desirability of population max on fertiles means you end up terraforming everything to fertile. This means the Food production:consumption ratio massively diminishes in late game. The late game system should be set up to encourage people to trade away F for the IDS instead of the IDS being coupled with the best F. That's just bad design. Without that, the 1200 food on a system wouldn't be a regular thing for some people.
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