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Population bonuses and traits: complete list

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7 years ago
Jan 17, 2018, 1:25:43 AM

Hey guys! Sorry for the delayed answer - life has been incredibly hectic! 

@BadBecauseMad thank you for the details on both the new minor faction and all other updates and balance changes in gene splicing and laws! I really haven't had time to play the game in the past few months and to record all these details, but I will be on the lookout for any changes in the future. I've updated the main post with all changes you pointed out so people get the latest info as of update 1.2.0.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2018, 10:03:07 AM

Fantastic resource, great work.

Are there some missing from this? Where are the Pulsos?

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7 years ago
May 22, 2018, 12:47:33 AM

I'm not sure what's happening exactly. They were all out there in the first post and now it's cut out on Haroshems saying it was edited 4 months ago? But i can tell 2 months ago they all were in place. Forums were glitchy lately maybe it has smth to do with it idk. I wrote to OP (Dobyk) to check it out cuz atm a lot more than just Pulsos are missing.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 24, 2018, 3:30:38 AM

Alright, here's revised list of all(38) pops in the game up to date (V1.2.23 S5 GOLD-Public) in alphabetic order. As always let me know if any typos/mistakes. P.S.: don't have much time atm to make propper text formatting, sry if any inconveniance.

(Old data deleted)

Updated 6 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 4:49:03 PM

Awesome work. Thank you for this. 

Needs adding to the knowledge base if it isnt there already. 

Can I just ask, where did you find this information? is it present in game? 

we need a similar list for all the race specific tech bonuses. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 6:11:23 PM

Glad we could help.

All this information is present in the game except which assimilation trait is primary/alternative which is derived from game files, specifically MinorFactionPersonalityDefinitions xmls.

Not sure what you mean exactly by "race specific tech bonuses". And i'm afraid i'm not one(at least atm - active phase of graduation from uni) up to the task.

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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 7:41:49 PM

What I mean is that some techs have a race symbol next to them and are described as being unique to whatever faction youre playing as. 

Im not sure if the additional bonuses (for being unique) are listed in the tool tip. Or whether the tool tip just displays the default tech that every faction sees. 

Im going to put a little work in here I think, and see what I can put together. 

Thanks again for your contribution, and very best of luck with your graduation. 

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6 years ago
Aug 14, 2018, 3:55:37 PM

Updated list for Supremacy Update (V1.3.9 S5 GOLD-Public). Old(minor faction) Hissho is now called Yuusho. Added new (major faction) Hissho and Illo + made some corrections. Only primary Illo assimilation trait available atm cuz of typo in the code. - fixed.

Amblyr (Pacifists)

Base: +1 Dust, +2 Industry on Sterile.

10: +1 Pacifist reaction per pop.

20: +10% Dust on Systems with pop.

50: Amblyr Law Unlocked: Drill Mill Bill: +50% Deposit Value on Luxury Resource Deposit.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Profitable Exploitations: +40 Dust per Strategic Deposit on Systems.

Alternative: industry Contracts: +10% Ship Buyout reduction on Systems, +10% Construction Buyout reduction on Systems.

Gene Splice: +1 Dust, +1 Industry.

Amoeba (Ecologists)

Base: +5 Food.

10: +1 Ecologists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Food on Systems per pop.

50: Amoeba Law Unlocked: Thick Skins Bill: -50% Diplomatic Pressure.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Groupthink: +20 Influence per Empires in Alliance on Empire, +10 Influence per Empires at Peace on Empire.

Alternative: Harmonious Development: +0.1 Food per Industry on Systems.

Gene Splice: +3 Food.

Bereaved (Militarists)

Base: +3 Science on Cold, +20 System Defense Capacity.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +15% System Defense Capacity on Systems with pop.

50: +15% Empire Manpower capacity on Empire.

Faction Traits: Minor population exclusive to Vaulters.

Gene Splice: +1 Science, +10 System Defense Capacity.

Bhagaba (Pacifists)

Base: +1 Influence on Fertile.

10: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Influence on Systems with pop.

50: Bhagaba Ground Battle Defense Strategy Unlocked: White Flag (immediate surrender to preserve Manpower and Improvements; slower transition period for invader).

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust). 

Primary: Culturally Resistant: Your systems are 25% more expensive to convert using Influence.

Alternative: Disarming Diplomacy: -10% Peaceful Treaty cost per Empires in Alliance on Empire, -10% Peaceful Treaty cost per Empires at Peace on Empire.

Gene Splice: +1 Influence

Cravers (Militarists)

Base: +1 Depletion Points per turn on Planets, +150% FIDS on Undepleted Planets.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Ship Cost Reduction on Systems with pop.

50: +1% Damage on Ships per Depleted Planet on Empire, +1% Damage on Troops per Depleted Planet on Empire.

Faction Traits: Major Faction

Gene Splice: +5% FIDS.

Deuyivans (Scientists)

Base: +2 Science, +5 Food on Gas.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Science on Systems per pop.

50: Deuyivans Law Unlocked: Good Science: -30% Empire Development technology costs.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science).

Primary: The Art of Science: -10% on Technology costs.

Alternative: Research Experts: Set Science at 5 if the natural value is lower than that.

Gene Splice: +1 Food, +2 Science.

Epistis (Ecologists)

Base: +1 Industry, +5 Food on Sterile.

10: +1 Ecologists reaction per pop.

20: +20% Reduction on Improvement Construction on Systems with pop.

50: Epistis Law Unlocked: Fast Clean-Up Bill: +20% ownership recovery rate on Systems.

Faction Traits: Warmonger (provide more Manpower).

Primary: Selfless: -10% Peaceful Treaty cost on Empire.

Alternative: Machine Trading: +5% Star System Trade Value on Systems.

Gene Splice: +1 Food, +2 Industry.

Eyder (Religious)

Base: +1 Dust, +5 Dust on Gas.

10: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

20: -25% improvement buyout cost on systems with pop.

50: Eyder Law Unlocked: Dust Diggers: +10% Dust per Empires at Peace.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust). 

Primary: Relic Peddlers: +5 Dust per Curiosity discovered on Empire.

Alternative: Born to Bargain: +25 Dust per Heroes employed on Empire.

Gene Splice: +2 Dust.

Foundlings (Scientists)

Base: +3 Science.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Science on Systems with pop.

50: +2 Movement Point on Ships.

Faction Traits: Minor population exclusive to Vaulters.

Gene Splice: +2 Science.

Galvran (Scientists)

Base: +2 Science.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Science on Systems with pop.

50: Galvran Law Unlocked: Quarks and Quarries: -1% on Technology Cost per owned Strategic Deposit.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Mines Over Matter: +40 Science per Strategic Deposit on Systems.

Alternative: Cryo-Mining: +20 Science per Cold on Systems, +25% Deposit Value on Strategic Resource Deposit.

Gene Splice: +2 Science.

Gnashast (Militarists)

Base: +50 Damage done to attacker during ground battle, +50 Damage done to attacker during ground battle on Fertile.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +300 Damage to attacker during ground battle on Systems with pop.

50: Gnashast Ground Battle Defense Strategy Unlocked: Militant Defense (lower casualties, less improvement destruction, increased damage done).

Faction Traits: Warmonger (provide more Manpower).

Primary: Hard Hitters: +750 Damage done to attacker during ground battle on Systems.

Alternative: Monstrous Opponents: +15% Infantry Damage on Empire, +15% Infantry Health on Empire.

Gene Splice: +50 Damage done to attacker during ground battle

Guardian Guides (Pacifists)

Base: -30 Influence if owner is enemy of factions having Guardians/+30 Influence if owner is friendly with factions having Guardians, +10 Approval, +300 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

No Collection Effects.

Faction Traits: No faction traits.

Gene Splice: No Gene Splicing effects.

Guardians (Pacifists)

Base: -20 Influence if owner is enemy of factions having Guardians/+20 Influence if owner is friendly with factions having Guardians, +5 Approval, +200 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

5: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

10: +10 Approval on Systems with pop.

20: Guardian Law Unlocked: Peace Prescription: -50% Peaceful Treaty cost.

Faction Traits: No faction traits.

Gene Splice: No Gene Splicing effects.

Harmony (Ecologists)

Base: +2 Food on Strategic Resource Deposit, +2 Science on Strategic Resource Deposit.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Science on Systems with pop.

50: Harmony Law Unlocked: Happy Harmonies: +5 Approval per Strategic Deposit on Systems.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science).

Primary: Mind Over Body: 10% of Food turned into Science on Systems.

Alternative: Mineral Structure: -20% System Dust Upkeep per Deposit on Systems.

Gene Splice: +2 Food, +2 Science.

Haroshems (Pacifists)

Base: +1 Food, +3 Food on Sterile.

10: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Food on Systems with pop.

50: Haroshems Law Unlocked: Healthy Staples Act: -20% Food consumption on Systems.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Space Dieticians: -10% Food consumption on Systems.

Alternative: Agriculture Experts: Set the Food at 5 if the natural value lower than that.

Gene Splice: +3 Food.

Hissho (Militarists)

Base: +1 Industry, +1 Manpower per turn.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +15% System Defense Refill per turn on Systems with pop.

50: -25% Ship Industry cost on Systems.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +2 Industry, +1 Manpower per turn.

Horatio (Ecologists)

Base: +2 Approval on Hot, +3 Food.

10: +1 Ecologists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Food on Systems with pop.

50: +5% Food added to Influence on Systems.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +1 Approval, +2 Food.

Illo (Religious)

Base: +1 Influence on Hot.

10: +1 Religious reaction per pop.

20: +10% Influence on Systems with pop.

50: Illo Law Unlocked: Fists of Fear Edict: +5% Influence per War.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science).

Primary: Behemoth Awe: +40 Influence per Behemoth-class ships in empire on Empire.

Alternative: Endless Maintenance: -25% Upkeep on Behemoth.

Gene Splice: +1 Influence.

Imperials (Industrialists)

Base: +1 Influence.

10: +1 Industrialist reaction per pop.

20: +15% Influence on Systems with pop.

50: -20% System Influence Conversion Cost on Empire.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +1 Influence.

Kalgeros (Religious)

Base: +2 Approval, +4 Approval on Fertile.

10: +1 Religious reaction per pop.

20: +20% Influence on Systems with pop.

50: Kalgeros Law Unlocked: Happy Sardines: No Overpopulation penalties on Systems.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science).

Primary: Obedient Flock: +20 Approval per Hero on Systems.

Alternative: Luxurious Livers: -20% System Development luxury cost on Empire.

Gene Splice: +3 Approval.

Kal'Tik'Ma (Ecologists)

Base: +2 Approval, +3 Approval on Sterile.

10: +1 Ecologists reaction per pop.

20: +10 Approval on Systems with pop.

50: Kal'Tik'Ma Law Unlocked: Moving Tributes: +0.25 Movement Speed per Colonized Star System.

Faction Traits: Warmonger (provide more Manpower).

Primary: Stalwart Stoics: +10 Approval per Sterile on Systems, -25% Overpopulation penalties on Systems.

Alternative: Star Trekkers: +1 System occupied before triggering expansion disapproval on Empire.

Gene Splice: +3 Approval.

Lumeris (Pacifists)

Base: +1 Dust, +3 Dust on Fertile.

10: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Dust on Systems with pop.

50: Ignore blockades on Trading Route.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +2 Dust.

Mavros (Industrialists)

Base: +1 Industry, +2 Industry on Hot.

10: +1 Industrialists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Industry on Systems with pop.

50: Mavros Law Unlocked: Crack Squads: -50% Overcolonization penalties on Systems.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science). 

Primary: Ship Builders: -10% Ship Industry cost on Systems.

Alternative: Constructophile: -10% System Improvement Industry cost reduced on Systems.

Gene Splice: +3 Industry.

Mezari (Scientists)

Base: +1 Science, +3 Science on Cold.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Science on Systems with pop.

50: -20% Science cost on Technologies on Technology costs.

Faction Traits: Alternative Major population for United Empire.

Gene Splice: +2 Science.

Niris (Ecologists)

Base: +2 Food, +3 Food on Fertile.

10: +1 Ecologists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Food on Systems with pop.

50: Niris Law Unlocked: Symbiotic Living: +1 Approval per pop on Systems, +5 Approval per System Level on Systems.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Green Streak: +5 Approval per Fertile on Systems.

Alternative: Hay Makers: +25% Food on Ecstatic, +25% Food on Happy.

Gene Splice: +2 Food.

Pilgrims (Religious)

Base: +2 Science, +3 Science on Anomaly.

10: +1 Scientist reaction per pop.

20: +10 Vision Range on Systems with pop.

50: Pilgrims Law Unlocked: Blindsight: Enemy Fleets are revealed.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Zealous Exploration: +50 Probe vision range on Empire, +50% Probe speed on Empire.

Alternative: Anomalous Science: +5 Science per Anomalies on Colonized Planet on Systems.

Gene Splice: +3 Science.

Pulsos (Industrialists)

Base: +1 Industry, +5 Science on Anomaly.

10: +1 Industrialists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Industry on systems with pop.

50: Pulsos Law Unlocked: Coop Code: +0.1 Science per Industry on Systems.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust).

Primary: Thinkers and Tinkers I: +1 Industry per Curiosity discovered on Empire.

Alternative: Thinkers and Tinkers II: +20% Facilitating Link Science cost reduction on Technology costs.

Gene Splice: +1 Science, +2 Industry.

Remnant (Industrialists)

Base: +1 Industry, +2 Dust on Happy

10: +1 Industrialists reaction per pop.

20: 15% Industry on systems with pop.

50: Remnant Law Unlocked: Lase-Like Law: +50% Deposit Value on Strategic Resource Deposit

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science). 

Primary: Concentrated Constructors I: -10% Wonder Industry cost reduced on Systems.

Alternative: Concentrated Constructors II: -35% Improvement destruction on Systems.

Gene Splice: +1 Dust, +2 Industry.

Riftborn (Industrialists)

Base: +5 Industry, +5 Science, +5 Dust. The population must be built in Construction Queue; it does not “grow” normally.

10: +1 Industrialists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Industry on systems with pop.

50: Wormhole travel consumes only half of a ship’s remaining movement points.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +2 Industry, +2 Dust, +2 Science.

Sefaloros (Industrialists)

Base: +1 Industry, +2 Industry on Fertile.

10: +1 Industrialists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Industry on systems with pop.

50: Sefaloros Law unlocked: Bux for Lux: -10% System Improvement Industry cost reduced per Luxury Deposit on Systems.

Faction Traits: Temperate (provide more Dust). 

Primary: Workspace Oddity: +25 Industry per Anomaly on Systems. 

Alternative: Bountiful Filtration: +20 Industry per System Level on Systems, +50 Luxury Deposit value on Fertile.

Gene Splice: +3 Industry.

Sheredyn (Militarists)

Base: +20 System Defense Capacity, +30 System Defense Capacity on Sterile.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +15% System Defense Capacity on Systems with pop.

50: +15% Empire Manpower capacity on Empire.

Faction Traits: Alternative Major population for United Empire.

Gene Splice: +15 System Defense Capacity.

Sisters of Mercy (Religious)

Base: +2 Approval, +25 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

10: +1 Religious reaction per pop.

20: +20% Health Regeneration ratio on systems with pop.

50: Increases Health of Troops when defending in Ground Battle by 25%.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science). 

Primary: Adept Healers: +50% Hero recovery (healing) rate on Heroes.

Alternative: Amateur machinists: +10% Health Regeneration ratio on Ships.

Gene Splice: +2 Approval, +10 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

Sophons (Scientists)

Base: +1 Science, +3 Science on Cold.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: 15% Science on systems with pop.

50: -20% cost on technologies on Technology cost.

Faction Traits: Major Faction

Gene Splice: +2 Science.

Sowers (Religious)

Base: -1 Depletion Points per turn on Planets, +2 Food.

10: +1 Religious reaction per pop.

20: +10% Food on systems with pop.

50: Sowers Law Unlocked: Sow and Reap: +5% FIDS per Fertile on Systems.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science). 

Primary: Soil Healers: +2 FIDSI per pop on Planets with Reduced Anomalies, +25 Food per Sterile on Systems.

Alternative: World Architects: -50% Terraformation cost on Empire.

Gene Splice: -1 Depletion Points per turn on Planets, +1 Food.

Tikanan (Militarists)

Base: +5 System Defense Refill per turn, +5 System Defense Refill per turn on Fertile.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +50 System Defense Refill per turn on systems with pop.

50: Tikanan Ground Battle Offense Strategy Unlocked: Swarm Assault (improved “Blitz” with lower casualties).

Faction Traits: Warmonger (provide more Manpower).

Primary: Swarming Infantry 17.5% more Infantry Troops on Ground Battle.

Alternative: Infinite Soldiers: +100 Empire Manpower capacity on Empire.

Gene Splice: +5 System Defense Refill per turn

Unfallen (Pacifists)

Base: +2 Food, +5 Food on Fertile.

10: +1 Pacifists reaction per pop.

20: +15% Influence on systems with pop.

50: +50% ownership recover rate on Systems.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +2 Food.

Vaulters (Scientists)

Base: +1 Science, +25 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +10% Science on systems with pop.

50: +0.1 Science per Manpower on Systems.

Faction Traits: Major Faction

Gene Splice: +1 Science, +10 Damage done to attacker during ground battle.

Vodyani (Religious)

Base: -50% Food on System, +4 FIDS.

10: +1 Religious reaction per pop.

20: +5% FIDSI on systems with pop.

50: +100%Hero recovery (healing) rate on Heroes.

Faction Traits: Major Faction.

Gene Splice: +2 FIDS.

Yuusho (Militarists)

Base: +20 System Defense Capacity, +30 System Defense Capacity on Sterile.

10: +1 Militarists reaction per pop.

20: +15% System Defense Capacity on Systems with pop.

50: Hissho Law Unlocked: Bring ‘Em, Break ‘Em: +25% Manpower refill rate on Fleets outside borders.

Faction Traits: Warmonger (provide more Manpower).

Primary: Hunting Culture: +20% Damage on Weapon Modules.

Alternative: Mud Stompers I: -10% Troop Manpower cost on Empire.

Gene Splice: +15 System Defense Capacity.

Z’vali (Scientists)

Base: +2 Approval, +3 Science on Happy.

10: +1 Scientists reaction per pop.

20: +20% Science on systems with pop where Ecstatic, +20% Science on systems with pop where Happy.

50: Z’Vali Law Unlocked: Drop In, Tune Out: x0 FIDSI penalty on Blockade.

Faction Traits: Pragmatists (provide more Science).

Primary: VR Amateurs: +5 Approval per Stage unlocked in Science and Exploration Quadrant on Systems.

Alternative: Gamer Spirit: -25% Diplomatic Pressure on Empire.

Gene Splice: +1 Science, +2 Approval.

Updated 6 years ago.
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