All factions GREATLY benefit from locating /assimilating / brainwashing minor factions ASAP (some minor faction bonuses are better than others but most of them are very helpful).  Second benefit is good relations with multiple minor races 'solves' the dust need for retrofits/other things, pushes early science along and for the manpower starved factions - it alleviates that too. And then is the actual assimilation that provides, systems, population, far away footholds (to refit / spawn colonizers), ships , etc - ABILITY TO OPTIMIZE SLOWER CURIOSITY PROBER PATH FALLOWING BEHIND.. (I will come back to this - but this type of approach works even better to the factions with influence generation bonuses : unfallen, united empire, vodyani ..)  
Basically this is about near 100% lane exploration of one's starting constellation ASAP. (without hurting the overall development of his faction). When the vision techs (pretty soon) are acquired 100% galaxy exploration is a useful goal to have for all factions.  
The question is how ? Important exploration parameters are : movement speed (key), vision and the ability to move off lanes (which is less useful without vision). And wormhole tech - but that comes later ..  
Movement speed is obvious: ship's base speed + nr of support slot times fastest movement module. [without vision range you will be mostly limited to continous amount of space lanes - even with off-space lane movement you won't know where to go; it is still however worth it - I have yet to find a huge map without at least 1 minor race directily accessible via space lanes and typically there are quite a few more]. [NOT TIED TO EXPLORATION CLASS SHIPS, IN FACT FOR MANY FACTIONS THE COLONIZER/HERO make faster movers than the exploration ships limited to 2 support slots]  
A few obvious examples for that:  
 Vodiany starting leecher : 16 move speed. Refit that bad boy in the first turn and send it on his way. Replace him later if needed.  
 Hissio starting broodship : only 12 move speed. Still its the best they can do at turn 1 and they DO NEED MAP vision like everybody else (they need targets for their invasion fleets which they can build very early). And they DON'T need to waste early keii on colonies like everybody else.  
 The Sophon hero starts with 2 + 2 + 4 x 3 = 16 move speed. And gets 2 more at lvl 4 and lvl 5.  
 Outside faction quest rewards (sophon and vodyani - and for both I find the alternative rewards (extra influence generation; 30% minor race spending discount or 15% ship cost reduction) preferable) - extra vision is associated with equipping probes on the 'exploration' or hero class of ships.  
Default probes : +1 vision range. Max probes 2. Regen 0.5 per turn (wait 2 turns !! to get a new one once you run out). Those are terrible and all factions should tech to the better ones pretty much ASAP. (MOVE! towards the next system while the probes SLOWLY regen - others will deal with the curiosities left behind)  
Hyperium probes: +3 vision range. Max probes 3. Regen 1 per turn. The regen still doesn't cut it if you have 1 or 2 launchers ..( I use 1 of these + 1 titanium on the roomy exploration ships)  
Titanium probes  +2 vision range. Max probes 2. Regen 2!! per turn. Best probe tech (use 1 on 2 support slot explorers, and 2 titanium or 1 titanium + 1 hyperium on the luxury exploration ships that allow to equip 2 probes).  
A few words about curiosity based early game economy. Influence can fuel dust needs (via minor races). Probing [ideally with T2 probes but those come a bit late] can also supply a great amount of dust directly and via the market place
A few words about strategic resources (titanium and hyperium) : YOU NEED THEM for probes [curiosities] and engines and some factions (valuters, riftborn, hissio) for other crucial stuff . Going full movement speed focused means you WON'T GET ANY unless blessed with them in the starting system or you target them with the first 1-2 colonies. DON'T get into a situation where you settle 0 strategics and not a least one T1 prober out !!! You won't be able to transition to T2 probes (dead game) .  
We will need to go faction by faction because some factors change from faction to faction (ex Some factions start without +3 move speed module, some factions start without minor faction contact tech, sophons/vaulters are really influence starved at game start(due to dirty hands act), some factions DON'T want to spend influence on most minor races (hissio, craver) and thus will get no dust of of them , faction ship slots are different ..).  
On to the faction by faction case (sorted as the new game menu sorts them):  
Sophons [7/10] (engine 3; no contact tech - GET IT! soon):  
- best exploration starting hero : 2 + 2 + 4 x 3 = 16 move speed. Probably works best as admiral (sexy lazor damage and a ton of move speed). So +1 extra move at lvl 5 and 6.  
- worst influence generation . No approval bonus [T1 toys for boys MIGHT be worth for it for happy dust / food / industry / influence ] and 'forced' to burn early on Dirty hand Act. Without approval their food generation is bad and struggle to feed 2 colonies of homeworld (less approval from outposts). In recognition they do have access to faction quest reward for 30% minor influence discount. Use curiosities to help influencing along.  
- 2 support slot explorer. BAD - BUT +2 built in speed early AND Star Boogie Bill (quite a way) later if can get a handle on their influence generation.  
- 3 support slot colonizer 3 + 2 + 3 x 3 = 14 speed (decent). Problem is YOU PROBABLY NEED THE STARTING COLONIZATION SHIP. So maybe build an empty hull and refit with dust if YOU REALLY NEED AN EXTRA SCOUT after cerebral reality . (sophons struggle with industry/dust/food/influence everything but science at the start ..)  
- 4 support slot protector 2 + 2 + 4 x 4 = 20 speed .. You should have most of your constellation revealed by the time this becomes available - but maybe use some for the other constellations ?
(faction quest wise I get faction influence discount and free *2 industry on hot worlds (already the top industry dogs). Once you get that sophons get scary production :)  ...Eye systems with at least a hot world from the begining )      
Cravers [2/10] (engine 2; NO NEED for contact tech]  
- worst exploration hero: 2 + 2 x 2 = 6 !!  
- influence generation NOT really relevant for minors (we use them as approval props via DOWS so we can work slaves).  
- 2 support slot explorer. Worst. 2 speed engine..  
- 3 support slot colonizer 3 + 3 x 2 = 9 . Bad , but you DO NEED TO FIND minors and neighbours . GOOD NEWS - INDUSTRY COST WILL NOT BE AN ISSUE (save dust by building them already equipped - craver boosted industry and ship cost discounts can handle it !!).  The hero skill that lower influence cost for forced peace is MUST as is decent influence generation.  
- 2 support slot protector so no hope there.
[CRAM EXAM law GIVES +3 ENGINE IN 3 turns GET IT !!]  
(the ideal number of craver population per planet is EXACTLY 1 - but without extreme spaceport cheese/ population culling - you're probably not gonna get it. Sacrifice pit non-cravers to maintain max approval and growth speed. )  
(do make it a priority in getting those +3 moves engines and the +4 ones and the T2 probes)  
(enjoy the power of looting the pirate nests early)  
(use your faction medium ship to invade assimilate all minors in range ASAP. You need to mix in different population types on your high food worlds to SLOW DOWN your rate of craver generation.  Shuffle shuffle shuffle ... cravers are the most micro intensive race) .  
(at turn 20 flip the ecologist party into power and reap the benefits. Colonize all planets/gas ASAP make use of the per planet industry boosts and AI labor as always. Make ample use of the happy feed pits to keep approval maxed on the systems that have the non-craver population to spare. (don't use it when there's only 1 of a particular type - you might lose it))  
Lumeris [3/10] (engine 3; have contact tech)  
- decent exploration hero 3 + 1 + 2 x 3 = 13. I think he makes a better late game governor than admiral so I skill him that way.  
- influence minors with dust. Influence is for forcing peace and gaining approval from it.    
- 2 support slot explorer. 3 + 1 + 2 x 3 = 10. I refit one of the starting caravels (they still get 1 per faction trait for minor influence but it won't regen)  
- NO colonizer - NO 3 x support ship available T1 (except hero).  
- 3 support slot potector 2 + 1 + 3 * 4 = 15. Lumeris struggle with scouting. Getting scientists in the goverment valuable for the + movement law.  
(remember to always build empty hulls and upgrade with dust !)  
(faction quest - level Gov hero to 6 30% industry for ALL governors; then pay it forward industry law 25% industry on ecstatic approval -> will need industrialists in power . Try to to save the influence/dust to control the elections. I believe the +3 per luxury depot is also valuable later down the quest line.)  
(it gets very expensive quickly to settle more colonies. But they can quickly roll out massive fleets building empty hulls and dust upgrading and take colonies of others that way ..)  

Vodyani [7/10] (engine 3; have contact tech)  
- at 2 + 1 + 2 x 3 = 9 speed he doesn't have much speed potential. BUT HE MUST GOVERN FROM TURN 1 anyway (regardless of the later career choice of admiral - his skill set heavily leans that way) . The +10 influence is key.  
- better than most influence generation. (hero and ark modules) THE COST FOR MINOR RACE BRAINWASHING DOES NOT SCALE. 100.  
- 2 support slot explorer. 4 + 1 + 2 * 3 = 11 . (would be workable compared with what some poor factions get, but the leecher is so much better)  
- But the real winner is the colonization ship 3 + 1 + 4 * 3 = 16 !! . Refit the starting leecher to 4 engines come turn 1 and send it flying. (if the starting one is needed for back yard minor race build a new one for exploration - its the leech modules that are expensive not the hull.)  
- at 3 x support slots the protector is inferior to the leecher ..  
United Empire [3/10] (engine 2; have contact tech)  
- badish to good exploration hero : 2 + 4 x 2 = 10. (getting speed 3 engine ups him at respectable 14) . (use probe / circle back until the engine becomes available)  
- probably best influence generation Can spam outposts with industry law for max approval ..(later there will be competition on influence spending but early game is for laws and minor factions)  
- 2 support slot explorer. 4 + 2 x 2 = 8 horrendous. 4 + 2 x 3 = 10 bad.  
- 3 support slot the colonizer 3 + 3 * 2 = 9. horrendous. 3 + 3 * 3 = 12. Still bad but workable. 15 with speed 4 engines.  
- 2 support slot protector. Abandon all hope.  
[FIRST RESEARCH IS XENOBIOLOGY for the +3 speed engine]  
Horatio [9/10] (engine 3; have contact tech)  
- middle of the pack exploration hero 2 + 1 + 3 x 3 = 12 (his long term skill set governor/senator)  
- decent to low starting influence generation (max approval). Their influence generation explodes when they hit 50 (and they grow reasonably fast in capable hands - still not very relevant for early minor grabbing).  
- 4 slot luxury explorer. I tend to retrofit the first one to 4 x engines. 4 + 4 x 3 = 16.  
- 3 slot colonizer. Inferior to the explorer and I like to land 2 colonies before pirates spawn so cannot refit it for exploration.  
- 5 support slot protector. 2 + 5 * 4 = 22 if you need it.  
[careful ! No probing slots DANGER OF ZERO STRATEGICS when T2 probes and engines available. LAND AT LEAST ONE OF THE FIST 2 COLONIES on strategics. ]  
(2 x 4 move  engines, 1 titanium 1 hyperium is the standard explorer setup when available(get it early!))  
Riftborn [6/10] (engine 3; lacks contact tech - GET IT!)  
- 2 - 1 + 3 x 3 = 10 . Slow explorer hero (governor preference)  
- not great influence generation out of the gate but it gets better because of the speedy outpost spam law and lack of food draw.  
- 2 x S slot explorer. Movement malus. Stick to probing. Get T2 engines and probes ASAP.  
- 4 x S slot colonizer. 3 - 1 + 4 X 3 = 14. Refit the starting one. Riftborn will NOT struggle producing colonizers afterwards ..  
[judgement call on empty hull production. They have the industry muscles]  
[grab all strategics you can see ASAP. There are very few limits in place]  
Unfallen [1/10] (engine 2 ; have contact tech)  
(hero) 3 + 3 x 2 = 9 ; 12 with engine upgrade. BUT +15 dust in garrison probably better.  
- near top influence generation (guardians).  
- 2 x slot explorer. 4 + 2 x 2 = 8 . horrible. Get +3 / +4 engine ASAP. Have 1 - 2 questioners ready to refit and go (maybe refit at minor).  
- 400 (+200 per military quadrant tier) industry cost vine ship. STAT AWAY FROM THE MILITARY QUADRANT AS LONG AS POSSIBLE  
- 2 x support slot protector. Abandon all hope !!!  
[these guys drag their roots very slowly when it comes to exploring].  
[build some empty exploring hulls and refit to double engines. BUILD ONLY EMPTY HULLS THIS FACTION IS EXTREMELY PRODUCTION STARVED EARLY GAME (the vining module is also expensive to retrofit on :( ). Those vineships man .. And it costs so much dust to repair them after you need to retreat them ..]  
Vaulters [10/10] (engine 3, lacks contact tech - GET IT !!)  
(hero) 2 + 3 x 3 = 11 . She is slow - prefers governor skills.  
- bellow average influence generation (dirty hands act + the GA bonus equals blazing fast opening). Gets decent as soon as DHA gets prohibitive early.  
- 4 x S slot explorer. Luxury model (refit starting for 4 engines) . [THESE GUYS HAVE NO INDUSTRY ISSUES BUILDING MORE (also no industry wasted on colonizers)]  
- the colonizer is blazingly fast but too precious to waste on exploring. When available use it for colonization.  
[ALSO EASY ACCESS TO +move from science law]  
[strategic resources are your life blood. Grab them all !!]  
(2 x 4 move  engines, 1 titanium 1 hyperium is the standard explorer setup when available (get it early!))  
Hissio [5/10] (engine 3, lacks contact tech - worth getting ..eventually)  
(hero) 2 + 2 x 4 = 8 .. Next to the craver slow moving hero. (skills wide combat / not mobility focused admiral)  
- influence generation not very relevant. ALL MUST BE INVADED . (perhaps some very very very far away - out of the range of the invasion fleets.. And once flipped they could provide long range  manpower projection to fuel invasions on their neighbors. But mostly invasions . The more invasion fleets the better. )  
- 2 x S slot scout ship. Stick to slow curiosity hunting.  
- 3 x S slot colonizer. 3 + 3 x 3 = 12 . (refit the starting one) The backbone of the scouting fleet. They don't need to lay outposts this early and if they did - they can EASILY build more.  
- 4 x S slot protector. RELEVANT BECAUSE I do tend to sort of beeline the tech for the extra manpower carring capacity. They have the industry muscle to loot pirate bases and invade minor races with multiple attacker/protector fleets built quite early..  The military quadrant give access to tanks BUT ALSO MAKES ALL SHIP HULLS MORE EXPENSIVE TO BUILD ..(focus on infantry early ?) decisions decisions ..