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FROM the Steam Forums...hope it helps! THIS IS ABOUT HOW TO BE SAFEST!

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5 years ago
Nov 1, 2019, 9:19:40 AM

Now with all the MANY patches ON THIS ISSUE< it happens less than it used to I am sure...yet here is something ELSE that may help...in addition to turning off planet crackers and playing on smaller asset galaxies if you have less RAM. 

ALSO use 20 autosaves, AND save yourself manually every turn or two...yes it's a lot of saves, yet who cares YOU got loads of HD/SDD space right?

also BECAUSE it would be a pain to delete that many saves AFTER your game is finished...just go into the default folder

C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Endless Space 2\Save Files (ps yours most likely will be other than an admin account tho)    and purge them from there with a couple clicks.


feb4201 point·5 months ago

I had this same problem. And have had it come up a couple times. The way I fixed it is even though I run the game on ultra I reloaded it in the lowest settings, took the bugged turn, and then turned it back up to ultra after that. This bug has come up in a few games for me, this trick has fixed it every time.

level 1stneron1891 point·5 months ago

Reload. If does not help, maybe you are using mods that prevent game from progressing, then nothing might help you.

level 1Lubotehjackal1 point·5 months ago

I just had this happen to me last night. Everyone is right in saying exit and reload turns should progress as normal

level 1WNxOmnicide1 point·5 months ago

When I had this problem I had to reload an older autosave, and it worked no problem, had to go back 3 or 4 turns


OH, AND ONE FINAL THING or TWO FROM A PRO...do your best to make/follow some rules having to do with avoiding SCUM saving...it will increase your fun if you do so and help you get into the setting of the game...START AT EASIEST difficulty AND RAMP your way up until you hit your good challenge level!  Enjoy the tips, I took my time recording em for you!

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Feb 6, 2020, 7:39:38 PM

ES2 is the first and only game in which I decided to set the hotkey for quicksave on the mouse button...

Updated 5 years ago.
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