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[KNOWN ISSUE] Performance issues since Update One

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 2:00:26 PM

Confirmed for today. Happening in the next few hours. Blog post to follow.

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2017, 4:21:46 PM

I checked Nvidia program settings under endless space 2, everything was default level clicked restore to default anyways. Game still got hot, went to global settings restored default game now runs cool. and the graphics improved a lot. I didn't check global tab before restore. I don't know what could have been changed. But its fixed.

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2017, 2:05:53 PM

Note that heat is a cooling issue not a game problem

If you have issues with the heat on your card, you should ensure the fans are working on your video card, clean out dust from the exhaust ports and ensure your system has good ventilation. You should also use the tools that came with you video card as they have utilities that cool the card by spinning up the fans when the temperatures hit a certain point. If you're not comfortable with a specific heat point then you should tell the video card to spin up its fans to compensate.

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2017, 10:59:36 AM

I think in this case you could activate Vsync or limit framerate to 60 fps with the slider in the graphic options.

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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2017, 2:21:52 AM

Not sure, if correct area to post. 

1. just bought the game first time 3/26/2017

2. games runs fine for me. tho I haven't gotten far. 6 hours

3. I did notice however sli doesn't work. understandable.

4. I also notice, as I think requirement for video card is 2 fans

While in main screen idle -Gpu temp is 70c. While in game Gpu temp is 80-87 as 87 is max. gtx 660 gpu usage 90-100%

As I see, this is could and can be bad, as for older video cards  once hot it starts to slow down cause problems. depending who has what.

I like to clean my card out. Am up to date on thermal paste-ect.

people who have older card or never cleaned their gpus/cpu/chipset. this could be at fault for some problems in game or performance decease and or crashes.

5. I haven't had any performance issues even tho gpu is running a little hot, currently trying to make my game stutter.

6. 97c is the max temp for the 660 and 950 gtx max temp 95c

tested a huge game of stellaris, gpu 70c

Stellaris doesn't have sli support either. endless space isn't stellaris. so I cant really compare.


Also tested a Gtx 950 on another pc runs 60c to 65c 2 fans, only tested for 1 hour. gpu usage 85-100%

Updated 7 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 27, 2017, 1:31:44 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Absolutely, I was responding to the post above that, while exhibiting similar issues, were most likely tied to hardware performance and game stage, as opposed to what you are describing, which are more "rogue" stuttering.

While I was mostly referring to the late game slow down, I also experience the mid-game stuttering as well during a few turns, then all the sudden its running fine a number of turns later.  I'm not sure how 'rogue' it is since many people experience this same issue.  Its just concerning when EL is two years old and has not been patched to remedy this, and now people are experiencing the same thing with ES2 EA.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 18, 2017, 9:07:01 AM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Absolutely, I was responding to the post above that, while exhibiting similar issues, were most likely tied to hardware performance and game stage, as opposed to what you are describing, which are more "rogue" stuttering.

Your thread has been passed on to the relevant team member.

Neat, thanks!  

I hope it's helpful, seems to be a very transient issue indeed, as I recorded it being there then just going away very shortly without reason or rhyme that I could deduce. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 17, 2017, 9:02:24 AM

Absolutely, I was responding to the post above that, while exhibiting similar issues, were most likely tied to hardware performance and game stage, as opposed to what you are describing, which are more "rogue" stuttering.

Your thread has been passed on to the relevant team member.

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8 years ago
Jan 16, 2017, 10:41:55 PM
Frogsquadron wrote:

Late game with more factions on a bigger map will always mean more elements to take into account. Granted, that's what you want, but it will always come with a cost. We are endeavoring to make the game as optimized as it can be so that performance is as good as possible in as many situations as possible, but there'll always be a point where somebody's computer, somewhere, says "no more".

Considering that we've on these forums seen people try and play the game with very old machines that didn't pass muster in terms of minimum requirements, keep in mind that these people who barely skirt the line in terms of specs will end up with issues when the simulation starts being more demanding.

It's on us to make it as fluid as we can, but there's a limit to what we will be able to do.

The problem is when you have an i7, 16gb ram, gtx 780 ti, and get a mystery stutter with only 4 factions on a medium map, even in the menus, and you know it's not because of any issue with your PC since it doesn't happen with any other game or in any other instance than with ES2.

Even stranger when it happens at one point then disappears, just sort of seems totally arbitrary and like a programming issue that needs to be addressed.

You could be right many complainers just have poor specs but there is definitely something wrong with the game itself that causes this as well.

I hope you guys have taken a look at the thread I've posted in the Bug Reports section with video documentation and dxdiag and all that stuff.

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8 years ago
Jan 4, 2017, 11:18:45 AM

Late game with more factions on a bigger map will always mean more elements to take into account. Granted, that's what you want, but it will always come with a cost. We are endeavoring to make the game as optimized as it can be so that performance is as good as possible in as many situations as possible, but there'll always be a point where somebody's computer, somewhere, says "no more".

Considering that we've on these forums seen people try and play the game with very old machines that didn't pass muster in terms of minimum requirements, keep in mind that these people who barely skirt the line in terms of specs will end up with issues when the simulation starts being more demanding.

It's on us to make it as fluid as we can, but there's a limit to what we will be able to do.

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8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 11:00:29 PM
MidnightSun wrote:

You know there is a similar "stuttering, slowdown" problem in Endless Legend that you guys have never been able to fix? Maybe the two are related?

It would be nice if this was addressed.  As a newer player to EL, I was very disappointed to see the game run at a snail's pace toward the end game when I play a large map with many factions, similar to large ES games.  I havent bought the newest EL expansion for this very issue.  I've read some reviews of the EA of ES2 and its sad to see the same slowdown issue from ES and EL returning.  Since there is no single player campaign in these games, its up to the players to create their own epic game situations, which usually involves the biggest map and max factions.  But when the game gets all clogged up after 200+ turns, it becomes a chore to play and really prevents us from starting a new game, knowing we will just end up with an unplayable mess of slowdown and stuttering.  Playing a small map with only a few enemy factions, to avoid the inevitable sluggish pace, just isnt as fun.  All amplitude fans with decent computers deserve to play these games at max capacity without the performance issues.  This will be a key issue when deciding if I will buy the finalized ES2.

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8 years ago
Dec 26, 2016, 10:16:01 AM
satoru wrote:
Razzlie wrote:


I just got the game yesterday and I noticed there's a stuttering issue, I have a nice gaming PC and none of the settings seemed to make any difference, highest or lowest graphics, fullscreen or borderless, etc.

It also appears others still experience stuttering and seem to also think it's not related to the graphics or anything of the sort. (http://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/154643085270473728)

I noticed the stuttering occurs even when nothing should be causing it, if I'm simply panning around the galaxy during my own turn, even though the game performs and runs perfectly fine otherwise.

Is it supposed to be solved to Amplitude's knowledge now or is it still being worked on?

Thanks in advance.

Could be a bunch of different issue

Please make a bug post and add your DXdiag, output_log.txt, Diagnostsics, and affected save game so the devs can take a look at it

Sure thing.

Another odd thing I should mention, when it happened nothing seemed to fix it, including doing every suggested thing in the sticky such as turning off dropbox, etc. Tried rebooting the game, my PC, all that stuff.

But it seemed to happen at a very specific point in my game, because it wasn't there, or at least wasn't noticeable at the very start, then after a dozen turns or so it was pretty bad.

I kept playing and it actually almost entirely disappeared from my game,very nearly no stuttering at all as I progressed, my game works basically entirely smoothly now as far as I can tell. Very odd.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Dec 26, 2016, 4:28:02 AM
Razzlie wrote:


I just got the game yesterday and I noticed there's a stuttering issue, I have a nice gaming PC and none of the settings seemed to make any difference, highest or lowest graphics, fullscreen or borderless, etc.

It also appears others still experience stuttering and seem to also think it's not related to the graphics or anything of the sort. (http://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/154643085270473728)

I noticed the stuttering occurs even when nothing should be causing it, if I'm simply panning around the galaxy during my own turn, even though the game performs and runs perfectly fine otherwise.

Is it supposed to be solved to Amplitude's knowledge now or is it still being worked on?

Thanks in advance.

Could be a bunch of different issue

Please make a bug post and add your DXdiag, output_log.txt, Diagnostsics, and affected save game so the devs can take a look at it

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8 years ago
Dec 25, 2016, 8:53:53 PM


I just got the game yesterday and I noticed there's a stuttering issue, I have a nice gaming PC and none of the settings seemed to make any difference, highest or lowest graphics, fullscreen or borderless, etc.

It also appears others still experience stuttering and seem to also think it's not related to the graphics or anything of the sort. (http://steamcommunity.com/app/392110/discussions/0/154643085270473728)

I noticed the stuttering occurs even when nothing should be causing it, if I'm simply panning around the galaxy during my own turn, even though the game performs and runs perfectly fine otherwise.

Is it supposed to be solved to Amplitude's knowledge now or is it still being worked on?

Thanks in advance.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 4:46:32 PM

Also fresh reminder: please start new games. Old games will continue encountering the issue. 

Thanks to all for your patience.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 4:01:56 PM

Yep the patch is out. 

Also reading the dev blog I saw "syncing processes" and "mulit-threading". I can understand how debugging that is terrifyingly difficult.

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 5:02:30 PM

Hi everyone,

Just a message to let you know that we are aware of an ongoing issue with Endless Space 2 displaying poor performance, leading to the image stuttering, slowdown & general performance degradation.

We are currently investigating, solving this issue is our top priority. We do not need additional info from our community as we have isolated the source of the issue to be on our end.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

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8 years ago
Dec 13, 2016, 1:41:58 PM

That's good news indeed :D , I think it's one of the most awaited fix since the EA :D 

Can you already confirm it will be deployed by today ?

Expected time maybe :D  (yeah I'm annoying I know)  ?


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8 years ago
Dec 12, 2016, 5:52:52 PM

Patch should be coming tomorrow, along with a blog recap going over the situation in more detail.

There'll still be a couple of things to iron out, but this should address all blockers currently in the game.

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8 years ago
Dec 7, 2016, 4:26:08 PM

Quoting my reply in the other thread:

Hi guys,

Unfortunately, the build sent out for testing over the week-end didn't work out as planned and ended up being less stable than the one that's currently out when tested over a significant number of turns—much to our dismay. Some other blockers reared their ugly head, so both AI team and programmers are back at it.

Again, apologies for the delay. 

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 7:39:57 PM

Still no luck fixing it huh? =(

That crippling performance as game goes on (it is basically unplayable for me by turn 50) is really killing any attempts to play at all.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 4:56:49 PM

I dont know if it helps, but when im playing and the game gets stuck in pending turn, i simply save it, close the game (dosent work if i load the saved game) and resume the turn, it works well until it starts to freeze after about 20/30 turns, then i repeat the process.

My understanding of coding is super limited, but it might be something related to memory leaks?

Keep up the good work :)

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 3:20:12 PM

Highly unlikely. AI in Endless Space 2 is coded very differently from it was in Endless Legend, so the odds of an issue cascading from one into the other are very slim.

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8 years ago
Dec 2, 2016, 1:31:13 PM

You know there is a similar "stuttering, slowdown" problem in Endless Legend that you guys have never been able to fix? Maybe the two are related?

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 10:03:12 AM

No more information at this time. We've been able to fix the bug with saves not loading, but this one is still being investigated. We had high hopes late last week with a potential fix in, turns out it was a red herring and not the source of the present issue.

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8 years ago
Nov 30, 2016, 8:20:20 AM


do you have any update please, an ETA maybe ? 

The issue is kind of blocker as the game is barely playable in mid-game. 


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8 years ago
Nov 28, 2016, 5:00:42 PM

Quick update: we have tracked down the source of these issues to be linked to AI. Our AI team is still investigating.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 9:20:11 AM

We are following some leads, we'll keep you posted on status updates.

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8 years ago
Nov 25, 2016, 4:17:57 AM

Thank you for noting this, hopefully it's an easy fix! 

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8 years ago
Nov 24, 2016, 6:50:18 PM

Guys, just a question.

All of the issues, both on topic, and below:






All of those can easily be seen just playing the game that you are making, just 40-50 turns or so.

There is no need for super QA or obedient slaves community feedback - it is easily seen with naked eye.

So, how exactly does this make into a release build?

I just find it hilarious, because you, yourself highlighted the "performance improvement" as one of the patch highlights in your patch1 release stream on Twitch, you see?

Updated 8 years ago.
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